extension ExtPose

Sidewise Tree Style Tabs (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

A dockable sidebar for Chrome featuring vertical Tree Style Tabs, Tab Hibernation, and much more.

Image from store Sidewise Tree Style Tabs
Description from store ************************************ This is BETA! Proceed with caution :) ************************************ I enthusiastically welcome any and all feedback! Ideas & Feedback: http://sidewise.userecho.com/list/14136-general/?category=0 As this is still beta, there may be cases where your page tree gets corrupted or messed up. If this should happen to you, restarting Chrome will in all likelihood fix the problem. If possible please report such problems to the feedback forum! ************************************ Sidewise is the first real dockable sidebar for Chrome. Key features include: * Tree Style Tabs: organize your tabs in a tree view. Supports ctrl/shift multiselect, drag & drop, instant search, right-click context menu, and more. * Tab Hibernation: keep pages in the tree view without actually having the tab open. Handy for managing those resource-hungry tabs, keeping pages around for later viewing, etc. * Multiple sidebar panes: switch between Pages, Notepad, and Reddit sidebars with a click. More panes (and a Sidewise Pane API) coming soon. * Bells & whistles: take a trip through the Sidewise Options page to learn about its many nifty extra features.

Latest reviews

  • (2021-03-29) Artemi Lebedev: How hide hibernate tabs?
  • (2020-11-18) Xonos Tay Eng Soon: I really hope I'm wrong here, but sadly this wonderful addon is not supported / update by the author for quite some time. In fact, if you go to the GitHub page of this developer, the code already missing. Hence the one star and we really need to look elsewhere. Is frustrated that in year 2020, there is still no extension matched with Firefox TFT addon.
  • (2020-11-01) didier Namur: Fonctionnait très bien quelques jours puis c'est n'importe quoi : après réouverture de Chrome, Sidewise me rouvrait des onglets fermés récemment voire doublait des onglets déjà ouverts. Impossible de trouver l'onglet actuellement "lu" dans la liste. J'ai installé "Tab Glutton" à la place, même s'il est moins pratique.
  • (2020-09-11) Adult Fun Stuff: It's usable and the best alternative I know of for Chrome, but this very badly needs to be re-worked into a sidebar (like Firefox Tree Style Tabs) instead of a separate dockable window.
  • (2020-09-10) dean v: Awful. After install it would only dock to one monitor in a multi monitor environment. I tried closing chrome and restarting then chrome went ballistic, flashing like crazy minimized and it disabled all my other apps running. This should be flagged as a virus not an extension. I finally had to remove it manually by going in my extensions directory, match up the extension with the icon and delete the dir.
  • (2020-09-05) Jeremy Dedic: This has been a must-have productivity extension for years. Without hogging screen space like clumsy bookmark extensions, Sidewise provides quick access to ~1,000 tabs organized into dozens of groups for different projects or topics (i.e., there's a separate tab grouping for each instance of a Chrome window). One downside is maybe 20% of the time I need to restart Chrome, Sidewise spawns "hibernated" duplicates of all tabs, which are useless. Easy workaround is removing and re-adding the extension. This does require a minute to relabel each grouping, and child/parent relationships among tabs with a group are lost, but I don't rely on the latter and find the former well worth it considering the gobs of time Sidewise saves me by providing quick access to tabs via 1-2 clicks or via search.
  • (2020-07-30) Руслан: Туфта.. зачем делать отдельным фреймом вертикальную панель?? Вот зачем?? Она гуляет сама по себе по всему экрану. Так еще и нормально пользоватся невозможно
  • (2020-06-28) Kenneth Fu: Its awesome, lots of neat functions, but the Hibernate tab function seems to be broken, it did not restore the tab properly.
  • (2020-03-25) João Juíz: Funktioniert mit neuen Chrome-Versionen nicht mehr vollständig
  • (2020-03-16) Antoine: AWESOME !!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆
  • (2020-03-01) Wern-Yuan, Stewern Lock: The best Docked notepad ever!
  • (2020-02-16) Ilya Osadchiy: I've just upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10, and it seems to work much better now with resizing and moving of the browser window.
  • (2020-01-17) Андрей Б.: Вообще не открывается.
  • (2020-01-04) Paulo Monteiro: Now it creates a new window that if closed closes all the tabs please fix (Chrome Version 79.0.3945.88 )
  • (2019-12-29) crabshank3: I have modded this extension to fix some of the bugs (Fixes the error that arose because of the addition of pendingUrl to Chrome, works with incognito tabs (should you enable it to), logs less and only stores the the tabs that are displayed in the sidebar (clears removed tabs).): https://github.com/crabshank/Chrome-Sidewise-Incognito
