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DragApp: Gmailis Jagatud Postkast

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Muutke Gmail koostöö tööriistaks, mille abil saavad meeskonnad hallata Gmaili jagatud postkasti, kasutajatugi, kliendisuhete…

Image from store DragApp: Gmailis Jagatud Postkast
Description from store Tooge meilikoostöö, töövoo automatiseerimine ja individuaalne tootlikkus oma Gmaili postkasti. Loodud Google Workspace'i kasutajatele. ✓ Hallake jagatud postkaste või Google'i gruppe, nagu tugi@, müük@ või info@. ✓ Kasutage Gmailis igat tüüpi töövoogude loomiseks Kanbanis jagatud tahvleid, loendi- või eelvaatevaateid. ✓ Teadke, kes mille kallal meiliülesandega töötab. ✓ Tehke konkreetse ülesande kontekstis koostööd meeskonnaliikmetega sisemise reaalajas vestluse ja meilikommentaaride abil. ✓ Looge oma töövoogude jaoks automatiseerimisreeglid. ✓ Looge kohandatud väljad, et lisada oma ettevõtte töövoogudele spetsiifilist teavet. ✓ Isikupärastage meilimalle ja järelkontrolli e-kirjade järjestusi. ✓ Andke aruanne individuaalse ja meeskonna tulemuslikkuse kohta e-posti analüüsi abil. ✓ Integreerige Drag Zapieri kaudu 4000+ rakendusse. ✓ Hallake töövooge liikvel olles mobiilirakendusega. 👋 Registreeruge juba täna tasuta. Krediitkaarti pole vaja. --------- 🥇20 parimat koostöötoodet (G2 poolt) 🥇Kõige lihtsam seadistamine (G2 poolt) 🥇Parim ROI (G2 järgi) 🥇Kiireim rakendamine (G2 poolt) 🥇Momentumi juht (G2 poolt) --------- Vaadake meie demo: https://www.dragapp.com/watch-demo/ Rääkige kliendimeistriga: https://www.dragapp.com/demo/ Lugege tõelisi kliendilugusid: https://www.dragapp.com/customer-success-stories/ Vaadake lohistamist ja maksmist: https://www.dragapp.com/referral-program/ Siin on mõned meie põhifunktsioonid. 📬 Jagatud postkast Jagage ettevõtte e-kirju või Google'i gruppe (nt support@, sales@) otse Gmailis. 🧮 Lauad Kasutage jagatud tahvleid erinevate töövoogude jaoks, alates lihtsast kasutajatoest ja CRM-ist kuni turunduspaneelini. 🙋‍♂️ Meili määramine Määrake e-kirjad ja ülesanded parimal kohal olevatele meeskonnaliikmetele. Näete lühidalt, kes mille kallal töötab. 🎤 @mainib @mainige oma meeskonda, et alustada reaalajas vestlust meeskonnakaaslasega konkreetse meili või ülesande kontekstis. 💬 Meeskonnavestlus Privaatne ruum teile ja teie meeskonnale, et lisada meilikommentaare ja konteksti mis tahes vestlusele. 📨 Jagatud mustandid Töötage koos meilivastuste kallal. Kirjutage vastuse mustand ja laske kolleegil seda enne saatmist kontrollida. 🏷️ Jagatud sildid Jagage silte ja korraldage oma tahvleid jagatud siltide abil oma meeskonnas. ✅ Ülesanded Kõik ei tule meili teel, mõnikord on selleks eraldi ülesanne. Saate lisada ülesandeid otse oma postkasti. 📤 Meilimallid Valige kiiresti saatmiseks mallid, selle asemel, et neid ikka ja jälle nullist kirjutada. ⛓️ Meilijärjestused Ärge kunagi saatke enam käsitsi e-kirja. Saatke isikupärastatud ajastatud e-kirjade jada. 🕹️ Automatiseerimine Lihtsalt automatiseerige korratavaid töövooge. Saatke automaatselt kirju tahvlitele, määrake meile ja looge oma meeskonnale ülesandeid. 📊 Meilianalüüs Saate aru, mis tahvlitel toimub. Saate ülevaate sellest, kui produktiivsed olete teie ja teie meeskond. 📱Kohandatud väljad Kohandatud väljadel on kõik erinevad väljatüübid, mida võib vaja minna oma kaartide korrastamiseks. Näiteks „tehingu väärtus” müügi CRM-i jaoks või „pileti kriitilisus” kasutajatoe jaoks. 