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Resta al sicuro online con WOT, l’estensione definitiva per la sicurezza dei siti web.
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Description from store
Come controllare se un sito web è sicuro? La community può farlo per te.
Unisciti a milioni di persone che si proteggono contro le minacce che solo gli umani possono rilevare. Scarica WOT per il browser e proteggiti durante le ricerche, lo shopping e la navigazione, effettuando controlli di sicurezza con questo add-on perfetto per qualsiasi soluzione antivirus (funziona anche se non lo usi)!
***Come funziona***
✔ Mentre effettui la ricerca, l'estensione ti avviserà quando visiti siti pericolosi, in caso di truffe, malware, phishing, o negozi online illegali, nonché link rischiosi e altro.
✔ Le icone reputazione sono visualizzate di fianco ai risultati SERP, ai social media, alle e-mail e ad altri siti popolari per permetterti di prendere una decisione consapevole.
- Rosso: potenziale pericolo
- Giallo: attenzione
- Verde: è sicuro
✔ La reputazione dei siti web è calcolata unendo algoritmi avanzati a milioni di recensioni utenti.
✔ Navigazione sicura
Scopri minacce potenziali e mantieni la tua sicurezza online durante la navigazione per proteggerti contro i siti web e i link dannosi
✔ Icone della reputazione di sicurezza sul web: il sito è sicuro? Posso fidarmi?
Un'iconcina sul browser indica la valutazione e la reputazione del sito, avvertendoti di pericoli potenziali.
✔ Schermata di avviso
Migliora la tua esperienza online con un pop-up quando visiti un sito dalla pessima reputazione. Così potrai decidere se procedere.
✔ Controllo di sicurezza
Usa le pagelle per controllare la reputazione e le recensioni dei siti che vuoi visitare. Così potrai evitare truffe e phishing. Il Controllo di sicurezza è all'indirizzo:
✔ Anti-phishing
Ricevi un avviso per le truffe di phishing, i link pericolosi e i siti web con malware prima di farci clic sopra.
✔ Controllo anticipato di link e link brevi
Prendi una decisione consapevole controllando la reputazione e le categorie dei link, per decidere se evitarli.
✔ Blocco dei siti
Evita i siti che potrebbero essere pericolosi o che hanno una pessima reputazione su WOT e bloccali quando vuoi. Inoltre, puoi segnalare e leggere le recensioni dei siti di notizie che danno fake news.
✔ Protezione in tempo reale
2 modalità: Protezione in tempo reale e Manuale. La prima ti permette di navigare, migliorando la tua esperienza online avvisandoti attivamente delle minacce, quali truffe, malware e phishing.
✔ Contenuti per adulti e parental control
Blocca i siti con contenuti inappropriati per i bambini e proteggi tutta la famiglia dalle minacce online.
✔ Recensioni
Quando visitano un sito, gli utenti danno una recensione sulla base della loro esperienza personale.
✔ Sicurezza gratis
La protezione di base è gratis e lo sarà sempre. Offriamo anche altri livelli di sicurezza con i pacchetti Premium (Blacklist, Assistant e altri).
✔ Blocco pop-up
La tua esperienza di navigazione è più lineare, più veloce e più sicura con WOT. Potrai bloccare i pop-up ed evitare le distrazioni pericolose.
Community e forum
✔ Community globale
Milioni di utenti valutano l'affidabilità dei siti e la sicurezza per i bambini.
✔ Richiesta di recensione
Se ti imbatti in un sito senza recensione, puoi chiedere una valutazione alla community.
✔ Valutazioni e recensioni
Usiamo algoritmi intelligenti e verifica umana per rilevare le testimonianze fasulle.
Nota bene:
Rispettiamo la tua privacy e ci impegniamo per preservarla.
Per consentire una protezione in tempo reale e permetterci di comprendere a fondo la reputazione dei siti, dobbiamo raccogliere i dati di navigazione, così come descritto sulla nostra Informativa sulla privacy:
Possiamo fornire il nostro servizio accedendo ai seguenti permessi: schede, host, menu contestuali, navigazione web, richieste web, blocco richieste web e memorizzazione.
