extension ExtPose

Cookie Notice Blocker

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Remove most of those annoying "We value your privacy" banners & cookie notices from websites.

Image from store Cookie Notice Blocker
Description from store This extension was built to remove those annoying cookie consent notices, banners and warnings that pop all over the web. It will not give any consent to advertising cookies, nor will it alter cookie behaviour—it just blocks or closes in-page notifications so you don't have to. As such, it's important to note that blocking these notices is not a guarantee that websites won't set any cookies to track you. Furthermore, some websites are particularly forceful in their implementations of cookie consent, so this extension may not work in all cases. It'll work in a lot of them though!! Cookie Notice Blocker works by injecting scripts into each tab. These scripts use a multitude of techniques to block a wide variety of cookie notices, and each script can be enabled/disabled at your discretion. A core aim of this project was to achieve intelligent blocking without any noticeable impact on computer performance. For example, scripts will only run in the active tab and are throttled if they take a while to execute. You can disable blocking on individual websites by using the whitelist feature. An open tab's domain can be quickly whitelisted by clicking on the Cookie Notice Blocker button in the Chrome toolbar—the required field in the options page will be filled in automatically. Just one more click and the domain will be whitelisted. Any changes made to the settings will be instantly reflected in your open tabs. All settings will be synced automatically to your Chrome profile. Cookie Notice Blocker does not rely on any third-party ad-block database. The filters and algorithms developed for this extension are all a result of my own tests and experiments. Basically, I'm the guy to blame if it doesn't work. On that note: if you have any questions, feature requests or bugs you'd like to report, feel free to leave a comment on the Chrome web store page.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-31) Vilém Duha: Love it, but fails on these sites: weather.com (can't click search) blenderkit.com (authors name in author gallery not clickable) bubble.io (can't go to privacy rules settings ) Somehow it's sometimes blocking things it shouldn't or blocks clicking into certain areas.
  • (2024-01-17) Fiona: I am unable to remove sites from my whitelist? I believe the button to remove is covered by the bottom bar display (i.e. formatting issues with the extension).
  • (2023-11-09) Michał K: It doesn't block those nasty consent windows etc. If you want a WORKING addon, try Consent-O-Matic
  • (2023-10-19) Trevor Hart: I like it, since as a US-based browser, it seems the EU is shoving its laws down the throats of people based in non-EU areas, like my country. I have nothing against the EU, though.
  • (2023-10-02) Gerwin: werkt vaker dan de helft van de keren. Vaak ook niet. Helaas is de lijst met geaccpeteerde sites vaak niet geheel te zien door een spambalk van de maker. instellen van te negeren sites werkt dus ook niet goed.
  • (2023-08-28) Mister Sir: Sometimes it works, oftentimes it doesn't.
  • (2023-07-27) Mauro: Finalmente me livrei daqueles pedidos pra aceitar a politica de privacidade.
  • (2023-06-24) Bayram Sasmaz: dailymotion.com videoları oynatmadı bunun yüzünden
  • (2023-05-28) Vlad Seboiu: real nice
  • (2023-05-21) Barry Richards (debazzled): To be honest this chrome does what it says it does, to the detriment of usability of some sites. Some sites require your decision on cookies before you can interact with the site. Most notably, airbnb. So I'm uninstalling this plugin.
  • (2023-05-10) Rusty Knight: Useless, makes sites unusable. It blocks the scripts that produce the cookie notices but on every site I tried I was unable to view the website as it was impossible to scroll down the page. Uninstalled
  • (2023-04-13) Martin Steiner: Works fine on some websites, sometimes a scrollbar disappear due to hidden cookie notice
  • (2023-03-19) Project Horizon remixboy: Works good, but cannot delete whitelist, because can't scroll down to the bottom of the page and covered by the contact bar in in extension settings. So if you add something to the whitelist, it's stay there forever.
