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Enhancer for YouTube™

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Description from extension meta

Take control of YouTube and boost your user experience!

Image from store Enhancer for YouTube™
Description from store Enhancer for YouTube™ is the ultimate tool to supercharge your YouTube experience with a host of highly customizable features, making it smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re looking to fine-tune playback settings or customize the look and feel, this YouTube enhancer gives you complete control to tailor YouTube to your needs. Key Features: Video Playback: • Quickly adjust playback speed, quality, volume, and more with the mouse wheel or keyboard shortcuts. • Playback Speed: Set a default playback speed and adjust it anywhere from 0.07x to 16x while watching. • Playback Quality: Set a default playback quality for videos, playlists, and embedded videos. • Volume Booster: Boost volume and bass for louder, clearer sound (up to 10x audio boost). • Enhanced Loop Mode: Repeat specific parts or the entire video effortlessly. • Autoplay Control: Fine-tune or disable YouTube’s autoplay features for better control. • Video Formats: Disable high frame rate formats (60fps). Appearance and Themes: • Video Filters: Adjust brightness, contrast, color, and more without changing your monitor's settings. • Enhanced Dark Mode: Enjoy a sleek, eye-friendly interface with the built-in Dark Theme and its 50+ variants. • Custom Themes: Personalize YouTube's appearance with custom themes to suit your style. • Cinema Mode: Dim everything around the player to keep your focus on the video. Video Player: • Wide Player: Expand the player beyond the default Theater Mode, or fill the entire screen without going full screen. • Mini Player: Keep watching while reading comments so you never miss a moment. • Pop-up Player: Watch videos in a resizable window while multitasking or browsing other content. Distractions and Shorts: • Block Distractions: Hide end screens, info cards, recommendations, related videos, chat, or comments. • YouTube Shorts: Hide Shorts or watch Shorts like regular videos. Other Features: • Screenshot: Capture high-quality screenshots of your favorite video moments. • Keyboard Shortcuts: Set up customizable keyboard shortcuts to control YouTube like a pro. • Reverse Playlists: Watch playlists in reverse order for a fresh viewing experience. And more! Get the most popular YouTube enhancer now and transform the way you watch YouTube forever! ----- Enhancer for YouTube™ is a third-party extension and is not affiliated with YouTube. YouTube is a trademark of Google LLC. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.

Latest reviews

  • (2025-03-06) Althena: Great Extension. I used it in Opera and now in Brave. I like the deepDark KDE Design. Eye friendly.
  • (2025-01-15) Mario Kotlar: I used it for 30 seconds and I already can't live without it. Edit: after a few months youtube introduced some new bugs into this extension and I've had to disable it finally due to various bugs. This extension is currently not being maintained quickly enough, and as such headache from the bugs finally outweighed the benefits and I've had to disable it.
  • (2024-12-20) Felina Faerlaingal: Does everything it promises! Including blocking bad content! amazing! Edit: 20/12/24 Stopped working for me, at the same time as adblock which means youtube is back trying to screw us over again Gonna wait for an update
  • (2024-12-20) r.e.m: videos keep reloading after a second of play, especially after setting fixed quality
  • (2024-12-14) Ramazan Kızılelma: "Video oynatıcıyı otomatik olarak genişlet" modu düzgün çalışmıyor. Bir sorun olduğu anlaşılsın diye 1 yıldız veriyorum, düzeldiğinde puanı güncelleyeceğim.
  • (2024-12-10) ねろ: 毎回広告が出るようになりました。 9/10現在広告を見た事がありません。 あ最近気づいたけど、音量調節を押そうとすると 下に下がっていきます。設定等で直せませんか?れは何だったの?っていうくらい…。 いいねボタン等が表示されなくなりました。 今見てる動画を飛ばす?事が出来なくなりました。便利だったのにな…。 [ビデオプレーヤーを自動的に拡大する」にチェックを入れてからじゃないと、画面いっぱいにならなくなりました。
  • (2024-12-04) Venc Dee: Not a good change to 3.0 because: 1) window for editing custom js script is now too small for bigger code. Using external editor is a must together with copy-paste method. Unfortunately the mini window can't be resized nor maximized. 2) still not an option to ignore fullscreen resolution change when it is lower than the current resolution (avoiding fullscreen goes to lower resolution than the auto-selected resolution on video playback start).
