extension ExtPose

Copy as Markdown

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Description from extension meta

Copy Link or Image as Markdown code

Image from store Copy as Markdown
Description from store Copy as Markdown is a browser extension that helps you copy the following things as Markdown to your system clipboard: On the web page: - Selection Text as Markdown - A Link on the Page - An Image on the Page, with or without wrapping link Exporting tabs in the current window, either all or highlighted tabs: - Current Tab as Link - List of Links - Task List (for GitHub-Flavored Markdown) - Including your tab grouping You can also customize keyboards shortcuts to copy link of tab(s) without a single mouse click. Known Issues - Cannot grab image.alt when copying image - On Microsoft Windows, copied page link doesn't come with the link title [Important] About Permissions When using certain features such as tab exporting, you will be promoted to grant optional permissions, so that Copy as Markdown may read data from your browser. You may revoke permissions anytime on the Options page, from Extensions > Copy as Markdown > Extension Options. Copy as Markdown respects your privacy. It does NOT actively collect your browsing history, and will only access tabs when you use tab exporting features.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-21) Daniel Grossfeld: Incredibly useful to preserve links from multiple tabs for documentation.
  • (2023-07-30) Steph Solmundson (Yellow-Submarine): Doesn't work intuitively... I haven't gotten it to work on a the websites I use. It requests to see people's browsing history. Seems invasive, useless. I don't doubt it works for other people, but this isn't acceptable functionality for the privacy they breach.
  • (2023-07-26) Victor Movileanu: Why is reading browsing history data necessary? I am happy there is a tool like this and I don't have to build it myself, but I am skeptical when I see it requires this permission.
  • (2023-07-14) Thien Hoang: Works well in MS Edge on Mac. Thanks!
  • (2023-05-15) Wang Yinliang: works well in my Mac. i love it
  • (2023-03-04) China Join: 很好用,謝謝
  • (2022-07-28) bri watson: stopped working with hotkey recently, can only click on extension to get link.
  • (2022-07-19) Jakob Wrigley: See website link for details on how to set shortcut
  • (2021-12-01) Joey Li: Very useful gadget, if there is keyboard shortcut function will be better!
  • (2021-09-29) Steven Spielberg P: Very useful extension and want to give credit to this developer
  • (2021-06-29) Genji Fujimori: This is my top 5 chrome extensions! A must-have for any Markdown fans!
  • (2020-08-02) 大作西川: 必要十二分
  • (2020-07-09) Adam Clotfelter: Fantastic extension; indispensable to my workflow
  • (2020-03-15) John Smith: Worked well until they changed the permission to "Read all your browsing history" = bad.
  • (2019-10-21) Peter S: Works flawlessly
  • (2019-10-15) Souler T: 您好,最近這個extension突然不行用了,請問您方便更新嗎? 已經離不開這個工具了xd
  • (2019-10-15) June lee: A bug has occurred in this update.It is a Failure to copy as markdown!
  • (2019-10-14) shuanghe yu: 很好用,不过今天失效了,希望能修复
  • (2019-08-06) Jesse Piascik: This is an awesome extension. I use it every day with imdone.io desktop to capture descriptive jira links for my TODO list.
  • (2019-03-02) 咬人喵: 有时候按下快捷键没有反应,希望可以修复下这个bug。如果能加个右下角复制成功小提示就更好了。
  • (2019-01-02) Polarbarts: Tip top!
  • (2018-07-06) Live for Technology: Only thing missing - copy ALL WINDOWS XYZ, not only the CURRENT window!
  • (2018-06-20) Jan Heuer: Helpful tool! I struggle still with links that contains ( or [ in the URL - do you think it is possible to safely encode them in the pasted text so the markdown doesn't "break"?
  • (2018-06-02) Carlos Black: Love this extension makes work a breeze. One thing I would love to see added would be the option of closing the tab after I've created a mark down for it. It would just help with tidying my tabs when dealing with multiple clients.
  • (2018-05-30) Yang LIU: Really great and useful!
  • (2018-05-28) shenxian Hed: well done
  • (2018-05-09) How can this be customized? Nothing to customize here.
  • (2018-01-28) Anthony Dynon: Thank you! This is a fantastic extension and I appreciate your generosity for contributing the code to open source.
  • (2017-08-31) Yijia Hong: 之前很好用。但是今天更新了,就用不了了。can't use it after updating today
  • (2017-02-14) Tomohiro Murota: Very nice!!
  • (2017-02-06) Craig C: Does exactly what I need. I use this extension every day
  • (2017-01-09) Christophe Pelé: Good job.
  • (2016-10-22) @Yu-Cheng Chuang 拜託增加「快捷鍵」對「選中的頁面鏈接」支持啦~ 這個擴展我覺得超棒但沒什麽人提及的功能就是: 一個標題有點長的頁面鏈接 可以選中標題的一部分,然後右鍵->Copy as Markdown -> 鏈接 這樣可以完美得獲取一個簡練的標題+完整的網址 可惜的是,現在步驟有點多 有沒可能再註冊一個快捷鍵 用來快速完成上述步驟呢? 謝謝作者這麽棒的小工具。 配合現下流行的 (支持 Markdown 語法的)IM 比如 telegram, 聊天真的是不要太快捷 \(^o^)/
  • (2016-01-06) Rex Schrader: Does what it says on the tin. Very nice.
  • (2015-09-16) Yu Stewart: 很棒的工具,不過希望前面不要加"*"號。或是可以加上自定功能
  • (2015-09-10) coash Gerrie: 哈哈哈哈 本来要是没有我就想做的.
  • (2015-08-12) clip: 很好用,拷贝链接贴到 Markdown 里面变得超级方便。
  • (2015-07-17) 朱雨侬: 非常好用,很方便一次性复制一大堆标签给别人
  • (2015-04-26) Yuto Tokunaga: great

