extension ExtPose

Adblock za Youtube™

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Odstrani oglaševanje na Youtube.

Image from store Adblock za Youtube™
Description from store Ⓘ O aplikácii Adblock for Youtube ™ je rozšírenie filtrovania obsahu a blokovania reklám, ktoré blokuje všetky reklamy na Youtube ™. Umožňuje používateľom zabrániť zobrazovaniu prvkov stránky, napríklad reklám. Toto rozšírenie blokuje bannery, reklamné klipy alebo dokonca predplatené reklamy, ktoré zvyčajne vidíte pred skutočným videom na Youtube. Vlastnosti: + blokuje reklamy, banner a vyskakovacie okná + blokovanie reklám na externých stránkach, ktoré načítajú službu Youtube + Zabrániť načítaniu reklám na Youtube Táto technológia je jednoducho založená na blokovaní filtrov, ktoré blokujú externé reklamné adresy na Youtube. Na samotnej webovej stránke nič nemeníme. Adblock for Youtube zvyšuje výkonnosť na načítanie webových stránok (bez reklám a sledovania) Je zadarmo na stiahnutie a použitie! ---------------------------------- ✓ Povolenia a ochrana osobných údajov Podobne ako všetky rozšírenia blokovania reklám potrebujeme na každej webovej stránke predvolené povolenia na odstránenie reklám alebo kontextových okien, napríklad na vložených videách YouTube. Spoločnosť Google zobrazí túto správu pri inštalácii „Prečítajte si a zmeňte všetky údaje na navštívených webových stránkach“. Každá detekcia video adblocku sa deje na vašom počítači a nevidíme ani nesledujeme. Prezrite si náš open source kód, ktorý je pod licenciou GPL3 alebo nám pošlite správu na záložke support! ---------------------------------- ★ Recenzie - Používatelia (sme hrdí) Eric Jones - ★★★★★ „Zabudol som, ako vyzerajú reklamy YouTube“ Lea C. - ★★★★★ „Šťastný a ďakujem! Veľký produkt Adblock pre Youtube. Blokuje všetky potrebné nepríjemné reklamy a reklamy .. “ Marcel - ★★★★★ „Znova robí YouTube zábavným. Rád počúvam žáner "skutočného desivého príbehu" a zdá sa, že Youtube v priebehu tých 30 sekúnd zahodí reklamu. Môžem si ich konečne užiť! Ďakujem Adblock Youtube! “ Dean Usikayo. - ★★★★★ "Mám rád blokovanie reklám pre brilantné služby YouTubeIt. Je to tiež najlepšie. Žiadne ďalšie reklamy. Používam aj ďalšie rozšírenia služby adblock, ale väčšina z nich chýba blokovanie reklám na lokalite Youtube." Steva Palchow - ★★★★★ "Výborný blokátor reklám pre Youtube! 1 Blokované všetky nechcené a dráždivé reklamy! Nemôžem opäť žiť bez reklám na Youtube" Micha - ★★★★★ „Bohužiaľ si nemôžem dovoliť Youtube Premium, ale tak som sa rozptýlil so všetkými týmito reklamami, ktoré som vynechal veľa Youtube videá! Som rád, že môžem použiť službu Adblock for Youtube, aby sa YouTube opäť stal skvelým (bez toho, aby sa zobrazovalo toľko reklám a zadarmo) ---------------------------------- Changelog (najnovší): 5.0.9 - drobné opravy chýb. Aktualizovaný materiál ui 5.0.8 - aktualizované reklamné bloky s vloženými videami 5.0.0 - kompletné prepísanie služby Adblock for Youtube tak, aby spĺňalo podmienky Webstore služby Google Extension 4.8.3 - prechod na priamy dovoz adllock filtrov 4.8.3 - aktualizované miestne nastavenia, závislé odbloky nástrojov adblock 4.5.0 - odstránené niektoré nepoužité súbory a youtube filtre CRX balíka. 4.4.1 - upozornenia na pevný prípad a chýbajúce dotenv dep 4.3.9 - vypnutý eval pre načítanie adblocku pre zoznam Youtube / urls. 4.3.8 - úplne odstránený adblock webextension polyfill 4.1.0 - drobný fixný materiál ui design na Youtube. 4.0.5 - vylepšená inštalačná stránka pre adblock onboarding. 