extension ExtPose

Privacy Manager

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Description from extension meta

Datenschutzeinstellungen verwalten, Surf-Daten löschen, Schnellzugriff auf Inkognito-Modus, Cookie-Verwaltung und Netzwerkkontrolle

Image from store Privacy Manager
Description from store Privacy Manager ist eine völlig kostenlose und quelloffene Chrom-Erweiterung für Datentransparenz und -kontrolle. Privacy Manager kann Ihnen helfen bei: - Datenschutzverwaltung - Cookie-Verwaltung - Löschen von Browsing-Daten beim Start des Browsers - Netzwerküberwachung Datenschutzverwaltung — Die Erweiterung bietet die Möglichkeit, aktuelle Datenschutzeinstellungen zu verwalten (Aktivieren/Deaktivieren): - Sperrt das Setzen von Drittanbieter-Cookies - Verwaltung von Hyperlink-Prüfungen - Festlegen, ob Chrome das Senden von Referrer-Angaben mit Anfragen zulassen muss - Ermöglicht das Anzeigen alternativer Fehlerseiten - Verwaltung der Einstellungen zum automatischen Ausfüllen von Formularen - Aktivieren/Deaktivieren des Sprachbefehls „OK, Google”, um eine Sprachsuche zu starten - Ermöglicht das Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Passwortspeicherung - Aktiviert das „Sichere Surfen” für den Fall, dass diese Option durch eine andere Erweiterung deaktiviert wurde (wenn das „Sichere Surfen” aktiviert ist, wird Chrome versuchen, Sie vor Phishing und Malware zu schützen) - Ermöglicht das Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Berichterstellung zum „Sicheren Surfen” - Verwalten der Suchvorschläge - Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Rechtschreibprüfung - TAktivieren/Deaktivieren des Übersetzungsdienstes - Verwaltung des Netzwerk-Vorabrufs - WebRTC-IP-Verarbeitung Löschen von Browserdaten beim Start des Browsers: - Leeren des Zwischenspeichers der Anwendung von Webseiten - Leeren des Browser-Zwischenspeichers - Löschen der Browser-Cookies - Leeren der Liste der heruntergeladenen Dateien - Leeren des Dateisystem des Browsers - Löschen der eingegebenen Formulardaten - Leeren des Verlaufs der besuchten Webseiten - Löschen der IndexedDB-Daten von Websites - Löschen der lokal gespeicherten Daten von Websites - Löschen von Server-gebundene Zertifikate - Löschen gespeicherter Passwörter - Löschen von Plugin-Daten - Löschen von Service Workers - Löschen von WebSQL-Daten von Websites Cookie-Verwaltung - Dies ist ein Instrument zur Verwaltung von Cookies (zur Verwendung des Moduls müssen Sie optionale Host-Berechtigungen innerhalb der Erweiterung zulassen): - Domains zugeordnete Cookies anzeigen - Cookies nach Domain filtern - Cookie hinzufügen/erstellen - Cookies bearbeiten - Einzelnes Cookie löschen - Cookies einer bestimmten Domain löschen - Delete All cookies Netzwerküberwachung - Benutzer können den Netzwerkverkehr auch in Popup-Fenstern verwalten - http-Header sammeln und auch Daten der Browserkennung sperren, die per Anfrage gesendet werden sollen. Um diese Funktion nutzen zu können, müssen Sie optionale Host-Berechtigungen zulassen. GitHub: https://github.com/Privacy-Managers/Privacy-Manager Fragen und Funktionswünsche: https://github.com/Privacy-Managers/Privacy-Manager#reporting-bugs-suggestions-and-questions Bei der Übersetzung mithelfen: https://github.com/Privacy-Managers/Privacy-Manager#translations Datenschutzerklärung: https://github.com/Privacy-Managers/Privacy-Manager/blob/master/privacy-policy.md Kontakt: E-Mail-Adresse: [email protected] LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/manvel-saroyan/39/8a7/b22