📁 Faili üleslaadimine Jagage faile oma meeskonnaga – laadige kaartidele üles igasuguseid faile, et asjad kiiremini sulgeda. 🗂️ Ühendage kaarte Aja ja energia säästmiseks ühendage kaardid kollektsioonidesse. Oma töö paremaks haldamiseks rühmitage erinevad meilid ja ülesanded ühele kaardile. 🧮 Tahvli vaated Kasutage eelmääratletud filtreid, et leida tahvlitelt kiiremini teavet – mulle määratud, arhiveeritud, lugemata, saadetud, mustandid, edasi lükatud. Valige, kuidas tahvleid näha: kanban-, loendi- või eelvaaterežiimid. 🕵️ E-posti jälgimine Saate teada, kes ja millal teie e-kirju vaatavad. Mõelge WhatsAppi kahe linnukese tehnoloogiale. 🧘 "Vasta kui" Vastake või koostage uusi e-kirju enda, oma meeskonna või jagatud postkasti aadressina (nt sales@ või support@). 🚧 Kokkupõrke tuvastamine Mõnikord proovib teie meeskond teha sama asja korraga. Lohistamine tuvastab selle ja teavitab kasutajaid, kui nad mõlemad töötavad sama asja kallal. 📕 Märkmed meili teel Kas te ei mäleta mõnda detaili? Lisage igale meilile märkmeid, et teil oleks teave alati käepärast. ☑️ Kontrollnimekirjad Enamik e-kirju tuleb koos asjadega, mida tuleb teha. Eraldage need välja ja lisage need toiminguteks. 📆 Tähtajad Kas on mingi tähtaeg – midagi, mis peab kuupäevaks tehtud saama? Hoidke asjad õigel ajal, lisades tähtpäeva. 🍭 Värvikodeering Saate oma tahvlitest parema ülevaate, kodeerides need ajavööndite, kiireloomulisuse taseme või millegi muu, mis teile kõige paremini sobib, alusel. 🗄️ Tegevuste logi Hankige kõigi laual (ja konkreetsel kaardil) tehtud toimingute täielik ajalugu. Siit saate teada, mida ja millal peate meili või ülesandega tegelema. 📇 Sorteeri ja filtreeri Sorteerige ja filtreerige tahvleid, et saaksite keskenduda kõige olulisematele asjadele. Isiku, olekute, värvide, siltide järgi saate valida, kuidas tahvleid filtreerida. 🔗 Kaardi ja tahvli püsilingid Looge kaardi- ja tahvlilinke ning kasutage URL-e kõikjal. 📱 mobiilirakendused ✓ iOS ja Android 🖇️ Integratsioonid ✓ Gmail ✓ Google'i grupid ✓ Google Workspace ✓ Google'i kalender ✓ Zapier --------- Kasutatud: ✓ Jagatud postkast ✓ Help Desk ja klienditugi ✓ Müügi CRM ✓ Ülesannete haldamine ✓ Rahandus ✓ Toimingud ✓ Inimressursid ja värbamine ✓ Projektijuhtimine ✓ Kliendi kaasamine ✓ Turundus ✓ Kaugtöö --------- ❤️ Seda usaldab üle 30 000 professionaali üle maailma. PRIVAATSUS & GDPR Oleme võtnud endale kohustuse austada kõigi privaatsust ja kujundada oma teenused selle parimaks saavutamiseks. Kui teil on küsimusi, saatke meile e-kiri aadressil [email protected]. Lisateabe saamiseks vaadake https://dragapp.com/privacy ja https://dragapp.com/gdpr. TURVALISUS Me võtame turvalisust väga tõsiselt. Lugege selle kohta, kuidas meie teenuste turvalisust hallatakse: https://help.dragapp.com/en/category/security-1re02vm/ Selle laienduse installimisega nõustute DragAppi tingimuste (www.dragapp.com/terms) ja privaatsuspoliitikaga (www.dragapp.com/privacy). --- Autoriõigus © DragApp DragApp ei ole seotud Google'i ega ühegi Google'iga seotud teenusega.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-20) Daisy Rivera: Just getting started, but I'm excited to see how this tool will help with organizing our work across departments to minimize duplications.
