extension ExtPose

Session Buddy

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Keep Tabs

Image from store Session Buddy
Description from store Thank you to everyone who has shared invaluable feedback on the new version of Session Buddy! We are actively releasing updates to address your critiques and incorporate your suggestions. Explore our recent releases and see what's coming up: https://sessionbuddy.com/releases/ Session Buddy is a tab manager that allows you to: ● Save open tabs as collections that can be easily restored later. Great for freeing up memory and avoiding clutter. ● Recover your open tabs after a crash. ● See and manage all open tabs in one place. ● Search collections to quickly find what you're looking for.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-12) Douglas Henrique: A nova atualização ta deixando a desejar
  • (2024-07-03) Seems to be fixed! Thank! Invaluable add-on!
  • (2024-06-24) Session Buddy no longer saves the tabs you previously had open when you close chrome. That was the best aspect of the previous version of the extension.
  • (2024-06-20) Latest review from 20-June-2024: It's nice to have the ability to at least copy a session as HTML (altho not export), that would've sufficed for me,if it didn't cram all the windows in a session into 1 single html list. If it was done in the way it used to work this wouldn't be much of an issue (despite having the option to directly export as html would've been much better). I guess my only option is to convert all my sessions to Bookmark folders and use an extension that I found which allows me to export individual Bookmark folders as HTML files and with the 'Save as Shortcut' extension I can easily export an opened window as a zipped folder with url/internet shortcuts (of any preferred format). There are a few good stuff, but so far the negatives seem to outweigh or at least be on par with the positives. I'll keep using the extension for some time so I'll wait and see where it heads. Older review from a few months ago: I initially was positive towards the new update, so not a complete a waste, but many functions are now gone and it's pretty much useless now. My biggest issues so far are: - You can't export sessions as HTML (or any other formats) which was great for cross-platform portability and archiving - Searching your for saved session is now a nightmare (on one hand I like option to be able to also search within the content of the saved sessions, but (it should have the option to be toggled as) on the other it is much harder to search through your sessions that way, given they no longer are displayed on your right (to pick from a limited selection) and given we now lack the ability to simply hit the Back button (on the browser / mouse) to return to your previously selected session makes things much harder) Edit: I've noticed that you can actually filter your search by'Collections, Folders and Links' and that you still get the "older style" selection on the left. - You can no longer open few individual sessions (as now they don't get a unique url) it was a drag before as every time you updated a session the url changed, but now you can't have even 1 session as you have to search for again if you close your browser. - The new UI design is a bit awkward and less efficient as it requires more clicks to do the same thing but I think you can still keep some of the new functionality like the the "click to mark/thick" functionality can easily be fixed by either letting users set it on off in the settings or toggle between "thick" and "normal" mode by a button Altho I'm not sure if the Right click Menu adds anything here, you can still leave it as optional setting - It's nice you can modify the order of tabs in saved sessions, but it's still too limited in terms of functionality it's strange why you can't also "freely move" the position of saved 'tabs/addresses' by simply dragging them to reorder them - Keyboard shortcuts are completely gone and those made things more efficient and faster the only down side was when you tried to navigate it would start typing in the search field, but other than that the shortcuts were very useful ****** And there are still no "Session folders", which would've been a bless for sorting your sessions into "Topic Folders". :P Not a gripe, but rather a feature that I felt was lacking and would make workflow in general much better and easier to work That way you wouldn't get lost even if you have too many sessions, as you'd be able to sort them by topic / activity I guess I could also try using the classic built-in Bookmarks xD (if only it could export individual folders, otherwise it has both Folders and even Thumbnails) :P Another cool feature would be if you could add a sort of a "(Single) Session Viewer mode"+"Session export" with the ability to export and drop it in a folder, but retain the ability to modify it over time useful for stuff like from Shopping lists to Research topics Both of these can greatly help with not cluttering your session pool
  • (2024-06-17) Mr. Hillgrove: For now, I don't think you should use this extension. It was amazing at what it did, but has long been defunct, and not maintained. Sadly the developer hasn't gotten around to implementing tab groups yet, even though he mentioned in October 2021 that he was working on it. If you need/want to save Tab Groups there are other and better extensions out there.