  • (2024-11-08) mustafa özerli: süper müq
  • (2024-10-12) emsik: все супер, только иногда видео криво разворачивается на весь экран. было бы супер добавить кнопки "не интересует" "не рекомендовать видео с этого канала" :)
  • (2024-10-05) Kellan Lutz: 以前まではYouTube以外の動画サイトでも激重くなるが使えていた拡張だが、 現在はYouTubeの動作を重くするだけで、全ての機能が動作しないただのゴミです。
  • (2024-09-29) Frederik Baltersen: A must have for YouTube. I wonder how these custom controls are not default features in YouTube. One issue though; Enhancer for YouTube does not recognize 1080p Premium quality and does not auto apply it when available.
  • (2024-09-29) Mr. Eagle: EDIT September 2024 I wish there was a way to force Auto generated CC on videos that have CC from uploader. The way YouTube handles this is to override my wish to use autogenerated, and force uploaders CC that often is in CAPS or is out of sync. I used Magic actions before, but intrusive messages on my desktop forced me to find an alternative. This app is it. Does what it claims, and solved my latest problem with auto playing YouTube tabs that opens from last session, despite having autoplay OFF. Great app! Love it!
  • (2024-09-27) John S.: После последнего обновления почему-то сломался режим разворачивания на всю доступную область. Теперь снизу остаётся название и описание ролика, а свреху пропадает (скроллит ниже неё) шапка с логотипом YT, счетчиком уведомлений и аватаркой. Очень неудобно стало, теперь страница после загрузки не разворачивается и ещё и скачет почему-то. А до обновления это было расширение на 10 из 10 Upd. от 10 августа 2024. Вот зачем было ломать, делая только под новые версии хрома? :( Upd. от 27 сентября 2024. Неделю назад примерно снова заработало на старой версии хрома, поработало (дома, на работе) и снова отвалилось 26 сентября. Странное, но очень жалко.
  • (2024-09-13) ابـو مشعــل: مبدع وجميل جدا 😍😍😍😍😍 بعض المقاطع لا يظهر فيها الشريط
  • (2024-09-12) Tobiトビ 도빈: It works brilliantly. That being said, now that YouTube adblockers have been banned, could you please enable the option to automatically skip ads again (like the time before you had introduced your adblocker)? The second problem is that the 4K texture pack though activated doesn't always work.
  • (2024-09-12) DaliS: Куда делось удаление рекламы?
  • (2024-08-26) Voicemix: В августе 2024 я попал в число "счастливчиков", у которых обновился дизайн Ютуб. Комментарии ушли вправо, внизу под видео бесконечная лента рекомендованных видео, во время стримов пропадает описание ролика, название и кол-во лайков, остается только чат. Использовал это расширение, старый дизайн вернулся. НО - теперь справа от видео окна рекомендованных видео стали СЛИШКОМ БОЛЬШИМИ, непропорционально. Просьба к разработчику: добавьте возможно регулировать размер окна рекомендованных видео справа или сделайте размер рекомендованных окон видео по умолчанию такими, какими они являются в классическом дизайне Ютуб
  • (2024-08-20) Lawrence Cheong: This extension is so useful it is magical! Update: Not loading anymore since yesterday. Could you please fix this magical tool? ~.^
  • (2024-08-08) Agitated _: So when using the resize option to full window - i get a little part down the bottom that shows the background - im assuming its for the little pop-up control panel... can we please make this feature OSD based so the entire window is used..? Extremely distracting...For reference... this feature works with the BigTube - Better Youtube Theater Mode & More - but having both enabled results in a conflict with the popup window when scrolling thru the comments...
