Description from extension meta
This extension provides remote controller for LG Smart TVs.
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Description from store
Remote controller extension for LG Smart TV. This is an excelent Remote control application on Chrome Browser.
LG WebOS TV devices are already supported by latest version.
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-28) can you port it to Firefox ?
- (2023-01-15) Константин Егоров: После последнего обновления расширения и WIN10 перестал работать. Теряет соединение с телевизором. Сокдиняемся, спариваемся, работает. Закрыл/открыл расширение (пульт) - надо снова спаривать. Неплохо было бы поправить...
- (2023-01-14) Laszlo Torok: Regota hasznalom, egyedul annyi a problemam, hogy sok (1000++) muholdas csatornam van, es kb. 500 korul vege a listanak. Jo lenne, ha az osszeset latnam. Edit (2023.01.14.): frissites ota nem jegyzi meg a jelszot, ezert mindig ujra be kell irnom. Anno ez jo volt. Latom a csatornalista se lett hosszabb ;/
- (2022-11-12) Robert Szczap: nie działa na OLED55C11LB
- (2022-02-26) Davide Presta: ottima su vecchio smart tv
- (2021-06-12) SupaDude16: Following instructions in the extension,the pairing key does not pop up. I have double-checked the IP of my TV 3 times and it is correct but the app does not seem to recognize it and wont display a pairing key on my LG TV UH7700 and keeps saying "Error! Maybe TV is off. Please check IP address and pairing key code on settings tab." Very much a waste of my time.
- (2021-02-19) Dante Eldante: as the many other reviewers said, does not work, i input my tv ip address, and press on the 'pair' button, it does not recognize the tv, tells me tv maybe online or having the wrong address... i used the same ip address on an app and it worked, but this one fails to recognize it, should be removed from the store as its wasting the time of everyone.
- (2020-12-10) Péter Baranyi: LG 47LA660S - tökéletesen működik
- (2020-10-10) Wiki Wyatt: All The Raters Are Millennials And Virgins So Instead Of A 0 Out Of 5 A 5 Out Of 5
- (2020-08-23) Michael: Doesn't work, even after entering correct IP
- (2020-03-20) ali özkan: Thank you, please can you put a search bar over channel list?
- (2020-02-28) Nathan Dore: Doesn't work - I found the IP but wasn't able to get a pairing key
- (2020-02-24) Laird Darknight: Tökéletesen működik. Köszönöm,
- (2019-09-28) Mustafa Cantekin: Çok güzel bi uygulama ama malesef son bir haftadır çalışmıyor umarım düzelir.
- (2019-05-20) Валерий К: Очень клевый плагин ничего не скажешь все работает супер а можно еще к этому плагину добавить второй пульт LG Magic Remote что бы в интернете можно было бы пользоваться мышкой тогда этому приложению цены не было бы а если бы еще этот пульт отдельной прогой был бы не зависисым от браузера класс был бы) ПРИЛОЖЕНИЮ 5 С ПЛЮСОМ
- (2019-05-09) mhbq 1077: Muy buena y muy fácil de usar, sería bueno que estuviese en español ;)
- (2019-02-17) Apekiller: Does not connect to Samsung Smart TV.
- (2019-01-08) Fernando May: I love to have the remote at my convenience, the only thing Dobrosi does not explain, is: you need to click on the "power" extension button to accept changes. After entering IP address, close the extension window (by clicking in its button) this will accept the change and the "check key" will work perfect. Thanks for the remote, I been searching long time fot this.
- (2018-12-29) Leônidas Ferreira: Not working for my Smart LG 43" (webOS 3.3) ... Really a shame...
- (2018-12-18) Eugen Stelea: Found the TV, got the pairing code, but what i am really interested in is seeing the actual channel in the extension, as i do on the android app on my phone, and as seen in the screenshot. Is it possible or not? Thank you!
- (2018-12-18) Diego Martins: Não consigo parear com a minha tv... antes funcionava
- (2018-12-12) gabriele ferreira: Ajuda, alguém? Error! Maybe TV is off, or settings are not valid. Please check IP address and pairing key code on settings tab. (0-)
- (2018-09-28) Kastytis K: Not working. After i entered TV's IP address, nothing happened, never got pairing key.
- (2018-08-26) shaker shakar: not working in my tv LG OLED B6 2016 lol
- (2018-07-10) Maria Combs: very hard to use
- (2018-07-08) David Riveros: It was OK, but It may help a pad or a pointer in the screen, or a keyboard instead. This its wonderfull in the smartphone app.
- (2018-05-29) Rogerio Oliveira: funciona bem ,gostei!!!!
- (2018-05-12) Valeriy Samoylov: не працює
- (2018-05-03) Pão de Queijo: It doesn't control a WebOS TV '-'
- (2018-04-22) Sanctus Crypta: THIS MIGHT HELP THOSE, WHO ARE HAVING ISSUES WITH LOCATING THE TV: Try going to some app that requires a TV remote, and while being in it, input your "TV IP" and click on "Get key...". Check the bottom-right corner of your screen, you should see the pairing key. After you input the key into the specified field, simply switch to the "TV" tab, and you should be able to use the remote. I was able to get the pairing key while using a "SIP-TV" app. Hope you'll be able to make it work, guys.
- (2018-03-24) Donald Kowalewski: Nice UI - does not connect to an LG TV. Setup has the front end, but goes to a "do it yourself" dialog, which doesn't make the connection.
- (2018-02-28) Chris Grimes: Finds IP, won't pair.
- (2018-02-17) Robert Anderson: doesn't work - broken
- (2018-02-06) Katragadda Satyesh: nothing works
- (2018-01-26) Rich Schmidt: Doesn't work.
- (2018-01-04) Divke Divke: OK. He works.
- (2017-12-26) Guilherme Sobrinho: Have to change the IP almost every time i turn the tv on
- (2017-12-25) Roxel: exelente!
- (2017-12-23) Elizabeth Nevis: Entered the correct IP for my LG, couldn't get a pairing code, dead in the water. Meanwhile I've gotten 3 different iOS remote-control apps to pair with the same TV WITHOUT having to hunt for an IP address. 2 of them made the TV pop up a pairing code; the other made me do something in TV Settings. So the task is not impossible...