extension ExtPose

uBlock Origin

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Description from extension meta

În sfârșit, un blocant eficient. Are un impact mic asupra procesorului și memoriei.

Image from store uBlock Origin
Description from store Un blocant (paravan) eficient: folosește foarte puțin procesorul și memoria și totuși poate încărca și aplica mii de filtre în plus față de alte paravane populare. Utilizare: Butonul mare de pornire/oprire în fereastra paravanului este pentru a activa/dezactiva uBlock pentru saitul curent. Funcția este valabilă doar pentru saitul curent, nu la nivel global. *** Flexibil, mai mult decât un „blocant de reclame”: acesta poate citi și crea filtre din fișierele de gazde (hosts). În mod implicit, aceste liste de filtre sunt încărcate și aplicate: - uBO filter lists - EasyList (ads) - EasyPrivacy (tracking) - Peter Lowe's Blocklist - Online Malicious URL Blocklist De asemenea, mai sunt disponibile și alte liste precum: - EasyList Cookie List - Fanboy's Annoyance List - AdGuard Annoyances - Dan Pollock’s hosts file - Și multe altele De ținut minte, că odată cu selectarea în plus a unora dintre liste se poate ajunge la afectarea aspectului saiturilor -- în special listele care sunt în mod normal liste de gazde. *** Fără listele prestabilite de filtre această extensie nu face nimic. Așadar, dacă totuși vreți să contribuiți, gândiți-vă la persoanele care muncesc să întrețină aceste filtre pe care le utilizați, care sunt oferite pentru utilizare gratuită. *** Gratuit. Cu sursă liberă și licență publică (GPLv3) Pentru utilizatori de la utilizatori. Contribuitori pe Github: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/graphs/contributors Contribuitori pe Crowdin: https://crowdin.net/project/ublock *** Este încă o aplicație recentă, gândiți-vă la acest lucru când scrieți o recenzie. Lista de schimbări a proiectului: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-14) Eric Ketzer: Edit Sept 6th 2024. It works perfectly. Absolutely the best one. (Original evaluation) So far so good. It blocks some annoying ads I had for months on streaming sites and on yahoo that Adblock Plus failed to block.
  • (2024-09-02) 5 stars for the developers who worked on this. Do to Google forcing Manifest V3 Framework, those new compatibility requirements will eventually force us to switch to uBlock Origin Lite. Thank you for continuing to make a compatible version of this extension. I'm happy it exist for those moments when forced to use Chrome. When I can avoid using Chrome, I will do so. For everyone else who has a choice, consider switching to browsers that treat you better. Such as Brave Browser with its own native AdBlock and Privacy features, and keep Chromium compatibility (Desktop & Mobile). Firefox is also notable, since as of now retained Manifest V2 framework. Meaning you can use the original uBlock Origin extension.
  • (2024-08-19) Arjen San Miguel: EDIT (8/19/24): still works for me, but in the event it stops... google chrome can suck my cawk n ballz. i'm moving browsers if this happens.
  • (2024-08-14) Hamza Zaman: Google,a data company, whihc steals it's suer data, truly sucks, and this extension helps them stop that greedy habit. Kudos to the creators. Love uBlock Origin.
  • (2024-08-13) _: 追記 2024/8/13現在、何もしていないのにヤフーニュースのコメント一覧ページのレイアウトに異常発生 gliastudioの目障りでうっとおしい動画広告が要素ブロックでも遮断できない ↑ページのソース表示からgliastudio広告と思われるソースを虱潰しに特定してマイフィルターにぶち込んだら、消すことが出来ました。
  • (2024-08-09) Joann: Still the best ad blocker. Literally blocks all kinds of ads on every website. Edit (2024/08/09): UBLOCK ORIGIN IS STILL THE 🐐 AD BLOCKER AND GOOGLE KNOWS THEY CAN'T BEAT THEM THAT'S WHY THEY DECIDED TO GET RID OF THEM INSTEAD
  • (2024-08-08) Amazing Ameya: I'm here till Death! Full Support to uBlock Origin
  • (2024-08-07) Edit 8/7/2024: It was known for about a year Chrome was going to effectively kill this essential, must-have extension, so I knew I had to leave Chrome behind. I've moved to Firefox a few months ago, was able to bring all my bookmarks and most of my extensions with me, including uBlock Origin. Even found a few extensions that are not available in Chrome. Changing your workflow can be hard, but it actually turned out to be pretty easy. Zero regrets! So long Chrome and thanks for all the fish.
