extension ExtPose

Bulk URL Opener

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Description from extension meta

Browser addon to open multiple urls with one click. With many more tools to help you manage urls.

Image from store Bulk URL Opener
Description from store A simple and easy to use extension which allows the user to open a list of URL's in one click. Or alternatively you can create and store lists of links that you use and then load them from the drop down menu in the extension to open large amounts of links quickly and easily. Key Features:- -Allows a user to open a list of links quickly and easily -Ability to save, load and edit lists of links to provide an easier way to store and use a large amount of links -Tab Creation Delay: A user requested feature that allows the user to set a specified delay (in seconds) between each tab being created when a large number of links are opened -Custom themes: Change the look of the extension by using a different theme This extension collects no user data, for more info here is our privacy policy: https://euan.link/bulkurlopener-privacy-policy PERMISSIONS REQUIRED:- "Read your browsing history": This permission allows the extension to create tabs for you. It also allows the extension to get the URL's from currently open tabs when the 'Get list of currently open tabs' button is clicked Changelog:- 1.12.0 - Migrated app to work with Manifest V3 - Temporally disabled context menus, as the way services workers work makes the context menu click event handlers work very poorly. Leading to context menus often not working correctly. - Added a list of tabs that are still to be created on the openingtabs page. This allows the user to easily see what (and how many) tabs are still to be created. - Fixed URL extraction (Thanks @allanlaal) 1.11.2: - Limited snapshots to 4 - Added option to disable snapshots & to delete snapshots - Added more context menu items for tools, settings help. - Added better error handling for localstorage writes, to prevent unhandled errors if users localstorage is full. 1.11.1: - Limited snapshots to 50 1.11.0: - Redesigned settings page: - New card based layout. - Settings now auto save. - Added automatic snapshotting: - Local storage is automatically snapshotted when a destructive action is taken, so user has option to restore to previous versions - Bug Fixes - List saving bug 1.10.0: - Added context menus. Currently, only context menus are for opening lists that the user has saved. - Added setting to open lists in reverse order. - Added new option for the 'Default list to display' setting: - 'Previous urls': whatever you previous had in the 'URLs' text box will be displayed the next time you open the app / popup. - Improved the REGEX for extracting urls from strings. - Redesigned help page - Added 'Tools' page, currently only includes a url extractor tool 1.9.0: - Added ability for the user to pause and resume the opening of tabs when using tab creation delay. - User can now specify the tab creation delay to decimal points, rather than just whole numbers as previously. - Added a hotkey to open the popup (Ctrl + Shift + U). 1.8.3: - Fixed wording on buttons on extension popup to make them clearer and less confusing. 1.8.2: - Fixed bug where if "Delay tab loading until tab is selected" setting was enabled, the url would be truncated after the first parameter in the query string. 1.8.1: - Firefox bug fix when deleting lists. 1.8.0: - Added option to launch a list when the browser starts. - Added feature to delay tab loading until the user focuses the tab (Selects the tab in their browser) - Added basic command line flags for election version of app, -v or --version, -h or --help 1.7.2: - Added a options file to the app manifest, so the settings page can be launched from the browsers addon / extension management page. - Continued refactor of old sections of code, as well as working to completely remove dependence on Jquery in preparation of Bootstrap 5 1.7.1: - Prevented electron version from having a tab creation delay of < 1, to prevent issues from occurring when opening tabs - Fixed bug which could stop large lists being opened on Chromium, if the 'Open tabs 'Active'' setting is enabled 1.7.0: - Added Importing and Exporting of user configuration. Users are now able to import or export their configuration (Lists and Settings). This allows your to transfer all you data to another device in a simpler manner. - New setting: Buttons Look. This option lets the user choose whether filled or outline buttons should be used. As outline buttons can have some readability issues - especially if the user is using the 'Night Mode' - New setting: Open Tabs Active State. Setting allows user to decided whether new tabs should be set as 'Active' when they are opened. 