extension ExtPose

Copy all links and image links to CSV or JSON

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Export all links and image links from the current page to Excel or JSON format.

Image from store Copy all links and image links to CSV or JSON
Description from store If you want to save all links on a website quickly, then this extension is right for you. You can also save all links to images. Save both conveniently to CSV or JSON. CSV files are good for working on these link sheets in Excel. JSON files are great for programmatic loading - one of the widely used data formats used by developers. Please enjoy this free extension!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-02-24) Gilotyna: Doesn't work.
  • (2022-06-21) Nguyễn Văn Hiếu: Very good, it work so amazing
  • (2021-07-31) 司马子长: cannot get image links
  • (2020-09-12) Магазин Ангарск: Добавьте горячие клавиши пожалуйста Add hotkeys please
  • (2020-04-01) LuxArt: Perfect!
  • (2019-12-05) Diana DAI: I use this for image embedding in Notion. I know a bookmarklet can do this, but I have to copy paste them into excel everytime, and with this extension, it's so easy! Also, in case anyone want to use the bookmarklet, here it goes: ```javascript javascript:(function()%7Bif(frames.length>1)alert(%27Sorry, frames detected.%27)%3Belse%7Bwnd%3Dopen(%27%27,%27lnkswnd%27,%27width%3D250,height%3D500,top%3D0,left%3D0,scrollbars,resizable%27)%3Blnks%3Ddocument.links%3Bwith(wnd.document)%7Bwriteln(%27<html><scr%27%2B%27ipt>function opnUrl(url)%7Bopener.location.href%3Dunescape(url)%3Bclose()%3B%7D</scr%27%2B%27ipt>%27)%3Bfor(var i%3D0%3Bi<lnks.length%3Bi%2B%2B)%7Bwriteln(%27<li><a href%3D"javascript:opnUrl(%5C%27%27%2Bescape(lnks%5Bi%5D.href)%2B%27%5C%27)">%27%2Blnks%5Bi%5D.innerHTML%2B%27</a></li>%27)%3B%7Dwriteln(%27</html>%27)%3Bclose()%3B%7D%7D%7D)() ```
  • (2019-09-20) Hoshino Kamiya: I was looking for a way to download all my photos from the horrendous Photobucket and god, I tried lots of recommended extensions and they didn't meet my expectation until I tried this. Luckily I once had a place to share all my photos linked from PTB so all the images are presented in a single web page then I grabbed all the image links then exported them to the .csv file -> open it with Excel then sort the links by domain -> copypasta-ed the image links I need to a file downloader then BAM!, all my photos are in my computer and waiting to be reuploaded to another image hosting site. TL;DR: Your extension is a life saver dude!
  • (2019-04-06) wulan jb01: trimakasih crome
  • (2019-03-21) Shailesh Das: Very useful to download link of images at once. Please keep it updated and add more features.
  • (2018-09-06) Tsimur Kuts: The only working extension. But leaves a lot of garbage in the links while saving for Excel.

Latest issues

  • (2021-02-24, v:1) Mr M (MrL0G1C): Not downloading any format
    Download of links not initiated :-( steam friends page Chrome latest, version 88.0.4324.190 (Official Build) (64-bit) Win7 64bit
  • (2020-07-02, v:1) Nik Federberg: nothing is happening
    When I click the "Download all links from this page in .csv format" nothing is happening
  • (2020-02-24, v:1) Rielle Gregorio: Does this work for Windows 10?
    When I click the "Download all links from this page in .csv format" nothing is happening
  • (2020-02-21, v:1) Bảo Thái: extension doesn't work
    hello, after I clicked on ''Download all links from this page in .csv format'' nothing happened. Please help


3,000 history
4.2143 (14 votes)
Last update / version
2018-05-10 / 1
Listing languages
