Description from extension meta
Highlight text on a page and play the morse code!
Image from store
Description from store
Morse Chrome is a Chrome™ extension for playing webpages in morse code! Simply highlight the text you want, right click, and select "Play Morse!"
* Add optional popup to show you the morse code symbols as they play. Disable in the Options page.
* Fixed encoding for period.
New in 0.3.2:
* Fixed annoying bug where beeps would sometimes keep going at the end.
New in 0.3.0 and 0.3.1:
* Timing should be more accurate now, using the hew HTML5 AudioContext
* Fix timing between numbers and punctuation.
* This should make it pretty easy to add a "stop" feature in the next version, so stay tuned!
New in 0.2.1:
* Numbers and symbols have been added
* Fixed icon transparency
* You can now customize the words per minute and beep frequency set under the "options" page! Go to your extensions settings in Chrome and select "Options" under Morse Chrome.
Future Features: (if I have time)
* Display characters as they are encoded
* Cancel/stop playback
Latest reviews
- (2017-12-12) Ericcsuf: Excellent idea. I've used it just briefly, but so far here's what I've found. The code for a period is incorrect. Correct is .-.-.- Morse Chrome sends .-.-..- There is a pronounced thump at the beginning of each character. Haven't looked at it on a 'scope, but looks like rise-time of tone is too steep. Would be great to be able to terminate a long transmission without exiting Chrome and reentering. Thanks for this. It will be a painless way to practice to stay sharp. Eric KE6US
- (2017-12-09) Artur K.: Fajny pomysł, ale nie łapie regionalnych znaków. Czyli bez polskich znaków
- (2017-12-09) Tomasz Pabich: Nice app. One thing, I can't find option to stop playing morse.
- (2017-03-29) David Bergeron: Quelques problèmes avec la lecture si on le démarre de façon successives, il semble être devenir très lent a jouer les sons. Je fais Désactiver et Ré-activer l'extension pour le repartir correctement.
- (2016-08-26) L-O Bygdell: Nice application. A way to stop it or pause it would be nice though in case one selects too much text to send! :)
- (2012-04-14) Lily Anatia: tones are randomly dropped... just try encoding "55555"... it usually only gets one or two characters right.
- (2011-11-18) Chris Schulz: Still do not see a way to stop the tones once started. Do like what I read for the future improvements. This will be a very nice tool to train with once it develops a little farther. 73
- (2011-11-03) Joshua Berry: Nice idea. Numbers don't seem to be included in Morse Chrome's vocabulary at the moment. They would be a nice addition. 73