extension ExtPose

Talkie: text-to-speech, many languages!

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Description from extension meta

ข้อความเป็นคำพูดที่รวดเร็ว ง่าย คุณภาพสูงในกว่า 40 ภาษา อ่านออกเสียงจากเว็บไซต์ PDF อีเมล พูดข้อความด้วย TTS

Image from store Talkie: text-to-speech, many languages!
Description from store # Usage 1. Select desired text on any web page. 2. Click the Talkie button in your browser bar You can also select the text, then right click on it, and choose Talkie in the menu. This way also works in PDF-files and some special types of pages in Chrome. # Shortcut keys A convenient option is to use the Talkie shortcut keys: - ⌘+Shift+A on macOS - Ctrl+Shift+A on Windows, Linux, Chrome OS - ⌘+Shift+1 or Ctrl+Shift+1 to read text from the clipboard in any program (Talkie Premium feature) If the key does not work, please check that it is not already in use by another extension. How to check or change the Talkie shortcut key: https://github.com/joelpurra/talkie#usage # Talkie Premium # Upgrade to Talkie Premium! - Select your favorite voice per language! - Adjust the speed and pitch per language! - Read text in any program from the clipboard! - All future features/updates included! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/talkie-premium/madmpgibncancdmkjflnifcdakndkngo # Features ☑ Free but your donations are highly appreciated! https://joelpurra.com/donate/ ☑ Lets you listen to the selected text on any part of a page -- a short snippet or an entire news article. Just highlight what you want to hear read aloud and hit play. ☑ Automatically detects the text language per-page, and chooses a voice in the same language to match it. ☑ Privacy aware -- no unnecessary tracking or external services. # Notes ☑ Please rate the extension and leave feedback. ☑ Does not require any invasive Google Chrome permissions. ☑ Uses your browser's built-in Web Speech API for text-to-speech (TTS) known as Speech Synthesis. ☑ All text and speech is processed internally by your browser. While ultimately depending on your specific browser, all processing is expected to be done on your own machine and not use a server. ☑ Sound is only produced, never recorded. # Support Please report any problems you have, especially regarding detecting the right language. Please include relevant information: ☑ Which browser and version you are using. ☑ Which website the problem occurred on. If possible, include the full link. ☑ Which text/part of the website you want spoken. ☑ Which language the text was expected to be spoken in. ☑ Any other information you think might be relevant in tracking down the issue. # Voices The voices for each language are provided by your browser. For this reason the list may differ depending on your browser, browser version, operating system, and any other installed extensions/software. To be able to customize the voice per language, upgrade to Talkie Premium. Example list of voices available in Google Chrome version 55 · ar-SA: Tarik · cs-CZ: Zuzana · da-DK: Sara · de-DE: Anna, Google Deutsch · el-GR: Melina · en: Fiona · en-AU: Karen · en-GB: Daniel, Google UK English Female, Google UK English Male · en-IE: Moira · en-IN: Veena · en-US: Agnes, Albert, Alex, Bad News, Bahh, Bells, Boing, Bruce, Bubbles, Cellos, Deranged, Fred, Good News, Google US English, Hysterical, Junior, Kathy, Pipe Organ, Princess, Ralph, Samantha, Trinoids, Vicki, Victoria, Whisper, Zarvox · en-ZA: Tessa · es-AR: Diego · es-ES: Google español, Monica · es-MX: Paulina · es-US: Google español de Estados Unidos · fi-FI: Satu · fr-CA: Amelie · fr-FR: Google français, Thomas · he-IL: Carmit · hi-IN: Google हिन्दी, Lekha · hu-HU: Mariska · id-ID: Damayanti, Google Bahasa Indonesia · it-IT: Alice, Google italiano · ja-JP: Google 日本語, Kyoko · ko-KR: Google 한국의, Yuna · nb-NO: Nora · nl-BE: Ellen · nl-NL: Google Nederlands, Xander · pl-PL: Google polski, Zosia · pt-BR: Google português do Brasil, Luciana · pt-PT: Joana · ro-RO: Ioana · ru-RU: Google русский, Milena · sk-SK: Laura · sv-SE: Alva · th-TH: Kanya · tr-TR: Yelda · zh-CN: Google 普通话(中国大陆), Ting-Ting · zh-HK: Google 粤語(香港), Sin-ji · zh-TW: Google 國語(臺灣), Mei-Jia # Open source For open source code (GPL-3.0) and more, see the project web page: https://github.com/joelpurra/talkie See also additional tools developed by Joel Purra: https://joelpurra.com/ Talkie is free but your donations are highly appreciated! https://joelpurra.com/donate/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-13) Marcin Pietrzak: Amazing Chrome Extension! I'm trying to find the best addon for reading a page or the selected element of that page and I can tell, it's the fastest plugin of my old chromebook. Because the most popular addons for this, working so slow. I need something to play TTS, when I click a shortcut and get instantly reaction and this is working well. Good job mate!
