extension ExtPose

Mindful Browsing

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Description from extension meta

Beautifully interrupts mindless browsing, and gets you back to your life.

Image from store Mindful Browsing
Description from store Entirely in your control. You specify which sites you'd like to be mindful about your time on, and provide a list of things you'd generally rather do instead. Mindful Browsing doesn't block you from visiting sites - it simply asks if you'd like to visit, and if so, reminds you 10 minutes later. Beautiful. Mindful Browsing features stunning photographs from some of the world's best landscape photographers. If you're a photographer and are interested in having your work featured, email [email protected]. Free. Open. Safe. Mindful Browsing was built by me, Steven Skoczen, to help with my own mindless browsing. Friends liked it, so I made it available for free on the chrome store. Mindful Browsing doesn't track any of your activity, and the code is open-source so that you (or a geeky friend) can verify nothing sneaky is going on. I hope you Mindful Browsing makes your life a bit better. If you have ideas, I'd love to hear from you. Note: If you're looking for a way to block sites entirely, there are a host of other extensions out there. Do a search for stay focused, or block site, or study blocker. A lot of people have built ways to completely block sites for a period of time. Mindful Browsing isn't one of them - we believe that it's better to learn to be mindful about browsing than relying on a computer to enforce it. Think of it this way: if you hurt your leg, in the long run, would you rather do rehab and build your muscles, or use crutches for the rest of your life? :) ---------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2.6 - Updates to Chrome Extension V3 permissions. This means the extension no longer needs the tabs or webNavigation permissions. Hooray for fewer permissions! Version 1.2.4 - Adds new images. Version 1.2.2: - Updates all images to SSL, so no warning appears on secured sites. Version 1.2.1: - Fixed a bug that was causing images not to load. Version 1.2: - Lots of new images, now changing daily - Hides the confirmation for small popups (like Facebook and Twitter's "Authorize this app" screens.) - Saves the daily image locally, for much faster and prettier responses. - A few odds and ends, like better fonts support, some tweaked spacing, and other beauties. Version 1.1: - Fixes a couple bugs, including close button and empty lists. - Makes edit popup easier to read. - Even better credit of the incredible photographers we feature. Version 1.0: - Initial release.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-06-19) redacted: nothing against the extension but hate the idea of relying on external factor to control your impulses or conditioning
  • (2023-05-21) Asha Kartha: easy to use and super helpful. i'm glad this exists
  • (2023-01-12) Juan José Flórez Muñoz: The idea is great... the execution... not so much. I cannot make it work at all for some reason. When I add the pages and the things I'd rather do, these keep getting deleted, and it doesn't work at all. Hope it gets fixed as this extension seemed perfect for my use case. I'm using brave browser with default settings for privacy.
  • (2021-09-10) CL W: Would be nice if there was some way to only have the blocker active during certain times of the day, so that outside of work hours I could use my browser freely. But for a free extension, this is super useful.
  • (2021-07-13) Niranjana Arul: Very simple to use, keeps me away from distracting apps, can also be used to prompt what to do instead of getting distracted. Love this extension!!!
  • (2020-08-19) Lenny: Lovely concept and works well, I wish we can adjust the amount of time we can spend on a website, and be able to turn on and off the extension whenever we need to. Maybe have it prompt us to input a duration between 1-10 minutes so that we can think about how long we wanna spend on it, and after that amount of time we get asked to go back to work. :) Sometimes it 'remembers' URLs that I've asked it to remove. Which is a bother, since we can't even turn off the extension for a period of time.
  • (2020-07-20) Xico Caio: It is the type of self-control tool I wanted, simple and not annoying. However, it takes to long to block the website, and it is not instantaneous as some other extensions. Also, the motivation placeholder web page could be more open to customization, as the motivation sentence is on a small font and with a transparency that makes it difficult to read.
  • (2020-02-08) Dmitrii Kotov: It doesn't work. I added some sites and nothing happend.
  • (2019-12-22) Juon Young: simple, very useful
  • (2019-12-13) Lori A: I love it. Works great. Beautiful pictures but I can only see one background. It doesn't change to the others shown in the app store.
  • (2019-09-10) Sarah Mac: This is a beautiful extension, and is actually terrifically helpful. My only problem is that both the lists tend to delete items or replace them with duplicates, which is not ideal when you suddenly check the clock and wonder why it hasn't flagged the website for half an hour. I've found that adding one. option. at. a. time. keeps them on for a short period of time, but eventually they get mucked up again. This is admittedly beautifully simple, but I also second some of the comments that it would benefit greatly from having an on/off option, and a way to control the time limit.
  • (2019-08-09) Jessica Avalon: brilliant.
  • (2019-05-16) Dottie Blyth: great idea, but photo and text/button contrast makes it hard to read.
  • (2019-03-23) Fahad ALMOutiri: https://blog.twitter.com/marketing/en_us.html
  • (2019-02-12) Ananth: This is an excellent extension. It gently makes you question yourself if what you're doing is the best use of your time before getting sucked into your old habits. Highly recommended.
