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Description from extension meta

Lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at the same time.

Image from store Linkclump
Description from store Linkclump gives you the ability to drag a selection box around links using your mouse to quickly open as new tabs, open in new window, save as bookmarks, or copy to clipboard. Similar to Snap Links or Multi Links for Firefox. FEATURES - Action: choose to open links as new tabs, into a new window, copy to clipboard or saved to your bookmarks. You can setup multiple actions. - Activation: choose how to activated the selection box using different mouse and key combinations (including shift/alt/ctrl). - Smart Select: tries to select only the important links on the page. Turn off this option to open all selected links. - Auto Scroll: the page will automatically scroll up/down to make it easier to select all the links at once. - Filter Links: include/exclude links that contain certain words. - Delay: set a delay between the opening/closing of each tab. - OS Tested: works on windows, mac and linux operating systems. Please note that support can not be provided as this is a free extension. Developers are welcome to submit PRs at https://github.com/benblack86/linkclump.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-03) Brandon Diaz: Buenísima extensión que ahorra bastante tiempo al momento de querer abrir varios enlaces, añadirlos al portapapeles o a la barra de favoritos Update 2024: Bajo 2 estrellas porque a veces cuando reinicia chrome tras actualizarse o sieeempre tras un crash de chrome o de la PC, se desconfigura y hay que dar de alta las acciones de nuevo
  • (2024-10-02) Natel Cicero: muito bom o melhor que existe, ja testei vário, e espero muito qu essa ferramente tão útil não seja rreirada do goole choome, por que ajuda de mais em nosso trabalho de impresao dos endereços de envio da nossa loja
  • (2024-08-18) Xtube Lover: I love this extension but please update to support the new Chrome version, so we can continue to use it!
  • (2024-07-11) Charles Saunders (whitelight82): A+++ extension/applet! among my alltime faves!
  • (2024-06-22) Semyon Yushkevich: Плагин старенький, зато работает как швейцарские часы, в течение многих лет. Функциональность этого плагина давно следовало бы внедрить в браузеры, потому что это потрясающий функционал, и must have для любого мало-мальски продвинутого пользователя.
  • (2024-06-12) Cláudio Rogério Carvalho Filho: This is the best extension!!
  • (2024-05-30) Milomir Milovanović: Веома, веома добра... :)
  • (2024-05-17) Alisha Boggs: perfect way to get where you want
  • (2024-05-12) Gustavo Luz: Tudo que eu queria, valeu.
  • (2024-05-05) milivoj popovic: this extension save me so much time! I love it, works perfectly!!
  • (2024-05-02) Gabriel X: Been using it for going on 6 years now EVERY single day at work. It's a must. The ability to open dozens of links simultaneously in new tabs, save HUNDREDS of URLs instantly, or copy the titles of dozens of pages at once for pasting elsewhere has in that time saved literal weeks, if not actual MONTHS of time at work. It's amazing.
  • (2024-04-13) Greg Technology: I adore this extension. This is my first review of any extension -- I use this constantly. Thank you so much for making this. I think that the default 'z' keyboard binding is quite... surprising? I changed it to "shift" and that works for me 99.99% of the time (except when websites want me to shift-drag something... but that's super rare) Thanks again and again for making this!!! 2024 update: I STILL ADORE THIS EXTENSION and love the developer for making it thank you so much I'm being 100% serious x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • (2024-04-02) Jonathan Silva Duarte: I'd love to it a "save as" option. "Save as" all the selected links
  • (2024-03-29) lucero cordova: AMAZING! if you work with multiple links/monitors on a daily basis... whoever was the person who thought of this, is a GENIUS! Thank you so much!
  • (2024-03-27) Marcus Vinicius Barros: Perfeito! Obrigado por desenvolver essa maravilhosa ferramenta! =)
  • (2024-03-06) Alejandro Ayala-Gomez: Isn't working as of 3/6/2024 rn.
  • (2024-02-15) David H.: Stop opening "options"/"welcome" page on startup!!!!!
  • (2024-02-13) Jon Tvrdik-Contractor: doesn't work