  • (2023-11-11) Arif Diggi (angelArif): works as expected.
  • (2023-09-03) Outa Agunga: it is among the best chrome extension to use
  • (2023-08-04) azza: i like australian catherines voice even tho im not australian at all. prolly not legal in some countries but i like to live dangerously. btw, great app, mate! -azza
  • (2023-07-24) Cenny Wenner: This extension registers global paywall shortcuts that activate even when you do not have your browser in focus.
  • (2023-05-10) YVO: Countering the other proprietors designing similar highly signature apps only complicating the app's practical value, Talkie text-to-speech is valuable right from the moment I am grateful having installed.... As a person challenged with spinal cord injury this utility /app is a life saver. However anyone who likes to dignify what they write by listening to how clear or edit worthy what we've written is before sending and or commenting in the written word. Thank You Talkie YVO
  • (2023-03-19) C.C. Lai: Great tool! I am a zh-HK user, I want zh-CN and zh-TW also use zh-HK voice. It is not currently possible. I hope that this will be made possible in a future update. Thank you!
  • (2023-03-11) 三浦忠: テキスト読み上げを倍速に出来るというので、Premium、paypalで送金してみたけど?、別に何の拡張もないずら
  • (2023-02-15) Chris Vydas: Payware, premiumware, and doesn't even do anything.
  • (2023-02-07) Atheer Khalaf: great tool and the dev is very generous.
  • (2023-01-13) Anthony Jameson: Hi Joel, I want to make a donation to support this very helpful extension, but as of 13 January 2023 none of the relevant links for making a donation -- or even visiting your website -- seem to work (on Chrome under Windows 11). Writing this review was the only way I could find to report this problem.
  • (2022-09-23) Duy Võ Tấn: Have to manual read from clipboard
  • (2022-09-04) gina: I has donated but I can not be able to change the speed on voice. I wish it can be as simple as right click! but thank you for the work.
  • (2022-08-16) Trone: I love this, except for the tedious error message: "Talkie cannot read this kind of page. It is a very sp..." This is open source, so if you'd like to change that, just replace that text in the file at C:\Users\ [your PC user name] \AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions\enfbcfmmdpdminapkflljhbfeejjhjjk\7.0.0_0\_locales\en\messages.json I replaced it with "BONK". If you don't see enfbcfmm.... in your Extensions folder, right-click on the Talkie icon > Manage extension to see what's in the "ID" section. Find the folder with that name in your Extensions folder instead.
  • (2022-05-21) Marciano Santos: Só funcionou com a voz masculina da Microsoft e não permite aumentar a velocidade de reprodução.
  • (2022-04-12) Tina Petersen: Fabulous. Easy to use. Perhaps make the install process easier for younger users.
  • (2022-03-01) Jean Ducrot: The clever functionality of right clicking on selected text to trigger the announcement is worth its weight in gold. It gets around iframe limitations. If this extension would highlight text as it announced it I would give it 5 stars.