4.0.3 - vyčistenie kódu (kompatibilné s CWS) 3.7.1 - pevné upozornenie pre Adblock na Youtube 3.6.2 - aktualizované adblock filtre pre Youtube a externé stránky 3.5.0 - aktualizované miestne nastavenia odstránili zastaraný html adblock o stránke 3.4.0 - kompletné prepracovanie technológie adblock, čistejší kód :) Tento internetový obchod Chrome používa službu Google Analytics, službu webovej analýzy poskytovanú spoločnosťou Google, Inc. („Google“). Služba Google Analytics používa „cookies“, čo sú textové súbory umiestnené na vašom počítači, aby pomohli webovej stránke analyzovať, ako používatelia používajú túto stránku. Informácie generované súborom cookie o vašom používaní webových stránok budú odoslané a uložené spoločnosťou Google na serveroch v Spojených štátoch. V prípade aktivácie IP-anonymizácie na tejto webovej stránke bude vaša IP adresa skrátená v oblasti členských štátov Európskej únie alebo iných strán Dohody o Európskom hospodárskom priestore. Len vo výnimočných prípadoch bude celá IP adresa najprv prenesená na server Google v USA a tam skrátená. Na tejto webovej stránke je aktívna anonymizácia IP. Spoločnosť Google použije tieto informácie v mene prevádzkovateľa tejto webovej stránky na účely vyhodnotenia používania webovej stránky, zostavovania správ o činnosti webových stránok pre prevádzkovateľov webových stránok a poskytovania ďalších služieb súvisiacich s činnosťou webových stránok a používaním internetu. Adresa IP, ktorú váš prehliadač prenáša v rámci služby Google Analytics, nebude priradená k žiadnym iným údajom spoločnosti Google. Používanie súborov cookie môžete odmietnuť výberom príslušných nastavení vo svojom prehliadači. Upozorňujeme však, že ak tak urobíte, nebudete môcť používať všetky funkcie tejto webovej stránky. Môžete sa tiež rozhodnúť, že nebudete sledovaní službou Google Analytics s účinnosťou do budúcnosti, a to prevzatím a inštaláciou doplnku prehliadača služby Google Analytics na zrušenie prehliadača pre aktuálny webový prehliadač.... ---------------------------------- English version: ⓘ About Adblock for Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which blocks all ads on Youtube™. It allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed. Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension. Features: + blocks ads, banner and popups + blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube + prevent preroll ads from loading on Youtube The technology is simply based on adblocking filterlists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. We do not change anything on the website itself. Adblock for Youtube boosts the performance to load websites (without ads and tracking) It is free to download and use! ---------------------------------- ✓ Permissions & Privacy Like all ad-blocking extensions we do need default permissions on every website to remove ads or popups for example on embedded Youtube videos. Google displays this message on installation "Read and change all your data on the websites that you visit". Any video adblock detection happens on your computer and we do not see or track. You are welcome to review our open source code which is under the GPL3 License or send us a message in the support tab! ---------------------------------- ★ Reviews - Users (we are proud of) Eric Jones - ★★★★★ „I forgot what Youtube Ads look like“ Lea C. - ★★★★★ „Happy and Thank you! Great Adblock product for Youtube. Blocks all the necessary annoying ad pops and commercials..“ Marcel - ★★★★★ „Makes Youtube enjoyable again. I like to listen to the "true scary story" genre, and Youtube seems to drop an ad during those literally every 30 seconds. I can finally enjoy them again! Thank you Adblock Youtube!“ Dean Usikayo. - ★★★★★ "I love Ad Block for YoutubeIt's brilliant! It's also the best. No more ads. I use some other adblock extensions, but most of them miss blocking preroll ads on Youtube.“ Steva Palchow - ★★★★★ "Excellent Ad blocker for Youtube!1 Blocked all the unwanted & irritating ads! I cannot live without Ads on Youtube again„ Micha - ★★★★★ „Unfortunately i cannot afford Youtube Premium but got so distracted with all those ads, that i skipped many Youtube Videos! I am happy to use Adblock for Youtube to make Youtube great again (without so many ads and for free„ ---------------------------------- Changelog (latest first): 5.0.9 - minor Bugfixes. Updated material ui 5.0.8 - upgraded ad block deps with embedded videos 5.0.0 - complete rewrite of Adblock for Youtube to be compliant with the Google Extension Webstore Terms 4.8.3 - move to direct imports of adblock filterlists 4.8.3 - updated locales, fixed adblock toolbox dependencies 4.5.0 - removed some unused files and youtube filterlists of CRX package. 