extension ExtPose

Adblock pour Youtube™

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Supprime les publicités de Youtube™.

Image from store Adblock pour Youtube™
Description from store Ⓘ À propos Adblock for Youtube ™ est une extension de navigateur de filtrage du contenu et de blocage des publicités qui bloque toutes les publicités sur Youtube ™. Il permet aux utilisateurs d'empêcher l'affichage d'éléments de la page, tels que des publicités. Les bannières, les clips publicitaires ou même les annonces de prélecture que vous voyez habituellement avant que les vidéos sur Youtube ne soient bloquées par cette extension. Caractéristiques: + bloque les annonces, les bannières et les popups + blocage des annonces sur les sites externes qui chargent Youtube + empêcher le chargement des annonces Preroll sur Youtube La technologie repose simplement sur des listes de filtres adblocking, qui bloquent les adresses URL externes sur Youtube. Nous ne changeons rien sur le site lui-même. Adblock for Youtube améliore les performances de chargement de sites Web (sans publicité ni suivi) C'est gratuit à télécharger et à utiliser! ---------------------------------- ✓ Autorisations et confidentialité Comme toutes les extensions bloquant les publicités, nous avons besoin d'autorisations par défaut sur tous les sites Web pour supprimer les publicités ou les popups, par exemple sur les vidéos Youtube incorporées. Lors de l'installation, Google affiche le message "Lisez et modifiez toutes vos données sur les sites Web que vous visitez". Toute détection vidéo adblock se produit sur votre ordinateur et nous ne voyons pas ou ne suivons pas. Vous êtes invités à consulter notre code source ouvert sous la licence GPL3 ou à nous envoyer un message dans l'onglet support! ---------------------------------- ★ Avis - Utilisateurs (dont nous sommes fiers) Eric Jones - ★★★★★ „J'ai oublié à quoi ressemblent les annonces Youtube“ Lea C. - ★★★★★ „Heureux et merci! Excellent produit Adblock pour Youtube. Bloque toutes les annonces et publicités gênantes nécessaires. “ Marcel - ★★★★★ „Rend Youtube agréable à nouveau. J'aime écouter le genre de "vraie histoire effrayante", et Youtube semble laisser tomber une annonce littéralement toutes les 30 secondes. Je peux enfin en profiter à nouveau! Merci Adblock Youtube! “ Dean Usikayo. - ★★★★★ "J'adore Ad Block pour YoutubeIl est génial! C'est aussi le meilleur. Plus aucune annonce. J'utilise d'autres extensions d'adblock, mais la plupart d'entre elles ne me permettent pas de bloquer les annonces de pré-enroulement sur Youtube." Steva Palchow - ★★★★★ "Excellent bloqueur de publicités pour Youtube! 1 Bloqué toutes les publicités indésirables et irritantes! Je ne peux plus vivre sans la publicité sur Youtube" Micha - ★★★★★ „Malheureusement, je n'ai pas les moyens d'acheter Youtube Premium, mais j'ai été tellement distrait par toutes ces publicités que j'ai sauté de nombreuses vidéos Youtube! Je suis heureux d’utiliser Adblock pour Youtube pour rendre YouTube encore plus formidable (sans autant d’annonces et gratuitement » ---------------------------------- Changelog (le plus récent en premier): 5.0.9 - corrections de bugs mineures. Matériel mis à jour 5.0.8 - dépôts de blocs d'annonces améliorés avec vidéos intégrées 5.0.0 - réécriture complète d'Adblock pour que Youtube soit conforme aux conditions générales de Google Extension Webstore 4.8.3 - passer aux importations directes de listes de filtres adblock 4.8.3 - paramètres régionaux mis à jour, dépendances de la boîte à outils adblock corrigées 4.5.0 - a supprimé certains fichiers inutilisés et les listes de filtres youtube du paquet CRX. 4.4.1 - correction des alertes de cas et ajout de dotenv dep manquant 4.3.9 - eval désactivé pour le chargement du bloc publicitaire pour la liste / les URL Youtube. 