  • (2022-02-04) rhn: bagus, bisa buat belajar bahasa
  • (2021-10-03) Renato Silva: Voll Müll! habe mehr als 1000.-chF gespendet! trotzdem kein Premium. - wers nicht glaubt, habe alles auf Fotos dokumentiert! Saukram! Muss weiterhin die Frauenstimme hören, die mir mächtig auf die Eier drückt! vorher bei Windoofs 30min Sprachpakete heruntergeladen, für nichts! Aber kompliziert wie nur etwas! Ich frage mich weshalb dass immer so schwierig sein muss mit der Vorleserei !? vor 10 Jahren könnte ich es verstehen, für jede stimme musste man extra bezahlen! so kindisch! es wird höchste Zeit, dass Windoofs begreift, dass wir mit dem PCs reden, sprechen wollen! Und nicht mit dauerlesen unsere Augen verschleissen!!! warum sind wir da technisch mässig, immer noch hinter dem Mond? Cordona, oder wie die hisst da, versteht mit bestem Mikrophon genau O. Google Sprachasistend, scheint mir noch blöder zu sein! Jeder Mensch hat doch ein unverwechselbares Stimmmuster oder nicht? weshalb ist Windoofs noch nicht so weit, dass es unsere Stimme präzise zuordnen kann und darauf reagieren, wie von Mensch zu Mensch! kann doch nicht so schwer sein! oder? Stattdessen müssen wir wie die Blöden, jedes mal: " ok - Google", bei jedem Satz oder : "hey Google " , sagen! dass ist doch Käse hoch 3 Leute!!!!!! und neuerdings lässt Google den bestätigungston ausfallen, nun weiss man erst recht nicht, hat das blöde Ding mich verstanden, gehört, oder tut es mich blos Ausspionieren! ich finde den Stand um das Thema nicht zeitgemäss hinterwäldlerisch und total steinzeitsintfluhtlich,- was auch immer!!! Es nervt! Macht Vorwitz Leute!!!! hat jemand die Windoofs integrierte vorlese Hilfe ausprobiert? Das Teil ist nur geeignet, zum meiner einer in den Wahnsinn zu treiben!!! Die Hölle das Teil!!! "akzeptiere dieses Häkchen, damit Microsoft sich verbessern kann, sagt uns Verbesserungsvorschläge, bitte bitte," - hab ich schon vor 10 Jahren an Windwoofs gemeldet! Machen tun die nichts, ausser uns ausspionieren!!!!!!
  • (2021-08-12) Zoran M: Is eSpeak the only German voice available in the non-Premium version?
  • (2021-05-26) Forstmann 67: Die Kostenlose Version finde ich ganz gut, Stimmen kann man wechseln. Was ich aber Richtig gut finden würde, wäre wenn Talkie auch Übersetzend Vorlesen könnte, das würde ich Feiern. Ansonsten alles gut, Premium kam ich nicht Beurteilen, da kein Geld.
  • (2021-05-07) EREL: Genel bilgide TR belirtilmiş, ben neden bulamadım, Ayarlar içerisinde diğer var olduğu söylenen diğer dillerin hepsi yok.
  • (2021-04-26) Echnaton Der Gehörnte: Leider keine deutsche Sprache ! Muss man wohl extra bezahlen !
  • (2021-04-16) Destiny Olsovsky: works good so far!
  • (2021-04-15) Negrean Sergiu Aurelian: liar. Not romanin!
  • (2021-04-03) Sven Hornig: cool und danke
  • (2021-03-07) Soilih BEN SOILIH: Trop foooort !!!
  • (2021-02-14) Hakka Doğru: voice changing setting does not work.
  • (2020-12-03) Люся Кузнецова: Это работает отлично!
  • (2020-11-18) mariusz stopa: jest ok działa dobrze !
  • (2020-10-26) Chris: This app can't even pronounce version...no thanks
  • (2020-10-19) MÅNEMANN MÅNEMANN: Only english
  • (2020-09-07) oneye Bat: This is great when it's working.
  • (2020-09-03) Julio Cesar Dominguez Vasquez: Funiciona muy bien... pero deberia funcionar mejor con un solo clic y poner varias voces
  • (2020-08-26) Cesar Zamudio Morantes: Muy buena aplicación ¡Felicidades!