  • (2024-08-04) I've been very happy with this utility for a very long time, but I'm mostly now just disappointed that Google is apparently full-bore evil now. There are other browsers, and other video services and utilities, something I think they've forgotten somewhere along their way to whatever greedy corporate hellhole they now live in.
  • (2024-08-01) If Google ends support for uBlock Origin, it's goodbye Chrome and hello Firefox.
  • (2024-08-01) Kenan Yusuf Temel: It's been so good until lately but it needs to be updated. Youtube opens so slow it can't get rid of the ads that fast.
  • (2024-07-27) J J: Google is killing off UBO. Will dump Chrome for Firefox.
  • (2024-07-25) ixshads: really good besides the need for adblock as i can personally block things now too! good work on constantly releasing fixes for the youtube ad problem too, this crew is amazing ! edit jul 25 24: still super good but unfortunately isnt optimizing well anymore, causing various sites to sigtrap. unfortunate but still works on most sites fine.
  • (2024-06-18) Tim Colbeck: You fix YouTube, I'll donate $20. AND I'll change my rating. FIX IT.
  • (2024-06-16) 下条朝人: 自分は対象になってないからわからないけど、YouTubeのサーバーサイド広告に対応したみたいです。昔の情報のままになってて外部フィルター入れてしまう人多いけど、今はデフォルトのフィルターが一番いいです。豆腐フィルタや餅フィルタはYouTubeで誤動作起こしたことがある。なんJAdGuard部にすごくよくまとめられてるので読む価値ありです。自分は広告ブロックに興味持ってGithubとか見るようになったけど、新しい広告とか不具合とかはデフォルトのフィルターが断然対応早い。足すなら補足フィルターのAdGuard Japanese filter Plus。あとAdGuard JapaneseはEasyListの補足フィルターだからEasyListをオフにしちゃいけない。
  • (2024-06-08) TheWolfSharp: Update june 8th 2024: Google now limits your internet speed if you're using this addon... It's becoming increasingly more and more common for ads to pop-up despite the use of this adblocker, I'm getting increasingly concerned that it might stop working sometime soon. I really don't wanna get beer commercials while trying to see a scene of a movie I like.
  • (2024-06-07) Dwight Schrute: Very good plugin - blocks harmful popup ads (that are still common on certain mainstream media sites still in 2021....) However only reason why I give it 4 and not 5 is because its now blocking me from opening any mail in gmail. This is really annoying so I have to disable it. Update 2024-06-07 no longer works on blocking ads.
  • (2024-06-06) Abyss Guardian: No ad-blocker is better than uBlock Origin! Ever since I started using this extension, I've never looked back to other ad-blockers. Kudos for the developers to combat YouTube's ad-block detection! Could never stand YouTube's ads.
  • (2024-06-02) David Esteban: when tienes una extension que borra los anuncios :V xDXDXDXDXXDXD
  • (2024-05-26) AND: Слетают настройки. Точнее настройка остается, но перестает работать. Пока ту же строку в фильтре не продублируешь/удалишь-не важно. Главное, что-то поменять и снова заработает. Но это как-то не радует каждый раз ручками лазить( UPD Навязчивый банер говнояндекса никак не заблокировать
  • (2024-05-22) 異常に重くなりページ表示されなくなったけども再インストールで元に戻る。やはりこの広告ブロッカーは優秀。
  • (2024-05-06) uBlock Origin is an absolute must-have Chrome extension for anyone looking to enhance their browsing experience. This powerful ad blocker efficiently filters out intrusive ads and trackers, significantly speeding up page load times and offering a cleaner, more streamlined web browsing experience. Beyond just blocking ads, uBlock Origin gives users fine-grained control over what content to block, making it customizable to suit individual preferences. It’s lightweight, easy to use, and remarkably effective. If you're concerned about privacy and want a clutter-free Internet, uBlock Origin is the perfect tool for you.