  • (2023-02-11) Mauricio Alfonso: Breaks some websites, for example booking.com. When you search flights and select a flight nothing happens if you have this extension enabled. It took me a long while of disabling all my extensions to realize that it was this extension the one that was breaking it and not the website's fault. I'm sure it breaks other sites in the same manner.
  • (2022-11-29) Jon Healy: It works mostly but there's no action against websites that block functionality until you accept cookie prompts, so many websites won't function and have no scroll bar which makes the use of the addon more annoying than the actual cookie prompts on these occasions.
  • (2022-11-15) Dom Lobo: would be good if you could add a feature to see the "blocked cookies"...
  • (2022-08-10) J Gilbert: Doesn't block anything.
  • (2022-08-05) Vadim Kononov: Doesn't block cookies and for some reason requires access to my browsing history. Why? Who knows.
  • (2022-07-21) Mat Deer Field: its a great idea, unfortunately it doesn't work on almost all news sites. the popup is blocked but then its not possible to scroll anymore. I hope this is fixed in the future. So far it makes it unusable
  • (2022-07-21) EBHaenger: does not work in 50% of websites and now i'm not able to scroll down on some of those websetes its doing something.
  • (2022-06-16) Philipp Blankenhagen: At first it was working, but over time it stopped working on around 50% of the websites. Now some websites doesn't even work if the extension is enabled. That is why I had to uninstall
  • (2022-05-28) John Hartmann: Mostly doesn't work
  • (2022-05-27) Kyle DEMENTEDGUN: Works. Got rid of the annoying Accept Cookies pop up!
  • (2022-05-26) diego: funciona.
  • (2022-05-22) fyrestorme123: Never noticed much benefit from it or any change whatsoever - other than silently blocking me from ordering online delivery from some websites. I had assumed they all stopped delivering in my area (per the website's on-screen notices I would get). Only much later, after some investigation, did I find that it was actually this pos extension that was blocking me!
  • (2022-05-18) Madalin Bucur: Worked for a while. At a certain moment I noticed that some websites were malfunctioning in strange ways (i.e. unable to scroll, nothing loaded in some pages). I've discovered that in incognito mode there was no impact. Removed all cookies, disabled 3rd party cookies, etc, to discover that in fact it was this extension that broke those websites. Uninstalled, installed back to write this review, uninstall again.
  • (2022-05-08) Alec Ames: works great! some sites don't work but that's to be expected so can't complain. any plans to make this project open source?
  • (2022-05-07) Wen-chi Li: Works not so well. I go to this website: https://pen.org/pen-heim-grants/ When I open thee 2021 Grant Receipts, the website directly turns grey and I cannot see the website further. When I go to the website: https://www.alc.manchester.ac.uk/ The website directly turn blank. Please repair. Thank you. (I just uninstall and turn to "I don't care about cookies" extension. This works well.)
  • (2022-04-17) Kieran Chamberlain: Promising so far (april 2022)
  • (2022-04-02) Leonardo Dibenedetto: does not always work even with advanced settings
  • (2022-01-17) Lucian Andries: Scroll Issue: Dude, make it scroll properly in the options!!!! I can't see the whitelist, nor edit it! I have to set the page zoom to 50% to see the entire page.......... Jesus! ______________________________________ Disqus Issue: Jesus, it's removing the Notification module of the Disqus web plugin!! FIX IT!!!!
  • (2022-01-16) Miltos Kfw1: Excellent extension, works great in Opera, Firefox. Doesn't in Edge, hope it will be updated.
  • (2022-01-06) Kai: Apparently it seems to work very well, in contrast to other extension which are "hyped". What a pleasant surprise.
  • (2021-12-30) Philip Ogley: Brilliant. Worst thing about internet is Cookie notices - pointless!
  • (2021-11-29) Leif Å.: Doesn't work!
  • (2021-11-24) Lizzie Echo: I love this extension and the idea behind it, it's really changed my browsing experience. However, there is an issue with some websites where it just won't load the website at all until i turn the extension off. Would love if this issue was fixed, but still a great extension!!