Latest reviews
- (2024-08-01) Aleksa Malesevic: Lately, it will provide a notification daily imploring me to upgrade to some premium form of the service. I really dislike this. No thanks. If it keeps up without a setting to turn this off, I'll probably uninstall it. Apart from that, it works just as fine as it has for the past few years. Actually, just now, a very obviously malicious https://antivirusarmorhub (dot) xyz/ site was flagged as FULLY LEGIT, so I'm going to uninstall this, as it's pretty much useless now if not downright dangerous.
- (2024-03-29) J J: Ublock Origin definitions blocks WOT. I'll keep UBO and dump this. WOT asks for money too.
- (2024-03-05) Was good without subscription banners
- (2023-12-28) (Update 2023/12/28) I've been keeping up with WoT for the last decade now, since my college days even. With the cumulative offenses that WoT has piled up: the destruction/deletion of their own community forums (hence obliterating anymore non-private communication with them), undetermined sources of votes (green/red reputation, but no or lack of votes in the site's rating scorecard despite requiring comments to rate), gradual degradation of their add-on (surprises me to no end how they're able to make the add-on worse every update); the alarming, 'Gmail origin'-misleading, red GMail top bar notification is the last straw. A shame, there's not been a community-like alternative, but it might be for the better. There's been alot other ways to safeguard your visits. I hope uninformed fellows read the reviews first as this add-on still carries the positive votes from way back. I'll still continue to rate sites but only manually and without their extension; this is to help the unfortunate others still using the add-on to keep them informed still. It's almost the year-end; high time to move on from this. You were a helpful, undemanding 2nd opinion for sites; now a forced attempts of protection that gets in our way.
- (2023-12-08) Eric Tomlinson: Pushes ads into your websites. Frequent problems writing reviews. Can't log in very often.
- (2023-11-22) Tim Kowalsky: Like so many others, I've used this extension for years. Then today, I opened my Gmail and found a banner at the top telling me that my data was not protected, and offering me the option to fix this now. In my Gmail inbox page after I had logged in. So I searched and found it was this. So sorry -- good riddance to bad rubbish now. Also like so many others, I'm now uninstalling. I do at least have to say I'm curious if someone sold this to an Internet predator, or WTH happened. This is incredibly UNtrustworthy activity.
- (2023-11-11) Владимир Герасименко: За бесконечный спам, зачастую больше напоминающий вишинг, от которого вроде как это расширение должно было спасать
- (2023-11-04) Tyler Durden: когда то это расширение было удобным и полезным, но сейчас, к сожалению, превратилось в мусор. удаляю.
- (2023-10-30) Ben G: WOT uses unethical fear tactics to get people to pay them. I've been in IT since 1995 and WOT has been part of my toolkit for many years for my non-tech savvy customers, I'd often recommend it to people. No longer. The final straw was today when I got word that a family member's gmail inbox was showing a banner that said "Your personal data is not protected. This puts you at risk of phishing, financial fraud and identity theft. You should act now!" with two options - "Activate Protection" or "Maybe later". I remote controlled their computer, quite curious what sort of virus or malware they'd gotten into. It was WOT. Disappointing to say the very least. Google should ban WOT from the Chrome Store for injecting fear banners into peoples' gmail inboxes.
- (2023-10-14) Jan Sørensen: Sikkerhet i høysete og et enkelt og rett fram produkt. Vil anbefale den til mitt nettverk. JanB
- (2023-09-26) El Pingüino Frio: it used to be a good extention, but right now they try to sell me paid subscriptoin in the most predatory and dishonest way: faking progress bar, make non-sentual claims etc
- (2023-09-23) p2wap3: I was using it for years as websites trust worthy indicator but now it became annoying with its pushy "Try WOT Premium For Free" window. You can't even reach settings of this extension, because you get a window "try it for free" which you just can't close (there is literally no way to close it) If there are some options for free, why I have to submit a credit card!? They target users that will subscribe and forget to cancel
- (2023-09-20) Shiloh Reading: Has steadily gotten worse as they relentlessly push their premium subscription. No longer trustworthy.
