extension ExtPose

Reader View

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Description from extension meta

Strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability

Image from store Reader View
Description from store Reader View extension brings Mozilla's open-source Readability implantation to Chromium. Using this extension you can strip clutters from webpages and read them on "Reader View" mode. The extension allows you to toggle between normal view and reader view by pressing the page-action button. Note that reader view mode works best for web pages that have a lot of content. There are some tools in the left side panel that can help you personalize your Reader View. You can change color, background-color, font-size, font-family and width of the reader view. Features: -> Remove distraction -> Read in fullscreen mode -> Remove advertisements -> Save in HTML format -> Print document -> Read content using a powerful Text to Speech (TTS) engine -> Edit HTML content (live editor) -> Email document (with title, body, and reference to the original document) -> Correctly display mathematical formulas (MathJax equations are Supported) -> Highlight selected text -> Move to the next and previous pages -> Keyboard shortcuts for almost all actions -> Resize images on the design-mode -> Display DOI (Digital Object Identifier) details -> Display publish date -> Add persistent sticky notes -> Bionic Reading -> Adjust number of columns *** 0.6.x releases *** The extension is now running on manifest v3! Make sure you have the latest version of your browser to use this extension (The minimum acceptable Chrome version is 104). There are a few changes to make it compatible, so please report bugs if you see broken features. For more info please visit: https://github.com/rNeomy/reader-view/ Change Log: 0.1.3: Calling a reader view by restoring it from history will trigger history.back 0.1.4: A more visible icon. Fixes a reader bug. 0.1.5: It is now possible to toggle the reader view using keyboard shortcut (define one from Chrome's settings page) 0.2.1: Document parsing is improved. Switched to the latest Readibility.js library. Ctrl + S now saves the document same as pressing the "Save" button. Reader View now supports both rtl and ltr languages 0.2.2: It is now possible to select some content and ask the reader view to convert only the selected part. This is useful if the automatic selection tool is not detecting the content correctly. 0.2.4: Speech engine is added. You can now ask the extension to read the article for you. Estimated reading time is displayed below the article title