  • (2021-11-15) Martin Kankaanranta: Not yet tested but funny that I need to be even looking for extension like this in the first place. **** these EU and others ruining internet.
  • (2021-11-12) Ayoub: Eccezionale
  • (2021-11-11) Thomas Whitten: This extension doesn't work at all. I still get all the same pop ups and warnings as I always have. I'm uninstalling it. Don't waste your time.
  • (2021-10-19) Jean-Christophe Narwa: Helpful, when it works. Settings scrolling is buggy, I can't see the bottom of the whitelist. Many websites are stuck because of this extension, and some websites even keep reloading because of it.
  • (2021-10-10) Peter Folsom: I'd always just 'read around' the banner without clicking 'accept', like a chump; but now I'm stymying data-miners left and right. [that's right *healthline*, go suck a lemon] Team Ben! Rah, rah!
  • (2021-10-05) Andy Antonio Martinez Najarro: me funciona de maravilla
  • (2021-09-29) Fredrik Gyllensten: Love the idea, but unfortunately several websites have stopped working; they do not load properly and there are often links i cannot click. At first I did not understand, but after disabling the app for the problematic websites, everything worked again. Unfortunately is's been happing on more and more sites the psst few weeks, so I have to disable the plugin :(
  • (2021-09-26) Maximillian Timofte: did block facebook consent request for me now so byebye just update these
  • (2021-09-07) Alex H: Doesn't really work. A lot of sites just break
  • (2021-08-22) Fortnite Minceraft: This extension does what it is supposed to offer. What an incredible masterpiece made to help others.
  • (2021-08-13) Stephen: Im currently using the default settings and it seems hit or miss whether or not it actually works.
  • (2021-06-17) Konrad Lippert: It blocks helpful popups on sites like Etsy or Allegro, but not only that - after removing it, consent window on Etsy still disappears and breaks the page.
  • (2021-06-03) Sebastian Stawicki: This plugin breaks some webpages like for example some webstores, my bank's webstie. They don't load fully cause the cookies banner got blocked. I wasted some time trying to figure out if it was the Adblock or my browser breaking down, but it was this little bugger. I've been using it for some time now and I even began to think that Chrome was just breaking down slowly since it couldn't load some webpages that other browsers could...
  • (2021-06-02) James Davidson: Works well, but then I realized that it blocked Etsy shipping labels from popping up, so that is a no go unless I figure out a way to exclude Etsy.

Latest issues

  • (2024-03-19, v:1.7.0) Jacob Mark: Breaks website
  • (2024-03-18, v:1.7.0) Jacob Mark: breaks website
  • (2024-02-29, v:1.7.0) James Utting: Can NOT remove entries or websites from the White list
    Unable to remove websites or entries from white list. The bottom banner hides the bottom of the White-list list and the option to remove websites or entries added to the White List. Please fix the bottom banner it is making it impossible to remove websites from the White List.
  • (2023-08-25, v:1.7.0) HASSAN EL JEBYLY: overflow bug
    hey I just wanna start by saying thank you for building this extension and what an amazing job, It has been working fine except on one site, on the F1 website It looks like they disable scroll when cookies popup is active the extension does remove the popup successfully but It doesn't restore the scroll behavior, I did manage to fix it by removing "sp-message-open" class from the html tag, just thought you should know about this, thank you again :) F1 website: https://www.formula1.com/
  • (2023-02-17, v:1.7.0) Gerald Main: Import/Export Function
    Very good extension. Needs an Export/Import function.
  • (2023-02-17, v:1.7.0) Gerald Main: Import/Export
    Very good extension. Needs an Export/Import function.
  • (2022-10-24, v:1.7.0) Ben Vds: Whitelist 100 items limit
    Could you increase the 100 items limit? I often need to clear some entries, even so I don't want to. Great extension though, it saved me so much time. Thank you!