  • (2024-04-22) Bart Simpson: Нормально работает, спасибо. -- Добавлено спустя два года: -Ребята-разработчики, вы лучшие! Этот ваш продукт- он шедеврален, серьезно, чесслово!)) Очень доволен. Все бы так делали. -- Шел 2024 год... Все отлично! Спасибо!!! Версия 1.57.2 https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases/tag/1.57.2 Фильтры: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/118_optimized.txt
  • (2024-04-17) Юрий Коневский: Пропускает рекламу на "одноклассниках" Пропускает рекламу, в музыке и в видео
  • (2024-03-29) tianxin: literally amazing, helps to block youtube ads too (edited 2024 29 march)
  • (2024-03-26) Rodrigo Sambade Saá: Una extensión imprescindible, sobre todo desde que Adblock Plus empezó a admitir anuncios aceptables.
  • (2024-03-25) the best ever
  • (2024-03-22) Nika Nakaidze: Cant block web page elements in gmail
  • (2024-03-22) Mary Sangria: Полностью игнорирует рекламу Яндекса. Тупо не работает на любом Яндекс сервисе.
  • (2024-03-12) renaissance18: we need a update again
  • (2024-03-06) Todo Lo mejor: Se encontro alguna solucion para youtube?
  • (2024-02-26) Bohdan: Started to work very poorly
  • (2024-02-23) 大畑乃之: バックアップ・ファイルの上限を設定出来る様にして、旧いバックアップ・ファイルが自動削除されると助かる。後、バックアップは一回で全ての項目がバックアップされる様には成らんのか。其れか上書き保存。きちんとしてないとファイルが嵩張るし。 2022年4月7日追記: 前日迄閲覧出来て居たサイトが閲覧出来なく成るって事は有るらしいしなあ…然も四月三日の更新。 翌日から可笑しく成った。 何処を変えたんだろう。 2022年7月7日追記: 表示されなく成る箇所が亦殖えてる。フィルタの問題?! 2022年11月23日追記: Easy Privacyも一時解除か永久解除かが選択出来る様にして欲しい。 2023年9月25日追記: 少しでも不具合が起こると前に設定したフィルタが消えてるんだが… 2023年9月29日追記: サイト毎に処理済み事項と未処理事項の識別が出来ると良い。 2023年11月7日追記: strict1p/3pとは?! よく解らない。構文に関する良い説明書がヒットしないし。 2024年2月23日: youtubeに関して。検索結果の段階で何故か勝手に動画のページに飛ぶ様に成ってる―このアドオンをオフにしているシークレット・モードに於いてだが―。
  • (2024-02-21) Litten Truck: Yippie! 2x
  • (2024-02-20) babyface: 絶対に解決するので(ublock originが使えなくなった人も初めて使う方も)ちょっと長いけど広告の類に悩まされる方は「最後まで」読んでください。 YouTubeの「広告ブロック対策」後でも問題なく(CMを飛ばして)視聴できる事を確認しています (・∀・)🎵 ★ パソコンの場合 ★ ブラウザ(google chrome)開いて右上にあるUB(ublock origin)を右クリック ➡ オプション ➡ 上にあるフィルターリストのタブをクリック ➡ 虫眼鏡が付いた検索窓に「quick」と入力 ➡ uBlock filters – Quick fixesの右に時計のマークがあるのでクリック ➡ 上に出て来る「今すぐ更新」をクリック ➡ F5ボタンを押すか、一旦ブラウザを終了させてYoutubeを再生する。 要はフィルタリストを更新して下さい。気になるようであれば全てのリストをアップデートし「豆腐フィルタ」など他の追加フィルタを導入してる方はそれも。 