extension ExtPose

Return YouTube Dislike

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Returns ability to see dislikes

Image from store Return YouTube Dislike
Description from store Return YouTube Dislike restores the ability to see dislikes on YouTube. Starting December 13th 2021, YouTube removed the ability to see dislikes from their API. This extension aims to restore power to users by using a combination of archived like and dislike data, as well as the likes and dislikes made by extension users to show the most accurate ratings. Currently has almost a billion videos data stored before December 13th, 2021 Actively growing and keeping up to date with uploads after December 13th, 2021 The more users that use the extension, the more accurate it will be Unpopular videos uploaded after December 13th, 2021 may have less accurate data shown than more popular videos. This extension is currently in an active development phase, so if you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to report them on our GitHub page or in our Discord server. More features to come soon! https://github.com/Anarios/return-youtube-dislike https://returnyoutubedislike.com/

Latest reviews

  • (2025-03-10) Jared Walsh: How long this will stay up before YT Take it done i hope some as a back up for this. and i like the is very much. fix it plz a new update plz. update now plz update plz 2025 update.
  • (2025-02-24) David M: Looks like it doesn't work anymore.
  • (2025-02-07) Marcin Puszkiewicz: Już nie działa... EDIT 07.02.25; zapewne znowu potrzebna będzie aktualizacja, gdyż te lewackie łosie z YT znowu zablokowały tę opcję...
  • (2025-02-07) Vis: Stopped working today. Works amazingly well most of the time.
  • (2025-02-05) Jackson Gilmore: It's not working for me right now. I hope it gets fixed soon. Update: 1/29/24 It's not working again, please update it. Update: 8/21/24 It's not working again, please fix it. Update: 2/5/25 It's not working again, please fix it. Update: THEY FIXED!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2025-01-26) Br1ck: Тот случай, когда не лень оставить отзыв. Кто бы мог подумать, что мир скатится в такое днище, что из-за гнилых корпораций пользователям самим придется изобретать колесо заново. upd: Январь 2025, расширение перестало работать
  • (2025-01-19) Петр Мехреков: Ужасное приложение и его создатели тоже!!
  • (2024-12-20) TracerHD “Tracer”: Kötelező.
  • (2024-11-25) AND: Все работает уже месяц пользуюсь. Спасибо! UPD. Уже нет. UPD2! Снова заработало!
  • (2024-11-09) Павел Корчагин: Не работают дизлайки. Почините пожлст.
  • (2024-11-08) gorillAZ ZZ: не работает
  • (2024-11-07) Paul “Omen” Crew: no working again
  • (2024-10-09) Aaron Sawtelle: Dislike Button back online! Don't let it happen again!
  • (2024-10-09) Zara Izara: Dear dev, if you have some free time, could you please update this extension? It's currently dead. I really appreciate your work. Thanks..
  • (2024-10-03) Jeka Jackson: не работает 03,10,24 работает.
  • (2024-09-26) John Constantine: не работает иногда
  • (2024-09-22) Mc: Youtube tente sans arrêt de modifier son code (du site) afin que leurs pubs passent coute que coute et que tous ces petits plugin ne fonctionnent plus, mais à ce jour, l'App RYD fonctionne encore, sauf sur certaines vidéos où je ne vois que les Likes, pas les Dislikes (vidéo Playstation "PS5 Pro Technical Presentation hosted by Mark Cerny" par exemple)
  • (2024-08-25) Дмитрий Сергеевич: С этим расширением стал виснуть Ютуб.
  • (2024-08-21) Max Morais: Infelizmente está travando o Youtube seja por bug na extensão ou do próprio Youtube contra a extensão pra esconder os dislikes.
  • (2024-08-16) Алексей Логунов: Перестало работать UPD: Теперь расширение стало намертво фризить интерфейс!
  • (2024-08-07) Daniel: Are you 4mil users that sad to want to have this abusive feature back so you can troll the dislike button again? Pathetic extension. So glad YouTube removed the feature in the first place. Go ahead, with all that toxic salt you can taste in your mouth, do what you do best and smash the dislike button on this review. 😉🖕
  • (2024-08-03) Michael: Great extension
  • (2024-06-23) Sonia Juscamayta: Está buenaso, pero ahora, ya no está funcionando. Ahora, ya no funciona para nada esta extensión en el YouTube de ahora.
  • (2024-06-16) Nolan: it does not show dislikes on the new youtube format where the info is on the right. needs an update !!
  • (2024-06-11) Ennwi: not working after yt ui update!
  • (2024-05-02) Jesus Hernandez Valdovinos: Funciona de manera excelente.
  • (2024-04-19) Radoslaw Dutkiewicz: Thanks for the fix for the new Youtube layout.
  • (2024-04-18) Ma nu: Return YouTube Dislike is down, pls fix it Seit dem neuen Youtube Design geht gar nichts mehr! Nicht zu empfehlen.
  • (2024-04-11) Siegfried Heilmeier: Top Wieder wie vorher !!!!! 11.04.2024
  • (2024-03-19) Denbel: Вставляет баннер со скамом на главной странице.
  • (2024-03-15) Rynn21: 5/8/23 It's been working since YouTube's stupid decision to remove the dislike button count. However, as of today 5/8/23 it no longer is working. Please update, if possible. Doesn't work 3/15/24