Latest reviews

  • (2025-02-02) Paul B.: Very good! I wish it would operate without changing the address bar, because doing so prevents copying the url for sharing and prevents my save as .mht extension from working on the page.
  • (2024-09-23) *: Works for me.
  • (2024-06-27) Jerry Suppan: I love this extension. It is very useful for saving educational and informational resources to my personal knowledge reference database. I appreciate the ability to save highlights, notes, and other such annotations and save to html, and/or print to pdf for my information database reference library. Issues: * The reader does not always include article photos in reader view mode. * Does not have the ability to display white/off-white colored text on solid black background. *Recommendation multiple highlight colors besides just yellow. I also agree with the review posted by @Parth Sarsavadiya to have the ability to distill an article by being able to summarize highlighed parts of an article or essay into a concise summary. There is a extension, 'Highligher' that allows you to (copy all highlights of an article to paste elsewhere but unfortunately as an extension it will not function within another extension except to copy and paste into Reader View. I'm a bit concerned a well Reader View has not seen any further development impreviements since 2023. ( 240627)
  • (2024-03-06) Saitamaサイタマ(โล้นผ้าคลุม): ขอบคุณนะครับที่ทำให้ชีวิตมันง่ายขึ้น
  • (2024-03-05) ban isle: 폰트도 구글웹폰트 스타일 import시키면 내가 원하는 뷰어 완성 커스텀 스타일에 @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Gowun+Batang&display=swap'); 넣고 폰트 매니지먼트에 gowun-batang-regular: 'Gowun Batang' 넣어주고, 뷰어에서 폰트 선택해주면 아주 좋다.
  • (2023-12-30) Zizheng Wu: best reader review
  • (2023-11-19) Ren Liu: Extension does exactly what I want it to do. Thumbs up!
  • (2023-11-18) K.: It's okay overall, but I really wish there were more fonts option available, there are only two options, which is too limited. Edit: I also do not understand why it would need permission to display notifications
  • (2023-11-01) Ella Megalast: Excellent extension, although I have one main gripe - the text-to-speech function within only seems to process 25 words (at most) at a time. If a sentence has over 25 words, it'll stop in the midst of a sentence; and if a sentence has 25 words exactly, at the end of the sentence, it'll read "dot" afterwards before moving on. Would it be possible for the text-to-speech to download and transcribe the entire document at once?
  • (2023-10-13) Kaloogh: Muy buena. Lo bueno esque deja persolalizar mucho de base pero si quieres ir mas alla tienes el css. Les dejo aqui mi estilo; seleccionan sepia y yo lo uso con 3 columnas se veria asi: https://i.postimg.cc/BvYgLjyB/image.png ----------Va en la primera (reader view)-------- body { padding-bottom: 64px; } a:visited { color: silver; } a:link, a:link:hover, a:link:active, a:link * { font-style: italic; } a:link:hover { color: yellow; } span { color: black; } a:link { color: black; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; } pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } pre code { background-color: #eff0f1; color: #393318; font-family: monospace; display: block; padding: 5px 10px; } body[data-mode="dark"] pre code { background-color: #585858; color: #e8e8e8; } /* Mi estilo de sepia */ body[data-mode=sepia] { background-color: #75644c; color: black; font-family: Verdana; } body:not([data-columns="all"]) .page :is(h1, h2) { background-color: #695a44; } a { color: black; } .example::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: auto; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #695a44; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { height: 100px; background: silver; border-radius: 4px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: silver; /* CSS for sans-serif fonts */ body[data-font=sans-serif] {} /* CSS for serif fonts */ body[data-font=serif] {} /* CSS for "sepia" theme */ body[data-mode=sepia] {} /* CSS for "light" theme */ body[data-mode=light] {} /* CSS for "dark" theme */ body[data-mode=dark] {} --------Para la segunda modifica la barra de la izquierda(top frame and sidebar)-------- body { background-color: #695a44; } .icon-close { color: white; } .icon-font { color: white; } .icon-speech { color: white; } .icon-print { color: white; } .icon-mail { color: white; } .icon-save{ color: white; } .icon-fullscreen { color: white; } .icon-design{ color: white; } .icon-picture-true { color: white; } .icon-note { color: white; } .icon-highlight { color: white; }
  • (2023-10-11) Kazi Istiaque Ahsan: Simple! How about an autoscroll fucnction
  • (2023-10-11) Denman Fite: Used to use this for years and now if I have it running and go to Youtube my CPU usage spikes until Brave crashes. Can't tell if this is malicious just know that if it's enabled my CPU goes nuts and causes general system instability.