4.4.1 - fixed case warnings and added missing dotenv dep 4.3.9 - disabled eval for loading the adblock for Youtube list / urls. 4.3.8 - removed adblock webextension polyfill completly 4.1.0 - minor fix material ui design on Youtube. 4.0.5 - improved install page for adblock onboarding. 4.0.3 - cleaned up code minification (CWS compliant) 3.7.1 - fixed case warning for Adblock on Youtube 3.6.2 - updated adblock filterlists for Youtube and external sites 3.5.0 - updated locales removed obsolete adblock html about page 3.4.0 - complete adblock technology rewrite, cleaner code :) This Chrome Webstore uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States . In case IP-anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the whole IP address will be first transfered to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. The IP-anonymisation is active on this website. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing them other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The IP-address, that your Browser conveys within the scope of Google Analytics, will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics with effect for the future by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Addon for your current web browser: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en or you can uninstall this extension. Thank you.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-21) thomas McGuire: Blocks nothing, absolutely useless
  • (2024-04-21) Ετσι Μου αρέσει (Ετσι μου αρεσει): δεν μποκαρι τιποτα ενοω οτι δεν τις παρακαμτη το youtube εχει εξαναγκασμο προγραμμα
  • (2024-04-21) Deepak Shinde: useless ..not working
  • (2024-04-21) Monika Sakkarwal: doesn't work at all.
  • (2024-04-21) Brady Khoo: couldn't even block the ads. Deeply disappointed.
  • (2024-04-21) Al Gryt: worked for pretty long and was just awesome, but stoppet working recently
  • (2024-04-21) 하승수: 갑자기 안될때가 있어요
  • (2024-04-21) An Nguyễn: ok
  • (2024-04-21) Илья Акбари: It was working perfectly, I had no issues with it. But recently i spotted that it doesn't work, just black screen and ad going without oportunity to skip it
  • (2024-04-21) Tuấn Trần Anh: ok
  • (2024-04-21) Dipak Thakor: good working
  • (2024-04-21) rimon dutta: worked for sometime than doesnt work
  • (2024-04-21) Nordin Van Hulle: Werkt niet, ja de 1ste keer wel, maar daarna geeft hij gewoon geen beeld, maar je ziet duidelijk dat de reclame nog speelt
  • (2024-04-21) Moth Hargrove: Works not
  • (2024-04-21) Buffyjosmom: doesn't work.
  • (2024-04-21) Guilherme Custódio: nice
  • (2024-04-21) Somrak Rungwanlapa: ต้นๆ ใช้งานได้ดี หลังๆ ทำไมบล๊อคไม่อยู่เลย หนักกว่านั้น ข้ามไม่ได้เลย
  • (2024-04-21) Stephen Wyatt: works great
  • (2024-04-21) Minh Hải Trần: quá ok
  • (2024-04-21) constanza quezada: Ya no me funciona! :( Los anuncios salen igual y a cada rato y en pantalla negra. ¿Qué pasó?
  • (2024-04-21) blackvulcan3: Used to be pretty good, now its worse than seeing the actual ads. Screen goes blank and you cant even skip.
  • (2024-04-21) Caio Mendonça: Used to work wonders. Nowadays only turns the screen of the add black.
  • (2024-04-21) Hiếu Tôn: ok
  • (2024-04-21) Webster_ Games: Sometimes doesn't work properly and may need refreshed but otherwise solid product
  • (2024-04-21) Leonidas Pino puello: ta bien
  • (2024-04-18) Massimus Ribeiro: funciona perfeitamente, é uma alternativa bastante boa. Hoje em dia os comerciais do youtube estão bastante tóxicos em quantidade.