chromeに機能拡張(アドオン)であるublock originをインストールしても右上に「UB」アイコンが出ていない場合は「パズルみたいなマーク」をクリックの後にリスト内にあるuBlock Originの右にある「ピンマーク」をクリックする必要があります。 ★ スマホ(Android OS)の場合 ★ スマホ版はublock originがchromeに対応していない(アドオンを対応させる気もない)のでFireFoxへの変更をオススメ致します。Firefoxなら機能拡張のublock originをインストールできるよーになります。多少、使い勝手は違えどすぐに慣れるハズ (^^) 当然ですが公式のYouTubeアプリは「論外」です。 また、YouTubeに限らずバナーなど広告提供側とブロッカーとの対決は今に始まった事ではなく常にイタチゴッコなので「また使えなくなった ➡ 対策された」の繰り返しです 💨 もちろん、対策うんぬんはublock originに限った話ではございませんが数あるブロッカーの中でも自由度は高く、他のブロッカーと違って「完全無料」であり2024年現在でも「寄付」すら受け付けず開発を続けており、更に「軽さ」にもこだわった匠の技。 こんなアドオン他にあります ❓ まさに我々エンドユーザーの事だけを考えた親切設計に惚れ惚れして私はずっと愛用致しております (〃∇〃) ★★★ ちなみに ★★★ 民放やNHKが受信できないチューナーレスのandroid TV、通称「スマートTV」や「Amazon Fire TV Stick」でYouTubeを視聴する場合も公式アプリは使わず「SmartTube」など元々広告が入らないアプリ推奨です。 その手のアプリを導入する為に「Downloader」や「Purple DNS」といった別のアプリが必要になる場合があるのですが、うまくいけばTverなどの公式アプリ使ったとしても広告ブロックできるようになったりします。興味がある方は是非調べてみてください。(パソコンやスマホの方は関係ありません) 金払ってるのにCMが流れるアマゾンの「プライムビデオ」はもう、現時点では手動でスキップボタンを押すしかないよーです 💢 自動でスキップするアドオン(機能拡張)もあるにはあるのですが(どれを試しても)必要なシーンまで飛ばしてしまう不具合が出るので私は外しました 💨 🌸🌸🌸 最後に 🌸🌸🌸 も~「対策待ち」はもちろん、アプリの使い分けや不毛な争い(イタチゴッコ)に対して「メンドー臭ぇーんだょ💢」と言う方はブラウザを「Chrome ➡ Brave」に乗り換えて下さい。 https://brave.com/ja/ chromeで使ってたブックマーク(お気に入り)や(ubock originなどの)機能拡張も引き継げるし互換があるので使い勝手が似ており、そもそもBraveブラウザ自体が(Youtubeを含む)ほぼ全ての広告の類を一掃してくれる仕様なので機能拡張も不要(入れても入れなくても良い)です。パソコンやスマホにも使えるし違うプラットフォーム同士で同期まで可能。 ヘタしたらBraveブラウザを使う事でchromeに戻れなくなる方が出て来るかも知れないくらいの「快適アプリ」です。 ですから、今まで通り「chrome + ublock origin」でもいいし「Braveブラウザ単体」でもいいし「Braveブラウザ + ublock originなど他の機能拡張)」でもいいのでどちらかが使えなくなって対策されるまでの「保険」として持っておいても損はないです。 例えば、ublock originがYoutubeの「検問」にひっかかるのであればYoutubeのサイトだけublock originを無効化する(Braveブラウザ単体で使う)よーな使い方でもいいです。一度Youtubeのサイトでublock originを無効にすれば(仕様上)イチイチ手動でON/OFFする必要もないのでYoutubeのサイトだけoriginは無効だけど他のサイトでは有効 . . . なんて使い方も可能。(BraveブラウザだけでもYoutubeのCMは飛ばせます) ( ̄Д ̄)ノ でわでわ。
  • (2024-02-05) Arithra Ankon Banik: 10yrs of continuous service and counting...
  • (2024-01-27) Steven Tan: If I can only ever install one extension, this will be it.
  • (2024-01-17) Izzy: Hat bis jetzt immer super funktioniert!!! Habe aber eine Frage: Ich hatte bis jetzt immer in den Einstellungen die Möglichkeit "alle catches leeren" Dieser Button ist jetzt bei mir weg? Und aktualisieren ist bei mir seit heute ausgegraut? Hat das noch jemand?