'Active' means that the tab is the one being displayed by the browser - New setting: Auto Load Into Textbox. When a list is selected from the dropdown, it will be automatically loaded into the textbox (Text Area). Rather than having to select a list, then click on 'Open List' - All versions of the app (Chrome, Firefox, Electron) are now in one single code base, meaning all features will be available on all platforms. Built using a shell script. - Fixed a bug when editing lists of less then three urls 1.6.0: - The browser-based versions of the application are now in a single code-base. So it will be easier to develop, test and deploy changes. - Fixed www. links not opening correctly. 1.5.1: - Tidied up help page. 1.5.0: - Added setting for user to decide how non-urls should be handled when encountered. User can choose to either: Open the non-url in a search engine, Ignore the non-url, Attempt to extract the non-url. - Added setting so user can decide which search engine should be used if a non-url is going to be opened in a search engine. 1.4.0: - Added new setting to allow user to choose which tabs should be displayed when the 'Currently opened tabs' setting is selected. Either all opened tabs, or just those in the current window. - Fixed bug which would cause the 'Automatically open lists' and 'Enable Night Theme' options not to display if no settings object was present in the browser storage. 1.3.4: - Removed deprecated API chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow - If a user uses Tab Creation Delay, once all tabs are opened the message on the page will change to inform the user that all links are opened - Tidied up tab creation and remove deprecated 'selected' parameter 1.3.3: - Fixed bug which would stop the user from creating more than 10 lists. Also causing the list with the id 10 to be overwritten with a new list. 1.3.2: - Small code optimization for loading popup load times - Improved shadow for modals 1.3.1: - Fixed bug where checkboxes would be missing on the settings page if the user had not saved settings previously - Fluent design bootstrap is now provided with the extension package rather than being loaded over cdn 1.3.0: - Added a simple night mode - Added setting that allows users to change their bootstrap theme. Currently only supports default bootstrap and fluent design bootstrap. 1.2.0: - Added a setting to automatically open a list when it is selected from the extensions popup. (This setting can be overruled by holding the ctrl key before selecting a list from the dropdown) (User requested feature) - Added a setting to change the default list that is loaded when the extension is launched (User requested feature) - Added button on popup to open the extension in a popup window - Link lists and settings are now stored using JSON this improves the stability of the extension as more settings are added. Old lists and settings should be automatically converted - Performance improvements, removed duplicate jQuery selectors to improve performance - Added a new re-designed icon - The extension is now open source. You can view the repository at here. (https://github.com/EuanRiggans/BulkURLOpener) - Updated bootstrap to v4.1.1 - Updated jquery to v3.1.1 1.1.4: -Fixed an issue where many links on the help page would not work correctly 1.1.3: -Fixed a bug where lists without a trailing new line would not open the last link in the list -Help page now contains links to get support, report bugs or suggest new features 1.1.2: -Fixed an issue where Vivaldi users would not be able to open more than 9 tabs in one go 1.1.1: -Fixed tab naming issue when Tab Creation Delay is used -Removed unnecessary font files to reduce extension size 1.1.0: -New method of storing lists of URLs. Old lists will be converted automatically -Added settings page -Added help page -Added changelog page -Added 'Tab Creation Delay' functionality (User requested feature) -Code optimizations 1.0.1: -Small code optimization 1.0.0: -Initial release