  • (2020-08-04) Renato Henrique De Souza: Horrível ele só deixa usar a voz da microsoft que por sinal é péssimo, para alterar a voz precisa pagar um valor muito alto. Não recomendo a não ser que você esteja disposto a pagar um rio de dinheiro todo mes!
  • (2020-07-17) Seppuku Senpai: It wasn't good at all. The default voice is worse than google translate and I tried everything to change it but nothing worked.
  • (2020-06-23) Antonio Arancibia Flores: Este Lecto no se por que NO LE DAN 5 ESTRELLAS PERFECTO ESPECTATULAR NO SE PAURA COMO EL: Lector de Selección (Texto a Voz)
  • (2020-04-10) Φένια Δούκα: It does't have greek reader at all...
  • (2020-03-06) AMID GEORGE LOPEZ-ANDRADE-: bueno
  • (2020-02-06) Dursun Birinci: türkçe okuma var olarak gösteriyor ama yok
  • (2020-01-22) Brian Newberry: One of the best extensions i've used. LOVE this! I can EASILY understand better than 95% of what it reads. If it's not exactly perfect - then try different spellings and you're likely to find one that works better. This is one great extension! Well Done!
  • (2020-01-03) Bert Steinmüller: Funktioniert Top Gute Sache man muss nicht erst immer die Brille suchen 5 Sterne
  • (2019-12-03) Marcos Canales: no me funciona, no se si debo hacer algo mas ademas de instalarlo, me fijeen la configuracion y no carga narradores ni idiomas, espero quealguien pueda ayudarme saludos
  • (2019-11-26) Алексей Попов: крутяк удобное приложение. работает.
  • (2019-11-11) Solar Energy: I really like the free version and it works great. My only complaint is that you have to buy the premium version for $24 / year to be able to control the pitch and the speed. I think these 2 things should be included in the free version and the paid version should be just for all the different languages....thus my reason for rating 4 instead of 5 stars.
  • (2019-10-20) Damian Demidov: настроил демо проситала ,потмо просто замолкла.. обновлял разное нажимал и нифга,другие работают ((
  • (2019-10-15) Erik: Neumí česky
  • (2019-10-03) Dustin Sharpless: Too slow and can't change the speed.
  • (2019-10-02) Zoran Zack Zilic: An amazing app. Finally, this is the first app that allowed me to change a type of voice.

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-09, v:v7.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-12-31)) ברוך כהן: מאוד מועיל אם היה מסמן את המילים שקורא
    היה מאוד מועיל אם היה מסמן את המילים שקורא. מאוד מומלץ להוסיף אופציה כזו !
  • (2023-02-01, v:v7.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-12-31)) kaynjae blakeynwilliams: Privacy
    my Chromebook was being used by an unauthorised user who violated my privacy on a network i found has been also violating my human rights and also my wife's as well.
  • (2023-01-17, v:7.0.0) Umair Ashraf: Talkie Voice Speed
    Can we get speed adjustment 0.5x 1x 2x and 3x etc?
  • (2023-01-11, v:7.0.0) Wilson Diaz: Hice un aporte a para obtener la versión Premium y no fue posible.
    Necesito acelerar la velocidad de la voz, por lo cual decidí aportar vía PayPal, peor no me dejó acceder a las opciones para realizar los ajustes que necesito. envié dinero y no fue posible acceder a esas funciones; que mal....
  • (2021-12-19, v:6.0.0) omid SiM (mido): Google Wavenet
    Hi, als Vorschlag: 1. die Möglichkeit Google Wavenet API hinzufügen 2. persische Stimme (pr-PR) (fa-FA)
  • (2021-10-18, v:6.0.0) Niera Jan: Change default setting
    Hi I upgraded to premium but I dont know where to change the default voice, help please
  • (2021-10-03, v:6.0.0) Renato Silva: premium funkz. nicht!!!!!