  • (2024-01-12) Konstantinos Gnaf: stopped working 12/1/24
  • (2024-01-11) Easyflux: Actually works.. for now.. Will update once it breaks. Edit: Broke after 5 days, however I did follow advice below and it worked again. Thanks. Edit: No longer works, even after purging cache etc. Edit: Jan. 11 - stopped working.
  • (2024-01-11) Rachel UnderCover: Best one out there. Anyone stressing about the youtube ads, it'll be updated just give them a day or two. Youtube just released an update.
  • (2023-12-07) Aaron: Otra vez dejó de funcionar en Youtube la extension, esta solucion sigue funcionando 6/12/23 Agreguen este codigo en "Mis Filtros" desde las opciones de la extension, luego cierren el navegador y ya les solucionara lo de Youtube. www.youtube.com###container > .ytd-enforcement-message-view-model.style-scope www.youtube.com##tp-yt-paper-dialog.ytd-popup-container.style-scope > .ytd-popup-container.style-scope www.youtube.com##.opened www.youtube.com dialog youtube.com##.ytd-popup-container youtube.com##.ytd-consent-bump-lightbox youtube.com##.abierto youtube.com js(set, ytInitialPlayerResponse.auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer.isVisible, false) youtube.com js(set, ytInitialData.overlay.upsellDialogRenderer.isVisible, false) youtube.com js(json-prune, [].playerResponse.auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer) youtube.com js(json-prune, auxiliaryUi.messageRenderers.upsellDialogRenderer) youtube.com js(set, ytInitialData.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer.forceConsent, false) youtube.com js(json-prune, [].response.topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer) youtube.com.abierto youtube.com.consent-bump youtube.com js(json-prune, topbar.desktopTopbarRenderer.interstitial.consentBumpRenderer)
  • (2023-12-07) Alias Alyia: Adblocker not working on youtube anymore, but still an awesome adblocker. Any tips for this?
  • (2023-12-06) Julian Perez: I wanna punch the dude who made the no adblocker rule on YouTuber.
  • (2023-12-06) Wind: currently not working [ on youtube ] . what am i missing?
  • (2023-12-05) red fury91: doesnt work on youtube anymore
  • (2023-12-03) MultiArtStyle TWT: Best thing ever. Works amazing even on <100$ ChromeOS. Even manages to speed up everything significantly while running resource hogging Chrome.
  • (2023-12-03) Potato Dog (Vivian Ragsdale): Perfect.
  • (2023-12-02) Charlie: Makes the internet bearable without being bombarded by endless ads. Keep putting up the good fight!!

Latest issues

  • (2024-06-04, v:1.58.0) Ciccio Sempronio: CRX_FILE_NOT_READABLE
    Pc, Windows 11, last update, Chrome last release, error message "CRX_FILE_NOT_READABLE". I had tryed with a chrome clear uninstall and reinstall, same problem. No problem with some other extension.
  • (2024-04-25, v:1.57.0) Jimmi Jönsson: When activated
    Hi, At the moment when your addon is activated, I can't display any webpages. As soon as I disable your addon, everything works. What's wrong?
  • (2024-04-23, v:1.57.0) Stan McNeil: Delayed Update???
    What is holding up the updated version 1.57.2 for Chrome? Edge and Firefox has had the 1.57.2 update since 4-10-24!
  • (2024-04-15, v:1.57.0) Kelly Garrett: Bug
    I was about to download the extension, but there are some reviews as of 4/14/24, and today, indicating it's not working with Chrome and the pages are not loading. Are you aware of this and is a fix coming?
  • (2024-02-07, v:1.55.0) Paul Guille: Dosnt show transactions
    when i sigh into banking it dosnt show my withdrawls or deposits.
  • (2024-01-09, v:1.54.0) Daniel Cohen: linkedin
    i used this www.linkedin.com##.scaffold-finite-scroll--infinite.scaffold-finite-scroll to improve productivity and stop doom scrolling through my feed - thank you! the issue is that it wont let me see people, on the people page of a company. any idea for a workaround? Thanks!