4.3.8 - Suppression complète de polyfill de Webextension adblock 4.1.0 - Correction mineure de la conception de l'interface utilisateur sur Youtube. 4.0.5 - amélioration de la page d’installation pour l’intégration d’adblock. 4.0.3 - minification de code nettoyé (conforme à CWS) 3.7.1 - avertissement de casse fixe pour Adblock sur Youtube 3.6.2 - Listes de filtres adblock mises à jour pour Youtube et des sites externes 3.5.0 - locales mises à jour supprimées adblock obsolète html à propos de la page 3.4.0 - réécriture complète de la technologie adblock, code plus propre :) Cette boutique en ligne Chrome utilise Google Analytics, un service d'analyse de site internet fourni par Google Inc. («Google»). Google Analytics utilise des «cookies», qui sont des fichiers texte placés sur votre ordinateur, pour aider le site Web à analyser l'utilisation du site par les utilisateurs. Les informations générées par le cookie concernant votre utilisation du site Web seront transmises à Google et stockées par celui-ci sur des serveurs situés aux États-Unis. Si l'anonymisation IP est activée sur ce site Web, votre adresse IP sera tronquée dans la zone des États membres de l'Union européenne ou des autres parties à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen. Dans des cas exceptionnels, l’adresse IP complète est tout d’abord transférée sur un serveur de Google aux États-Unis et y est tronquée. L'anonymisation IP est active sur ce site. Google utilisera ces informations pour le compte de l'exploitant de ce site Web afin d'évaluer votre utilisation du site Web, d'établir des rapports sur l'activité du site Web pour les exploitants de sites Web et de leur fournir d'autres services liés à l'activité du site Web et à l'utilisation d'Internet. L'adresse IP que votre navigateur transmet dans le cadre de Google Analytics ne sera associée à aucune autre donnée détenue par Google. Vous pouvez refuser l’utilisation de cookies en sélectionnant les paramètres appropriés de votre navigateur. Veuillez toutefois noter que, si vous le faites, vous ne pourrez peut-être pas utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités de ce site Web. Vous pouvez également choisir de ne pas suivre Google Analytics avec effet pour l'avenir en téléchargeant et en installant le module complémentaire de navigateur de désactivation de Google Analytics pour votre navigateur Web actuel. ---------------------------------- English version: ⓘ About Adblock for Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which blocks all ads on Youtube™. It allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed. Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension. Features: + blocks ads, banner and popups + blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube + prevent preroll ads from loading on Youtube The technology is simply based on adblocking filterlists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. We do not change anything on the website itself. Adblock for Youtube boosts the performance to load websites (without ads and tracking) It is free to download and use! ---------------------------------- ✓ Permissions & Privacy Like all ad-blocking extensions we do need default permissions on every website to remove ads or popups for example on embedded Youtube videos. Google displays this message on installation "Read and change all your data on the websites that you visit". Any video adblock detection happens on your computer and we do not see or track. You are welcome to review our open source code which is under the GPL3 License or send us a message in the support tab! ---------------------------------- ★ Reviews - Users (we are proud of) Eric Jones - ★★★★★ „I forgot what Youtube Ads look like“ Lea C. - ★★★★★ „Happy and Thank you! Great Adblock product for Youtube. Blocks all the necessary annoying ad pops and commercials..