  • (2019-01-20) Marti Sleister: This is a great extension. It helps me keep in mind how much time I'm wasting as I do it. It leaves me to decide whether to get back to it or not. I wish I could turn it off outside of work hours and on days off. I'm allowed to goof off on Saturday morning.
  • (2018-06-19) Dianne DeSha: Sadly, I spoke too soon. After closing down and reopening Chrome, it has duplicated everything from the fourth entry down (erasing every other URL I put in) and does this even after restarts and reinstalls. --so I'd have to call it broken at this point. Such a shame!) ======================= It works nicely--I don't want to be forced off a page like many extensions do, I just want to be reminded that I'm getting distracted. This does it nicely. Two requests: 1) I second the option to have a shorter time limit on the reminder--5 or even 3 minutes. 2)An option on the button to turn it on and off, for those times when I'm actually doing something important on one of those inbetween sites--amazon, for instance--that can sometimes be necessary and sometimes just be a distraction. The first is more important to me--10 minutes is too much time to wander off mentally. But this is a beautiful, well-crafted reminder (not force-block!) system. :-)
  • (2017-10-31) Julie A. H.: I use to much time doing nothing on sites like facebook and youtube, so I need an app like this. Unlike other extensions like this, I really like that it reminds you what you ACTUALLY want to do as well as the images. The images doesn't always change though, which I wish they did. The last 10 times it has just been the same picture of a plant. I also wish the "Actually, nah" would close the tab or for there to be an option to go to a different site maybe.
  • (2017-08-29) วิชัย ดำรงเดชะธรรม: gods goods goods
  • (2017-08-15) Lynn K (Полина Ханова): I love this extension, exactly what I was looking for! I love that it doesn't flat out lock me out of a website but gives me an option to do something else instead. Simple and great. One thing, though: the background pictures are, frankly, cheesy and annoying. Can you please make a simpler version without pictures or add a toggle to turn them off?
  • (2017-07-18) daruoosh pj: ok
  • (2017-07-04) Saddikul Sk: love
  • (2017-05-23) Sarah Campbell: I love it but 10 minutes is TOO LONG!!! I wish there were an option to set the timer for something shorter. It would be awesome if you awesome creators would give us this option! Like 3 minutes. Ten minutes on Facebook adds up fast for me. I have to often check things on Facebook for work. . then I waste at least ten minutes!
  • (2017-03-15) Anya Extguru: Hello! I am a representative of the company EXT.GURU., Which is a leader in monetizing browser extensions. Currently EXT.GURU- the most advanced and profitable platform for profitable cooperation. Based on the above we want to make you a better offer for collaborating. We offer more than 10 types of monetization, each of which has confirmed unique effectiveness. Depending on your needs, we provide several methods of monetizating- from the soft to the hard methods. Be sure No negative experiences from users - Only appropriate and clear advertising. In addition, by providing an individual approach, we take into account the wishes of each partner.Please, take the most note that, our system didn't conflict with other systems, so you can easily earn extra income. Why cooperate with us is profitable: Without the slightest effort you can give yourself a high revenue. Payments are carried out on request. No delays and no minimum amount. Select a payment system that is preferable for you. Lightweight and easy to use interface will provide full comfort for webmasters. Responsive support service instantly answer all the questions that interest you. The complete absence of restrictions on the GEO. Detailed statistics in real time. Failures and disturbances in the system are excluded. Profitable Refferal Program. In conjuction with EXT.GURU your extension "Mindful Browsing" will become a reliable guarantee of maximum profit. High earnings, combined with comfort for users- Now it's really! If you are interested in our offer or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free contact with us. We look forward for collaboration!!!   Skype:   extguru ICQ:       654784658 Jabber:  [email protected] Email:   [email protected]
  • (2017-02-18) Hasan B. Kartal: Beautiful idea, but there are some bugs in the app! Some clicks on buttons maybe unresponsive and things I have added for "rather to do.." list are being deleted or replaced with something else which I did not typed. Will still keep using it, hope to see more improvement. Thanks!
  • (2016-05-16) Exactly what i was looking for! This extension reminds you to do things you love instead of browsing which only drains your happiness in the long run. So next time you'll try to go to facebook and "Like" your friends boring photos, you'll have a second chance to draw, play an instrument, learn a language or write a book.
  • (2016-04-25) Shawn O'Neil: I love the gentle (beautiful) nudge to get off FB. However, sometimes it deletes some of my "i'd rather" options...
  • (2015-12-02) Joyce Njambi: does exactly as it states.. and gives you that nudge to do something else.. like take a walk or a glass of water, rather than keeping eyes glued to the screen..
  • (2015-06-30) Honza Kohout: Great, very nice! I use in combination with Crackbook. This for google.cz, Crackbook for facebook, youtube, news...
  • (2015-03-29) David Brown: I like it. It's pretty.
  • (2014-12-14) Xiaoming Chen: rescue me from distracting site gently (you can keep browsing if you really want to). It won't actually close until you click "Nah". which means you won't lose your comments not yet submitted.
  • (2014-07-06) Brandon Curtis: Set it up in seconds, and it'll give you that gentle nudge you need to stay more focused. Great app!