  • (2023-11-23, v:1.53.0) Dave Littlehale: UBO Crashed and disabled Vivaldi
    I got a message when starting Vivaldi that UBO crashed and click balloon to reload. That did not work and I can not start Vivaldi. A couple of people provided suggestions, but they have not worked. Anyone have ideas how to resolve this? Thank you
  • (2023-11-13, v:1.53.0) Robert Ashley: installing ublock on amazon prime videos
    I cannot find directions on how to install ublock to block ads om amazon prime tv
  • (2023-11-11, v:1.53.0) Nic Hudson: Youtube
    Hi, I got your extention because I found it helped with Youtube, but after a couple of days that message on YT came back. I suppose they are patching your patching? Is there something I can do on element picker or zapper or something that will help? I'm trying but to no avail. Cheers, Nic.
  • (2023-11-10, v:1.53.0) Ali Daramsis: uBlock Origin
    it is a very good blocker out of all of them . But i was on youtube one day and i get this 'Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service' on my screen so i refresh YouTube and it still's say's the same thing
  • (2023-11-07, v:1.52.2) Norset: had to disable it in google search
    I had to disable it for google because my search results would blank after a second
  • (2023-11-07, v:1.52.2) Marcelo de Souza Alves: Youtube detecting adblock
    Youtube is detecting this adblock.How to solve this problem is tiring. As it is, I will be forced to no longer use adblock and lose money on subscriptions. This is very unfair. They want to enrich people at people's expense.
  • (2023-11-07, v:1.52.2) alternate Laing: Youtube detecting adblock.
    Youtube is detecting this adblock.
  • (2023-11-07, v:1.52.2) Frumbalitious: youtube detecting adblock
  • (2023-11-06, v:1.52.2) GDZLA KOTM: Unable to download
    Attempting to download. Pop up: An error has occurred Access denied.
  • (2023-11-06, v:1.52.2) MediaLogoNintendoEditor769 / CCTBY202: YT's gone off the violation
    This is nintendarlton speaking, we have a tremendous problem at youtube. The adblockers are about violate the law due to Terms of Service, The video playback is about to block. And many user accounts hate that update, please. Adblocker owner, I need backup, but don't call the developers of youtube, it could blow the operation. And be careful. It's not safe to be terminated with that account on adblocker expulsion. Transmitting my spare videos for now. Good luck! -NINTENDARLTON
  • (2023-11-06, v:1.52.2) Adama Banana: Videos no longer load.
    After purging cache, videos will no longer load, just a blank display. Even after checking the scripts between YT and uBlock Origin match.
  • (2023-11-02, v:1.52.2) Dave Littlehale: UBO Crashed
    I got a message when starting Vivaldi that UBO crashed and click balloon to reload. That did not work and I can not start Vivaldi. Looking for solutions to fix this issue.
  • (2023-11-01, v:1.52.2) Grind Smore: YouTube ads are slipping through now
    I'm not getting the pop-up but as of today, ads are sometimes playing before videos. I've updated / purged caches.
  • (2023-10-30, v:1.52.2) Alexandru Carjan: Doesn't work anymore
    Doesn't work as of Monday (today) night, it was working fine until Monday morning. I was using this after another ad blocker got ruined by youtube and bocking me from watching videos
  • (2023-10-30, v:1.52.2) Himley NeighbourhoodWatch: how to make your program work on my desktop computer
    I have added U Block origin to my Chrome but cannot see how/where to download the U Block program?
  • (2023-10-28, v:1.52.2) люда надеина: ublock origin
    не блокирует всю рекламу в одноклассниках
  • (2023-10-28, v:1.52.2) NEIN !!!!: Youtube blockt mich wieder
    Was mache ich wenn Youtube uBlock wieder erkennt? Gestern nach der Installation hat es noch funktioniert. Liegt das an meinen Einstellungen, oder seit "Ihr" wieder obsolet???