  • (2024-06-14) Update: Been using this extension for a decade and today it deleted everything I had saved without any reason. I'm baffled. It served me well for a long time, but I don't think I can trust this extension anymore. I wanted to uninstall after the horrible new update, but this is it. I'm done.
  • (2024-06-08) Andrew Bowler: Update: Even in this new version, it still has massive problems. i.e. It refuses to open tabs in a new window, instead giving me the "Some tabs could not be opened" error message, bar the fact that it can open them with the "open in this window option"! Showing that this is clearly an error with opening a window for the tabs, not the opening the tabs themselves. In the last few months it has started to fail to open some (not all) saved windows, they will not open when clicked on and will not open on the restoration of the session (The tabs themselves can be clicked on and opened) I have tried backing up the session and importing it to an other system and the windows still refuse to open.
  • (2024-06-05) Jens Matzner (MJ): Update 05/2024 Immer noch SEHR nützliches AddOn! Wünsche um es noch besser zu machen: Sync mit anderen Geräten (über Auswahl per Cloud oder eigenem FTP). Dann wäre es für mich perfekter! Aber es ist bereits sehr sehr gut - 5 Sterne
  • (2024-06-03) Chet Ane: Update: the new version says it will take snapshot every X time ( I had set it to 1 hour) to see if something changed. Last snapshot I've is 13 days ago and there has been lot of changes since then. Not working. old:Just short of loving it for one good reason; no 'automated' backups. A recent security software upgrade wiped a lot of my settings and stuff along with the stored sessions..96 tabs opened in multiple windows.
  • (2024-05-31) Fareed Fattal: One of the greatest Chrome extensions and very useful. I love it. Many thanks to the developers! Update 05/30/2024: I wrote the above review 7 years ago which was truly how I believed in this extension until the recent upgrade which made it the worst extension one can ever imagine.
  • (2024-05-29) DA CA WA: New review. Horrible update. A great extension that has been turned into garbage by an update that destroyed 90% of it's functionality. It also just deleted all of my saved sessions. All in all, it's now quite useless. Even if you manage to install an older, properly working version - 3.6.9, it will quietly install the new version over the top and remove all of it's usability. It doesn't give you the option to choose the save name for a session, as the old one did, so you have to always go back and rename it. It now doesn't deserve the 1 star, as there is no option to give it less. Useless. Old review - Fantastic. I can search and open multiple relevant pages, then save the session to re-open at any future time. Excellent program. R.I.P Session buddy.
  • (2024-05-21) n ascentt: edit: may 2024 / sb4.0.3 / chrome 124 so a month later and yet another update and this time all my collections are gone. this used to be the most stable addon, i dunno what's been going on the past few months but this addon is so volatile. now i've lost all my collections. "Error restoring collections" trying to restore the databases file from the extensions folder. history/previous sessions are ok, but lost years of collections/saved sessions. tried loading an old copy of session buddy v3 with data backed up but the devs have crippled it and it just shows "This version of Session Buddy is no longer supported" Also if i try to export any new collections I get the useless error "unable to export collections" it's so sad to see how this mighty extension has fallen. update: after going through all my off-device backups i found a v3 database from a few months ago and was able to convert it using sessionbuddy.com/v4-migration/ I'm petrified to restart my browser ever again after having issues repeatedly with this addon the past couple of months previous review: Previous Sessions are now under History, on the opposite side of the screen. I guess that's why devs usually do what's new pages and tutorial balloons for big changes.
  • (2024-05-19) j her: Lo ideal que se pueda sincronizar con una cuenta de gmail para no tener que exportar o importar. Y ahora con la actualización v 4.0.3 que decir ... pues que a mejor todo en mi caso. Todo bien. Cuando leo las opiniones que dicen que no ven contador en el ícono (pero ahí aparece),borro su historial (woow en mi caso todo ok), que no se pueden cerrar pestañas (se puede hacer), no se, creo están empleando otra extensión. Lo siento en verdad por esa experiencia tan lamentable. Hecho de menos no se puede sincronizar con una cuenta de gmail, aún. Pero espero sigan mejorando.
