extension ExtPose


CRX id


Description from extension meta

Builds a list with the images present on the current page and exports it as text, mosaic or carousel.

Image from store Album
Description from store This extension detects the images on the current page and shows them in a list that can be exported in three different formats: - A simple list of absolute URLs pointing at the images. - An HTML snippet with "img" tags forming a mosaic. Images can also export their original links. - An HTML snippet that creates a carousel of images powered by Galleria.io (http://galleria.io) In all cases, the data is copied into the clipboard and can be inserted into any text editor by pressing [Ctrl+V]. Mosaic and carousel snippets can be inserted into documents, blog posts, virtual learning environments and any other application based on HTML content. Before pasting the code into a rich-text editor, be sure to set it in "plain text" mode (usually represented by a button with the symbols "<>" or "html"). This is a free software project. You can contribute to improving this browser extension by reporting issues, translating it to a different language or sending pull requests to https://github.com/projectestac/album. Thanks in advance! Special thanks to the excellent work done by galleria.io (http://galleria.io), the open source engine beneath the image carousel. In addition to the basic free theme used by Album, they provide also with other nice and featured themes at cheap prices. Note that Album does not copy images nor any type of files: it just deals with URLs pointing at remote resources. Issues with the images (slow loading, file not found...) are often related to problems with the origin of the images. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR GOOGLE PHOTOS USERS: Due to changes in the way Google Photos works, the extension is not able to open some images when activated directly within the application. To solve this you must follow the following steps: 1) Create a Google Photos album, name it, and add photos to it. 2) Create a link to share the album using the "Share" button on the top right. 3) Copy this public link and open it in a new tab or an incognito Chrome window. 4) In this new tab or window, use the extension as normal.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-08-12) xi si: Excellent!
  • (2020-11-20) Zi Xi: Really nice!
  • (2018-06-29) Tekken Force: useful stuff
  • (2017-02-12) Alfredo Rodriguez: quiero mis photos
  • (2016-12-08) umarulfarooque manna: good
  • (2016-05-06) Pau Saura: Una gran eina que soluciona el problema d'inserir carrusels de diapositives amb fotografies penjades a Google Fotos.

Latest issues

  • (2021-09-10, v:1.1.0) Michaelangelo Armstead: What about saving distinctive or unique identified folders in album of collage p-n-p or extended .gif file that are set for project accural (aquistion) [email protected]
    What about saving distinctive or unique identified folders in album of collage p-n-p or extended .gif file that are set for project accural (aquisition) What product can be sync to Google Photo Gallery 2021 of near mentioing or trailer to your offer. [email protected]
  • (2018-02-05, v:1.0.11) karol burillo: No detecta fotos
    Bon dia, Des de l'escola fem servir l'extensió àlbum per afegir fotos a la web, però des de fa uns dies a l'obrir l'extensió no detecta cap fotografia. Hem provat de obrir altres àlbums que tenim i tampoc els detecta. Gràcies!!
  • (2017-10-10, v:1.0.7) Massa fotos
    Vull passar un àlbum de fotos de la galeria al web de l'escola i no es limita a triar les fotos de l'àlbum en concret, n'agafa de més llocs.
  • (2017-03-21, v:1.0.7) Comtestauleta5 5: Problema de visualizacion
    En la escuela trabajamos con los blogs de xtec. Utilizamos esta extensión para publicar carruseles de fotos y ultimamente no se visualizan. Se ve el codigo embed en negro.
  • (2016-11-25, v:1.0.7) Bea M.: Fotos escanejades
    Hola. En primer lloc agrair que hagiu desenvolupat aquest complement. La qüestió que m'agradaria plantejar és com esborrar les fotos que ja han estat escanejades. Cada vegada que vull crear una nova galeria o mosaic, les fotos que ja s'havien incorporat segueixen a la llista i no trobo la manera d'esborrar-les. Existeix aquesta possibilitat? Gràcies per endavant


2,000 history
4.8 (15 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-10 / 2.0.5
Listing languages
ca en es