  • (2023-10-07) Jhon Roy Reyes: No need for long words. This extension is definitely a masterpiece made for readers!
  • (2023-10-03) 希望alex: I like this extension but it has two issues. 1. Despite selecting the option, images are often not shown. This is especially troublesome when images are an important part of an article. Forcing me to turn off the extension. 2. Extremely limited font selection. Unless I'm missing certain options there only seem to be two fonts? Other than that I am very happy with the extension and would use it far more often were it not for the first issue especially.
  • (2023-10-02) Laurence Chiu: 非常好用,功能齊全,而且還有朗讀功能。
  • (2023-09-29) Steve Breiner: Great app!!! Makes my browsing experience infinitely better. Almost all of the clutter just disappears! Recent improvements - like TTS (text to speech) start selection and the smaller TTS player controls are a real plus. Unfortunately, the recent update (v. 0.7.20 has introduced annoying pauses in TTS both between sentences and, occasionally, between words within sentences. I suspect that's a bug that will be quickly fixed - at which point I restore the 5 star rating that I think it will deserve.
  • (2023-09-26) Arch Cheng: Outstanding work, simply the best read mode I'd use so far!
  • (2023-09-17) Harry w: I've used this on Chrome browser on desktop and Chromebook, and it works pretty much flawlessly. I use it only to read content on (for example) news sites which would otnerwise be covered with ads and paywalls. My only negative is that the extension does not work on Chrome browser on mobile. I have to rely on the builtin reader view provided by Google, which is nowere near as good. Great work! keep it up and don't let the detractors get you down.
  • (2023-09-16) Dmitriy Pisaryk: I am using this extension for a numbers of years. Love it.
  • (2023-09-13) Maverynthia Crowinthas: Not bad, but there's no (obvious) option to start TTS at a different spot. Always starts from the beginning.
  • (2023-08-21) Ryan: Like the previous reviewer, I only tested this for a couple minutes, but I really like it. I've never seen a reader that lets you further edit the page to get rid of additional stuff that the auto-filter may have missed. Super cool!
  • (2023-08-19) hypehuman: I just played with it for a few minutes and I love it. In "Type Controls" you can enable a Dark theme to make it easier on the eyes.
  • (2023-08-11) David Evans: Excellent. Works great.
  • (2023-08-08) Erica Kennett: Works great in Vivaldi. The best and most customizable option I've found for text-to-speech. I love being able to edit content to remove things like site headers and tables of contents before starting text-to-speech. The persistent sticky note is a really handy feature too, especially because the separate sticky note extension I use doesn't work in reader view. Thank you!
  • (2023-08-07) Alejandra Campoy: Works beautifully! My favorite, by far, of all the reader extensions I've tried.
  • (2023-07-15) Long Nguyễn Thành: Best
  • (2023-07-14) Louis Couture: Only bug is that the vocal reader stops at union traits -
  • (2023-07-10) Fixit Mann: Doesn't work. No icon appears after installing. No options to change anything in its settings. Useless. (version 7.1.1)
  • (2023-07-09) Pat MySecret: This is/was a GREAT reader viewer with extensive capabilities!? I don't know, somehow it doesn't seem as effective as it was when I typed the rest of this review. The option that impresses me right off is that you can edit the view! Excellent! I like the view layout better than anything I get with other viewers. I also keep a Reader Viewer that has an option to open automatically.. that one is my default. I also notice that this extension doesn't "play nice" with my word filter and copier extension the way the other Reader Viewer does, but I am still VERY fond. Wish list: Websites tend to use repetitive advertising lines. I'd like a word filter system that could be saved.
  • (2023-06-28) Sergent K: Almost perfect but images are shown twice. Also didn't find a shortcut to start the extension.
  • (2023-06-27) Keqi Zeng: It's so great. There is only one question for me: how can I use popup translator extensions in Read Mode?
  • (2023-06-24) Veta Voloshanca: Please allow me to scroll through the page while using your Text-to-Speech feature! It's really annoying it jumps back at every next paragraph!!!! Also please add the ability to open the pages I bookmarked on my PC while using your extention to be then opened on my smartphone. What I mean here is an automatic redirection to the original site instead of the error message I get right now when trying to open them on my mobile.
  • (2023-06-12) Mark M: Works very well (Win10 + Brave) on most articles. I wish I could integrate with Omnivore (send text to Omnivore) and export to .md Markdown