  • (2024-05-15) Rob Frawley 2nd: The new v4 interface is worse.
  • (2024-05-10) Jad Kabbara: 10 may 2024 1 star: why is the open multiple tabs in multiple windows missing? 6 mar 2019 5 stars: Amazing extension! Multiple research assignments have never been easier!
  • (2024-05-09) Giz Moz: Recent update from Session Buddy has been one of the biggest screwups in all my experiences with Chrome extensions. I do not recommend this to anyone now. It was working so well and an update was sent making everyone lose all their past saved sessions without any warning and absolutely no way to recover them if a previous backup was not taken. It is a total mess.
  • (2024-05-06) Golden Eagle: So many headaches gone, so much time saved. I asked & asked friends, Twitter, etc. no one could help. Thanks to Google I ended up here.Pheew!. Get it. The new forced version is nothing compared to the old one, This one gets only 4 stars! The app no longer auto saves among other features stripped out. So when there's a power/PC failure of some time and you had no way to save tabs the app used to auto save and you just say open whatever tabs I was working on an hour ago with very little interruption in your work,
  • (2024-05-06) Ivan B: Было бы неплохо сделать возможность сохранения всех закладок на комп для возможного восстановления. Как-то слетела почти год назад и обидно было потерять все сохраненные сессии. Если есть такая возможность уже, подскажите где найти. Спасибо. * Верните старую версию!
  • (2024-05-01) Mauro Miotello: Era meglio prima !! Quando fai due cosette di grafica ma togli funzioni utili non puoi che aspettarti recensioni negative !! Ad esempio: Save As... ti dice niente ????
  • (2024-04-29) Tvegas: Its saved me a few times when I've thought i lost all my tabs. One complaint, it only saves the most recent tabs from a few seconds ago, and the closest auto save to that is 24 hours ago. They need to have it save some from say, and hour ago, or 30 minutes. I've still lost my tabs from a browser crash and it only saved one tab that was auto saved only a few seconds ago, which did me no good. other than that, it works great, if i remember to save my own tabs manually. Update 2024: New UI seems to look better, but now the collections do now show the number of Tabs until you click on them.
  • (2024-04-27) Ali Pardhan: 2017 2 stars: I need this to switch between multiple PCs but the data doesn't sync 2022 5 stars: my complaint still stands 2024 1 stars: functionality of deleting tabs in a saved sessions has been removed. I rarely used this extension nowadays
  • (2024-04-23) Yaroslav Shulika: I've been using this app for several years to save tabs. Initially, it was because Chrome sometimes lost all the tabs after updating, but this app saved them all. Later on, I used it to save some sets of tabs. However, after the last update, it lost all the saved data! The app that was intended to protect the tabs just ended up losing all of them.
  • (2024-04-22) Donny Lin: I can just rate 0 star for the latest version.
  • (2024-04-20) Jimmy Dee: There has been a new update. I can't open any of my saved sessions. This is literally what Session Buddy is for. It just says "can't open" and the reasoning is nonsense and wrong. I'm trying to open a saved session for doing work on a friend's website. It's just a bunch of handy links to shared documents where we keep translations for different languages and image sharing folders and this kind of thing. I've been using this since 2020 for this website. The last update completely broke it. I'm quite annoyed. Looks like lots of other problems with this update too. 10 year+ user revising from 5 glowing stars to 1 star. This update has been like this for over a month and people are complaining, but the dev has ignored the backlash. Not cool at all. Posted in 2015: I've been using this one for years. I now install it on all computers that I set up in my office. I used to have 70-140 tabs of Chrome open in 7-10 windows at any given time (web dev). Each window is grouped already to different purposes (ie back end for one or two related sites) and maybe another window for a selection of RF music for some video projects I also work on. With 3-5gb of my RAM used for Chrome, I was having issues when loading projects into Premiere requiring more than 10GB of RAM. Also, I typically reboot once every 3-6 months... Now I just load what I need when I am working on it with windows in handy groups of tabs - even a couple of reference windows for Left-Right comparison/copy-paste views. And I can adjust these groups easily and intuitively. It simply could not be a better piece of software. Simply could not
  • (2024-04-16) s f: My 2024 review: Still very good and a keeper but the updated version incarnates the expression "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" (*see my 2017 review below) . Was near perfect before and while I don't dislike the current look, I absolutely dislike (hence -2 stars): 1) The way history has been reworked. Too verbose. My suggestion? Add 3 options: a) As is, since some might like it... the devs who introduced it perhaps? :P b) Compile a list of visited URLS with option to skip and never log specific domains/subdomains (so users wouldn't end up with a ton of urls to facebook or amazon product pages for instance) c) Snapshots that would consolidate duplicates across multiple snapshots and multiple days 2) The introduction of the snapshots in their current implementation. The 5-star would return immediately if the options in point 1 were to added so I the extension will return to be useful once again for me (and others who, like me, loved the previous implementation of history and dislike the current snapshots) That said, keep up the great work and thanks for the free and awesome extension which IMO should be a feature in all browsers! :) My 2017 5-star review: An absolute must have feature which should be built into any browser! Love it!