Latest issues

  • (2024-05-18, v:2.18.0) Greg Strandberg: Reading Browser History?
    Why do you need access to read the entire browser history when the app is supposed to only capture the current page URL.
  • (2023-01-04, v:2.7.1) Vahid Zoghi: Keyboard shortcut for context menu -> copy markdown
    The shortcuts for tabs are working fine but there is no keyboard shortcut for copying the [title](url) of the selected text inside a tab. The only way to do that is to right click and select the menu item. Is it possible to add a shortcut for that?
  • (2022-03-21, v:2.4.9) Nathan Brown: How to copy markdown for image link using shortcut
    The notes say that if the link has an Image in it, the copied Markdown will take that image as link text. While a right button click on the image offers an image link, using the shortcut on a tab with an image in it, as implied, copies only a standard link like any other tab, not an image link.
  • (2020-09-11, v:2.4.9) Gary Glass: Convert more <a> tags to markdown
    HTML <a> tags are not converted to markdown links. For example, <a href="foobar">Thing</a> should be converted to [Thing](foobar).
  • (2019-10-14, v:2.4.0) Kenny Evitt: Not working in Chrome on macOS
    None of the keyboard shortcuts are working nor are any of the options in the menu shown after clicking on the extension icon at the top of a Chrome window.
  • (2017-08-31, v:2.0.0rc2) Yijia Hong: can't use it after updating today
    as above. hope to fix it soon. i can't almost work without it now!!
  • (2017-05-18, v:1.3.0) Tim Yang: [Feature Request] Copy selected text as markdown
    For example, copy a paragraph in Wikipedia as markdown, preserving links, italics, bold format
  • (2016-01-12, v:1.1.0) Raymond Johnson: Keyboard shortcut?
    Suppose I highlight the text of a link and want to use a keyboard shortcut instead of right-clicking and navigating to the extension's copy command. Is there a way I can set that up? Or can the extension be improved to include that feature? Thanks for this extension. It's going to save me quite a bit of time, and with a keyboard shortcut it would save me much more!
  • (2016-01-06, v:1.0.1) Rex Schrader: [Feature Request] Copy Bookmarks as MD
    I was actually looking for a way to copy from my current bookmarks as Markdown. I frequently share various bookmarks on Reddit, Gitter, and GitHub and was looking to simplify the copy process.
  • (2014-11-23, v:1.0.1) Hatsvasi Lin: [Feature request]Add an option to remove all GET parameters in URL
    For example strip the "?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser" part of the following URL https://www.facebook.com/CivilDisobedienceTW?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser


10,000 history
4.377 (61 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-01 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