  • (2024-03-13) Natalia S: As of today 03/13/2024 Does NOT work anymore after the new You tube "layout"...
  • (2024-03-02) Aadnan Farhad: Stopped working again recently. Maybe because of the new UI!
  • (2024-02-23) Liam: can't see dislikes after the Youtube UI change
  • (2024-02-02) Cotan: После загрузки страницы вроде работает, но видимо как появляются новые лайки, их счётчик обнуляется с анимацией. Записал гифку - https://i.imgur.com/IzDOa7Z.gif Такое уже месяца два.
  • (2024-01-29) Distory: 29 января - расширение сдохло окончательно. Вряд ли стоит ждать фикс, т.к. уже больше месяца не фиксили вёрстку. 29 января - расширение вернули до состояния на 28 января с кривой вёрсткой
  • (2024-01-29) Vanja Lovretić: until few days ago, all was ok. now, latest c hrome (W 10), latest add-on version, there is no counter. EDIT: 13.10.2023, brave browser, it stopped working. EDIT 2: 4.12.2023, neither browser works. brave, chrome, edge, firefox. it shows just a line (green/red) but not a number. EDIT 3: 29.1.2024, today it stopped working gain. last version of extension, last version of brave. tomorrow all was ok. nothing updated.
  • (2024-01-29) MrHanky: Not working anymore....can't even dislike this though
  • (2024-01-29) Igor Kozarchuk: It often doesn't work when Youtube changes interface.
  • (2024-01-29) Depressed Squidward: It stopped working again! :(
  • (2024-01-13) Judah Hanson: I love Democracy
  • (2023-12-29) James Heggie: This works IDK why its rated 1 star this works for normal videos and shorts
  • (2023-12-27) Chris Vydas: Uninstalled this garbage... Use KellyC show YouTube dislikes, it actually works where as this extension does not.
  • (2023-12-20) Konrad: Fantastic. Essential. Thank you creators!
  • (2023-12-12) Steven Guy: Extensions like these don't just "stop working". What happens is YouTube changes something about their site which breaks the extension. Give the authors some time to fix what YouTube broke before coming here to give them a bad review, please. Try going to the Return YouTube Dislikes website and installing the Userscript version, which is what I always do. Anyway, this is more than just an extension, it's a legitimate service being provided for us by the author free of charge. They are hosting a server with all of YouTube's dislike information on it - something they're paying out of pocket for. It's people like this who we need to encourage and help as much as possible to keep the internet less terrible for everybody.
  • (2023-12-07) Kieran Brown: Yay it works again! ...Okay, there's a few videos it does not work on, but those tend to be under 24 hours from upload. Perhaps YouTube just manages dislikes a little differently now? Anyway, still a very good extension to have.
  • (2023-12-07) Oqarshi: It just stopped showing the dislike like a few days ago and instead the dislikes are on the share button for some reason . But I can confirm this if you open the dev console you can see [return youtube dislike]: {"id":"qa6U87aI8e8","dateCreated":"2023-12-03T04:19:19.359094Z","likes":16249,"dislikes":169,"rating":4.9588256791326595,"viewCount":913905,"deleted":false} Edit: started working again
  • (2023-12-07) Steven and Kristy: Current Review (2023/12/6): What they've done now is that you have to click the 'dislike' button TWICE. The first time you click, it does nothing, the second time it actually shows the dislikes being updated. Previous Review (2023/12/5): What's happening now (even after uninstalling and reinstalling extension) is that it shows the likes/dislikes initially, but as soon as you dislike a video, the dislike counter doesn't show anything. If you hover over the bar below the counters you can see the likes/dislikes. Google is doing its best to try and obscure things for viewers. NOTE: to the person below who suggested waiting for an update before writing a negative review, that's not how free speech and the review system works, sweetheart. Put up the negative review, and then if an update fixes the issue, you can then change the negative review to something more positive. I wonder if "Ben" will have a problem with that. Previous Review: Looks like Youtube Dislike is back to not working. That means I am forced to downvote every video I start watching. Notice I didn't say "watch" because it's just safer for me to immediately dislike the video, and then if I like it I will change it to a like. YouTube is going downhill, and has been for a long time. There really needs to be an alternative! Previous Review: Looks like YouTube (I mean Google) is back to trying to prevent the dislike feature from being a thing. As for the people saying be patient, it's under review, who do you think OWNS YOUTUBE?
  • (2023-12-06) man dude: very nice
  • (2023-12-05) Дмитрий Дмитриев: Не работает


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4.6928 (17,904 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-18 /
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