  • (2024-04-14) Junaid H: Haha what a HORRIBLE update. Never have i experienced anything like this. WHAT a setback. Just give us an easy option to go back pls. 1 star until you listen to your users
  • (2024-04-14) Dhanang Wibowo: It would be 5 stars if only we could edit the session directly. Like the order of the webpage, adding new page into certain session, etc. Update, 10 years later: you can now edit session directly, as promised, I give 5 stars now.
  • (2024-04-13) The new UI, barring dark mode, is confusing as hell. Completely unnecessary.
  • (2024-04-13) с каждым обновлением хуже и хуже. пробовали тестировать?
  • (2024-04-11) luczztem: Absolutely perfect. Would be even better if it had a cloud storage system to save sessions online with login and password, in case of a hard drive fail. Anyway, the backup feature does the job just fine. Thank you so much!
  • (2024-04-09) Retired Geek: What did you do?? This new version is horrible and useless. The older version was so easy to pull up history - onw click and I was there - no confusion, was so user friendly, but this product is now impossible to use. As much as I hate Google History it works......
  • (2024-04-09) I gave 5 star in year 2016. Now i will have to give this only 1 star until i get my "x" individual link back.
  • (2024-04-08) Marcelo YUu: atualização terrível
  • (2024-04-07) Alexander Pogorelov: тупое обновление, слов нет... потерял все вкладки. Сделал три дня назад бэкап как это делал всегда, закрыл 20 окон на 80-90 если не больше вкладок, теперь по restore открываются 3 каких-то коллекции трёхлетней давности, где мои вкладки непонятно.
  • (2024-04-05) Conseguiram piorar MUUUUUITO algo que era perfeito. Pra que essa desgraça de snapshots??? Por que não conseguimos mais apagar separadamente cada um dos itens do histórico??? Só confunde isso!!! Voltem ao formato anterior, por favor!!!
  • (2024-04-04) Wolf Gang: EDIT - IT'S better Search has become useless. When I want to remove something relating to search term, It doesn't show which sessions contain it.. It shows a small drop down menu and I have to click on each of it to move me to a session where it is located, but it doesn't even highlight anything.. I have thousands of tabs. This totally ruined this extension for me. Also, closing tabs has been made difficult, requiring people to look for delete button in right click menus somewhere.... This extension amassed such userbase over the years because it had the right functionality... Otherwise it wouldn't happen. Why did the developer thought it would be a good idea to remove so many features that were the reason people flocked to this and not other extensions?... At this point SB is just like any other session manager with a separate page for management.
  • (2024-04-04) Dale B: Sadly I need to down grade my rating on this. What happened? I loved this extension for years because when Chrome got buggy/sluggish I would just force quit it and restart and could get all my tabs back that I wanted and not the ones I didn't want. Unlike Chromes restore tabs, which will re-open them all. Now, and this is on two different chrome profiles, it shows nothing. All those tabs are gone! Really hope you can fix it! Original Review when it worked: Very handy extension. Love it. Wish it had a bit more control over closing tabs, like place them in a archive as opposed to just delete them.