Latest issues

  • (2022-10-20, v:1.2.6) Adrial Evan Sarmiento: How to change blocking picture
    I don't know how and where to change blocking picture
  • (2021-02-24, v:1.2.6) Chris Vintinner: Adjust Browsing time
    Hi, It would be great to be able to change the time limit from 10 min to some other time period. By Site adjustments might even be nice to have too but not necessary
  • (2020-10-06, v:1.2.4) Leander Rankwiler: Timer
    Hi! I love the extension, thank you so much. Sometimes I realize that I very quickly confirm the question, that I would like to go on the website e.g. youtube, without really thinking about it. I imagine that I am not the only one with this behavior and that an optional timer could help thinking about the action - before clicking through. Maybe this could be included.. Kind regards
  • (2019-11-18, v:1.2.3) P: Inactive
    The mindfulness browser does not appear to be working at all. What do I need to do to active it after I've already downloaded it? - Peri K.
  • (2019-10-03, v:1.2.3) Xuân-Minh: Block screen is always the same
    Hello, just installed your awesome extension and I love it! But, the photo and the suggestion (take a quick walk) stay the same every day, every time. Isn't it supposed to change? I want to do more than take walks ;) Sent from the newest version of Chrome for Mac, 77.0.3865.90. Thanks in advance! XM
  • (2018-05-10, v:1.2.3) Cannot add more than one website at a time
    Thanks for the great extension. This is really helping me browse more mindfully and live a better life. Thank you! One issue -- It only allows me to add one website at a time. I have to click out of the extension, and then click back in to add a second website. Same issue occurs with the "Usually, I'd rather list." Also, it would be great if we could add new entries to the lists by editing a text file. While the graphical display is nice, it takes a very long time to add a large list of websites.
  • (2018-05-10, v:1.2.3) Cannot add more than one website at a time
    Thanks for the great extension. This is really helping me browse more mindfully and live a better life. Thank you! One issue -- It only allows me to add one website at a time. I have to click out of the extension, and then click back in to add a second website. Same issue occurs with the "Usually, I'd rather list." Also, it would be great if we could add new entries to the lists by editing a text file. While the graphical display is nice, it takes a very long time to add a large list of websites.
  • (2017-12-31, v:1.2.3) Juan Pablo Goyeneche Naranjo: I like you app, i can help you translating it to spanish
    Just that, ir you want some help with translation let me know. my mail is [email protected]
  • (2017-04-21, v:1.2.3) Bryant Huang: Ability to toggle on/off
    Thanks for making this extension, I love it! Could you add a simple toggle button or checkbox to make it easy to turn on or off? There are times when I need to focus and would like to have it enabled, but other times when I'd like to be able to browse freely. Right now I have to go to Extensions and disable/enable the extension, which requires a lot of steps. Thanks!
  • (2016-12-09, v:1.2.2) Background image
    The background image is always the same - a picture of what looks like a public telescope.
  • (2016-12-07, v:1.2.2) Pramit Bandyopadhyay: background image not changing
    I cannot change the background image. It is stuck to a picture of a shower or something, and i hate white backgound
  • (2016-04-14, v:1.2.2) Addison Marino: keeps relaoding?
    When it redirects me to MB and asks if I really want to be on FB, I click the "nah," but then it reloads FB and automatically redirects to MB a couple seconds later again. It's looped like this quite a few times.
  • (2016-01-05, v:1.2.2) Danny Smith: no images loading?
    I type in the url of the site I want blocked, and I get a blue background with the text asking if I really want to do it. There's no image though. Any thoughts?
  • (2015-07-05, v:1.2.2) Cansu Damla Burkhalter: using
    I have banned some of web sites. For exp. wwww.facebook.com But there is no warning or sth like that. I can still directly go facebook. I don't unerstand how I can use it.


7,000 history
4.375 (48 votes)
Last update / version
2021-01-30 / 1.2.6
Listing languages