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-24) Florian “furomin” Gaul: Awesome tools! Good job, dev!
  • (2023-10-19) Diego: Una herramienta que aporta velocidad y productividad en el manejo de los enlaces, recomendada para las personas que acumulamos muchas ventanas, gestiona muy bien los enlaces. Muy recomendada
  • (2023-09-25) Alex Ngui: This is exactly what I've been looking for and it works amazingly well.
  • (2023-08-15) Oleh Holkin: Лучшее что нашел на эту тему!
  • (2023-03-30) HopeWaggle: Best URL opener. It is the only URL opener that has the option to make different lists and open URL's according to the list. One small advice that I would like to give you is that you should change the Icon and make it something like a folder or more flashy. Currently, it looks more like a notepad to write notes.
  • (2023-02-24) Regenia Aurenche: It is of great help to my work!
  • (2023-01-29) Miljenko Bulaš: Works great and has great features!
  • (2022-08-29) Kartik Gupta: Really useful for opening bulk urls, and also for copying all opened urls
  • (2022-06-12) Shane Raymond: Very useful
  • (2022-04-13) Jett Abernathy: excellent
  • (2021-12-21) Rohin Koshi: works great, love that you can save links. i think the default behavior should be : Default list to display: previous urls to prevent people from having to re-type in urls.
  • (2021-09-02) Computer Browser: best tab list
  • (2021-08-21) krishan seo: best tab opner
  • (2021-04-18) Lagging_ BarISH: Work perfectly.
  • (2021-03-17) Belaid TABTI INFEP: This is what i am looking for from a long time. Thanks
  • (2021-02-21) Carlos Morales: Work perfect and fast, i use it a lot. Thanks for creating and sharing.
  • (2020-12-26) Андрей Кузнецов: Однозначно лучшее в своей категории на данный момент.
  • (2020-08-11) THe Best
  • (2020-06-24) kitty gaur: very good extension
  • (2020-02-23) James Fancy: Works quickly but my main complaint is that in the list of url's it is not clear where one ends & another ends since it is not a bulleted or spaced out list, I suggest "The Great Suspender" over this which is more in depth but takes a little longer to navigate as a result.
  • (2020-02-13) Maarten Van Casteren: Create multiple lists of urls! Great extensions.
  • (2020-02-04) alexander paukuma: bagus.
  • (2020-01-14) Pavel Pessi: good!
  • (2019-12-03) Μαρίνος Βενιτουράκης: Amazing...
  • (2019-09-11) surya prima: The "BEST" evr
  • (2018-07-28) Borys Dziundziuk: great
  • (2017-11-18) Mikey MoMo: A little difficult to use but it does work after many clicks. It saves multiple URL sets which is a good thing. Missing features: 1. Close all open tabs before opening list; 2. Delay a few seconds (user specified) before opening the next URL (can be global). Immediately opening multiple tabs can put quite a load on a system. A delay between opening tabs helps speed the opening because they are not all trying for disk access and CPU access at the same time. First one of these bulk openers I tried that actually saves the list. Useless without that feature.