- (2023-09-18) Freddy Williams: Мало людей пишет отзывы а так очень полезно сразу бы почетал отзывы не попал бы
- (2023-09-09) Michael Zupan: This is a predatory extension with a shady history of not protecting your collected data. It constantly tells you "Your browser is not protected. Go Premium to unlock ultimate digital protection." I know that I am protected by other security programs, so WoT insinuating that I am not protected is a straight up lie to incite fear into less tech savy people, coercing them into purchasing their paid product. It's a scam.
- (2023-09-06) Валерий: Торрент-сайт с майнерами это приложение выдало как за надёжный сайт, указав рядо =м с ним зелёную галочку. Но это чистейший обман. Сразу же удалил это поделие!
- (2023-08-20) Atharaw Dwivedi: it was prtty good but when i tried to like see which brower is bad it was no telling so i what the issue to be fixed
- (2023-08-20) courtel: so when you uninstall and click "it's not free" as an option, the feedback is that "it is free" with an optional premium package. to be entirely honest, it's a pet peeve of mine when something is advertised as free but everything is a premium feature. when you first install it, there's a couple steps before you go to the main dashboard, and after one of them, the only way to continue that i saw is to click a free trial button which is also weird. i get that generally the website blocking and such might be free but i'd prefer to get another entirely free extension for that. please just advertise this as a primarily paid extension, good god. as someone going into compsci/app development, the ux seems so horrifically thought through by the developers that i can't imagine why the ratings are so good (other than people obviously being paid to write good reviews.) overall, stumbling across this was pretty frustrating & i believe the other reviewers saying this seems sketchy. don't waste your time unless you want to pay for premium, and even then, i wouldn't trust it to not be a scam.
- (2023-08-18) Иван Мощенко: Супер Отлично То что надо
- (2023-08-11) Man.snowdrift: За последний год функционал сильно пострадал. Было просто приложение с понятными критериями оценки. Сейчас же вообще непонятно, куда нажимать, чтобы поставить оценку или написать комментарий. Да оно зачастую вообще не работает, после нажатия просто вечная загрузка интерфейса. В настоящий момент работоспособность сомнительна
- (2023-08-10) 松村嘉亮: 詐欺のECサイトが普通に安全として評価されているので、 この機能拡張は全く信用できません。
- (2023-08-03) Владимир Пчелко: Мой браузер не безопасный? Что за бред? У меня уже установлен блокировщик рекламы. Разработчики WOT бредят?
- (2023-07-26) Александр Воронков: Помойка, а не расширение.
- (2023-07-21) Steven: Haven't had any security warnings for any dodgy pages and have tried to find some. It used to be a great plugin but the time has come to finally get rid and find something new. I have so much free opensource protection blocking malware and malicious domains and IP addresses that this plugin is basically useless to me now. I have installed TrafficLight to at least have a warning symbol in the toolbar that doesn't ask for money every time I click it. Shame, I used to love WOT and recommended it to many people but I haven't recommended it in a long time which goes to show my lack of appreciation for the plugin. In my opinion, it died off years ago. No I won't contact you by any means to discuss how to improve. Read the rest of the reviews and re read my review if you want to find out our gripes with the plugin.
- (2023-07-16) Dennis Childs: i love it
- (2023-07-05) Richard Taylor: RIP - WOT. Trust has ALL GONE!!! Yet ANOTHER pay to be safe extension. If the site's are paying more? Then your protection has gone. Uninstalling now. I have more common sense than these guys have things right!
- (2023-06-29) J H: can't stand the malware-like pop-up ads. after years of use (during which it only offered mild protection), finally uninstalling and moving on to traffic light. remember that time wot was removed from the chrome store? maybe it will happen again and we'll all be better off.
- (2023-06-25) Ronen: Too many paid popups
- (2023-06-06) Таня Иванова: Замечательный проект.Всё хорошо, работают быстро и без лишних проблем/
- (2023-06-05) HÜSEYİN BAL: şaçma sapan hareket ediyor hiç güvenverici değil.