  • (2024-04-18) Luis Manuel Rosas Pacheco: funciona bien
  • (2024-04-18) Vinicius Bisetto: Mantém a tela preta e não bloqueia o áudio durante o anúncio...
  • (2024-04-18) sajid Ali bukhari: very good I love it
  • (2024-04-18) John Short: was good. now its rubbish. blank screen with noise.
  • (2024-04-18) Juan Ortiz: excellent
  • (2024-04-18) Franco T.: gute app, blockt die werbung gut und erfüllt seinen zweck. nur zu empfehlen
  • (2024-04-18) Robert thuo: has blocked ads for months now very nice
  • (2024-04-18) Wahab Gull: Excellent so far
  • (2024-04-18) Book 002: juosss
  • (2024-04-18) Sapumal Attanayake: excellent
  • (2024-04-18) Carla Cp: Funciona, fico muito feliz em ter certeza que o youtube nem seus influencers ganhem algo às minhas custas, eles é que deveriam me pagar por dar um minuto meu de atenção ao lixo que eles produzem... ótima extensão, bloqueia todo o lixo do google! Parabéns!
  • (2024-04-18) C F: Perfekt um zur Ruhe zu kommen. Verständlich und gut erklärt und angeleitet mit allem, was für das Beginnen notwendig ist.
  • (2024-04-18) Gustavo Andres Castillo Narvaez: Funciona muy bien
  • (2024-04-18) Tú Quyên Trần: chặn dc 3/10 qc =))
  • (2024-04-18) Lance Montilde: Nice!
  • (2024-04-18) NEEST: it stopped working all of a sudden
  • (2024-04-18) Paul Fernhout: nice
  • (2024-04-18) Dedy Zhua: bagus
  • (2024-04-18) Kostas Athanasiadis: ok
  • (2024-04-18) FXZeRRo: Heeft maar kort gewerkt, nu komen alle reclames er weer door.
  • (2024-04-18) 수상한원숭이: 작동 안 함
  • (2024-04-18) ys lim: 현재 작동 안되고 광고나올때 소리만 나오고 화면 까맘
  • (2024-04-16) Salvatore Enterprise: the best

Latest issues

  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) Mizore Wannabe: Ads are playing again!
    Used to work perfectly! but as of late ads have been playing with a blacked-out screen and audio playing in place. because the ads are blacked-out I cant skip it normally unfortunately.
  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) derri Umaña: Saca uina nueva actulizacion
    Esta saliendo todo la publicidad y se pone la pantalla en negro
  • (2024-04-21, v:5.4.2) Eddie Rios (LiquidMind): Black screens show once in a while with an AD playing.
    will not block all ads..
  • (2024-04-20, v:5.4.2) Беря: dont work
    dont work in april 18
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Rene Reychler: WERKT NIET MEER
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Sameet Suryawanshi: not working
    ads are been played in background
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Towelknife: 屏蔽失效
  • (2024-04-19, v:5.4.2) Hector Daniel: esto no funciona para nada
    no lo use
  • (2024-04-17, v:5.4.2) Leoner: Změna chovani
    Přestal blokovat celou reklamu nechá zvuk blokuje jen obraz provedl sem reseta nepomohlo.
  • (2024-04-11, v:5.4.2) Victor Ricardo Katester: problema add block anuncios
    Aunque tengo add block anuncios sigo teniendo anuncios Por Favor eliminar todos los anuncios thank you very much
  • (2024-04-08, v:5.4.2) BeeRich33: Started to Fail 2 Days Ago
    For some reason either Youtube changed or the extension changed. Ads are now coming through again, albeit blank/black. Not sure what I did.
  • (2024-04-06, v:5.4.2) PlotCalc: Сегодня частично перестал блокировать рекламу
    Частично перестал блокировать рекламу, прошу выпустить обновление, если возможно. Partially stopped blocking ads, please release an update if possible.
  • (2024-04-06, v:5.4.2) Valdemar Foster: Ads are playing with black screen
    When I use the adblocker it only hides the screen (makes it black) but plays the audio and doesn't skip the ad anymore. It worked last week.
  • (2024-03-29, v:5.4.2) bob palmer: youtube add blocker 0 stars
    app fails i got one you tube and then you tube said to remove the block. and no more videos would play. seems your app is broken
  • (2024-03-14, v:5.4.2) Yep Yep: Broken plugin
    Ads now play. As others have said, I get a warning box from YT.