  • (2024-08-02) na przeglądarce chrom niestety pasek narzędzi Enhancer się nie pojawia , czasem jest monit o odświeżenu strony i wtedy działa . ogólnie teraz niewypał
  • (2024-08-01) Hans Iha: 大変良い。コメント読んでる際にポップアップで動画画面も表示できるのがいい。画面スクショも簡単に撮れる。左右反転も1クリック。 強いて言うなら、Magiic Action for YouTubeのように、1アクションでウィンドウサイズでビデオ再生出来たらもう言うことなし!! 追記。 Chromeが更新されたから?今日は機能が全く効かない。。。 アップデートあれば変わるかもしれないけど、無くなって凄い不便だから使えるようになって欲しい。。。
  • (2024-07-28) Joel (rawj1213): Update 7/27/2024 I just re-enabled the extension and it works again! I saw that the extension was last updated 7/24/2024 so if the developer saw my review and fixed it the day of that's insane! If it was a coincidence though still that is awesome. Not being able to use the extension for the last few days was awful so I'm happy to have it back! Update 7/24/2024 (Will go back to 5 Stars one Fixed) Hey. There seems to be an issue with the extension now. It will constantly scroll down to the video description (usually, sometimes it only goes a little bit down) and it really annoying. Disabling the extension seems to fix it. Also. Please update the Automatic Playback Quality Feature to support the Enhanced Bitrate Quality on YouTube as noted below. An amazing extension for people who watch a ton of YouTube! Thank you so much for making this amazing extension! I have noticed one thing. With the new 1080p Enhanced Bitrate Quality Setting, even if you have a quality selected above that. It will step down to regular 1080p if the video's highest quality is that new 1080p Enhanced Bitrate. If you could update that feature to support the new Quality Setting that'd be great. Again. AMAZING extension!
  • (2024-06-09) Sergejus: Unfortunately, it stopped working a few days ago A lovely girl in the comment on my review recommended this extension. Thank her so much! Thank you so much for this extension, it's what I've been dreaming of (default speed, hiding shorts, canceling autostart), etc.
  • (2024-06-07) Omarock: Great extension, best I've tried so far for Youtube. Love the themes and the ability to keep watching the video when scrolling comments.
  • (2024-06-07) Konstantin: Супер! Возвращает старый, удобный дизайн ютуба! Но, с последним обновлением стало обрезать видео! Правая часть с рекомендуемыми видяхами сдвинулась влево и видео стало обрезано с правой стороны.
  • (2024-04-25) Planted Aquarium: Audio and subtitle button from video preview ( when hovering) are disabled recently other wise i found all i want in this extension keep going
  • (2024-04-24) C. Holtz: Amazing extension, Easy to use, works great. (I forgot to review it when I got it long ago)
  • (2024-04-20) Paul Schmied: This app works great until Google breaks it periodically. Like now.
  • (2024-04-20) Chromeのバージョンアップに伴い、以前からこのアプリも一部の機能が対応出来なくなっていたが、そろそろ限界かと思う。 広告を映さないだけなら他のアプリで足りてるからいいのだが、それ以外の機能はこのアプリが一番気に入っているので、早急に対策をしてほしい。
  • (2024-04-14) Chantelle Brown: This is now a must-have add-on but when I try to reverse a playlist a it just pops out a window of the video it's currently on and Youtube spits out some errors about refreshing. As of 04/14 I still can't reverse playlists.
  • (2024-04-07) Вал Ветер: Все окей, но почему с ним пропадают субтитры к видео?
  • (2024-03-25) 小光尼リーロン: 3/13更新太棒了,可以順利使用了 可惜...cent瀏覽器版本不到1.2.0只能哭哭...
  • (2024-03-19) A E: Been using it for years and i will to the day i die! I cannot imagine using youtube without this extension! Perfect 11/10
  • (2024-03-18) Luke Dainty: Several years of use and still using it, its a fantastic little addon with some very useful features. The most useful to me are the small mini-player that follows down when scrolling, the auto quality setting and the video size changing. Great work from the developer. Edit18/03/2024: Still a fantastic extension and glad to see it back, I no longer have to install it manually :)
  • (2024-03-18) An essential extension. Could not think about using Youtube without Enhancer.
  • (2024-03-16) Peanutbutter128: I literally couldn't use Youtube without this extension... This is by far the best extension I have ever used EVER. I couldn't imagine how I got past the days before the update, but at least now it's back. Please developer don't give up the development on this thing. I have and I would pay for it.
  • (2024-03-16) paulo matheus: Precisam dar um jeito de pararaem de ser descobertos pelo You tube, que o tempo todo bloqueia os vídeos. Consertem isso, mesmo que tenham que tirar o bloqueador de anúncio.
  • (2024-03-13) Руслан: это лучшее что можно пожелать)
  • (2024-03-13) Jacek BBee: Lovely
  • (2024-03-13) Ritu: Awesome, thanks for the update.13Mar Extension is awesome, go for it blind. Thanks to dev. from timely updates. Have a few feature request, if they're possible to be implemented. Keyboard shortcut for EXPAND option. Pause video when entering or leaving full screen(For bad hardware PC's) Prevent videos are playing automatically when page is opened(For bad hardware PC's). Again, thanks a lot.