- (2023-05-30) Shameen Azeez: I've used this extension since 2008 (16 years!), it has some good early warning signs to stop you clicking bad links, and display a warning page if the site you're about to visit has an extremely poor security rating. However over the past year or so, features have been removed and replaced with adverts to upgrade to their premium subscription, and now I feel like this is more Adware than anything else, so sadly I will be uninstalling this for good. Perhaps this extension is still good when paid, but I have only used it on the free tier.
- (2023-05-26) Lautaro Martinez: le doy 2 estrellas por que te dice si una pagina es segura pero promocionan muy agresivamente el plan premium
- (2023-05-23) Alexander Mohr: Gotta love a company that spends several years harvesting user data for websites, to then flip a sub when they've got plenty of data. Perfect example of what companies do with you data behind the scenes. No telling what else they've scraped and sold to third parties outside of user reviews. Great app idea, time to bail though. Not like it was giving great results recently anyway. 90% of searches had one, maybe two active reviews. Then they decided to do popups and push their premium added "services", so no real reason to keep it around. If you're bailing, I suggest getting uBlock origin if you don't have it already. It's stopped me from many sites WOT decided were safe. I see other recent replies from the dev advising someone who found a unreviewed site to be told "Sorry about that, you can report it tho!" ... That should be your job now, not the users. No excuse to charge premium services and not do the work your app is suppose to do yourself. Trash.
- (2023-05-20) Misophoniq: Misleading practices. Plugin finds so called "security issues" on an isolated system with every possible security measure in place. Obviously, you are redirected to a page to pay money to have these non-existing issues removed.
- (2023-05-13) Владислав Пустовалов: Отлично помогает понять безопасный или вредный
- (2023-05-11) Дмитрий Шах: Работало через раз, теперь вообще перестало. При нажатии на иконку ничего не происходит.
- (2023-05-04) Parag Sharma: Does provide some useful WOT rankings while surfing the net
- (2023-05-02) Djelloul nassim: cet extension est pratique elle fait son travail comme il se doit
- (2023-04-28) Henrique Alves: Pq tá tudo em russo?!
- (2023-04-27) samsung ya: Не удается получить доступ к сайтуПроверьте, нет ли опечаток в имени хоста и так по кругу, отстой
- (2023-04-20) vin zheng: I like it and all but now, whenever I click the extension, it just shows a 35% off discount thing. And whenever I click the "x," it just exits out the extension. Please fix this
- (2023-04-14) ok ok: невозможно написать ни один отзыв, при побликации отзыва выдает ошибку и выкидывает из аккаунта, и так по кругу, мошенники !!!!!!!!!
- (2023-04-07) 9-B Nithinvas V.P: Very good
- (2023-03-31) Life: Отличное приложение пользуюсь около 10 лет
- (2023-03-24) Anna Lerner: Полагаюсь на рекомендации. Очень полезно знать, куда не следует заходить.
- (2023-03-21) Василий Усов: все ОК !
- (2023-03-18) Вячеслав Ровнов: Ерунда. Требуют подписку за бесполезные функции. Оценки подсчитаны от балды, к действительностям сайта не имеют никого отношения
- (2023-03-18) Андрей Осипов: Впечатления хорошие, теперь я могу быть спокоен за свои данные. Разработчики, благодарю вас.
- (2023-03-13) Farid: Смысл от бесплатной версии, если нет значка репутации сайта? в помойку
- (2023-03-11) Mark B: Installing and using the extension for the first time gives a bad impression by doing some dubious security scan to sell you a subscription. From an effectiveness standpoint, it didn't flag newer phishing sites that I tested it again other than noting there was no information. I suppose that's the idea in terms of judging by community reputation, but just because a site doesn't get a red or yellow icon doesn't mean it's safe. Also, the community reputation model can breakdown when the rated site is controversial such as those belonging to political figures. For example, one website I checked of a sitting elected official was marked as 18+ and gruesome. The site was just fine but it seems opposition partisans wanted to make it look bad.