  • (2024-04-03) Michael Elkin: The session refresh destroyed it. I have no sessions at all, it is completely empty. It does work, but it lacks basic information. It has number of tabs, but not the number of windows and it does not even show the date and time of saved sessions. How can I tell them apart? It also does not show the address anymore, just the tab title, which means I have a bunch of tabs with no way to tell them apart. The best extension ever just got ruined. Correction, all the old sessions are still there, but they are under History on the top right. What a horrible place to put it. I do have the sessions, but without page details and the address along with the titles, it still makes it very hard to work with.
  • (2024-04-02) A Al Matti: New 2024 updated version review: While I see how the new update looks better and has some potential, overall I think it's a big step back from what it was. The most annoying new "feature" is the inability to make changes to things (i.e. delete things) in "History." A possible useful feature in history would be to be able to search all of that history and/or saved sessions/collections (like we could before) and then choose tabs to include in a new session. That would be cool. Otherwise, please listen to your fans and just rewind it all back to how it was. Thank you. ---Old 5 Star Review--- This is one of my absolute all time favorite apps that I have been using for several years now. They deserve to finally get a review from me. I am a tab freak who consistently has 50+ (sometimes hundreds) tabs open at once. Being able to easily save these sessions and close my browser, or have them be automatically saved and easily accessible in case Chrome crashes, has been indispensable. Admittedly, with the concurrent use of other extensions and the overall improvement of both my software and hardware, my absolute need for this extension has gone down a little bit. I still use it though, because it is effective, simple and very useful when I do need it. I have tried numerous competing extensions, some of which have features I wish Session Buddy had, but I keep coming back to SB because it just seems to work better. The option I most wish was available is the ability automatically save all sessions to the cloud and then give it multi-platform support!
  • (2024-03-31) Shawn Lyman: UPDATE: I can't stand the changes from the recent version 4 update. Tabs load one by one instead of just opening all tabs in a suspended state. So 4 windows with 100+ tabs tabs a while even with 32 threads and 64GB of RAM. And a HUGE step back in functionality by getting rid of the easy to use left column view of previous sessions from closed browser states and having Saved session there as well. Now that is gone and we have a confusion HISTORY on the right side. So if you have an ultrawide monitor you have to options on the far right and far left sides of the browser. Only reason I didn't drop this completely to 1 star is that this is still the best option I know of right now for sessions. ORIGINAL: 9/22/2012 Coming from Firefox and having used Session Manager for a long time, I am super happy to have found this extension for Chrome. I have been using it for months now to make sure I love it. And I do! Now if there was only a Tab Mix Plus type extension for Chrome! I hate having 100+ tabs open over multiple windows because the tabs are too small in Chrome after about 15-20. Anyway, I love this extension.
  • (2024-03-30) Alicia Warner: I love it, except I DISlike how control+shift+delete deletes a session! instead of opening my settings page if I forget I am on the open page for SB. I have lost some important research this way! Update: They "upgraded" the whole thing, now nothing is working right!
  • (2024-03-30) Νίκος Νικούλης: no setting in right click for "always open in this window" when open the saving tabs , open 2 more chrome windows (in total i.e. 3 chrome windows) , big mess
  • (2024-03-30) Mike V: Used to be a Great app (five stars). I always added it to chrome! As of today Mar 30 2024, the new update totally destroyed the app! 2 MAJOR flaws. 1. It totally deleted my past tab history which I relied on. 2. It now opens all tabs and sessions, one tab at a time, which freezes my computer for the first several minutes, when I start it. Also, the youtube tabs start playing. HORRIBLE!!! If there is any way to bring the old session buddy back, please do so! If not, there will be a great migration. P.S. We the users are not looking for new bells and whistles at the cost of making it less useful! Whoever told you that the new UI is what the user expects, is lying to you!
  • (2024-03-29) Automatic saving of tabs was the primary function of this extension. The extension doesn't do that anymore. ---- Used to be good when it worked, didn't always work. Lost a bunch of tabs on Vivaldi and last automatically recorded session on Session Buddy was sometimes from a month ago...