    Voll Müll! habe mehr als 1000.-chF gespendet! trotzdem kein Premium. - wers nicht glaubt, habe alles auf Fotos dokumentiert! Saukram! Muss die weiterhin die Frauenstimme hören, die mir mächtig auf die Eier drückt! vorher bei Windofs 30min Sprachpakete heruntergeladen, für nichts! Aber kompliziert wie nur etwas! Ich frage mich weshalb dass immer so schwierig sein muss mit der Vorleserei !? vor 10 Jahren könnte ich es verstehen, für jede stimme musste man extra bezahlen! so kindisch! es wird höchste Zeit, dass Windoofs begreift, dass wir mit dem PCs reden, sprechen wollen! Und nicht mit dauerlesen unsere Augen verschleissen!!! warum sind wir da technisch mässig, immer noch hinter dem Mond? Cordona, oder wie die hisst da, versteht mit bestem Mikrophon genau O. Google Sprachasistend, scheint mir noch blöder zu sein! Jeder Mensch hat doch ein unverwechselbares Stimmmuster oder nicht? weshalb ist Windoofs noch nicht so weit, dass es unsere Stimme präzise zuordnen kann und darauf reagieren wie von Mensch zu Mensch! kann doch nicht so schwer sein! oder? Stattdessen müssen wir wie Blöden jedes mal: " ok - Google", bei jedem Satz oder : "hey Google " , sagen! dass ist doch Käse hoch 3 Leute!!!!!! und neuerdings lässt Google den bestätigungston ausfallen, wo weiss man erst recht nicht, ob das blöde ding einen verstanden, gehört, hat oder einem nur am Ausspionieren ist! ich finde den Stand um das Thema nicht zeitgemäss hinterwäldlerisch und total steinzeitsintfluhtlich, was auch immer!!! es nervt, macht Vormärz Leute!!!! Sagt uns Verbesserungsvorschläge, bitte bitte, hab ich schon vor 10 Jahren an Windwoofs gemeldet! machen tun die nichts ausser uns ausspionieren!!!!!!
  • (2021-10-01, v:6.0.0) Joshua Wiley: make default button
    hello I sent a donation and checked the box for talkie premium but when I try to change the voice the button to select make premium is not able to be pressed, it is dim and unusable. I am running windows 10 64bit and google chrome Version 94.0.4606.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2021-05-27, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Nomo Nomo nomomn: PDF
    How to use the extension to read PDF?
  • (2021-05-24, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Diana Verhulst: Saving the voice and speed?
    Hi. I read comments to others regarding changing the speed. I saw that I had to change the voice. I'm using a Chromebook. It's working great (can you get it to work inside a Kindle book please????).... :) My question is - I re-chose a voice (diff one), and was able to speed it up, but will that only take effect upon reading a new document? When I went back to the pdf I was reading, it continued with the old voice and speed. So can you tell me how to activate the change please? Thank you, and thanks for delivering this helpful product.
  • (2021-04-24, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Rilo the Fox: Cannot Change TTS Voice
    I was changing the EN-US voice to another one, but it doesn't let me
  • (2021-04-15, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) ProHolmes: Use the only language
    Can I turn off all languages except the one I need to be pronounced. Sometimes if a page contains multiple languages, and it's a single word I need the wrong language is chosen.
  • (2021-03-18, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Craftsman Chris: Biden
    The pronunciation of Pres. Biden is wrong. The name Biden should rhyme with "pie", not "begin".
  • (2021-02-20, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Habib Anwari: Can't change the speed
    Hi, I already paid for the plugin last time. But I can't edit the speed of the voice. Can you please check this? I have both paid and unpaid plugins installed.
  • (2021-02-10, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Drakkonus Frostburn: French Accent Voice
    I don't normally read French webpages. Spanish pages yes. English pages all the time. For some reason the app will use Google francaise (online) to read English words. My settings for the app are set to Microsoft David Desktop-English (United States). How do I fix this issue? Thank you for your help with this great app,
  • (2021-02-07, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) JandB Claus: Purchased the premium but....
    Can't get the different voices to play or it to read more than a couple sentences. And if i right click the extension in chrome it still asks me to upgrade.
