extension ExtPose

TooManyTabs pour Chrome

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Description from extension meta

Gérez vos onglets, améliorez votre naviguation, ne perdez pas la tête avec trop d'onglets.

Image from store TooManyTabs pour Chrome
Description from store Avez vous déjà essayé d'ouvrir 20 onglets voire plus dans Chrome? On ne peut même plus voir les miniatures des onglets, encore moins leur titre! Si cela vous est déjà arrivé, TooManyTabs est l'extension qu'il vous faut pour gérer vos onglets sans y perdre la tête. Par les développeurs de TooManyTabs pour Firefox, TMT s'invite sur Chrome pour faciliter la gestion de vos onglets Fonctionnalités: - Survols de tous les onglets ouverts - Prévisualisation claire du contenu de chaque onglet (se remplit au fur et à mesure) - Recherche instantanée parmi les onglets - Organisez vos onglets par date de création, nom de domaine ou titre - Restauration d'onglets récemment fermés - Mettre les onglets cachés en pause pour économiser de la mémoire, organisez ces onglets comme bon vous semble - Thèmes personalisés - Affichage des onglets de toutes les fenêtres - Raccourcis claviers personalisables Annonce: - Du fait de certaines limitations de Chrome, les extensions ne peuvent pas accéder à l'historique des onglets fermés. Si vous en avez besoin, pressez simplement Ctrl+Shift+T pour les ouvrir un par un. Si vous aimez TooManyTabs, jetez un oeil à nos autres extensions! - Incredible StartPage http://goo.gl/he9o **NEW** - FreshStart Session Manager: http://goo.gl/249h - TabJump: http://goo.gl/r5EY License: http://www.visibotech.com/TMTChrome/license.html Credits: http://www.visibotech.com/chrome/credits.html