  • (2024-03-27) Chris Kennedy: Your update just deleted all my session also!!!
  • (2024-03-27) Claudiu: This was very usefull for a long time, but with all those cloud apps that we have today you can save whatever you need and acess very fast. But this is still be usefull sometimes when you have many tabs open and you don't have time to save them all. It is stil a must have tool. Edit: After the new interface update, I can no longer remove links from saved sessions.
  • (2024-03-27) emirikol: Your update just deleted all my session!!!
  • (2024-03-26) Worst update ever. History is difficult to find and extremely difficult to navigate. Above all, I used to search directly for previous websites in the session history, but this has simply become impossible! What the hell?! This was so important to me! Why woud you suppress the ability to directly search within the history of sessions? Also other unbearable things, like not asking for the name anymore when you're saving a new session, you' now have to go to the newly registered session automatically titled "untitled" and THEN edit it to your actually chosen title. WHY?!!?
  • (2024-03-26) New update makes this formerly wonderful extension into something unreliable and horrible! Please fix it!
  • (2024-03-26) Issachar Lee (RGB 山洞原人的玩物): The new version become so terrible to use, the tabs are always in wrong orders, it also show all windows which originally windows minimized will remain the same.

Latest issues

  • (2017-08-15, v:3.6.2) Ryan Diebel: Computer Syncing
    Hello, Is it possible to sync sessions across multiple computers? Please let me know. Thank you, Ryan
  • (2017-08-14, v:3.6.2) Incomplete URLs ("?" character potential cause)
    Some URLs (specifically Pixiv URLs in this case) that once saved properly are no longer saving properly (the old ones are also having the same problem). The links themselves still work (still link to the saved page), but because of them showing an incomplete URL, I'm unable to properly SEARCH for certain tabs in my saved sessions. To be more specific, a Pixiv profile URL is typically formatted like this: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=#####... (# = number). However, the links I have saved (new and old) all cut off right after the "php" part. Is this possibly due to the "?" character? As in, did a recent change cause this to happen whenever the "?" character is within a URL?
  • (2017-08-13, v:3.6.2) HARSHAL PAGARE: Lost my previously saved sessions
    I recently scanned my computer and it deleted this extension and now I've lost all my previously saved sessions. How to restore them?
  • (2017-08-13, v:3.6.2) Sam Friedman: Cloud Backup
    Please add cloud backup/sync.
  • (2017-08-10, v:3.6.2) Leonardo: sinc
    eu possuo dois computadores, e quando eu abro o programa no outro computador ele nao tem as informacoes das sessoes. seria otimo que as sessoes fossem sincronizadas entre os meus cumputadores
  • (2017-08-09, v:3.6.2) code
    I have never received a code for my gmail account
  • (2017-08-08, v:3.6.2) Aleksey Poptsov: Cookie stuffing!
    Некрасиво разработчикам данного приложения заниматься через него куки-стафингом на Aliexpress, пытаясь в наглую забрать кешбек с покупок пользователей! При попытке зайти на Aliexpress периодически перенаправляют через свои странички, подставляя свои куки: "http://systemrtb.com/?target=http%3A%2F%2Fnfemo.com%2Fclick-JQEXXAX0-KIGQB9TF%3Fbt%3D25%26tl%3D1%26sa%3D118%26url%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2F" Через неделю не прекратится - займемся удалением данного расширения из магазина расширений Chrome!
  • (2017-08-08, v:3.6.2) video
    o meu video nao da mais
  • (2017-08-07, v:3.6.2) ciscam5: Context menu refresh on page title change
    Context menus close whenever one of the displayed tabs changes its title, like facebook:new message, making them unusable Chrome -- 57.0.2987.98 (64-bit) GNOME Shell -- 3.22.3 Fedora/Linux -- 4.10.16-200.fc25.x86_64
  • (2017-08-05, v:3.6.2) Sharry Myers: Tool Bar
    Up on my computer is a bar and it has pc games andmy account, how doi add more to that bar?


900,000 history
4.6792 (24,784 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-14 / 4.0.4
Listing languages