  • (2023-10-05) The Lost Church HQ: We're just scratching the surface and already DragApp is saving time and energy, and is improving our team's workflow. We're looking forward to really diving in and using all of the features. It can offer simple solutions or provide more complex features depending each team's needs.
  • (2023-10-05) Nicolas François: This extension allows us to organise hundreds of mails and smooth our day to day activities at work. I wish it could be more wide-spread in other corporations.
  • (2023-10-02) Max Ernst: Super Extension, macht das arbeiten in Gruppen um einiges einfacher!
  • (2023-09-30) Lisa Glaub: Super praktisch und hilfreich !
  • (2023-09-30) Jonas Rousselange: Super praktisch, wirklich hilfreich !
  • (2023-09-28) Karen Gonzalez: The non-profit I work with uses DragApp to help us organize multiple inboxes and account. It as been extremely helpful in managing what needs to be done and what has already been accomplished. DragApp is easy to use and helpful when managing high numbers of incoming emails. It has greatly improved our team's efficiency when it comes to managing replies and communications in general. I would definitely recommend DragApp to other organizations in the market for a tool like this.
  • (2023-09-22) Lynn Karoline Driller: I am part of a non-profit organisation and DragApp helps us organize a large number of applications without losing sight of what has been done already and what needs to be done in the future. DragApp is super easy to install and use in general, so everybody can work with it and we could increase our teams' efficiency.
  • (2023-09-22) Alba Angelini: This extension is amazing ! it allows me to organise my emails very easily
  • (2023-09-20) Cesar Cortes: I like the ability to organize a response workflow to guest/customer emails and ensure positive interactions. The ability to embed templates for all team members to utilize rather than drafting from scratch or sending inconsistent responses is great and will optimize our response time.
  • (2023-09-19) Mary Sorensen: I am looking forward to learning how to use this tool. Looks like it has a lot of great features for my team.
  • (2023-09-08) Maryam Karbasi: Since I am a PhD student, I always have bunch of emails in my Inbox which is hard to organize them. After I have installed Drag extension, going through my emails and responding to the got much more easier. I am able to categorize my emails. Additionally, I work for a company and i need to report my work weekly. Drag extension provides an environment that you can handle both emails and reporting in your gmail environment. I just love Drag!
  • (2023-09-05) Einfach nur wow!
  • (2023-09-04) Wow! Ich kann es kaum in Worte fassen, wie positiv überrascht ich bin. Es ist geradezu "Life-Changing" gewesen, Drag zu installieren.
  • (2023-08-31) Pauline Philippon: Amazing! Drag makes the teamwork so much easier. The mobile app works perfectly as well !!
  • (2023-08-31) Jesi Kim: I have been using Drag for a few days and it has already significantly increased our productivity in the team and makes it easier to work together. I can only recommend!
  • (2023-08-27) Sarah Gill: Ein praktisches und hilfreiches Tool, welches dabei hilft die Teamarbeit zu erleichtern.
  • (2023-08-23) Matéo Techera Marset — David: Very useful extension for teamwork!
  • (2023-08-23) Louisa Anaïs Ortmanns: Sehr praktisches tool für die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb unseres Teams!