  • (2023-10-24, v:1.52.2) 고재영: 유투브가 작동안됨니다
    유투브가 정상 작동이 안되네요 다른방법은업나요
  • (2023-10-22, v:1.52.2) WolfMan472: Bringing this awesome app to phones and tablets
    Hi thank you for developing this awesome extension I was wondering if it would be feasible to bring this extension and turn it into an app for phones and tablets thank you again for this extension
  • (2023-10-20, v:1.52.2) Dave Addley: Installation
    I get an error message every time I try to install your ad blocker. This has gone on for days now.
  • (2023-10-20, v:1.52.2) ray tomy: 1.46を使用していますが、
  • (2023-10-20, v:1.52.2) Bob Basshead: YouTube locked me out
    YouTube locked me out after giving me multiple warnings, I'm forced to disable uBlock.Is there anyway around this?
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.52.2) SUJAL: hey its not working properly
    not blocking youtube ads anymore
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.52.2) SUJAL: not blocking youtube ads anymore
    not blocking youtube ads anymore
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.52.2) Gabriel Constanza: Youtube
    Not blocking youtube anymore
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.52.2) will: Youtube
    Je pense ne pas être le seul mais comment puis-je bloquer les pubs sur youtube ?
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.52.2) Alex selone: video player will be blocked after 3 videos
    not blocking youtube ads anymore
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.52.2) carkaridho 140: YWjbi hya
  • (2023-10-18, v:1.52.2) Jaroslaw Istok: Is there a hope that a new YT offensive ads will be still blocked?
    I see a warning and alert that after 3 videos I will not see videos without ads :-(
  • (2023-10-18, v:1.52.2) Søren Nissen: Disables "feedback" tab on visualstudio.microsoft.com
    I don't know if its ublock being too aggresive, or the site using a feedback form that really ought to be blocked, or just the interaction, but you cannot leave feedback on visualstudio.microsoft.com. (After disabling it and leaving my feedback, I separately told them about this issue also.)
  • (2023-10-17, v:1.52.2) Bee: Youtube anti adblock
    Youtube is trying to block adblockers, and theres a timed popup that happens if you're using one. can we get a fix for this?
  • (2023-10-17, v:1.52.2) Vincent Coco: Help Using
    What is the best way to understand how to use your ad blocker. Is there a tutorial or something?
  • (2023-10-16, v:1.52.2) V Down: No longer works on YouTube
    U block Origin can't block a pop up on YouTube that reproaches us to use an adblocker. Please do something. For some people, all videos are simply unwatchable.
  • (2023-10-16, v:1.52.2) Marian Gieseck: 3 cloned phones
    someone cloned our phones 3 clones running off wiifii server
  • (2023-10-16, v:1.52.2) Dmitry Belov: WOW
  • (2023-10-15, v:1.52.2) General: can not play videos on youtube
    using it for years, was awesome, but now a days i can not play videos on youtube while using chrome , might be cuz of Manifest V3 or do not know y, can you fix?
  • (2023-10-15, v:1.52.2) Darren Gray: Youtube Playback Blocked
    Please try to fix Youtube blocking playback with adblockers
  • (2023-10-15, v:1.52.2) MRIDUL GOLDER: Youtube Ad blocking
    Really i enjoy the ad blocking - but YouTube now pops up with "Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube" Please do something for that. Thanks for your awesome App
  • (2023-10-15, v:1.52.2) Janice Alost: UBLOCK DISABLED
  • (2023-10-14, v:1.52.2) Çağlar Yağcı: Youtube
    Unfortunately, it currently does not work on YouTube.
  • (2023-10-14, v:1.52.2) Lugz X: a person I follow found what seems an easy resolution
    This was written by Enderman to deal with the new yt thing youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) https://x.com/endermanch/status/1713129854818742684?s=20 I just don't know how to set this up.
  • (2023-10-14, v:1.52.2) Frank Paynter: YT still blocking videos
    1.52.2 on Win10/Chrome still triggering the YT popup for me. Any updates?
  • (2023-10-14, v:1.52.2) Joe Smith: dosen't work right
    can you fix it for me??
  • (2023-10-14, v:1.52.2) Joe Smith: not reliable
    doesn't work most of time


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2024-08-05 / 1.59.0
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