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-07) Denis Varga: Started to randomly duplicate tabs that i put into it. It happens this way - i put one tab into TMT, then i pull out the tab, then i open TMT again, and the tab is still there but there is two of them now, so i have 1 opened and 2 still inside of the extention. Very annoying. Gonna have to find alternative...
  • (2023-09-13) Wize B: Sorry but TooManyTabs being one of the first Tab managers, also makes it too ugly and outdated circa 2000? 😅 Too complicated and not user friendly. Im sure your other Ext get way more love and look good tho! 😉
  • (2023-07-05) Chenlei Zhang: Good approach but the interface quickly gets too cluttered and confusing once some tabs are suspended. I switched over to Pondr instead. Simple interface and I like how it reminds me of my tabs based on when I'm available on my calendar. If anyone wants to try it: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pondr-tab-management-and/dmldofeoomonpalhgkbnfckliaeghjag
  • (2023-02-22) TNS: It's good but not great!
  • (2023-01-30) Broba Jolis: the overall interface and performance wasn't impressive and the impact was too little
  • (2022-08-21) Florian “furomin” Gaul: Great extension! Recommended! I'm running on MS Edge but it should work even better when using Chrome! Just one minor issue: I was trying to donate a few bucks towards the devs to keep the app up and running, PayPal stated "Donations aren't supported in this organization's country"... I even used the link from the settings page within the extension... Don't know if this can be fixed, though...
  • (2022-05-11) Xalomon: Why closing a tab by using Chrome's History>Recently closed preserves a tab's story (the Back button) and this extension doesn't. It's not saving tabs, but their urls, which makes it misleading.
  • (2022-03-02) Дмитрий Дмитриев: Неудобное
  • (2022-01-20) lj y: 可以用,但是不知怎么,突然把我终止的标签全丢了
  • (2022-01-06) bloodys spammers: USELESS! 👉 GET "TAB MANAGER PLUS" ⚡⭐⚡ I have 807 tabs open I am still using on my phone with z Yandex Chromium and more than 1500 tabs on my tablet, and 3 windows with 3500 tabs on my laptop with Yandex.
  • (2021-09-24) unknown unknown: не работает основная функция на win10 64. не работает импорт с win7 32 в win10 64.
  • (2021-08-31) Hampus Strand (Hampa): Not possible to remove the ugly blue or change size of anything, way to big "tabs" in way to small window.
  • (2021-05-06) Art Spark (Artem): я ищу приложение, которое может перенести на ПК вкладки, открытые на телефоне.
  • (2021-01-10) Tristan Wolf Gustavsen: I like the idea of TMT because i always have many tabs open, such as discord, youtube, another yt tab for music and something else, but the design of TMT is just too, old. The design looks like something from windows 7 and it doesnt really 'fit' the sleek white design of Google Chrome, which i think it should. Thats all, overall a great extension.
  • (2020-09-09) Luly Hdez: Excelente, Ojalá estuviera disponible para todo navegador
  • (2020-09-02) Дракоша Пестренький (Drakosha): Оно конечно работает, но в Edge нет превью, заголовки и текст в интерфейсе обрезаются и в целом не сильно-то оно и удобнее простого распределения вкладок по нескольким окнам. Разве нельзя было какой-то выпадающий список сделать и протестировать перевод на предмет "влезания" в отведенные места?
  • (2020-07-13) William Martinek: lost all my tabs
  • (2020-07-10) Si Estas Cansado, Dibuja Flores.: Ojala se pudiera guardar por carpetas
  • (2020-03-06) Anony Mouse: Why can't I disable the pane for "closed/suspended tabs"? I don't want that. Why is there a theme chooser directly in the interface? Keep the options in the options and the features in the interface. Previews don't work. 2D sideways scrolling is buggy and cartoonish, I don't want to scroll sideways.
  • (2020-02-13) Dead Knight: Some time ago it worked perfectly... but now... Sometime I need to wait 15-20 seconds before the TMT opens its window
  • (2020-02-02) Kris Rogozinski: Really like this extension, but if I had one wish it would be to make the colour of the tab counter configurable, some of the default colours make it hard to read the number for me.
  • (2019-11-27) Amir Aïssa (Prince Jesus): The "Suspended Tabs" Feature is a game changer for me. Thank you.
  • (2019-11-26) si seloni: This used to be perfect. Easy to find my way round. Great functionality. Now they have ruined it completely. No periodic saves. etc We do not want our tabs to do with Googledrive. Like they need more of our info!! I've just lost all my recent tabs. Wouldn't have happened with the last version. Reinstate the last version. It was 100 times better! unreal.
  • (2019-09-25) Robbie Galfrin: Really bothers me that the tabs are not ordered in the same way as in the window itself, and if I allow showing tabs across windows then it's not split to separate windows in the view, just one big mess (with 100+ tabs you can't work like that). There is good potential but it needs to go the extra mile to be good and useful.