Latest reviews

  • (2022-10-31) Rosario Tortorici: L'ho aggiunta a chrome unicamente per eliminare la cronologia ogni volta che chiudo e riapro il browser, ma non è in grado neanche di fare questo. Pessima.
  • (2020-03-15) MJEXE: yh
  • (2020-03-15) Haakon Dørstad: good
  • (2019-08-26) FZ: Remove all on browser startup and the history still exists. Remove history on brwoser startup and the history still exists. Main feature doesnt work!?
  • (2019-07-30) Moxi Moz: Simply amazing.
  • (2019-05-29) Michael Kharitonov: Almost all settings are present in Chrome. For cleaning it's better to use external program that doesn't suffer from API limitations.
  • (2019-01-08) Wanted to switch from Click&Clean to an open source alternative. Privacy Manager fit the bill. It's comprehensive and has a clear, concise and informative UI.
  • (2018-05-05) trytip x.: if you are signed in to google, the most important information you want gone is not deleted when you clear everything at startup. these cookies and storage still remain https://i.imgur.com/QJDaBpg.jpg
  • (2018-04-11) Dirk Fretz: I'm using Vivaldi, which is a Chrome based browser. Because Google doesn't seem to think it's necessary to clear out a Chrome browser cache, CCleaner is always alerting me to the 500+MB of disk space being wasted. Prior to Vivaldi, I was using Avant Browser with the Chrome engine. One of the things I loved and miss about AB were all the browser auto-cleaning on exit options Google Chrome only seems to implement haphazardly or not at all. Honestly, AB spoiled me, but I had to make the switch to something else because it's not being kept up very well lately. As much as I like Vivaldi and its customization options, it's no AB when it comes to auto-cleaning browser clutter. Before settling on Privacy Manager, I tried 3 other browser cleaners. The other Chrome Web Store extensions for clearing the browser cache required user interaction, i.e. one click cleaning. I thought, "Why do I need to be involved at all? Whatever happened to auto-cleaning by selecting that option?". Well, Chrome doesn't have that option. So, this is the next best thing and it's really good. Based on CCleaner's analysis, it doesn't clear every Vivaldi cache folder, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. There are GPU and Shader related files that you probably don't want deleted on a regular basis. There are also probably other cache related folders and files that might be native to the way Vivaldi does things, but not entirely Chrome browser folder location format proper. So, I can't fault PM for not finding and deleting them if it would delete those files when using the Google Chrome browser. All I can say is that I'm happy my browser cache is cleaned every time I open Vivaldi so that I'm not wasting disk space. Addendum: After reading through some of the other reviews, my hunch of why all cache items are not deleted was confirmed and explained by Manvel Saroyan's response to another reviewer: Manvel SaroyanAug 11, 2017 Yes, it's true, currently the extension only deletes the web browsing data ignoring the protected web origins set by hosted apps and extensions. I think this should be made clear see -> https://github.com/Manvel/Privacy-Manager/issues/14 .
  • (2018-03-04) ВАСЯ пупкин: The best i've ever seen.
  • (2017-12-12) DF José: me parece que não esta funcinando mais!! aqui não está fazendo a limpeza de cache!!! sempre q rodo progama de limpeza o cache do crome esta sempre cheio!!
  • (2017-10-17) Sasagi Sasindara: good
  • (2017-09-13) Clemens Ratte-Polle: when editing cookies chrome crashes...
  • (2017-08-13) waterfall: В режиме инкогнито не удаляет все куки сразу, только по одной. Если удалять их с помощью перезапуска браузера, то для чего нужен тогда такой менеджер приватности? UPD to Manvel Saroyan Только что отправил Вам письмо на мэйл с заголовком: "Вопросы по Privacy Manager" UPD to Manvel Saroyan Спасибо, версия обновилась и сейчас всё в порядке.
  • (2017-08-08) Веда: пока работает не плохо,мне нравится!
  • (2017-07-25) 謝順堂: 對記憶體的控管相當有幫助,解決了我的相當大的困擾,感謝。
  • (2017-05-22) Artyom Nikitin: Hello! I am a representative of the company Mr Ads., Which is a leader in monetizing browser extensions. Currently Mr Ads- the most advanced and profitable platform for profitable cooperation. Based on the above we want to make you a better offer for collaborating. We offer more than 10 types of monetization, each of which has confirmed unique effectiveness. Depending on your needs, we provide several methods of monetizating- from the soft to the hard methods. Be sure No negative experiences from users - Only appropriate and clear advertising. In addition, by providing an individual approach, we take into account the wishes of each partner.Please, take the most note that, our system didn't conflict with other systems, so you can easily earn extra income. Why cooperate with us is profitable: Without the slightest effort you can give yourself a high revenue. Payments are carried out on request. No delays and no minimum amount. Select a payment system that is preferable for you. Lightweight and easy to use interface will provide full comfort for webmasters. Responsive support service instantly answer all the questions that interest you. The complete absence of restrictions on the GEO. Detailed statistics in real time. Failures and disturbances in the system are excluded. Profitable Refferal Program. In conjuction with Mr Adsyour extension “ Privacy manager ” will become a reliable guarantee of maximum profit. High earnings, combined with comfort for users- Now it's really! If you are interested in our offer or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free contact with us. We look forward for collaboration!!! Skype: ed.mr ads Email: [email protected]
  • (2017-02-14) VA: Block user agent on page http://atomurl.net/myip/ http://www.whatsmyua.com not working (Vivaldi browser)
  • (2017-02-08) Артур Колодезний: отлично
  • (2016-12-24) Игорь Иванов: Расширение хорошее. Давно пользуюсь, но в последнее время на некоторых сайтах через браузер Vivaldi с этим расширением не отображаются жизненно важные элементы (формы авторизации, карты, надписи на кнопках).
  • (2016-09-30) Thomas Sola: I'm running into a problem where Privacy Manager is making it impossible to login to an important app I use for work. Even when I turn off every option it still blocks access so it's doing something in the background when it shouldn't be. Outside of this it works as advertised but it makes me trust the extension a little less when it's still doing some kind of operation even though it shouldn't be.
  • (2016-07-21) Christian Lindenau: Ganz gut, doch seit September 2013 kein Update mehr. :-(
  • (2016-04-10) VERIFICADO ❼: Privacy Manager + SaferVPN + Disconnect (Ads) PRIVACIDADE [ON] - RECOMENDO
  • (2015-08-17) Vishal C: IT WAS VERY HELPFUL
  • (2015-06-22) SW Vinyl: Works and works Very well to deletions of cookies without going deeper into chrome.
  • (2014-10-24) Jean-Michel Digneffe: auto installed came with browsershop adware which add ads in every single page
  • (2014-10-21) spam
  • (2014-10-14) Денис Пискунов: Необходимо вернуть подключавшийся модуль
  • (2014-10-01) Praveen Gwari: good
  • (2014-09-29) Ravikumar Jagarapu: Excellent....really good to use....just try it....!


10,000 history
4.2515 (167 votes)
Last update / version
2023-01-02 / 4.0.0
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