Una pequeña herramienta para Feedly
- Fullfeed (embebido iframe)
- Mercury, Diffbot, FeedlyTool Server (obtener el contenido de estos servicios)
- Estilos impresionantes (desde userstyles.org)
- "Marcar como leído anteriormente" (sólo en la vista de lista)
- Añadir favicon (sólo en la vista de lista)
- Eliminar token y puesta en página de opciones
- Asignar teclas de método abreviado 1-4 Fullfeed, Mercury, Diffbot, FeedlyTool.
Web site
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Latest reviews
- (2021-08-11) 東けん: いつの間にか未読数表示や、アイコンクリックでFeedlyが開かなくなっています
- (2021-05-23) a aa: 自動で広告や読む必要ない記事を既読にしてくれて非常に便利です ただ、最近仕様が変わったのか機能していませんが…
- (2019-07-13) Martin Šebek: Hi, awesome extension. Could you fix frames in card mode? Don't overide styles, when feedly tool not used? something like this (could be better): .feedlyToolGetContent { width: 75vw !important; position: relative !important; left: 50% !important; right: 50% !important; margin-left: -37.5vw !important; margin-right: -37.5vw !important; } .bumperHolder { z-index: 10; } //and keep default clean look: .floatingEntryContentSlide.sliderWidth { width: 647px !important;} .frameActionsTop { height: 33px !important;} .u100Entry {max-width: 647px !important; } .u100Entry .title { font-size: 2rem !important; margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important; } .entryBody { color: #333333 !important; font-size: 0.9375rem !important; line-height: 1.5em !important; max-width: 647px !important; word-break: break-word !important; font-family: sans-serif !important; }
- (2016-07-31) Nguyen neyugN: great
- (2014-12-11) Justin Cram: HATE THAT It pops up every time I start my windows reboot or whatever and asks me if I want to ok or cancel to view updated info about the most recent update! Well multiple times it will nukle my previous browsing session i FREAKING HATE THIS ADD-ON bring frustration to mind every time I see it think of it or even go into anything feedly! FYI if you happen to have adBlocker built into your chrome you definitely don't need this! Screw this PLUGIN extension! I do not recommend it at all! There is better stuff out there! Justin Cram DyingJedi Hi5
- (2014-10-18) Alicia M.: nul
- (2014-04-03) Momo Mono: - When using custom themes with Category Title text in White, the whole title becomes a white bar when selected. Kindly fix it. - Pls add option to disable Unread Count. I think the constant refresh of the count uses a lot of memory. Thanks!
- (2014-03-31) Nobuyuki Matoya: Feedly版Reader Plusを探していましたが理想の拡張にようやく巡り会えました。
- (2014-02-04) 姚晨浩: 期待可以做的更好
- (2014-01-26) Felipe Oliveira da Silva: Complemento essencial para usuários do Feedly.
- (2013-11-30) Pops Radish: Works very well.