Description from extension meta
Watch Next lets you tell YouTube which video you want to watch after this one.
Image from store
Description from store
Ever saw a couple of YouTube videos and wanted to watch them just right after the one you are watching now? Make a Watch Next playlist - it plays automatically when you finish watching the current video.
You can add a video to Watch Next playlist from any thumbnail on YouTube, or from any link to YouTube (right-click menu).
Have fun making playlists!
Icons by Alexander Moore
Changes in version 1.11.5
Changes in version 1.11.4
* removed reference to unused permission
Changes in version 1.11.3
* fixed archive not showing when playlist empty and user not logged in.
Changes in version 1.11.2
* hopefully fixed the missing context menu option
Changes in version 1.11.1
* fixed missing styles for account page
Changes in version 1.11.0
- new way of playing videos from popup window - now you have to click on the thumbnail
- new indicator for playlist editing
- new look of popup window
- added ability to create account - it will be useful later in the iOS app which is currently in development
* fixed the popup window not scrolling past the archive thumbnails
Latest reviews
- (2022-05-05) King Savage: Absolutely great, One issue. Once you get above 199 it outright breaks.
- (2022-04-24) Ilqar BAKILI.М: Super. СПС
- (2022-01-01) luzmaria castañon tijero: no me funciona el autoplay y como se usa. y se sale la imagen
- (2021-10-22) Stay Puft: I love this extension, it is exactly what I was looking for in a watch next YouTube extension. I like that I can share the playlist across devices and the controls for adding and playing the next video are useful. Overall this is much better than the other extensions in this category that I have tried.
- (2021-10-12) Steve H: Exactly what I wanted. Watch Next is much better than Watch Later in many different ways.
- (2021-05-17) Вита Милеш: Очень хорошее и удобное расширение! Спасибо. Есть ли возможность его использовать в браузере Opera?
- (2021-03-30) Raiden Roy: Hey Developer can't view the history reel on the top please fix it! as soon as you can! I'm on the edge Version 89.0.774.57 (Official build) (64-bit)
- (2020-11-24) 酒道【古三式】: Isn't perfect yet needed a quick reverse playlist order.
- (2020-07-15) Marco Fam: I didn't know that this is a thing 5 mins ago , but I was looking for something like that and this get the job done , great feature and works well thanks!
- (2020-07-04) Yeans Perez: Es muy útil te ahorras en abrir muchas pestaña en youtube. En ves de ir abriendo 10, 20, 30 pestañas con Watch Next almacenas los vídeos de youtube en una lista como si fuera un reproductor de música. ademas te agrega un botón verde para ir pasando el siguiente vídeo tranquilamente. Esta función lo debería tener youtube en forma predeterminada sin importar que cierres el navegador tu lista estará hay. con la ultima actualización a mejorado, para notar el cambio tuve que reinstalar la extensión Watch Next. Ahora todo funciona bien corrigieron el botón verde para agregar a la lista que estaba entre la lista de youtube y esta. Me gustaría que agregaran en la próxima actualización etiquetas para ordenar listas de vídeos, así tendría varias listas ordenadas por etiquetas y así se elegiría la lista que quisiéramos ver primero :)
- (2020-01-05) Charles Oh: Truly awesome and helpful extension, a must. The only thing that takes a star off: fullscreen is turned off when the video switches. Youtube added its own queue feature that actually is able to stay fullscreen but currently you can only add videos on the front page. This extension is still great because you can add any video. I just hope the developer can find a way to maintain fullscreen before Youtube adds the ability to add any video and makes this extension obsolete.
- (2019-12-15) Alex P.: i love this chrome extension, but it stopped working long after chrome updates. hopefully, it will be fixed soon. i will missed it. my only gripe is that i wished it didn't exit fullscreen on auto-play. update: it's working now. i didn't do anything on my part. :)
- (2019-12-13) Daniel Giavedoni: Looks like Youtube finally added this feature to the website. But thanks for creating this extension for use all these years :) seemed like such an obvious thing missing.
- (2019-12-11) Giovani Prímola: Hey great extension it adds something youtube should have added a long time ago. Just a thought while using it, a shuffle mode would be a great addition. Like a button to shuffle all videos in the queue randomly or a check box to enable a shuffle mode
- (2019-11-16) wo jian: Simple and works great!