  • (2021-02-04, v:v6.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-01-21)) Joel Purra: Talkie and Talkie Premium have merged to a single extension
    The two separate extensions Talkie and Talkie Premium have merged into Talkie v6.0.0, installable from this Chrome Web Store page. Both extensions are created and maintained by myself, Joel Purra, with the difference that Talkie Premium had a paid subscription model to get access to additional options and features. From now on, Talkie has all Talkie Premium features available to those who upgrade from inside the extension. See the options in Talkie for more information. I hope to that many of you find the value in upgrading! Thank you for using Talkie =)
  • (2020-10-05, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) CJ Cowboy: Finnish
    Hi, I fixed it. I still had to download the speech package. Cheers Ilpo
  • (2020-10-05, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) CJ Cowboy: Finnish
    Hi, I have windows 10 pro on my laptop and MS Edge Canary and it reads aloud English and German PDF documents. I bought Talkie Premium and added Finnish as option in Windows language settings, but I cannot get my laptop to read aloud Finnish PDF documents. It says that Talkie Premium is installed on your website, but I cannot see it in my downloads. What do I need to do ? Cheers Ilpo Makinen [email protected]
  • (2020-07-05, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) fetB: speed
    come on... 20 bucks/year for reading speed???
  • (2020-03-18, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) Леонид Микшаков: language,
    can't use russian language
  • (2019-12-20, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) Tim Telep: Mispronunciation of personal titles
    Talkie says "M" "R" instead of "Mr."
  • (2019-12-18, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) Envios List: momos
    I need to download Talkie Audio in mp3 file, is it possible?
  • (2019-11-15, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) changing voices
    I have a mac os. I have gone through the setting in accessibility and my set voice is Samantha, but talkie is using Fiona which has accent. which is bad when my class is business law. I want to know why my voice was change in takie and how can i change back without paying
  • (2019-11-13, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) Gia D: Do you have greek language available for free?
    Do you have greek language available for free?
  • (2019-09-16, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) Jānis Ķengurs: Languages
    Why isnt more languages? Can i add own with some link? Latvian language from google and some more better ones tts services having Latvian?
  • (2019-08-09, v:v5.0.1 Free Chrome Extension (2019-05-07)) Janet Sannipoli: changing voices
    When I try to select a different voice under options it won't let me. Is that feature only available in the Premium version, or should I be able to in the free version? Thanks!
  • (2019-04-30, v:v5.0.0 Free Chrome Extension (2017-12-11)) Joel Purra: Problems opening the voice settings in Chrome 74
    Hello everyone! Seems there is a problem opening Talkie's voice settings in Google Chrome 74. Instead of the voice settings a generic Chrome page with extension information is shown. It worked well in Chrome 73 so seems to be a very recent change. I'll look into it, and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions =) - Joel Purra, Talkie's developer
  • (2019-02-16, v:v5.0.0 Free Chrome Extension (2017-12-11)) Ray Tatro Villa Barranca HOA: ivona voices
    can i instal ivona premium voices on this app and are instructions ivona only sells voices for windows but they seem to work fine. i have the voice i want i just need an extension to play it. if you want to see it first i can send it to you,
  • (2019-02-12, v:v5.0.0 Free Chrome Extension (2017-12-11)) Shai Spetgang: Hebrew
    Can't get the Hebrew text to speech recognition working on my chrome. Help.
  • (2019-02-11, v:v5.0.0 Free Chrome Extension (2017-12-11)) Christa Williamson: Talkie Not Working
    Hello. I'm using a Chromebook. I am working on a Google Doc and wanted Talkie to read it back to me. I clicked on the icon from my browser's toolbar and it told me to select text first. I did, but it constantly repeats the same directions no matter what I do. How can I get it to read my text?
  • (2019-01-17, v:v5.0.0 Free Chrome Extension (2017-12-11)) talkie
    il a cessé brutalement de lire un document et ne veut plus se remettre en route.
  • (2019-01-07, v:v5.0.0 Free Chrome Extension (2017-12-11)) Can Talkie Be Paused?
    Can Talkie (the free Version) be paused once started?


50,000 history
3.6667 (162 votes)
Last update / version
2022-01-05 / v7.0.0 Chrome Extension (2021-12-31)
Listing languages