  • (2019-12-15) Royce Chao: best tree tabs extension, but not compatible with chrome 79 and all the other chromium based browser (ok with chrome 78 and old versions)
  • (2019-12-14) Stephen S: It's ok but needs to be looked at. Maybe fixing the import / export tool as that throws an error. I've imported my old setting by using the old contents of this directory: C:\Users\put_your_user_name_here\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\biiammgklaefagjclmnlialkmaemifgo Not working at all since 12.12.2019, problem left in the support section.
  • (2019-12-04) Alexander Amelkin: Существенно менее удобно, чем Tree Tabs для Firefox. Создаёт отдельное системное окно (даже в "пристыкованном" состоянии), а не отъедает часть окна броузера. Соответственно, если переключились на другое приложение, а потом снова открыли окно броузера, то это расширение останется в фоне и его не будет видно. Очень неудобно. По крайней мере, это так в Brave для Linux. Удаляю. Буду искать другое решение.
  • (2019-11-21) Sean Hu: 上午在Firefox中 发现了 TreeStyle Tab,很好用,于是想在Chrome里也找到同名的插件,最后只有这一款差强人意,其他两个都不好用
  • (2019-11-10) Andrey Est: саме те що шукав серед десятків
  • (2019-11-04) Tim Holt: Nothing behaves logically or sensibly. I’m not talking about bugs—it mostly seems to run fine. The only way to open new tabs opens them at the root of the current window. WHY!!!!!? Every single action you take opens a popup asking you if you actually meant to click what you clicked. Baffling and annoying. Why is there a text editor? Was it that or the snake game? Closing a parent tab leaves the children tabs open. This confuses me so much, I feel like I’m having a stroke. The reasoning behind this behavior continuously refuses to gel in my brain, and I feel like I might suddenly wake up in a hospital bed. Opening a link in a new tab opens it as a sibbling tab. The ENTIRE CONCEPT behind hierarchical tabs is opening new links in child nodes! Come on! Okay, I did run into one bug (I desperately hope it was a bug, anyway). It’s physically impossible to drag a tab/branch to the bottom of the list at root level if there is a branch there. No matter what you do, it becomes part of that branch.
  • (2019-09-06) Tim McCormick: Shaky. In my use, trying it over the last five years, it's always had the problem that tabs jump around, both in the Chrome tabs at top and the sidebar. When windows are reopened, the tab order is not preserved, and they jump around when reloading. This largely defeats the point of a tool to help you manage tabs, and quickly gets quite annoying and disruptive, so borderline worthless. On the extension's site there is a forum to report/upvote issues (User Echo forum), and this is the 2nd-most mentioned issue, with loads of people reporting it 6+ years back. Seems like developer is not much on top of or active on this one.
  • (2019-08-13) Ludwig Stangl: Hallo, kann man denn nicht die Seitenleiste nahtlos andocken ???
  • (2019-07-28) Ling Mao: I've tried two other tab managing extensions including tabs outliner and Cluster - Window & Tab Manager, this one is simply the best with auto detect chrome window, resize and dock function, just drag your chrome window and it'll go with it. It enables a single mouse click to close the tab whereas you have to pay tabs outliner to unlock this function. Even so, tabs outliner still lacks search function. So it's a no brainer which one I choose to keep. =========================================== Update to two stars because constant refresh/flicker of the sidewise and chrome window, making it unusable.
  • (2019-06-30) micom fa: start to have bugs
  • (2019-06-25) Zac0bin Huo: greate tool
  • (2019-05-04) Liked it when I first started using it. HOWEVER, as several others mentioned, this app would randomly rearrange my tabs without my input; aggravating to say the least. Also, I like to clean history and all browsing data when I close my browser. After installing this extension, I was no longer able to perform this function. There's an "X" button within the extension which brings up ALL closed tabs from all previous sessions, including sensitive accounts. Yet when I tried to "permanently" delete the individual tab history, only the sensitive accounts remained and would not close. Not good. UNINSTALLED.
  • (2019-03-21) Lars E.: Tolle Erweiterung!
  • (2019-01-24) AMeditativeMoment with : Joyce Christ: extension works well
  • (2018-12-08) расширение вошло в мой "золотой фонд"
  • (2018-12-04) ernobe: It stopped recognizing which tabs were open in a window. Finally I found one of the advanced options called "emergency restore" which found them.
  • (2018-11-21) Tomasz Malinowski: The best for Chrome at the moment. And a lot of work to do: bugs (screen flickering after opening Sidewise), tab and background colors, extra features like manual saving window positions (I'd like to have everything together on one monitor), window margin setting, etc... Tabs are stopping me from moving to Chrome from Firefox. but Sidewise might be a light in a tunnel.