“ Marcel - ★★★★★ „Makes Youtube enjoyable again. I like to listen to the "true scary story" genre, and Youtube seems to drop an ad during those literally every 30 seconds. I can finally enjoy them again! Thank you Adblock Youtube!“ Dean Usikayo. - ★★★★★ "I love Ad Block for YoutubeIt's brilliant! It's also the best. No more ads. I use some other adblock extensions, but most of them miss blocking preroll ads on Youtube.“ Steva Palchow - ★★★★★ "Excellent Ad blocker for Youtube!1 Blocked all the unwanted & irritating ads! I cannot live without Ads on Youtube again„ Micha - ★★★★★ „Unfortunately i cannot afford Youtube Premium but got so distracted with all those ads, that i skipped many Youtube Videos! I am happy to use Adblock for Youtube to make Youtube great again (without so many ads and for free„ ---------------------------------- Changelog (latest first): 5.0.9 - minor Bugfixes. Updated material ui 5.0.8 - upgraded ad block deps with embedded videos 5.0.0 - complete rewrite of Adblock for Youtube to be compliant with the Google Extension Webstore Terms 4.8.3 - move to direct imports of adblock filterlists 4.8.3 - updated locales, fixed adblock toolbox dependencies 4.5.0 - removed some unused files and youtube filterlists of CRX package. 4.4.1 - fixed case warnings and added missing dotenv dep 4.3.9 - disabled eval for loading the adblock for Youtube list / urls. 4.3.8 - removed adblock webextension polyfill completly 4.1.0 - minor fix material ui design on Youtube. 4.0.5 - improved install page for adblock onboarding. 4.0.3 - cleaned up code minification (CWS compliant) 3.7.1 - fixed case warning for Adblock on Youtube 3.6.2 - updated adblock filterlists for Youtube and external sites 3.5.0 - updated locales removed obsolete adblock html about page 3.4.0 - complete adblock technology rewrite, cleaner code :) This Chrome Webstore uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States . In case IP-anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the whole IP address will be first transfered to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. The IP-anonymisation is active on this website. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing them other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The IP-address, that your Browser conveys within the scope of Google Analytics, will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics with effect for the future by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Addon for your current web browser: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en or you can uninstall this extension. Thank you.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-19) Irving R: Al parecer tendrán que modificarlo porque youtube cambió. En Chrome y Brave Ahora los anuncios salen SI o SI. ¡Atención para el equipo de desarrolladores!
  • (2024-09-17) 다키스트던전: 2024.9.17 다시 작동되기 시작
  • (2024-09-16) Lourence Mendoza: aewsomely bad
  • (2024-09-14) Ökkeş kaya: çok iyi.
  • (2024-09-14) Late December: The program no longer works to block anything.
  • (2024-09-14) Yes, it works well!
  • (2024-09-13) P1aYeRSPB: Идеально!Работает!О рекламе забыл напрочь!
  • (2024-09-12) Leonardo Rastelli: Continua me agradando muito !
  • (2024-09-10) Brian Anthony Rask: now has become ineffective ?!
  • (2024-09-08) Dustin Bonnema: Works great! Installed after several others didn't work and haven't seen an ad yet! Edit: 2024-09-07: Doesn't work anymore
  • (2024-09-07) massmass optimall: At now it work sometime. It not work on Youtube.
  • (2024-09-06) Phuong Tung: hoạt động tốt
  • (2024-09-06) Luke I: not good lately!
  • (2024-09-05) Kostas Papadakis: 60/40
  • (2024-09-03) Numan Baz: iyi, Efsane.
  • (2024-09-02) 백마군대: dd
  • (2024-09-02) Mila Karwowska: works great
  • (2024-08-31) oid849: funziona! Bravi...se ogni tanto passa una pubblicità basta ricaricare la pagina
  • (2024-08-31) realxkid8: Always blocks, never seen a ad while using this extension, probably the best adblocker ever.