Latest issues

  • (2023-07-12, v:1.12.0) Noushad P: Limit the number of active tabes open
    Hi Would it be possible to add a feature like limiting the number of tabs kept open? Once the limit is reached it automatically pauses, and resumes once a tap is closed. Many thanks Noush
  • (2022-10-11, v:1.12.0) Sami S: Adding a Very Important New Feature
    I suggest adding this option, Open the next link when the current link (page) is fully loaded. And also to add a timer before the next page is opened would be a great idea.
  • (2022-07-06, v:1.12.0) Kenny Magarino: Reporting
    Dear, very useful application. My suggestion is to have some kind of reporting available. I want to test a top 100 of websites and just want to now the outcome in a report. Not necessarily open all 100 in tabs.
  • (2022-06-23, v:1.12.0) David McCoy: Feature Request
    1. Please consider adding a count down showing how long until next tab is opened 2. Please consider adding a button next to Pause, to Open Next Now (and reset the timer for the next tab)
  • (2021-10-14, v:1.11.2) Sheraz Ahmed: auto scroll
    hi, can you please let me know if i want to open multiple urls and then auto scroll all of them till end, at the same time ? is it possible ? then how can i do that
  • (2021-07-11, v:1.11.2) David Still: Open list in a New Window?
    Hi, I really love this extension, it's greatly improved my workflow! The only thing I'd love to see is a setting option somewhere to open links in a new window instead of in the current window. Is this something that you think you could add? Thank you if so!
  • (2021-05-20, v:1.11.2) Dennis Blessing: I like to use "Browser Starts Where It left off"
    I have a bunch of tabs ready to go where i left off. The issue is when something crashes or maybe you get one of those sneaky pop unders and you lose all your existing tabs. After i lose my existing tabs, I want to go into the Browser history and have it open up all the recent tabs from the History list. I don't see how to do that with the current version even though you talk about giving it permission to access the history. Did that feature get removed or am i missing something. Thank you.
  • (2021-03-30, v:1.11.2) Marco Patriarca: Incognito mode and delay
    Thank you for this great extension! I would like to suggest a small improvement: The delay function is very practical, it just doesn't work with incognito windows unfortunately. Probably a Chrome problem: as soon as the delay is activated, Bulk Opener opens its tabs in a normal window; if the delay function is deactivated, Bulk Opener also opens the tabs in incognito mode again.
  • (2020-12-10, v:1.10.0) J: Possible to have "Comment" or "Remark" that can put prior to the URL link easy to trace
    Hi, Can I do something like #openWeb1 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bulk-url-opener/kgnfciolbjojfdbbelbdbhhocjmhenep #openWeb2 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bulk-url-opener/kgnfciolbjojfdabcabcabcabcabcabc to have comment in front of the URL link. Thank you
  • (2020-11-22, v:1.10.0) Arleta M: Random open time
    Is this possible to make URL open at random time? For example from a range 10-25sec So extension opens one time after 10sec, later 20, 25, 15, 12, etc. Thank you, A.
  • (2020-10-23, v:1.10.0) Dale Harper: Auto Unique
    Hi - Don't know if this has been raised/ addressed before it would be very helpful to have an auto-unique feature so that duplicate pages are not opened. This often occurs when you are rapidly reviewing list data and would be super helpful! Your delay feature is also incredible helpful.
  • (2020-08-15, v:1.9.0) Jon Howard: Open a list <based on the current url>
    It would be great if you could open a list of urls based on the current url. I regularly need to do this as a developer. Maybe it's a narrow use case. Basically, allow the user to build a list like: %current url%/api %current url%/api/token https://www.google.com ^ but not force it on all of them
  • (2020-04-18, v:1.8.2) ˑ: Good day!
    Could you add a button "rewrite list" opposite the drop-down list menu. When clicking on it the chosen list will be rewritten with list of currently opened tabs or with list which is currently displaying in extension's area. What is easier for you to do. Sorri for my English. Thank you for job! Good-bye!
  • (2019-12-03, v:1.6.0) Μαρίνος Βενιτουράκης: Export Settings
    Amazing addon How can i export/backup lists & settings... and import in other pc ?
  • (2019-11-22, v:1.5.1) Daniel Avneri: Not working after update
    No tabs load up after launching URLS
  • (2019-11-22, v:1.5.1) Anson Wong: Not working in latest Chrome?
    As subject, seems no new tabs can be created now, please help check it. Thanks.
  • (2019-10-06, v:1.3.3) Tony Roger: converted urls order(disorder), which is quite annoying
    Hi Team, scenario: 1. input 3 urls https://google.com https://apple.com https://facebook.com click "Open List", then these 3 urls opened in the windows, while then click "Get list of currently open tabs"(or just click the extension icon), the order displayed is as beneath: https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.apple.com/ https://www.google.com/ do you notice the issue here? the order is contrary from what i inputted, it's quite annoying when connecting with other applications, because the order is just different from what inputted. the expectation here is: the outputted order is exactly the same as inputted. thanks for your understanding and optimisation.
  • (2018-12-04, v:1.3.2) Emanuel Celano: Fantastic extension but a little problem ...
    Hi, there is a problem with the list save function. after nine list save, the dozen is not saved. It is as if there is a limit to the number of lists that is can be created. Thanks for the fix if you have time ...
  • (2018-12-01, v:1.3.2) Or Schiro: Add current tab via context menu
    Hi there, How about a feature to add the current tab to the list using the context menu of the browser? Yours
  • (2018-07-09, v:1.1.4) Kevin H: Default List To Open
    Would like the option to set a default list as the one you would like the extension popup page to automatically load rather than the current tab urls. Great extension otherwise :)
  • (2018-05-08, v:1.1.4) Jie Zeng: Not working in incognito mode
    Hello, When using the extension with Chrome in incognito mode, the URLs open in a new normal window. I would have expected them to open in the same window. Using Google Chrome 66 under macOS.
  • (2017-11-29, v:1.1.1) Tom Armstrong: Not working
    Enter a list of 30 Urls, click 'Open List'. Then.... nothing. Perhaps because I'm working in Vivaldi (Chromium) browser?


60,000 history
4.8333 (42 votes)
Last update / version
2022-06-23 / 1.12.0
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