extension ExtPose

Open PinnedTab Link

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Description from extension meta

Open links from pinned tabs into new tabs.

Image from store Open PinnedTab Link
Description from store * Welcome! This extension adds a permanent pinned tab feature. When clicking a link in a pinned tab, the link will be opened in new tab like as the bookmark manager page. If you are looking for pined tabs like firefox, please try it and tell me your comment. And also, please try some of options from the context menu. Source code repository is available at https://gitorious.org/open-pinnedtab-link * History version 2.2.11: Fixed the invisible checkbox bug on a context menu. version 2.2.10: Updated codes for the chrome extension api version 2. version 2.2.8: Changed the design of the options page. version 2.2.7: Changed to process only http and https protocols. version 2.2.6: Merged improved translations by Josh Rivers. (Thank you!) version 2.2.5: Added the enable/disable cotnext menu option. version 2.1.6: Improved the options page. * Some answers Q. When you type something in the omnibox or open a bookmark, it should also be opened in a new tab! A. I got many requests about both omnibox and bookmark, now I'm investigating the possibilities and side-effects for them. (2012/July/01) Thank you for your comments and using to all of users.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-30) Sam Westmoreland: Works beautifully for me. Thank you!
  • (2021-12-18) Daniel Rem.: Not always working
  • (2017-03-21) Andrew Haselgrove: Settings don't persist between sessions. Enabling external links doesn't work, cause my favourites aren't opened in a new window.
  • (2016-07-09) Mike Hennessie: Worked for a long time but doesn't seem to be working anymore after restarting the browser. It works if you right click and choose outbound links only from the contextual menu but when you close the browser and launch it again, it starts opening links in new tabs again. I have the default to always be outbound links only too, doesn't help.
  • (2016-04-07) Spencer H.: Still works fine for me
  • (2016-03-27) Björn: doesnt work
  • (2015-08-20) Simeon Payne: Couldn't get it to do anything
  • (2015-08-18) Taylor Roly (Rolyataylor2): This is a great extension and is working for exactly what I need it too!
  • (2015-07-15) Andy Earnshaw: Didn't seem to work for me, it was still opening links to a different domain in the same pinned tab, even after configuring.
  • (2015-02-18) c?: Very useful for sites that don't have this behavior set as default for outbound links. I would set it to use outbound links only by default though. That seems like the most logical use. Changing the configuration was a lot more complicated than it needed to be and the configuration menu was unresponsive at best. I eventually got it doing exactly what I wanted, so I'm happy.
  • (2014-11-06) Charles Herold: This works well, with a couple of caveats. First off, in the options it mentions a context menu, but I don't see a context menu. More importantly, I can't change the settings. I wanted this to only open external links in new windows, which is not the default, and changing it in options did nothing; if I quit and restarted, everything was still on the default setting. I wound up going into the extension folder and looking for "opts_external_link_only_default", which I found in options.js and background.js, and simply finding where the variable was set and making it read "opts_external_link_only_default= true". This worked, but it would be better if the settings weren't broken.
  • (2014-10-29) Pelle ten Cate: Does the job, but has an annoying issue: default value for 'Outbound links only' setting in on the settings page can be specified and saved, but is reset once you restart Google Chrome. This is pretty annoying because I have to update it for every open pinned tab every time I restart my browser.
  • (2014-10-04) zamfofex: Sweet! Exactly what I was looking for! =D For people saying that it should open bookmarks and omnibox entries in new pages too, sorry, but that is actually impossible for an extension to do. ;P
  • (2014-05-03) Paddy Landau: OK, does what it says (a few websites don't work). But, as other people have said, it would be even more useful to open bookmarks and omnibox to open in a new tab. I have just moved from Firefox, and I miss this terribly.
  • (2013-07-31) Alessandro P: very useful but high cpu usage uninstalled:(
  • (2013-06-21) Ilan K.: Awesome! I looked for this for a long time! thank you! I would suggest changing the name though, if you look for "pinned tab" with a space between the words you cant find it in the chrome store... so you should probably add a space in there to give your extension more visibility.
  • (2013-05-28) Oscar Levin: I agree with many of the other reviewers who would like to see bookmarks and omnibox searches opened in new tabs. That would make it a truly excellent extension.
  • (2013-02-08) Bryce Schober: I sure wish that it wouldn't open a new tab for #anchor links. Or at least that it was an option.
  • (2013-01-07) Jörg Thiel: Thats what i'm looking for a long time! One of the hard missed features after switching from Firefox to chrome! But it would be perfect if it protects also the pinned tab if you open a boockmark
  • (2012-10-09) Krazjark Studios: Does exactly as it needs to, should be default, or at least have an option in chrome... Was probably the thing that annoyed me most after switching from Firefox. Thanks Dev thumbs up from me =D
  • (2012-07-19) Daniel Streich: Works fine except when clicking on bookmarks. These will still open in the pinned tab :( Thanks anyway!
  • (2012-07-15) Samuel Stevenson: If this worked with Speed Dial, it'd be gold. As it is, my Speed Dial pinned new tabs still open all their links in the same window.
  • (2012-05-28) Would it at all be possible to have a setting for opening bookmarks in a new tab?
  • (2012-05-27) Manuel Bedea: Very good, but i agree with the others. When you type something in the omnibox or open a bookmark, it should also be opened in a new tab!
  • (2012-04-11) Philipp Schirmer: What about opening links generally in a new tab, not important wether pinned or not with the same possibility to exclude links to the same domain? :)
  • (2012-02-25) Jack Douglas: Very helpful. Would be even better if it did not open urls other than http:// and https:// in a new tab - at the moment a custom ssh:// url causes a blank new tab to appear
  • (2011-12-20) Kai Helzer: This was the only feature i missed in Chrome. Thank you!
  • (2011-12-01) John Clauson: I also would like to be able to type something in the omnibox and have it open in a new tab. Happy with this, though!