  • (2024-08-29) Pranathi: previously had adblocker which then stopped working for youtube as youtube was flagging it up. Got this and it's perfect so far and doesn't slow video playing for me personally. EDIT (august 24): it is now not working to block the skippable advert at the beginning of a youtube video
  • (2024-08-28) Andrii S: К сожалению расширение последние несколько недель перестало работать и не блокирует никакую рекламу :((
  • (2024-08-27) David V: UPDATE (27 Aug, 2024) - Few (if any) ads are being blocked anymore following YouTube's ad policy/ad blocker updates. This is an unfortunate, but expected event. In a few controlled experiments, it blocked zero ads for me now. It COULD be blocking some, but I haven't verified for sure. Sadly, gotta reduce the rating to reflect the news: 2/5 stars. Many YouTube ads still appear, but the overall number is reduced, so I'm happy about that. 3/5 stars
  • (2024-08-27) Paul Tkach: Works well, you might just need to refresh the page once a video loads
  • (2024-08-27) Luke Frohling: It worked well until 2 hours ago.. Now It doesn't work anymore... Oh well :) [edit: End of August 2024 - it still doesn't work anymore :( ]
  • (2024-08-26) Jakob: ngl best adblock thats around rn (edit 2024 aug 26) prob the only one that works
  • (2024-08-26) Koustav Gayen: EDIT : Still Working affter august 2024 working flawless
  • (2024-08-24) Stefan Stoian: it blocks ads! it does it's one and only job! good! edit 1, year later: it stopped working after youtube started server-side ad injection :( i will always miss this extension :(
  • (2024-08-24) U k: Doesnt work anymore
  • (2024-08-22) Heiko Klitzke: Lässt für meinen Geschmack noch zu viel Werbung durch ! Aber sonst ein relativ guter Adblocker !
  • (2024-08-20) huy tran van: chạy rất hay và quá..trang nay đã giúp những ai xem trên youtube không phải lo đến qoảng cáo nữa ..okkkkkkkkkk
  • (2024-08-18) hnlibrae: приложение попросило поставить оценку
  • (2024-08-18) Josef Němeček: 10/10 a doporučuju 👍
  • (2024-08-15) You You: Goooooooooooood !!!
  • (2024-08-11) Han: nie działa
  • (2024-08-09) Emiliano Giuliante: Praticamente ora è possibile vedere video su YouTube, prima di questa estensione si poteva dire con una certa precisione che YouTube era diventato inutilizzabile, non c'era modo di studiare un video tutorial e capirci qualcosa perche' ti ammazzavano di pubblicità e le interruzioni selvagge e sconsiderate ti facevano perdere il filo del discorso continuamente rendendo inutile qualsiasi tipo di pazienza, con i video di intrattenimento poteva anche essere tollerabile (poco) ma studiando era davvero terribile tanto che ho abbandonato quella strada fino a che non ho scoperto questa estensione, davvero bravi! aggiunta: vedo che a molti non funziona più, a me continua a funzionare non so perchè ma spero che continui perchè francamente sentire google che si lamenta che non riesce ad arrivare a fine mese e che aumenta i costi dei servizi, aumenta la pubblicità che ora proprio non si riesce neanche a vedere un video e capire almeno il tema del contenuto perchè si interrompe ogni 4 secondi, proprio non mi va giù, come tutti i mercanti google piange mseria ma poi comprano palazzi di vetro e noi che dobbiamo rompere il salvadanaio per fare la spesa perchè i nostri stipendi sono fermi al 2007, quindi si, per me potete crepare, non vi credo, siete dei mercanti avidi e basta, adblock youtube forever!
  • (2024-08-09) Elle: Update: Every once in a while YouTube catches on and blocks the extension from working. Today it has caught up with you again. Logged on today to listen to my music folder and had ads after about 2 years ad free with AdBlock. Download AdBlock of YouTube and it works like a charm. Thank You so much!!
  • (2024-08-08) bluncco: עבד כמה שעות
  • (2024-08-08) Detlef Kuhn: läuft nicht mehr, ständig Werbung, die keiner mag und schon gar nicht will!!
  • (2024-08-08) Paul Cockram: dosnt work anymore i just get this text instead Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service It looks like you may be using an ad blocker. Video playback is blocked unless YouTube is allowlisted or the ad blocker is disabled. Ads allow YouTube to be used by billions worldwide. You can go ad-free with YouTube Premium and creators can still get paid from your subscription.