  • (2023-08-03) Katrin Sophie Reiß: Hat unseren Arbeitsalltag revolutioniert!
  • (2023-07-31) Luke Rogers: Loving drag app - makes managing emails both for myself and behalf of other people incredibly easy. Email boards in particular make team co-ordination so much easier. Highly recommend
  • (2023-06-12) Valerie Vandermeer: This app allows me to effortlessly drag and drop emails into a kanban style task manager within GMail. Now all my tasks are in one place, and I'm beginning to slowly emerge from email overwhelm and thread-based utter confusion. It's a great idea that seems to be well designed and pretty easy to pick up and start using right away.
  • (2023-06-06) Olivia Nevius: Extremely useful for a high volume of incoming emails. As a team with multiple inboxes for various uses it made managing replies much more efficient.
  • (2023-06-06) Esther Carter: Drag Boards made our customer service processes much more smooth and helped us continue the same level of service even as our teams shifted and grew.
  • (2023-06-06) Pierre Girardot: I've been using Drag App since 2018, and honestly, it has been an absolute game changer! Before discovering this amazing tool, managing my inbox was an uphill battle with frustrating attempts to sync it with Trello through Zapier. It was nothing short of chaotic. Since then, Drag App has truly revolutionized how I handle my emails, collaborate with my colleagues, and organize my workflow. All my tasks, whether generated from emails or created manually, now reside in Drag, arranged in a visually appealing Kanban-style layout. This format makes it incredibly easy to move tasks around as priorities shift, and team collaboration has never been smoother. What I truly appreciate is how customizable columns and tags enable me to craft a highly personalized system for managing tasks. Additionally, the availability of multiple boards allows me to establish specific workflows for each project. The numerous updates and enhancements over the years demonstrate the Drag App team's dedication to ensuring that their product serves its users well (It serves me well as least :) ). Their customer support is quick to respond, and they've incorporated every feature request I've made throughout the years (kudos for merging cards and the latest design!). Consequently, it's hard for me to think of any cons or areas needing improvement, which speaks volumes about the effectiveness of the app. In conclusion, if you're seeking a personal productivity tool to elevate your workflow or a solution to enhance team collaboration, I wholeheartedly encourage you to give Drag App a try. You won't be disappointed!
  • (2023-06-01) Liz Holland: This app is significantly more efficient than comparable apps when it comes to managing multiple inboxes. It is extremely easy to maintain for growing teams and removes the guess work of who has received a request.
  • (2023-05-31) Matt Tullman: Great app for a shared inbox... been extremely useful for our organization's management of incoming emails!
  • (2023-05-30) Kelly Nix: Managing multiple email accounts can become cumbersome, however, after installing the DrapApp extension I now am able to efficiently manage the large numbers of daily communication and remain organized with complete ease!
  • (2023-05-30) Shaleen Shah: Not only is the app fantastic, the team behind it is amazing. We love their customer service and dedication to helping nonprofits as well!
  • (2023-05-20) Friends of Clear Mountain: This is such a great concept for an app. Thank you!
  • (2023-05-20) Nisabho Bhikkhu: Such a great idea for an app! The chance to easily collaborate across inboxes will help our organization a great deal. Sadhu!
  • (2023-05-19) Clear Mountain Monastery: Drag App has email tools that will allow our organization to spend less time on email, and more time on more important things ... like simply sitting. Grateful for Drag.
  • (2023-05-09) Otto Vock: Das Tool ermöglicht eine organisierte und übersichtliche Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Kollegen. Aufgaben und Berechtigungen können einfach eingeteilt werden. Es gibt viele verschiedene Funktionen, die es ermöglichen, schneller und effizienter auf Fragen und Probleme einzugehen.
  • (2023-05-08) JD Knight: Working with both an IT Helpdesk and a support Helpline with a team of others means we’re handing multiple enquiries across multiple channels, what but with DragApp, we can see who’s taking up a client enquiry, which ones need following up, and which ones have been addressed. DragApp allows us to organise our incoming support messages so that we never miss a client request. In our business, anything that helps each client get the help they need, is a life saver. Thanks DragApp!