  • (2024-02-02) Gangrel Kitty: Works great. I was having trouble, but then I disactivated the other link extension, and it worked amazing. Thank you!
  • (2024-01-28) ZI GU: 很好用
  • (2024-01-27) good dddddddd
  • (2024-01-15) Katherine Green: so easy and customizable, enables me to do things I don't think I'd be able to do without it
  • (2024-01-11) maniAC: does exactly what it says . only one little problem , it doesnt select more than 30 links. if this is fixed it will deserve 5 stars, nothing less.
  • (2024-01-07) 金鑰: 如果傳統複製(反白)...用SHIFT頭尾更快...再加這款智能擷取連結...簡直完美無缺. 但很可惜.跟初衷找滑鼠圈選複製全部東西有點差...希望能加到單純圈選複製功能...功能永遠不嫌多.對吧?
  • (2023-12-13) Travis Hankins: Used to have this on my old work computer and it was flawless. Sadly now on my new computer I cannot get it to work. I have tried several times to get it to respond like it once had but with no luck. It is my favorite extension when it works properly. Being able to hold right click and open several links saved me time! Now I cant get the link opening box to disappear causing me to have to start the original page over, losing that time saved. Would love to recommend it but at this time I cannot.
  • (2023-12-10) Dirk Büchin: Perfekt :-)
  • (2023-12-08) Ru Macbain: Be nice if there was even just one line that explains how to make it work? Edit: advance the photos to show how to use it. Basically, it says to right click mouse and drag over several links, release and it will open each in a new tab. Hold Z and left click and drag
  • (2023-11-20) Eric Yared: This is an awesome extension for work that requires a lot of links to be opened at one time! Simple and easy to use! 5 Stars!
  • (2023-11-09) Null _Error: Used another but lost it best function which this has and does it perfectly. Good work my loves
  • (2023-11-02) dao feng: 用了好多年了!感谢开发者!!!
  • (2023-10-25) Orpheus Lummis: Practical
  • (2023-10-23) Banty Mom: I LOVE this extension and recommend it to all my colleagues and friends. It's so simple to use and works exactly as stated. Such a time saver!
  • (2023-10-20) shakibul alam: Thanks a lot, the extension is seriously helpful
  • (2023-10-16) Danilo Oliveira: super util
  • (2023-10-11) Tiago Martins: pretty good... could be better if it would allow "save link as..." option
  • (2023-10-05) M S: LOVE this extension, it makes my life so much easier
  • (2023-10-05) Matheus Christofer: Compre o seu proposito, parabéns
  • (2023-10-04) Leena Ferloin: Meh. Only does 60 links at a time. Doesn't work well with infinite scroll. Still cool though.
  • (2023-09-27) Fish Hook: 简直不摆了,太好用了,我评测了一堆URL提取插件,就这个的功能最灵活,搭配singlefile下载Solidworks的页面,真的方便!
  • (2023-09-23) Orion Hunter: Works like a charm when you figure it out. works for what I need it to do, when you have to select multiple links as selecting one at a time is a pain, especially in relation to job searching. As for the issue that Mohammad Ali had, I've not had this issue, as scrolling whilst selecting multiple links works for me without an issue.
  • (2023-09-23) Cynthia Kombrink: An occasional hick up, but it saves you the pain of having to click each seperate link while pressing a key to open in a different tab.
  • (2023-08-30) Mohammad Ali: Can't you enable some thing so simple like scrolling while selecting the links ???
  • (2023-08-21) Alison Anderson: I'm so happy with this extension!! I need it for auditing purposes and I'm so much faster with this! THANK YOU!!!
  • (2023-08-20) yuki hamu: 複数のリンクをまとめて選択する機会がよくあるので、とても重宝しています。もう以前のように、わざわざ1つ1つリンクをクリックして開くことは考えられないくらいです。素晴らしい拡張機能をありがとうございます。
  • (2023-08-17) Patricia Cullum: it doesn't work every time...only 1 out of 5 times... :(
  • (2023-08-16) Terrence: Working great but not in vivaldi
  • (2023-08-10) Ali Gezer: Bayıldım
  • (2023-08-07) Philip Almeida: Itsw VERY good and clean, the only problem is that it limites the amount of ORLS to 40
  • (2023-07-31) clio: Saves a ton of time
  • (2023-07-23) Tony T: I've been using this for a long time now and can't use the internet without it I have grown into such a habit of using it. On Windows I was able to get it to work dragging right click without another key, but on Mac I still need an extra shortcut key. Being able to open multiple links like this should be a more standardized feature.


300,000 history
4.6201 (3,996 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-10 / 2.9.5
Listing languages