  • (2023-06-12) Pierre Alouit: Superbe extension
  • (2023-06-08) Trọng Nguyễn: After installing the extension, a webpage with message "Sorry, you have been blocked You are unable to access webextension.org" opened. It seems this is a malicious extension and it has been blocked by my ad blocker?
  • (2023-05-28) Cindy Bahl (Cindy): 2022-09-22 ~ Fantastic and the best extension for this use! Don't make the mistake I did and accidently installed the copycat extension also called "Reader View". It looks like this one but has much fewer features and not done as well. Their icon looks like a book that is opened to the middle. Do not install that one! Get this one! I love this one and use it multiple times a day! 2023-05-28 ~ Update: This is still my favorite extension for this type of thing. But I continue to run into the issue, these last few months, were it won't let me put photos back into it. Not sure why. Frustrating as sometimes I want certain photos to be included with what I save.
  • (2023-05-28) Varniit Professional: When I started using reader view addon few years ago, it was less buggy and worked flawlessly but now it is buggy and not working as it was intended. The reader view of the page is broken, takes only 50 percent of the text and rest is missing. In TTS mode, it doesn't read the title or bullet points or wherever points exists (for example take any page from site https://www.healthline.com/). Also when using TTS, the popup of the voice, speed and lang. doesn't open up or minimize properly. The lack of fonts out of the box from settings is disappointing. If dev is really updating this addon constantly, please check the problems both for chrome and firefox users. Usable but very problematic. No updates yet for the bugs and issues.
  • (2023-05-13) Pedro Vieira: Great for all you can customize and for the simplicity of it all, however, it lacks a way to easily export your highlights -- a Json file in a separate page is too bothersome
  • (2023-05-08) Cosmo Gator: Works great. Lots of features available.
  • (2023-05-07) S Wilhelm: F9 should activate it. That's the standard we've been using. Yet this seems not to be even available. Instead we have to waste time clicking things with a mouse cursor which takes about 5 times as long as hitting F9. Software designers really need to spend more time in the World of Logic instead of the World of Warcraft and other mindless games they seem to revel in.
  • (2023-05-05) yong suk CHOI: 디지털 자료를 많이 읽는 사람에게 있어 필수적인 프로그램 군더더기 없이, 깔끔한 프로그램
  • (2023-05-03) Алексей Михайлов: Great extension, comfortable and functional
  • (2023-04-16) Stephen Salter: Great little extension, very useful for saving pages as html only as well.
  • (2023-04-12) Flavio Tordini: Useful but badly designed. It fails in the delivering a clear reading experience because of additional clutter shown and not great typography. It defeats its purpose.
  • (2023-03-31) G L: I've tried a lot of extensions with the same purpose. Reader View is my favorite. Merci beaucoup.
  • (2023-03-29) Mik Plat: Update vorweg: leider wird Text der Links enthält, NICHT mit übernommen! Schade! Neben der (fast) gleichnamigen Erweiterung mit dem blauen Logo, bietet diese hier deutlich mehr Funktionalität und ist seitens der Aktualität (letztes Update) deutlich aktueller. Auch mit den Standard-Funktionen in Chrome & Edge ist diese Erweiterung hier deutlich überlegen und komfortabler. Neben den wirklich vielseitigen Einstellungen, Drucken, etc. vermisse ich nichts und bin sehr zufrieden.
  • (2023-03-28) Manolo: An excellent reader view extension that also provides text-to-speech capability, text editing, screenshots, as well as the ability to save "reader view" articles in html file format, among other features.
  • (2023-03-24) Jorge A Aquino: I really like this extension... just a minor bug: the keyboard shortcut for toggling the reader view on/off does not work on Vivaldi browser.
  • (2023-03-23) a7i3n: Was better awhile back. Voice reading has all but stopped working. Should be removed entirely if developer can't get it to work. Not the developer's fault entirely because the voices were mostly from Google and as such are not reliable because of Google's licensing nonsense. Otherwise a very useful tool for those of us who need to read online without constant visual clutter.
  • (2023-03-22) Christian: Bester Reader von mehr als fünf Stück, die ich getestet habe! Verbesserungsvorschläge: 1. Gesetzte Textmarkierungen sollten auch druckbar sein (verschwindet aktuell beim Druckbefehl). Idee: Falls man den Text im Bearbeitungsmodus highlighten könnte, wäre es wahrscheinlich auch im Druckmodus sichtbar. 2. Textfarben sollten sich ändern lassen können. 3. Die Bilder des Artikels fliegen leider raus :-(


300,000 history
4.6866 (1,056 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-18 / 0.8.0
Listing languages