  • (2024-03-07, v:5.4.2) Oceanic PC: Ads videos are blocked, but black screen is shown when the ads should play
    Hello Adblock team! I have an issue that never had before: When I'm watching a video, an ads are trying to be shown, their contents is blocked, but the black screen is shown. And I have to wait for several seconds to continue watching the video. Could you help to resolve the issue, plese? Or what is the reason of that behavior?
  • (2024-02-28, v:5.4.2) Richie Bricker: I get more ads then ever
    I get 5 minute long blacked out ads before each video and sometimes every 90 seconds on one occasion and another 5 mins of ads. I can refresh the page and lose the start ads but not the midroll ads. Is there anything I can do. Im on Win10 with Brave Browser and Spectrum internet
  • (2024-02-26, v:5.4.2) 抹茶LaTte: The picture-in-picture screen will freeze with ads
    The picture-in-picture screen will freeze with ads
  • (2024-02-10, v:5.4.2) James Long: Black screen / Ad Audio not blocked
    It's not effectively blocking the ad. It's blocking the video portion, so we can't see what they're talking about, but then it just plays the audio anyway, with a black screen showing. More infuriatingly, the skip button and the rest of the GUI controls are totally missing.
  • (2024-01-28, v:5.4.2) Adeel Saquib: Black screen shows on the player for 10 seconds when it blocks the ad
    Whenever the extension is blocking an ad on the Youtube player, the screen goes black for about 7-10 seconds.
  • (2024-01-24, v:5.4.2) Arup Rema: Not working
    Latest Microsoft edge browser not working
  • (2023-12-28, v:5.4.0) B Burke: Minor Issue
    I get the youtube "your using and ad blocker" warning between videos. Reloading the page just plays the video and ads remain blocked. I also have seen occasionally a wrnign from the extension saying if I see the "your using and ad blocker" screen that it isn;'t your extension but another one. I only have your adblok loaded though, so youtube could be working out how to detect yours.
  • (2023-12-07, v:5.4.0) Gage Mason: doesnt work
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Andrew Bartlett: Doesn't Work!
    6 December 2023 . Chrome version 120.0.6099.71 64-bit Doesn't Work!
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Kelvin Jones: not working
    I notice you reply to back patting comments but not to problems. Could you make your product work on youtube if I said it;s great ( not)
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Kelvin Jones: not working on youtube
    just working on youtube, rubbish
  • (2023-12-06, v:5.4.0) Dave ZZZ: Not working today
    Stopped working about one hour ago.
  • (2023-09-02, v:5.3.0) Bryan Tan: not working
    here i found one really works. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/removes-recommend-videos/mlaigmdigmkhpbnljmhajhleifegcchb
  • (2023-08-29, v:5.3.0) ADoorFrame: Having trouble with "Ad block is not allowed on youtube" wall
    Hey guys, I would like to know if your currently working on a bypass to the video turn off on the Anti ad block wall youtube is doing right now
  • (2023-08-26, v:5.3.0) Rich Garcia: uninstall adblock
    how to delete of uninstall adblock...I thought i deleated this several months ago..i couldnt get it to work.....any i still dont want it
  • (2023-08-25, v:5.3.0) Pete Doyle: Don't make an ad for an adblocker
    Your extension is supposed to block ads, not my youtube videos. I'm not going to install your 'next' ad blocker if the first thing you do is force me to get it by blocking videos with your old extension. If you're going to give me adware, I'm going to remove it.
  • (2023-08-24, v:5.3.0) Jose Sanchez Gomez: PopUp forcing to install Adblock Next
    Why is there a non-closable popup telling me to install adblock next each time I open YouTube?
    Please check the extension. It has stopped working, it is no longer blocking ads.
  • (2023-08-14, v:5.3.0) Mark Coetzee: Adblocker for Youtube not working.
    2023/08/15 1:40am: As of an hour ago Adblocker no longer works on YouTube.