  • (2024-08-08) Abdul Majid: udah gak work lagi, masih muncul iklan
  • (2024-08-06) Bob F: Works perfectly. Quit working ... should be 1 star at this point Working again!! It's awesome again :D
  • (2024-08-06) MSBworks: It works and stop annoying pub when we see youtube videos. But now is not working (August 2024)
  • (2024-08-06) Сергей Филимонов: Ни в пезду. Задолбали эти ролики с рекламой.
  • (2024-08-06) Jason Hansen: Still works on YouTube, I love it.
  • (2024-08-06) Nigel Tupman: EDIT 06/08/24 AdBlocker no longer blocking! Deleting and reinstalling doesn't cure the issue. It's definitely broken - or probably got at by cleverer algorithms from YouTube! Shame. Ad Blocker has been brilliant for the last 6 months or so - no breaks or annoying pop up banners. It's been a pleasure to watch YT without being bombarded with junk adverts that I'm not the slightest bit interested in. However....... today, the little adblocker logo at the bottom right of the viewing screen has disappeared. The Chrome extension is on and running but I'm now having my viewing pleasure ruined by adverts again. Any ideas why it's stopped working?
  • (2024-08-06) Ron Eggler: Doesn't work anymore! :(
  • (2024-08-06) SQQQ: 2024년 8월 5일 업데이트 버전 재설치 후 됩니다.
  • (2024-08-04) Ricky P: No longer works as of Aug 2, 2024.....My review from Jul 6, 2022 = Perfect so far. Not . One. Ad!! Something odd is that if I sign out of google and try, adblocker works.
  • (2024-08-04) lincoln C9: 8.04.2024 - long time fan and user here - no longer works. I can get it to work by clicking it on and off manually and skip larger ads, but just does not work with new google updates. Please fix it! Old 5 star review: Like everybody else here, I've been using the for years, and now all of a sudden it does not work. Clearly youtube has done an upgrade. Now the ads not only just play in a black screen, but they play full length and you cannot skip them. Only way around this is to remove the plugin. I still give these guys 5 starts for the years of fantastic service! And I know, now that they are aware of the issue, they will find a way to fix it. So please folks, stop with the low star ratings! or at the very least, come back and fix your rating once the problem is fixed. This is a great service to you for FREE and these folks deserve the 5 stars!
  • (2024-08-04) Bruce Lewis: Adblock for Youtube does not work for me

Latest issues

  • (2024-06-17, v:5.4.4) Владимир Куреной: Блокировка перестала работать
    При переходе на новый Гугль Хром перестала работать блокировка рекламы, что делать?
  • (2024-06-02, v:5.4.3) Gman224: glitch
    Whenever there is a video that has a prewarning sush as (veiwer discretion is advised) because my have heavy topics such as suicide etc. the adblocker causes youtube to just keep refreshing over and over the video never starts it just keeps refreshing.
  • (2024-05-30, v:5.4.3) Glenn Ove Bryni: Not working any more.
    Today it stopped working. (30/5/2023) So now I have to watch all the ads. ;(
  • (2024-05-30, v:5.4.3) JKF: 업데이트
    유튜브에서 패치 했습니다. 이젠 사용 되지 않습니다.
  • (2024-05-27, v:5.4.3) Bin Chicken: not working at all. 27/5/24.
    no longer working at all. have now uninstalled
  • (2024-05-23, v:5.4.3) Cassandra M. (Cassandra): adblocker
    do you have an Android or fire tablet version?????
  • (2024-05-20, v:5.4.3) linhvan Hoang: hình như tiện ích này đã bị lỗi
    tôi đã thêm tiện ích vào chrome và nó vẫn hoạt động tốt cho tới hôm nay nó không còn tự động skip quảng cáo nữa
  • (2024-05-10, v:5.4.3) Nikita Zaytsev: Работа приложения на Mac
    Столкнулся с проблемой. На компьютере с операционной системой Windows все работает хорошо, на Macbook не пропускается реклама, хотя пишет, что приложение активно, что необходимо сделать? Спасибо
  • (2024-05-10, v:5.4.3) ปะยุด อํานาจ: ดีมากกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกก
  • (2024-05-08, v:5.4.3) Cassandra M. (Cassandra): Youtube Adblocker
    I'm finding this to be very useful, blocks ads, even with a slight delay. I will take that over 45 secods worth of ads. Do you have version for Android or Firestick/Fire Tablets??
