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myWorld Plug-in: Never miss out on Cashback and Shopping Points at online Partners of the myWorld Benefit Program again
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Description from store
Have you ever shopped online only to find that it's a myWorld Partner? With our myWorld Plug-in for your desktop browser, you need not worry about missing out on your myWorld Benefits.
How does the myWorld Plug-in help? By:
+ highlighting Partners in the Google search results
+ enabling you to activate Cashback directly in the online store without any detours
+ showing you available Coupon Codes of Online Partners
The best thing about it is: the myWorld Plug-in shows you every myWorld Partner in the Google search results. It's easy! Just click it and activate Cashback without losing your way through
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-18) Hardi Erm: Good Extension
- (2022-08-13) Danijela Petrovic: Mislim da ne mogu da nadjem Amazon jer on ne vrsi prodaju u mojoj zemlji ali milslim da bi trebalo ako vec moze on line.Ima nekih nedostatakae .Inace sam uskoro pocela sa radom i verujem da ce sve biti u najboljem redu.Samo ako neko moze da mi pomogne oko toga sa pretrazivacem nekih firmi koje su u sistemu a ne mogu da se nadju u nasoj zemlji.Srbiji
- (2022-01-09) Naqibullah Amir Shenwari: Hello everyone I,m from Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, today is my first time to inter this site,,,
- (2021-09-07) Ede Buser: Das myWorld Plug-in macht das was es soll, beim produktesuchen unterstützt es mich und zeigt an, bei welchem Händler ich noch zusätzlich Geld beim Einkaufen sparen kann. Danke myWorld.
- (2021-07-06) mario pinto: É incrível, dá imenso jeito para compras online mas também para as compras em lojas físicas!! E o melhor disto tudo é que consigo aceder a myWorld num instante e ver os vales de desconto super rápido!! RECOMENDO!!!
- (2021-04-19) Klaus Friedrich: Great help for online shopping with myWorld! Cashback and Shopping Points for every purchase!
- (2021-02-08) Rodrigo Mendes: Muito útil. Me ajuda a economizar nas compras que já faço. Quer economizar também? Acesse o link:
- (2020-11-30) Danilo Diaz Tapia: Fantástica solución para ver en qué sitios webs recibimos todas las ventajas que tenemos como clientes vip
- (2020-11-30) pit koutel: πολυ χρησιμο ! πλεον βλεπουμε τις συνεργαζομενες επιχειρησεις !! ενα μεγαλο μπραβο απο εμενα
- (2020-07-29) Casyani Innovation: So useful and always very helpfull to get cashback with every purchase. Register for free:
- (2020-07-28) MAGIC DECO: Super way
- (2020-07-22) Bernhard Salzer: 1 stern noch zu viel. wird als aktiviert gekennzeichnet, wird aber nicht rückvergütet. Moral ist, Rückvergütung anfordern, aber immer wieder absage da nicht von Partnerunternehmen erkannt
- (2020-03-03) Sandra Schmidt: Erinnert mich bei Online Shops an meinen Cashback! und zeigt auch noch mögliche Gutschein an!
- (2020-02-06) Giuseppe Vannini: Ottima per avere subito sott'occhio le aziende in cahback
- (2019-04-27) Mane Demirovski: Sparer masse penger med denne appen, skulle aldri tro jeg var så flink til sparing... :)
- (2019-04-08) Edsel Roman Sebastian: Så himpla bra!!
- (2019-03-23) Diogo Sequeira: This is so great! Love it!
- (2019-03-19) Adrian Botescu: Foarte utilă şi necesară acestă aplicaţie ! ! !
- (2019-03-13) Goran Podlipec (Lipec): Awesome tool! Use it - log-in once and never miss your Cashback and Shopping Points! I like how you get information on Google search... Whenever you are searching for something - link to Loyalty Merchants are shown with with their Cashback and Shopping Point benefits! Wonderful!
- (2018-12-11) Zdeněk Horniaček: Výborná věc, teď vidím aktuálně, kde všude mohu cashback uplatnit na webech a nemusím to vyhledávat.
- (2018-12-10) Gábor Klement: Can't find Ebay. Is it normal?
- (2018-11-29) Jesús Beltrán: Cómodo y sencillo, todas tus compras on line registradas al instante y con ventajas increibles (reembolso de dinero, descuentos, promociones y mucho mas).
- (2018-11-29) Mattia Rossetto: Ottima! molto utile. Do 3 stelle perché c'è ancora del lavoro da fare. Ho notato, per esempio, che mancano ancora alcuni negozi come ebay o Drunknmunky, che non sono visibili attraverso la ricerca ne in Google, ne nell'apposito spazio di ricerca di questa estensione. Inoltre non funziona nella sezione shopping di Google, cosa che sarebbe molto pratica. Speriamo nel veloce sviluppo di questa estensione che diventerà certamente indispensabile nello shopping on-line.
- (2018-11-27) Simone Bazzo: Utilissima, ottima estensione per non perdersi nessun vantaggio!!
- (2018-11-23) Ana P.: Innovativa e super utile! Ottimo strumento per velocizzare lo shopping e risparmiare.
- (2018-11-23) Jane Angus: easy peasey. shopping at it's best
- (2018-11-23) Zappa SafetyIT: ottimo!
- (2018-11-22) Bernhard Alber: Erkennt leider nicht alle Partnerunternehmen des jeweiligen Herkunftslandes. Könnte einige Beispiele nennen. Auch wäre es von Vorteil wenn auch Partnerunternehmen anderer Länder erkannt werden von denen man profitieren kann.
- (2018-11-22) Nicolò Peter Foschi: Sicuramente uno strumento utile per non perdere i vantaggi ad ogni acquisto mentre navighiamo col browser :)
- (2018-11-22) Kaspars Gnatenko: NICE!!!!
- (2018-11-22) Sconti ad un click!!!! Top!
- (2018-11-21) Francesc Luna: Más info del modelo de negocio en
- (2018-11-10) Kamil Abdul: Super pomůcka :)
- (2018-10-17) Jevgenija Kretova: I have problems with staying signed in, I have to do it every time I open my Chrome browser, even if I checked the box to keep me signed in, I have to type my login and pass all over again
- (2018-10-11) Iuri Volpini: utilissima !!! adesso non ti perdi veramente piu' ogni occasione, ogni promozione... ancora una volta, CBW ...ti stupisce sempre! Grazie Hubert!!!!
- (2018-09-29) Must have ! Kötelező! :)
- (2018-09-09) Truman T: la extensión es buena, pero cada vez que cierro el chrome tengo que loguearme, hay alguna forma de que este siempre logueado, marco la opción de estar siempre logueado pero cada vez que cierro el chrome se desconecta por defecto. muchas gracias
- (2018-08-25) Serena Vannini: Utilissima
- (2018-08-24) Laura Farronato: Ora non mi perdo più una promozione!
4.8319 (119 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-27 / 2.7.3
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