  • (2023-08-13, v:5.3.0) hfudh heuehsbdy: olmuyor
    google için bizi onaylıyın diyor ama yorumlara götürüyor
  • (2023-08-10, v:5.3.0) Sirima v: the addon doesn't work anymore??
    seems like it this addon (Adblock for Youtube) doesn't work anymore...please advise??
  • (2023-08-08, v:5.3.0) Biljana Durickovic: You Tube Ads
    It looks like You Tube ads are back! Was fine a few days ago and then today discovered that they are on to us. Is an update needed?
  • (2023-08-06, v:5.3.0) Noelle Pavat: telehargement
    Bonjour impossible de trouver comment télécharger et installerAdblock pour YouTube sur un téléviseur LG OLED
  • (2023-08-01, v:5.3.0) Maggie Shen: Started getting ads again
    From July 31st, it seems to be no longer working and instead black screening when there's an add and showing the "install now" page after a few seconds
  • (2023-07-28, v:5.3.0) Leonor Altamirano: It won't let me play any youtube video.
    Since last month it won't let me play any youtube video. Please I need help, to be able to do my homework and watch videos.
  • (2023-07-25, v:5.3.0) Christos Argyris: Problem
    Today I have a problem, it doesn't work!!! I keep seeing ads !!!
  • (2023-07-23, v:5.3.0) Mr Ammaze: Не работает
    Я установил расширение на хром, оно не блокирует рекламу. Виндоус 10. Так же установлен антивирус касперский, у него тоже включена функция блокировки рекламы, но он просто делает видео чёрным
  • (2023-07-07, v:5.3.0) Henry Bronsoler: YouTube Premium
    Soy HENRY BRONSOLER K , mail : [email protected] Me cobran cada mes 99.00 MX. por servicio PREMIUM. Cuando veo videos en la TV salen anuncios cada X minutos que me son muy molestos aunque les ponga SKIP ADS y lo acepta solo en algunos. Que debo de hacer para no ver ningún anuncio ? Me puedan dar algún teléfono para atención a clientes en la Ciudad de México ? Gracias por su atención.
  • (2023-07-07, v:5.3.0) Longtime Developer: Since July 3, ads are appearing sometimes
    Hi, since July 3, ads are appearing sometimes. I have tried everything I can think of to get the extension working 100% of the time. Do you have any suggestions I can follow? Thank you!!
  • (2023-07-07, v:5.3.0) Ethan William Jerrum: Manifest V3 Compatibility
    Good afternoon, I am contacting you from Airbus Defence and Space in regards to the upcoming Manifest V3 Extensions migration due to occur early 2024. Please can you confirm your extension are Manifest V3 Compliant and get back to me as soon as possible? Kind Regards, Ethan Jerrum
  • (2023-07-07, v:5.3.0) Elk McDonald: New Youtube anti-adblock
    Since youtube's promise to get around adblocking I'm seeing ads again. Update needed?
  • (2023-07-02, v:5.3.0) DougEboi (DougEboi): Virus warning when I install Adblock for Youtube.
    When I install the extension AdBlock for Youtube, Malwarebytes gives me a virus warning: Malwarebytes www.malwarebytes.com -Log Details- Protection Event Date: 7/2/23 Protection Event Time: 5:11 PM Log File: 09f4e0c8-191d-11ee-a38a-d8bbc10e9690.json -Software Information- Version: Components Version: 1.0.2051 Update Package Version: 1.0.71861 License: Premium -System Information- OS: Windows 11 (Build 22621.1928) CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: System -Blocked Website Details- Malicious Website: 1 , C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe, Blocked, -1, -1, 0.0.0, , -Website Data- Category: RiskWare Domain: tmp.cnam3.com IP Address: Port: 443 Type: Outbound File: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe When I uninstall the extension, Malwarebytes Browserguard gives me the same message.
  • (2023-07-02, v:5.3.0) Antonella “AntoPhoto25”: advertisements and non-profit organizations
    I am a non-profit organization and I would like to remove unwanted advertising from my channel for all users, how to do it Thank
  • (2023-06-30, v:5.3.0) محمد حسن: نتائج اتتباع
    زيادة تثبيت
  • (2023-06-28, v:5.3.0) Luis Menchaca: Pregunta
    No puedo activar la aplicación


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4.4437 (311,475 votes)
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2024-01-19 / 5.4.2
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