Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '+' to increase and '-' to decrease the playback speed.
Easier to control YouTube video speed using the keyboard. Press "+" to increase and "-" to decrease the video speed. With a click of the mouse or keyboard button you can be speed controller of the video. Get more from YouTube easily control video speed by pressing needed buttoms. The keyboard buttons are customizable and if you want to use a different key, you can change these default keys on the setting tab. HTML5 video speed controller allows you speed up and slow down the viewing of current videos on YouTube. I liked this feature for help speed control. But still it was too many mouse clicks for me. So, this extension was created for video speed control using the keyboard. You use two buttoms: "+" and "-" on your keyboard. If the "+" and "-" keys are already being used by another extention or you want to use a different key, you can change these default keys in the setting tab. This speed controller works even for YouTube HTML5 player embedded in another website. Make sure that the player is in focus. A website can embed multiple YouTube players and keyboard shortcuts will affect what is currently playing and video speed. But it is okay, speed controller works, everything works, no changes are required. Please check the extension options for additional settings of the speed control. I always speed up youtube video speed, a lot of empty information spend my time. And generally speaking the most succesfully video speed is 2x, you understand every word, and spend the half of your time. Speed control is what you look for.
5.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2020-05-01 / 0.2.0
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