  • (2024-05-07, v:5.4.3) Souvik Das Chowdhury: Taking long time to skip ad
    long time taking when video starts for the first time
  • (2024-05-03, v:5.4.3) Mr J-Charles: Interuptions during video playing
    I am not seeing ads but I get a interruption while watching like an ad is trying to play. Then video starts again after a few seconds. Very annoying.
  • (2024-04-27, v:5.4.3) Remy Michel: Onglet total adblock s'ouvre en même temps que google
    Bonjours, j'aurai voulu savoir comment empêcher cette page ( https://secure.totaladblock.com/ ) de s'ouvrir en même que j'ouvre google s'il vous plaît. Merci. Cordialement.
  • (2024-04-25, v:5.4.3) Ден Иванов: Не блокирует рекламу.
    Данное приложение включено, но реклама на Ютюб всё равно блокируется не полностью???
  • (2024-04-23, v:5.4.2) Christina Wiafe-Toppin: black screen
    it doesn't work but it used too. I just get a black screen but the advert plays underneath.
  • (2024-04-22, v:5.4.2) GODDESS66: Ads are still playing
    Like everyone else, ads are still playing but the screen is black. I want a refund if ads are still playing. Fix the problem or refund all of our money.
  • (2024-04-22, v:5.4.2) Filippo Segato: PROBLEM
    Hi, your app was working really fine but I think YT changed slmething and now ads are just balck and not fully blocked. Will you manage to do an update to solve this issue? Thanks
  • (2024-04-22, v:5.4.2) Josef Filipi: Neodstraní reklamy
    Odstraní pouze bannery ale reklamní videa vůbec. Respektive odstraní obraz ale zvuková stopa se přehraje.
  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) João Lisboa: Ads still play
    Used to work perfectly, but as of late ads have been playing with a blacked-out screen and audio playing in place. The ads are blacked-out and I cant skip it normally, unfortunately.
  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) Mizore Wannabe: Ads are playing again!
    Used to work perfectly! but as of late ads have been playing with a blacked-out screen and audio playing in place. because the ads are blacked-out I cant skip it normally unfortunately.
  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) derri Umaña: Saca uina nueva actulizacion
    Esta saliendo todo la publicidad y se pone la pantalla en negro
  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) Eddie Rios (LiquidMind): Black screens show once in a while with an AD playing.
    will not block all ads..
  • (2024-04-20, v:5.4.2) Беря: dont work
    dont work in april 18
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Rene Reychler: WERKT NIET MEER
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Sameet Suryawanshi: not working
    ads are been played in background
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Towelknife: 屏蔽失效
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Hector Daniel: esto no funciona para nada
    no lo use
  • (2024-04-17, v:5.4.2) Leoner: Změna chovani
    Přestal blokovat celou reklamu nechá zvuk blokuje jen obraz provedl sem reseta nepomohlo.
  • (2024-04-11, v:5.4.2) Victor Ricardo Katester: problema add block anuncios
    Aunque tengo add block anuncios sigo teniendo anuncios Por Favor eliminar todos los anuncios thank you very much
  • (2024-04-08, v:5.4.2) BeeRich33: Started to Fail 2 Days Ago
    For some reason either Youtube changed or the extension changed. Ads are now coming through again, albeit blank/black. Not sure what I did.
  • (2024-04-06, v:5.4.2) PlotCalc: Сегодня частично перестал блокировать рекламу
    Частично перестал блокировать рекламу, прошу выпустить обновление, если возможно. Partially stopped blocking ads, please release an update if possible.