  • (2019-08-18) 懒得想网名: Very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2019-08-13) Ubirajara Bandeira Jr (kokbira): Fazer isso manualmente? Por que não fazer automaticamente? Exemplo, manter apenas 4 últimas abas abertas, fechar temporariamente todas as demais - não mexer nas abas fixadas. Quem abre muitas abas não tem tempo para gerenciar aba por aba decidindo qual deve ficar aberta...
  • (2019-08-09) Lesha Mystery Myst: Пользовался этим дополнением много лет, но сегодня, в этот прекрасный день, все закладки слетели напрочь. Около 1000 закладок... Бэкап не работает. Слов нет, одни эмоции...
  • (2019-06-05) Michał Balcerzak: Good idea, but I'll look for other implementations of it - the X to close tab is too hard to click when this is not a list and the Xes are spread everywhere, and middle click to close doesn't work either For now I'm going to use QuicKey - it just lists the tabs and although it doesn't have tab previews, in turn it also performs smoother, loads faster
  • (2019-05-20) bee Bunny: 最大的用处是上班摸鱼时,有人过来就把看到一半的网页藏起来
  • (2019-04-26) Артем Еросеев: Very bad design. Large tabs spoil everything, the list view would be more beautiful and not needed   will use scrolling. There is also no multiwindow. Similar extensions have long been working with several Chrome windows.
  • (2019-03-30) Николай Капинос: Простое, понятное, полезное. Спасибо!
  • (2019-03-14) Alex Y: как блин удалять вкладки?
  • (2018-12-14) Женя Карташов: время от времени забывает спрятанные вкладки!!!
  • (2018-11-27) Nick Chambers: This extension is great, and exactly what I was looking for. Quickly add tabs to a list that I can then quickly get back to later, while still not using a lot of memory.
  • (2018-11-04) Andre Figueiredo: Buggy popup window.. suspend pages feat does not work
  • (2018-10-18) Kunga Entertainment: I approve of the custom width setting, however I wish there were similar setting for height so more tabs could fit into the window. Option to make it open through the shortcut in fullscreen instead of a window would be great too. If these settings were added I'd give it 5 stars easily.
  • (2018-10-15) P GS: cant show tabs as list instead if icon
  • (2018-10-04) Daniel N: Needs to get rid of auto-popup installation page that plagues chrome store extensions. I log into many computers, and get bombarded with intrusive popups from many extensions being installed, and this one is part of the problem.
  • (2018-09-30) Nicole Ahmed: Visually nice and as a simple tab manager it works well with two groups of tabs, active or suspended tabs. I didn't find the import/export option worked however and imported links didn't open properly in a new chrome window. I now use Tabli which allows you to group tabs and sync them across devices using your google account. Recommend using Tabli if this extension doesn't suit you
  • (2018-09-05) Sascha A.: Dosn`t work on Chrome. Think it will not be fixed in the future ! IMPORT / EXPORT BROKEN !
  • (2018-09-01) Casper Wilkes: I really like this extension and find it incredibly useful. I often switch around several computers for work/personal. Being able to back up the tabs and move them to a different work-station is great. My only problem is the order in which the tabs appear in the extension window. I've left a suggestion, and would happily raise my rating to a 5 if my suggestion was implemented for easibility.
  • (2018-08-29) M. Toussaint: Boom .... Dopeness!
  • (2018-08-21) David L: The display of the number of opened Tabs is too small to read. How is it possible to change the font size of it?
  • (2018-07-13) Renan Issler: Melhor extensão que já encontrei até hoje pra organizar abas. Oferece sistema de suspensão de abas inativas (a escolha do freguês); criação de colunas de abas para uso posterior (basicamente, guardar abas na geladeira, organizadamente); integração com o Gdrive e com o Mozilla Firefox; permite rever as abas que já foram fechadas, tendo um mini-histórico simples de interagir; além de alguns detalhes de customização de aparência que fecham com chave de ouro. Pra quem já instalou e está tendo dificuldades, experimente abrir as configurações do TMT, e de lá descubra se tem como ajustar ao seu uso. Aos desenvolvedores, obrigado e parabéns. Continuem o ótimo trabalho, desejo sucesso.
  • (2018-05-07) Сергей Кузнецов: Прекрасное расширение, но один, глупый наверное, вопрос: Зачем ему просматривать и изменять данные с сайтов?
  • (2018-04-18) Kir Nas: Отличное расширение, ужасное оформление!
  • (2018-04-14) iSoul: This extension is fine but it needs to be able to open, close and suspend MULTIPLE tabs at a time. It doesn't really help me in convenience if I have to open and close them one at a time. Will definately use this all the time if that becomes a feature.
  • (2018-04-13) Marco Antonio Ribas: muito bom...