  • (2022-10-14, v:1.7.0) David Asher: weird bug in Github PR page
    some timeout keeps popping in the console and text-box refocusing happening
  • (2022-07-30, v:1.7.0) Artie Plotts: Unable to scroll
    On some pages that put up a static screen behind the popup, the extension doesn't get rid of said screen, which in turn stops you from being able to scroll. autotrader.co.uk as an example
  • (2022-05-23, v:1.7.0) InterNetInc Ca: Can't Remove anything from white-list.
    Unable to remove anything from white list. The bottom banner hides the bottom of the White-list list. Please fix the bottom banner, or provide a way to remove URLs from white-list. Otherwise, I really find it useful, expect 'useful' is annulled by inability to remove sites.
  • (2022-04-18, v:1.7.0) Richard Silverstein: CNB causes website pages to go black
    Using the Brave browser, CNB causes all pgs of this site to display a black screen. I discovered this when I deactivated all my extensions, and CNB was the culprit. I'm guessing that the extension isn't interactng or behaving as designed when it encounters the site's pop up notice: https://www.middleeasteye.net/users/richard-silverstein I've deactivated CNB for now. I hope you can get a fix for this issue as it's a very useful extension.
  • (2022-03-28, v:1.7.0) Rūta Ūsaitė: Rejecting the cookies
    Does this extension automatically rejects cookies or does it only help with not showing the cookie notices?
  • (2022-03-25, v:1.7.0) Asko: wildcards
    Does this plugin supports wildcards in whitelist? Like *amazon.com?
  • (2022-03-10, v:1.7.0) Lewis Dexter Litanzios: Fix 1pmobile.com
    👋 Thanks for useful software There seems to be unexpected behaviour on 1pmobile.com - hopefully you see what I mean else feel free to contact me and I'll elaborate..? Hope this helps Sincerely
  • (2022-02-05, v:1.7.0) Tony Brown: Breaks NVidea dev website
    Going to https://developer.nvidia.com/opticalflow-sdk is just a white page with no context when the extension is on.
  • (2022-02-05, v:1.7.0) Tony Brown: Does not work on isitdownrightnow
    Does not work on this website: https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/cpp.sh.html
  • (2022-01-17, v:1.7.0) Lucian Andries: Disqus Issue!!
    Jesus, it's removing the Notification module of the Disqus web plugin!! FIX IT!!!!
  • (2022-01-17, v:1.7.0) Lucian Andries: Scroll Issue!
    Dude, make it scroll properly in the options!!!! I can't see the whitelist, nor edit it! I have to set the page zoom to 50% to see the entire page.......... Jesus!
  • (2021-12-22, v:1.7.0) Carlos Guillen: Unable to remove whitelisted links due to display in Chrome
    Options screen will not scroll all the way to the bottom in Chrome - not possible to remove whitelisted links because the entire options page will not display.
  • (2021-12-03, v:1.7.0) Tony Brown: Doesn't work on comingsoon.net
    Hi there, thanks again for this plugin. I get the usual pop ups on https://www.comingsoon.net/ - just to let you know.
  • (2021-11-29, v:1.7.0) Yuriy Doroshenko: problem
    Hi. the extension is great, but there is a small problem. before it was possible to delete sites from the white list, but now it is not possible to do this. since the delete button is not visible, yours overlaps it, I don’t even know what to call it. here is a screen. https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/6207353?key=199e436c6f11ad11a6e6cdae1de5fd69 maybe I configured something wrong? tell me what the problem is.
