Description from extension meta
This extension allows for quick access to bookmarks using keyboard shortcuts.
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Description from store
This extension allows for quick access to bookmarks using keyboard shortcuts.
The number of the speed dial for each bookmark is determined by the order of the bookmarks in your bookmarks bar. If you have a folder called 'Speed Dial' in your bookmarks bar, its bookmarks override the ones on the bookmarks bar (if you're the type of person who prefers to keep their bookmarks bar free for other things) for Speed Dial purposes. There are also options to let you:
Open folders (all bookmarks in a folder will open in new tabs).
Specify if you want bookmarks to be opened in a new tab instead of the current one.
New in version 2.1:
Invoke Javascript bookmarklets on the current page (but only if you enable it). This one is due to user demand, so I hope it makes everyone happy to have this option.
Due to limitations set on extensions, the keyboard shortcuts are not fully enabled by default. You can enable them from the extensions menu by typing "chrome://extensions" in the address bar and clicking on the keyboard shortcuts button at the bottom of the page.
Permissions notice:
When installing, Chrome will ask you to give the extension access to bookmarks and "read and change all your data on the websites you visit". That last one sounds pretty scary, but the extension needs access to your bookmarks to open them from speed dial, and the other one is what lets us modify what's on the current tab/open new ones/run bookmarklets if enabled. The extension doesn't actually look at your browsing history or do anything with it -- I really don't want to know what you've been looking at and I value the concept of privacy so I understand why seeing Chrome show that message would cause concerns.
Privacy Policy: This extension does not store, share, or transmit any personal information or browsing data to anyone including the developers, Google, or any third party.
Google Chrome™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.
Latest reviews
- (2020-10-16) Nir Melamoud: Just bad design, why maintain skyboard shortcuts by order of bookmarks?
- (2019-10-25) Yuhao Lin: It doesn't seem to work on linux? There is not shortcut setting when I open its options in extension menu. Pressing alt + 1,2,3,4 takes me to the currently opened tabs.
- (2019-06-25) Flavio Lira: Just the best! Due to the fact that shortcuts are CTRL+#, it doesn't conflict with text shortcuts and works everywhere! Please never cease to exist!
- (2019-04-22) meu nome: It's pretty good, no issues yet, but would be nice if it supported Ctrl/Shift modifiers, to open in new tabs/windows
- (2019-01-22) 이민수: 원하는기능을 딱찾았습니다. bookmark를 단축키로 사용가능해지네요 기능은 북마크 순서상으로 처리되고, 커스텀키는 하단에서 설정하면 됩니다. chrome://extensions/shortcuts
- (2019-01-16) Flavio Lira: It's the best one out there! This one works using Control + 1,2,3,4, etc... and it's great because the other ones use Option+1,2,3,4 don't work properly because they conflict with text editing shortcuts.
- (2018-09-14) Matthew Musante: I'm currently reviewing this extension. For anyone else looking to get started, you will need to go here to see your keyboard shortcuts: chrome://extensions/shortcuts You can find this by clicking the 3 dots in the top right of chrome to open the menu. Then, go to settings. Once the Settings page loads, click on the hamburger menu on the top left and choose Extensions. Once the Extensions page opens, click on the Hamburger menu again and you will see Keyboard shortcuts. Or just use the URL I provided.
- (2017-09-12) J L: Excellent
- (2017-06-16) tibfox: Hab etwas gesucht für genau diese Funktionalität. Einfach die gewünschten Tabs in einen Ordner pacekn, iesen in der Lesezeichenleiste primär anordnen und mit ALT+1 werden die gewünschten Tabs einfach geöffnet :D
- (2017-05-30) J S: da best
- (2017-05-14) zachary mcvagh: i love it
- (2017-04-03) Роман Храпко: Привет, Илья, я знаю что наверное мой комментарий не будет замечен, но попробую... Идея проги более чем замечательная, реализована неплохо, но я думаю что фокус на предлагаемом элементе страницы (например поле для текста в Google Translator) был бы гораздо юзабельней, нежели фокус на адресной строке... Я как человек работающий без мыши постоянно вынужден нажимать Tab порой по нескольку раз и это неудобно. Можно было бы реализовать как отдельную функцию на чекбоксе каком-нибудь... Второе, было бы просто здорово если бы твое расширение научилось открывать папки из панели, а также имело возможность пробиндить больше чем 10 вкладок) В остальном - расширение вызывает зависимость))
- (2016-10-15) Abdelrahman Hafez: I love your extension, works exactly like Firefox's Speed Dial. Only one slightly annoying detail is that when I open a bookmark, it focuses on the address bar, instead of the website's default focus position. I am hoping you would fix this in a future version.
- (2016-08-04) Edgar Talamantes: Excelente extensión. En Firefox utilizo una extensión similar y hacia falta una para Chrome. Lo que me importa más es acceder a los sitios web que visito a diario con un acceso directo del teclado. Por ejemplo: Alt+4 → Facebook Alt+8 → Buscar imágenes en Google Alt+3 → Traductor Alt+1 → Youtube Además se puede personalizar.
- (2016-07-11) Thank you for your work. Exactly what I was looking for. Best one of these I've tried.
- (2016-04-29) Артем А: Быстрый запуск закладки с панели по комбинации клавиш. То, что нужно, ничего лишнего.
- (2016-04-03) Dan n·log n: It works! It works great. It opens bookmarks like nobody's business, but I couldn't get a bookmarklet to fire so far. (But it fires if I click it on the toolbar.) UPDATE: Anyone looking for bookmarklet hotkey/shorcut Chrome functionality should check out Shortkeys, which did the trick of firing a bookmarklet on shortcut from inside a text field, which is apparently nontrivial. Come back, Safari person! There is yet redemption for you!
- (2016-03-13) Ivaylo Dimitrov: Very useful!
- (2015-08-10) Valiko Valikoff: Нет настроек
- (2015-06-15) Victor Valcarcel: Sweet
- (2015-06-10) Teodor Ciuraru: Works like a charm. Mirrored the Safari CMD + Key behaviour to open bookmarks easily. But seriously, why does it needs to read my browsing history?
- (2015-03-21) Nothing happens, it doesn't work :-(
- (2015-02-06) Michael Skelly: Guys, if you're trying to find how to configure this, go to the extensions page and scroll down past all your extensions and click the "Keyboard shortcuts" link at the bottom right corner.
- (2014-06-04) Philippe Barey: On Mac OS X Lion, Ctrl+[1-0] opens my Bookmarks Bar urls (in order from left), but not bookmarklets. I'll gladly update my review if it ever does. Thanks!
- (2014-02-20) Anthony Cary: A working Bookmarks bar keyboard shortcut extension! YES! I tried 4 before I found this one that works. Odd that it has so few reviews/users. Ctrl+[1-0] opens my bookmarks bar items in order on Mac OS X.
- (2014-01-28) Ann Romanovska: Useful extension. What was missing when moving from opera. Excellent.
- (2014-01-12) Евгений Марушко: I was looking for a very long time functionality as opera speed dial shortcut for chrome. Cool extension. Thank you. For all: In order to make more than four cuts, you must press "the keyboard shortcuts" at the bottom on the page with a list of all extensions and add the necessary reduction there (it is not entirely clear from the description of the extension).