Description from extension meta
Replaces the text 'alt right' with the proper term, 'white supremacy'.
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Description from store
New, VERSION 2.0
Changes: Changes Alt-Right to white supremacy even better. Feedback always welcome.
White supremacy has been rebranded to the friendlier "Alt-Right". We must not allow the term or its followers to be normalized. This Chrome Extension makes it a little easier to reject their rebranding and have them referred to as what they are, white supremacists. Enjoy and keep up the good fight.
Note: Stop Normalizing Alt Right also changes variations of "alt-right" such as "Alternative Right" and "Alt-Righters" If you see it behaving oddly or missing something, drop us a note at [email protected]
Latest reviews
- (2021-11-01) MadeInUSA Review: White countries are under invasion by the 3rd world, enabled politically by jewish bankers and their mafia of cultish satanists. Stop being literally ignorant folks. THEY (the winners of WW2) told you who the scapegoat was and you believed them.. foolish and evil
- (2017-01-26) Steven Karmazenuk: Not very useful at all...doesn't capture the term half the time, and if there's half or full quotes around it, it just strolls on by. Needs work.
- (2016-12-14) Gwen Calavera: How about changing it to "nazi" instead?
- (2016-12-14) Irina Svetlowa: Hi, I am interested in acquiring your extension "Stop Normalizing Alt Right". Please contact me at: [email protected]
- (2016-12-14) Beautiful idea. Thank you!
- (2016-12-07) wren o'kelley: It does its job, but the code needs to learn to adapt to capitalization so that "Alt-Right" doesn't just become "white supremacy"
- (2016-12-04) Jay Reed: Brilliant idea, and even better execution---Keep going!
- (2016-12-03) Alexander Shirley: Needs to figure out how to code discrimination between capitalized uses of "Alt-Right" and lower case uses, such as in headlines, so it will translate accordingly.
- (2016-12-03) Zoe Waldridge: I finally see the world as it is
- (2016-12-02) Brenda Murphree: Excellent tool. And it works perfectly. Thanks for creating!
- (2016-12-02) Thatmanstu MotoConcepts: Simply not working.
- (2016-11-30) Owen Voke: Could do with some improvement. The regex doesn't really work on some things, and also the code could be more streamlined. Literally all it needs to be is the following for the regex, which covers all of yours. --- /(?:#)?(?:the(?: )?)?Alt(?:ernative)?(?:-)?(?: )?right/ig
- (2016-11-30) Sarah Peters: Works just as advertised. Didn't even need to restart my computer. Now, how about creating another one to replace "fake news" with "propaganda." Thanks.
- (2016-11-30) Launais Vilks: So sad this didn't work AT ALL. Restarted my browser, uninstalled and reinstalled...I wanted this to work.
- (2016-11-30) Bobby VanDrimmelen: Isn't working for me, I google "alt right" but nothing changes. Even the wikipedia page stays the same. :(
- (2016-11-30) Enigmatic Zeitgeist: Progressive propaganda at it's finest. Hope you use your extension on my website tonight when I expose this shoddily made extension.
- (2016-11-30) Brad Snider: I wish I could give 0 stars .
- (2016-11-30) Lisa Swanson: Did not work.
- (2016-11-30) Terrible application, just another piece of bloatware.
- (2016-11-30) Mike McCraith: Thank you thank you thank you. It's sad we have to to be P.C. when it comes to white supremacists. I'm happy that this fixes it.
- (2016-11-30) Robert Toynbee: Does as it says, fantastic.
- (2016-11-30) C C: This is an absolutely horrible idea. It demonstrates the intellectual cowardice of the Left. Instead of facing differing world views, they continue to change the definitions of words to create perpetual straw-men to argue against. The Alt-Right is NOT a monolithic group with a leader. Not facing this fact, or participating in the marketplace of ideas is precisely why the Left took the biggest L in the history of American politics and will continue to do so.
- (2016-11-30) Jasmine Platt: Works perfectly. I love it!
- (2016-11-29) Cummings Family: App that spreads racism
- (2016-11-29) Jonathan Sullivan: Spam
- (2016-11-29) ED RIVAS: a nock off of the coincidence detector