  • (2021-09-21, v:1.7.0) Adam Fanello: False positive
    This extension incorrectly removes the "Remember Me" option at https://www.escapeforum.org/forums/misc.php?do=login
  • (2021-09-12, v:1.7.0) Tony Brown: Issue on etsy.com
    There is no cookie pop-up, but there is also then no scroll bar on the web page anymore (just etsy.com - I'll let you know if I see others). Thanks, and thanks for the app too! saving us from countless annoying dialogues : )
  • (2021-08-31, v:1.7.0) Antonio Polara: cant remove urls from whitelist
    when I go to the option pages to remove an url from the whitelist the page doesn't do anything, I've tried clicking from the mouse, pressing enter or del or backspace but nothing
  • (2021-08-03, v:1.7.0) Jan Backaert: hi dude
    there is a bit of a problem on the option page, the whole page isn't showing so I can't remove the white listed pages Tyyy
  • (2021-06-16, v:1.7.0) Dwayne Kuan: incorrectly blocks soundcloud on 8dio.com
    on 8dio.com, you can listen to sound clips eg https://8dio.com/instrument/warm-studio-woodwinds-solo-bass-clarinet/ but your extension blocks it. also i notice if i select select sites and input a bunch of sites and then click all sites, then back to select sites, i lose all the websites i typed in. i hope to see a future version that keeps this list intact and have a way to export/import lists of urls.
  • (2021-06-13, v:1.7.0) Sgt. Nukem: GamersGate
    (Thanks for this extension!) https://www.gamersgate.com/ It will block the GDPR dialog but not the blurring overlay unfortunately, so this site becomes unusable. :(
  • (2021-06-03, v:1.7.0) William Bailey: Tanks scrolling performance on Wijmo Flexgrids
    I noticed a sever performance hit caused by this extension when scrolling large tables backed by Flexgrids (https://www.grapecity.com/wijmo/demos/Grid/Overview/angular). Hard to notice on this small table but if you run the Chrome profiler you can see about 50% of the execution time per scroll event is this extension. On very large grids I was getting about 800ms of the total 900ms spent executing things inside the extension script.
  • (2021-05-18, v:1.7.0) Steve Hack: Doesn't work on Reddit
    Doesn't work on Reddit. https://i.imgur.com/VZURXS5.jpg
  • (2021-04-28, v:1.7.0) Nico Le Vengeur: Possible bug 2
    Not working for https://www.presse-citron.net/ too.
  • (2021-04-28, v:1.7.0) Nico Le Vengeur: Possible bug
    Hi, very usefull extension, but it seems it can't do the job on this web site : https://www.mcommemutuelle.com/
  • (2021-04-22, v:1.7.0) András: I cannot ad websites to the whitelist
    Because it is covered up. Its really annoying
  • (2021-04-21, v:1.7.0) Kevin Croucher: Can't login to Eon
    I have to whitelist Eon to log into my account, otherwise the login page appears briefly then disappears https://www.eonenergy.com/login
  • (2021-03-20, v:1.7.0) Tim Mackey: Breaks HBO Max signup
    this extension hides the mandatory Terms of Use checkbox on signup for HBO Max https://www.hbomax.com/subscribe
  • (2021-03-17, v:1.7.0) Jamie McIntyre: on-screen issue
    On the main options screen, when loaded in latest chrome, the banner at the bottom which says 'review, support etc blocks the bottom of the screen. So when i want to see the "remove from whitelist" button i effectively have to change my screen zoom to 60% to see it. It seems the bottom banner doesn't let the page scroll all the way or something.
  • (2021-03-07, v:1.7.0) adri P: the extension is blocking Dashlane extension
    Hi, since few days, the extension is blocking dashlane extension on a few occasion. Dashlane tries to pop an overlay and there is the blocking cookie red dot that appears pointing towards Dashlane extension icon and it blocks it. Problem is that there is no way to whitelist the extension... Continue the good work !
  • (2021-03-02, v:1.7.0) Ansu: Whitelist..Sure But where is the Blacklist?
    IM at war with a site that Constantly manages to open popups despite your app being open and active. I need there to be a Blacklist option where i can add sites that needs to be looked at more closely when visited and to Flagg it as a malicious site somewhat. www.1337x.to its a great site but its also f-ing Horrible when it comes to opening Alibaba pages right under the nose of Three ad and popup blockers that i have besides yours.