Latest issues

  • (2016-05-10, v:2.2.11) Frédérick Van Isschot: Links generated by Chrome extensions
    It won't open a new tab for some links generated by other Chrome extensions (such like Reddit Enhancement Suite)
  • (2016-02-19, v:2.2.11) omnibox
    really want to be able to protect pinned tabs, so typing in the omnibox opens in a new tab. Any progress with this?
  • (2015-03-21, v:2.2.11) Dignity Sa: open in background tab..?
    hi, i like it, yet.. - maybe i missed sth in its options, but is the option to open stuff in background tabs instead of (only!?) in foreground tabs? thx - burn
  • (2015-03-15, v:2.2.11) Charles Herold: can't change settings
    The settings don't work. I tried to set it so it wouldn't open a new tab within the same domain, but while I could change the setting, I couldn't save the new setting. I had to find the options file and change the setting there.
  • (2014-09-30, v:2.2.11) Alessandro P: problem with feedly
    enabling this crap cannot login to feedly!
  • (2014-07-28, v:2.2.11) Sean Dotson: Outbound Links Only:
    Outbound Links Only: Keep links to the same domain in the pinned tab.. This setting keeps reverting back to "off" despite setting it to on and saving.
  • (2014-04-01, v:2.2.11) Chris Glass: Bookmarks?
    Not sure if this is maintained anymore, but it seems if I pin a tab and click a bookmark, it still opens it in the pinned tab.
  • (2014-01-08, v:2.2.11) J Klassen ([deprecated]): Defaults are not applying to new tabs
    The defaults set on the settings page are not applying to new tabs. The localstorage values displayed for new tabs do not match the displayed values for the defaults. Chrome 31.0.1650.63 ; OSX 10.9.1
  • (2012-09-12, v:2.2.10) Mihai Codoban: Permanent pinned tabs
    Hello, The extension is great, makes a step closer to true pinned tabs. However, there is a common scenario in which people keep loosing their pinned tabs. Pinned tabs aren't persistent, they are tied only to a particular Chrome runtime. They get reloaded only if I have the option to reload previously opened pages. This is quite annoying since I have two monitors and usually have a browser in each one. Whenever I open the second Chrome, the pinned tabs are gone and I have to reload them The best solution here is to put pinned tabs in Sync, and reload them in every Chrome instance. What do you think?


1,000 history
3.5333 (45 votes)
Last update / version
2013-06-28 / 2.2.11
Listing languages
en ja