  • (2024-04-06, v:5.4.2) Valdemar Foster: Ads are playing with black screen
    When I use the adblocker it only hides the screen (makes it black) but plays the audio and doesn't skip the ad anymore. It worked last week.
  • (2024-03-29, v:5.4.2) bob palmer: youtube add blocker 0 stars
    app fails i got one you tube and then you tube said to remove the block. and no more videos would play. seems your app is broken
  • (2024-03-14, v:5.4.2) Yep Yep: Broken plugin
    Ads now play. As others have said, I get a warning box from YT.
  • (2024-03-07, v:5.4.2) Oceanic PC: Ads videos are blocked, but black screen is shown when the ads should play
    Hello Adblock team! I have an issue that never had before: When I'm watching a video, an ads are trying to be shown, their contents is blocked, but the black screen is shown. And I have to wait for several seconds to continue watching the video. Could you help to resolve the issue, plese? Or what is the reason of that behavior?
  • (2024-02-28, v:5.4.2) Richie Bricker: I get more ads then ever
    I get 5 minute long blacked out ads before each video and sometimes every 90 seconds on one occasion and another 5 mins of ads. I can refresh the page and lose the start ads but not the midroll ads. Is there anything I can do. Im on Win10 with Brave Browser and Spectrum internet
  • (2024-02-26, v:5.4.2) 抹茶LaTte: The picture-in-picture screen will freeze with ads
    The picture-in-picture screen will freeze with ads
  • (2024-02-10, v:5.4.2) James Long: Black screen / Ad Audio not blocked
    It's not effectively blocking the ad. It's blocking the video portion, so we can't see what they're talking about, but then it just plays the audio anyway, with a black screen showing. More infuriatingly, the skip button and the rest of the GUI controls are totally missing.
  • (2024-01-28, v:5.4.2) Adeel Saquib: Black screen shows on the player for 10 seconds when it blocks the ad
    Whenever the extension is blocking an ad on the Youtube player, the screen goes black for about 7-10 seconds.
  • (2024-01-24, v:5.4.2) Arup Rema: Not working
    Latest Microsoft edge browser not working
  • (2023-12-28, v:5.4.0) B Burke: Minor Issue
    I get the youtube "your using and ad blocker" warning between videos. Reloading the page just plays the video and ads remain blocked. I also have seen occasionally a wrnign from the extension saying if I see the "your using and ad blocker" screen that it isn;'t your extension but another one. I only have your adblok loaded though, so youtube could be working out how to detect yours.
  • (2023-12-07, v:5.4.0) Gage Mason: doesnt work
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Andrew Bartlett: Doesn't Work!
    6 December 2023 . Chrome version 120.0.6099.71 64-bit Doesn't Work!
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Kelvin Jones: not working
    I notice you reply to back patting comments but not to problems. Could you make your product work on youtube if I said it;s great ( not)
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Kelvin Jones: not working on youtube
    just working on youtube, rubbish
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Dave ZZZ: Not working today
    Stopped working about one hour ago.
  • (2023-09-02, v:5.3.0) Bryan Tan: not working
    here i found one really works. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/removes-recommend-videos/mlaigmdigmkhpbnljmhajhleifegcchb
  • (2023-08-29, v:5.3.0) ADoorFrame: Having trouble with "Ad block is not allowed on youtube" wall
    Hey guys, I would like to know if your currently working on a bypass to the video turn off on the Anti ad block wall youtube is doing right now
  • (2023-08-26, v:5.3.0) Rich Garcia: uninstall adblock
    how to delete of uninstall adblock...I thought i deleated this several months ago..i couldnt get it to work.....any i still dont want it
  • (2023-08-25, v:5.3.0) Pete Doyle: Don't make an ad for an adblocker
    Your extension is supposed to block ads, not my youtube videos. I'm not going to install your 'next' ad blocker if the first thing you do is force me to get it by blocking videos with your old extension. If you're going to give me adware, I'm going to remove it.


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4.4233 (324,902 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-07 / 6.0.2
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