  • (2018-07-26) Genex K: Don't save "Sidebar target width" as 220 pixels. All time set 746 pixels.
  • (2018-06-08) Matthew Kokidko: Perfect. I only just installed it but drag and dropping onto another tab adds it to the tree which is hard to find. I'll update this if there are any issues after use but it seems solid so far.
  • (2018-06-01) Jacques Prestreau: Please, how to do to prevent the page "Sidewise Options" to open again each time I re-open Chrome ? That page being carefully close in the common situation, it should not re-open alone the next time I open Chrome. It does. Each time I repoen Chrome. Rrrr ! I'm pretty sure that it is something which is wrong in my own parameters but I desperately search what without finding.
  • (2018-03-15) John L. Reed: It's working.THANK YOU!
  • (2018-02-27) Kurt Steinbach: The only problem is that an extra window keeps opening in the Windows Taskbar that opens old tabs from my history or from FVD Speed Dial. I close them, and whether, I close it from the Windows Taskbar or from Sidewise, it keeps reopening 5 or 6 times, each time with a different old tab. Other than that, I really like this extension. It saves on CPU and RAM, and really allows me to manage my tabs, almost as well as in Firefox 56 and before. The tabs are inactive. Because I never liked that Chrome opened all tabs on startup. OTOH, I hate the new Firefox Quantum and how it spikes resource usage all the time, and I teach ESL online. So, is this a Sidewise issue or an FVD Speed Dial issue, and how do I stop it? I'd like to be able to use this without wrestling with closing those tabs each time I open Chrome. Even if it does stop opening tabs, after I've closed them 5 or 6 times. I also do not like the fact that Sidewise wants to reorder my tabs. I have a speedtest and speed test beta tab open. I want them next to each other. I do not want the Chrome Store Tab or Netflix tab between them, but this POS Sidewise, keeps placing Netflix between the two speed test tabs. Enough already! I've been using this extension for a few months now. Why does Sidewise keep rearranging and reordering my tabs? And no, those tabs being rearranged are not subordinate of tabs above. I place them at the same level, and group like tabs, together.
  • (2018-02-05) Taylor Murphy: I always have to uninstall or disable this extension except when I am using it. Why? It is constantly flipping around my tabs and shuffling them all over the place. It's so annoying going to close a tab and having it swap with another tab at the last second. Why do this? It's not funny, if that's why. Please let us disable it.
  • (2018-01-24) Todd Empcke: I use several browser windows on several monitors in several workspaces (linux) But there is only one sidewise sidebar to manage the tabs for all of those windows in all of those workspaces. So say I have 2 monitors (I have 3, but say I have 2) and a chrome window open in each, well the sidewise window that has all the tabs in it can only dock to one of those windows at a time. then I go to workspace 2 where I have yet more chrome windows and now the sidewise sidebar is not visible on any monitor because it is living in a different workspace... And when I click the sidewise icon to bring it to that window in the 2nd workspace the sidewise window starts spazing out and flashing like it does not know for sure if it wants to be there or not...
  • (2018-01-17) fxtewq bcrts: It would be the best tab manager, at least for me, if it hadn't had a major bug: the extension randomly rearranges tabs by whatever order it deems right. Even worse, if I drag and drop tabs and put them in previous order, it stubbonly reposistion them after a while (smart enough, it knows when I'm not looking) This is a total deal-breaker, and as much as I want to use this ext as my tab manager, it just won't do.
  • (2017-12-21) K Chaste: Great addon, but twoo problems -- there's focus issues in linux where it flips mouse focus between main window and SWTST, so typing into the url bar misses characters (and some go into the SW searchbar). Bit of a mess. Need to click into main window to force focus only on mainpane, then ^L to get to urlbar. Also: when restoring tabs from a crash manually, pinned tabs are no longer pinned.
  • (2017-12-19) Ground.0 _reloaded: Je recommande VRAIMENT cette extension aux utilisateurs de Chrome (et Chromium ;)), surtout à ceux qui sont bordéliques (gère aussi les sauvegardes / importations / exportations de sessions, permettant d'en avoir plusieurs) : c'est LE truc qui manque aux navigateurs, de base, d'un point de vue ergonomique.
  • (2017-12-08) Color Fuzzy: Pretty Good! Thanks!
  • (2017-11-28) Ping Du: the tree style tab part works great. really like the auto detect chrome window, resize and dock to it. But the recently closed part did not work properly. no response with double click or right click. The only option left is copy link to clipboard and paste to address bar.


18,197 history
3.8 (341 votes)
Last update / version
2017-02-12 / 2017.2.12.0
Listing languages