  • (2023-04-19) Robert Wheeler: Just started with this product and it seems to do everything we need! The support is very helpful. I can't wait to see where this app takes our business as we move forward!
  • (2023-04-19) Birthplace Support: Drag is helping us manage our support requests and it is so convenient when everyone is using a shared inbox so it's not getting lost! Drag has helped us so much and can't wait to see what they do next!
  • (2023-04-18) Samuel Pullen: Just started with this product and it does everything we need! The support is so helpful. I can't wait to see where this app takes our business!
  • (2023-04-12) Valentin Olivier: After 9months using dragapp daily, I can say that the api/ extension is a good idea and the crm is very simple of use and really convenient. Unfortunately this app always bugging (mail blocked in sendbox, draft doesn't send, lost pipe and stuff...), I'm still waiting an engineer called me to recover the pipe I lost 2 months ago ... lot of money depends on your crm so make the right choice.
  • (2023-04-04) Joshua Reh: I've been using the Drag app for a few weeks now and it has completely transformed the way I use Google Mail. Drag makes it so easy to organize my inbox and keep track of tasks, projects, and priorities without ever leaving my email. The drag-and-drop interface is intuitive and efficient, and the ability to switch between a Kanban board and a traditional list view is a game-changer. Plus, the ability to share boards with team members and collaborate in real time has made my work much more streamlined and effective. I highly recommend Drag to anyone looking to optimize their email productivity!
  • (2023-03-30) Amy Bowie: Just starting with this, but we think it will be really helpful in all of the teams communications.
  • (2023-03-30) Candece Baker: I'm a new user and it seems to be really helping our team work more efficiently.
  • (2023-03-29) Gill Hunt: As a non-profit suicide prevention support service in Australia. DragAp allows us to organise our incoming support messages so that we never miss a client request. In our business, anything that helps each client get the help they need, is a life saver. Thanks DragApp!
  • (2023-03-29) Les Bender: This app is something I'm learning to use as a volunteer for a group, but whenever I use it I keep thinking I wish my employer would use it too! It's so intuitive and user-friendly!
  • (2023-03-28) Tech Ninja: DragApp has been instrumental in helping our team find new ways to organise our workloads and increase efficiencies. This includes our new IT helpdesk - powered by DragApp!
  • (2023-03-28) Phil Lamport: Introduced DRAG into our organisation providing critical care to communities all across Australia. Using for our IT helpdesk, and ALSO introducing for our internal projects and for our customer helpline team. Valuable and flexible tool for our expanding team.
  • (2023-03-26) Pete Nicholls: We are a non-profit suicide prevention support service in Australia. DragAp allows us to organise our incoming support messages so that we never miss a client request. In our business, anything that helps each client get the help they need, is a life saver. Thanks DragApp!
  • (2023-03-15) Juliano Gonçalves dos Santos: This app is amazing! Drag has helped me manage my tasks and emails efficiently and productively. The interface is easy to use, and the "merge cards" feature is very useful for keeping everything organized. I highly recommend Drag to anyone in need of a complete solution to manage their tasks and emails in one place. Five stars!
  • (2023-03-09) BLANCA MARIA DE JUAN DE CASTRO: Justo lo que estábamos buscando para gestionar nuestras solicitudes en nuestro trabajo en la Universidad
  • (2023-03-09) Katie Fritcher: We are a non-profit swim team based in Seattle and have been using the Drag App for keeping track of the various emails we send for incoming swimmers. The app has helped so much in keeping organized, I don't know how we lived without it!
  • (2023-03-02) Glenn von Gesellschaftsbilder.de: The DragApp is great for our teamwork. We can quickly see which emails have been answered and can reliably distribute them to the team for answering thanks to the automations.


20,000 history
4.0876 (696 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-21 / 17.6.1
Listing languages