Latest issues

  • (2023-12-27, v:2.3) Amber McKee: Tab list deleted
    My suspended tabs were all deleted. Is there any way to get them back? I don't know what caused it, but I am so frustrated and upset.
  • (2022-11-24, v:2.3) Michael: Enlarge the close out (x)? More contrast maybe?
    Hi, I really love TooManyTabs. One issue constantly plagues me though: For whatever reason my hands are shaky af, no clue why; I'd check WedMD, but it would probably just tell me that I have cancer... I digress, this makes me miss the x button all the time. Instead I'll accidentally click the tab itself and that will cause the TMT menu to close out and Chrome to switch to that tab. If there was an option to have a close out button that's slightly larger, that would be extremely helpful. Also, if I'm not annoying enough already, if there was a setting to have a higher contrast between the x button and the tab, that would also be nice. Thank you!
  • (2022-05-17, v:2.3) Maurice Malek: Removing this extension
    Can't get rid of TooManyTabs from Iridium 2021.06 (Official Build) (x86_64) for Mac OS X. Please tell me how to delete it as harmlessly as possible.
  • (2022-03-02, v:2.3) Chetan Choudhary: Not optimize and properly work on kiwi
    One tab extension is better than this. Because it isn't provide optimized layout on kiwi-browser kiwi-browser running on most updated chromium. Basically we need to provide collect error permission to make it work like other common tab manager extension.
  • (2022-02-08, v:2.3) Jam Afshar: Command-I key to search tabs?
    On my old macbook I could press Command-I and search tabs by typing a word in the url or title. Any idea how I did that? I don't see a command hotkey option in this extension.
  • (2021-12-23, v:2.3) Nick Drexel: Why can't I see the picture of what the website looks like?
    I've clicked the white plus sign and still no images. I've deleted and reloaded the extension and still no images of the websites. Anything else I should try? Thank you so much for whoever created this extension
  • (2021-11-27, v:2.3) susan brown: Deleting/shutting tabs
    When I open my page of tabs, do i need to shut each tab separately , can i shut a whole page down ?
  • (2021-11-25, v:2.3) Павел Азаров: Цвет значка
    Здравствуйте. Когда значок расширения с числом вкладок имеет жёлтый цвет, то белый шрифт не виден. Например, когда 29 вкладок, на жёлтом фоне не видно белое число 29. Можно это изменить?
  • (2021-05-29, v:2.3) Christian: how can show my tabs in several rows? Is that possible?
    I have a lot of pages I want to have open all the time, each page in a tab. How can I do that?
  • (2021-04-12, v:2.3) Supat Pookpan: Need Cloud Save
    Need cloud save feature to save tabs from any machines in one place under own account.
  • (2021-03-05, v:2.3) Richard GUILLEN: in french
    je suis francais
  • (2020-10-11, v:2.3) Александр: UI problem from start
    All left column of tabs preview is cropped (it is the default behavior on my system) (screenshot https://ibb.co/DLHpbg5)
  • (2020-08-06, v:2.3) Lani Salter: How to resize the Popup window in my browser?
    The current popup window is way too small... I need to see the full page layout. Also, is there an online login page? Thank you kindly!
  • (2020-03-23, v:2.2) Betsey Langan: Import not working?
    I exported my tabs on one machine to a text file. However, when I use the "import" function on my local machine, the extension says it imported successfully but I can't seem to find the tabs anywhere.
  • (2019-12-15, v:2.2) Christos Gregoriou: Too many tabs i cant see!
    I have the Tabs count reach to 85but actualy i dont have this number of tabs, ow can i reset the counter of the tabs?
  • (2019-09-14, v:2.2) Blake Kinnear: Not able to open suspended tabs.
    About a month ago I noticed that when I went to open my listing of suspended tabs to pop them open it was taking nearly a minute to respond. As of about two days ago it no longer even opens the window to suspend/reopen tabs anymore. Concerned about removing and reinstalling because I don't want to lose everything I had in my list. Could you please advise?
  • (2019-09-08, v:2.2) Ravid Segal: reset the counting of the tabs
    I have the Tabs count reach to 749 but actualy i dont have this number of tabs, ow can i reset the counter of the tabs?
  • (2019-07-19, v:2.2) Mark H: Backing up TMT to google drive fails
    Backing up to Google Drive says that it was successful, but actually seems to fail. Rather than being a complainer without doing anything, if it's written in a language I know, and you point me toward a github or gitlab repository, I'd be happy to help debug it.
  • (2019-04-11, v:2.2) Victor Manuel Gómez: Recuperación de Tabs
    Perdi toda la información de mi PC y al reinstalar todo perdí las tabs que tenia guardadas en la aplicación, al abrir Google Drive para ver el back up me dice que la aplicación esta ocupando 112 kb de mi Drive pero que no tiene acceso. que debo hacer?
  • (2019-04-01, v:2.2) vogonsrock: Tabs not closing from the app
    Hi. When i click on the too many tabs icon to close some tabs that I can't see on my desk top, because I have too many... obviously :)... and I click x to shut them down, they don't close and the number of tabs open remains the same on the icon. I have tried shutting down my laptop and it so far temporarily resolves the issue when it's reopened, but it doesn't last. I don't want to have to shut down my laptop nearly every time I need to close some tabs
  • (2019-01-14, v:2.2) J: Lost All of my Suspended Tabs
    Hi, I went to access a previously suspended tab to find they all had gone. Hundreds and hundreds. Can you advise what has happened and how to amend? Cheers.
  • (2018-12-26, v:2.2) Erin Longnickel: Imported Tabs won't open?
    Hi, I recently got a laptop and imported my tabs from another computer, but every time I try to open one it takes/shows me variations of: chrome-extension://amigcgbheognjmfkaieeeadojiibgbdp/n And just pops up an error page? Please help?
  • (2018-12-13, v:2.2) NO MEDESCARGAR
  • (2018-12-02, v:2.2) Ana Rita Gomes: Size of the window and font
    Hello, I'm the personal assistante of an old man and he has some dificult to see the tabs in the predifined window and the size of font is very small for him to read, I already went to the options and configured the size options but was not very helpul. Could you please let me know a way to increase more the window size and font? Thanks for your help Ana Gomes
  • (2018-11-15, v:2.2) Chris Strubel: A problem with some suspended tabs.
    I suspended some tabs that I had pinned. Now they are "stuck" in the suspended tabs list. I cannot remove them. Please help me with this. Sincerely, Mr. Christian Strubel [email protected]


200,000 history
4.1627 (1,659 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-08 / 2.4.1
Listing languages