  • (2024-03-13) Pascal Thirion: Mise à jour 2024 : En attendant de trouver une solution pour les pubs - car elle existe sûrement, l'intérêt de l'extension reste positif mais You..be pousse un peu car je suis persuadé que 90% des gens ne regardent pas les pubs et qu'elles ne déclenchent que rarement un acte d'achat ! en 2016 : Excellente extension, fait ce qu'on lui demande, exit les pubs, meilleur controle sur les vidéos YouTube, à installer sans hesitation ! Fonctionne parfaitement avec Chrome 64
  • (2024-02-22) ba boo: It was a very excellent tool to control YouTube. But now, YouTube does not allow itself to be controlled by this tool anymore. 2024-2-21 (1)Thumbnails are now displayed when videos are not being watched. (2)No dark screen problem anymore. (3)If the video has been watched for at least 1 second, no matter how F5 refreshes or opens a new tab to paste the link to the new tab, the thumbnail still cannot be displayed. (4)When the video is come from scheduled stream or live stream, after the streaming has ended for 1 hour to more than 20 days. The playback speed controller(speed +/-) by mouse scroll up and down still cannot control the speed for these videos. 2024-1-31 Before playing, when stopped. No "Dark black" anymore. "Some videos" can see the thumbnail picture without "play button" - This is so nice(has fixed the bug successfully). But "most videos" are still "cannot show the thumbnail picture" even refreshed 3-5 times by F5, it only shows "a pausing screen of the video" instead of the "thumbnail picture". 2024-1-15 Can not set the full screen resolution to 480p or 360p or 720p anymore. When switch to full screen, the resolution of full screen is 1080p. So I set it back to 480p manually, then press F to full screen again, it is 1080p again. I think this is because there is a real AI working on YouTube to do such AI things. 2023-12-3 No problem on using. It can adjust speed by mouse scroll, also can preset the resolution as I like, but the big issue is cannot display video thumbnail. 2022-10-19 All the descriptions cannot auto expand. even I have ticked the Automatically expand the videos descriptions. 2022-10-18 This extension is fully disappeared for a few days. 2022-4-26 I like the "Automatically expand video description" option. and "Prevent videos loaded in the foreground tab from automatically playing as well".
  • (2024-02-21) 베로니니: 광고 차단 잘 썼지만 광고 차단 해주는 TAP이 통재로 없어졌내요. 24년 02월 18일에 없어졌어요
  • (2024-02-17) Pranav Goyal: Fix 1. Disable Autoplay feature 2. The tabs loading in the background option 3. It should work everytime(I use chromium browser)
  • (2024-02-09) slysnake96: The only thing that seems to be working anymore is the theme, it used to all work great on Vivaldi Browser, but now everything doesn't work, except the theme.
  • (2024-02-05) Marek L. Szadkowski: Świetny dodatek. Chciałbym mieć możliwość włączenia/wyłączenia czasów dla filmów odtwarzanych w pętli. EDIT: niestety w najnowszej wersji są błędy - tryb kinowy włącza się domyślnie blokując przewijanie strony do komentarzy. Zaznaczam że tryb kinowy domyślnie mam wyłączony. Dodatkowo przyspieszone odtwarzanie raz działa a raz nie.
  • (2024-02-05) DELL G5 GAMING: It is great i liked it so much all what i wanted but miss one option and it is to be able to minize the side menu in the main page of YouTube cuz every time i open the home page i have to press on the 3 lines to hide it . it take alot of my screen space i would be happy if u can add this option thank u . can u add a powersave mode please ? so when i am on battery the video will not run always in 4k but i will put i 360p or 480 p maybe
  • (2024-02-03) Ariel Tapia: Ya no funciona
  • (2024-01-31) Anyone have a way to download the preupdated version? I'd just assume keep using that as it was PERFECT and blocked their ads. Anyone have the preupdated version I can install and disable updates from starting on it?
  • (2024-01-31) Pumpkin Hallows: For what this does, its great, but since it uses so many different tools and such, im surprised that a dislike return counter has not been added. Update, because of backlash on the ad blocker by people who dont know any better, they have removed ad blocking, therefore, uninstall and dont ever install again.


1,000,000 history
4.6721 (15,995 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-21 / 3.0.6
Listing languages