  • (2021-02-15, v:1.7.0) Yuriy Doroshenko: Can't remove whitelist as the banner blocks the option
    Can't remove whitelist as the banner blocks the option
  • (2021-02-15, v:1.7.0) Yuriy Doroshenko: Can't remove whitelist as the banner blocks the option
    Can't remove whitelist as the banner blocks the option
  • (2021-01-23, v:1.7.0) dovejpg: Can't remove whitelist as the banner blocks the option
    The banner at the bottom of the page blocks the option to remove whitelisted sites, which is incredibly annoying. Any fix for this? https://imgur.com/a/c168q7G
  • (2020-12-22, v:1.7.0) Renart la volpe: whitelist frame issue in vivaldi (chromium)
    as you can see here https://imgur.com/pbsb7Yb the bottom part of the frame is cut out of the screen.
  • (2020-11-24, v:1.7.0) Adam Spiers: tradingview.com issue
    Hi there, Thanks for this extension. I've just noticed an issue with tradingview.com where it blocks the cookie acceptance text and button but not the containing popup, which includes a large icon.
  • (2020-09-27, v:1.7.0) Antonín Brettšnajdr: Quick pop up blink
    Hello there and thank you for this great extension! Btw when I open site such as https://distrokid.com/ they have this cookie pop-up which never goes away even when I accept it and reopen the browser, it's still there. Your extension blocks it quite perfectly and fast, but there is still some small blink/flicker effect meanwhile it appears and quickly disappears, which makes the browsing experience quite annoying since it happens after every single click on any URL on that site. Would it be possible to block that pop-up so fast, that it doesn't even show up at all, so there will be no blink/flicker effect? Thank you in advance! Tony
  • (2020-09-19, v:1.7.0) Sorban: I still have the annoying "accept cookie" panel.
    Is it an extension who remove automatically all "accept cookie" panels ? I'm sick to click accept or reject cookie every time I go to a page...
  • (2020-09-15, v:1.7.0) Brendan J Boehr: Any privacy concerns?
    Any reason to be concerned about privacy when using your app? It looks great! (but without a privacy policy document, open source status, or something similar, I am generally wary)
  • (2020-08-14, v:1.7.0) Fausto: blocked websites
    with basic css+advanced js i get some pages completely blanked out, it seems the kind of commercial sites, for example: https://www.newscamp.it/generatore-zeus-150-a-prezzo-da-urlo
  • (2020-08-01, v:1.7.0) Fausto: blocked checkbox
    Hi, i love the extension and it is beautiful but, could you let it show checkboxes for Data Processing Agreement. because when 'advanced javascript commands' is selected from the options they disappear from webpages but when you select 'basic css rules' alone they will appear again. thanks! webpage example: https://www.termometropolitico.com/sondaggio-politiche
  • (2020-07-04, v:1.7.0) 淡空醉花: Three proposals
    1. Can you open issues feedback on 🐈github, because it is better there, can post screenshots there, and it is also very convenient to organize and summarize. 2, Enable Cookie Notice Blocker:🔲 ☝This is a ON/OFF(switch) , can you add a option: Click behavior on the icon action icon of the browser, In other words, clicking the extension Action-icon is ON/OFF. It will realize the one-key ON/OFF to the greatest extent. 3,Bug🐞report: for example, https://chrome.google.com/webstore On the Chrome-extension-store page, When you are a tourist, Then click the login button in the upper right corner of the page, https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin/signinc......... On this page, your extension mistake killed it, resulting in the login box not being displayed. So if there is a key switch(ON/OFF), it will be very convenient.
  • (2020-06-22, v:1.7.0) Stoyan Ivanov: www.engadget.com
    Please, look at the consent redirection on https://www.engadget.com/. I doubt one can overcome it safely.
  • (2020-06-04, v:1.7.0) Gyanodaya Jaiswal: Does not work in some websites
    https://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/blog/2008/april/our-annual-repo Great app but few sites are still able to produce popups that cannot be closed unless accepted


30,000 history
3.6154 (130 votes)
Last update / version
2020-05-25 / 1.7.0
Listing languages