- (2019-11-14) Gustavo Barbosa: One of the best extensions I couldn't live without! Although there's a native function to do that on YouTube now, I'll pay you a beer someday for the years you served me well. So long, thanks a lot!
- (2019-10-11) Sheet Music: Hi, It works so fine. But can you please add a feature which allows users to add multiple links at the same time. Sometimes I want to add 30-40 links to play but clicking all those links manually is not a fun job.
- (2019-09-20) Nguyen Tuan Anh: looks good, but would be better to be able to change order of videos in list
- (2019-09-14) Julián Stejman: it works almost perfectly and i love it. the only issue i seem to have is when i'm moving a video up in my queue, it jitters and doesn't work at all. moving things down works fine.
- (2019-09-06) Igor Portnoy: It is great You just have to turn off YT's auto play
- (2019-08-06) me am: Great, but it has no double links cheking. Duplicate inks are added many times
- (2019-08-06) Artur Klesun: Cool app. Author, if you are reading this, would you consider adding one more button "Add to the _start_ of the list"? My use case is that I constantly have 30+ songs in the list, I want to keep it, but I see a song I want to be played right now once current one ends. Adding it to the end of the list with the normal button and then changing it's order with drag-and-drop is a bit impractical, as scroll does not work when you drag... A button "Move to top" in the playlist would do too.
- (2019-06-24) Skynet Robocop: This is the best one. Other ones were intrusive or would stop at the end cards, making me have to manually click next arrow.
- (2019-06-23) John: 10/10, Youtube is unusable for music listening without it.
- (2019-06-16) Ildo Gržić: Great add-on working just what it supposed to do! Highly recommended! Feature idea; Possibility to remove duplicates, or warning when adding song already on the list. Keep up the good work :)
- (2019-06-13) van hieu: very good but now it stop i used youtube real time playlist
- (2019-06-07) Jacob Harris: Extension seems to have stopped working where the button does not work on click, autoplay doesn't happen, and the next icon does not appear
- (2019-05-24) Aleksa Smiljanic: usefull
- (2019-05-19) Ethan L: Works great. Exactly what i needed.
- (2019-05-10) vivi Uk Vivi: Really good addon,i many times wished that exist a playlist generator like this,i can save any video and this automatically play without the need of creating an actual playlist every time.I also like the right click option so i no need open every video just to add for the next play.
- (2019-05-01) Adam Aley: I've been using this extension a few months now, & it works very well, very logical. I also can't autoplay when casting but hopefully that will get fixed. Much more useful than "add to watch later/playlist" The browser version of YouTube is really lagging in tech advancement, & this gives you some of the features you wish you had. Highly recommend.
- (2019-04-15) Midi Wang: Can you make the playlist be able to play all videos in full screen mode?
- (2019-03-29) Jared Dyck: PRO: it's not obtrusive i syncs between work computer and home computer instantly! :) CONS: The hover icon doens't seem to always work, but you Can still right click to add one
- (2019-03-14) muy buena, solo un pequeño detalle q al tener un video de la lista en pantalla completa, al reproducir el siguiente, te saca de la pantalla completa... espero lo toemen en cuenta y puedan dejar q se pueda repruducir la lista sin sacarte del modo full screen
- (2019-03-07) Åke Svensson: Works great on Google Chrome stable on Ubuntu Linux! Just what I needed to chose what I want to watch. In way you can describe it as creating play lists on the fly, but not quite. Very flexible. It adds small buttons just where you need them on Youtube. Try it!
- (2018-12-04) Jen: I'm a new user of this extension and I think its awesome! I've used it everytime on utube, its quick to use, simple, very effective and very handy. So far its been immaculate without any flaws with my desktop chrome on windows_7. Wish I found this earlier! Thanks & Good job Guys!
- (2018-11-14) ВАСЯ пупкин: Намного легче конкурентов. А интерфейс удобней. Спасибо!
- (2018-10-16) -21 g: It will not continue playing if you are on another tab!? That's my only complain, but very important one to me.
- (2018-08-27) Daryl Van Humbeck: This is what YouTube's built-in "Watch Later" feature SHOULD have been.
4.6 (119 votes)
Last update / version
2021-10-16 / 1.11.5
Listing languages