extension ExtPose

Scopus Document Download Manager

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Description from extension meta

Scopus authenticated users can download PDF files directly from Scopus!

Image from store Scopus Document Download Manager
Description from store This extension only works for Scopus authenticated users. The Scopus download manager will not do anything for unauthenticated users. Scopus Document Download Manager is a free browser extension enabling download functionality in Scopus, as well as a Quick Document Search function for Scopus authenticated users. To search, authenticated users can simply click on the browser extension icon to display the search form. This extension saves authenticated users the hassle of visiting individual publisher web sites to download documents one by one. Instead, it seamlessly connects to publisher websites to download full text PDFs directly from your browser without needing to configure and maintain a list of entitlements. How do you use this extension in Scopus? 1) From the document search results or document list pages, select one or several documents and click on Download button or 2) From a Scopus abstract record page, click on Download button When successfully downloaded, your PDF document(s) will be saved to your browser Downloads folder. In the event that the extension fails at retrieving the PDF (e.g. you are not entitled to the full text or the download is prevented by the publisher web site) the Document Download Manager will provide a link to the publisher web site so you can easily open the page and try to download the full text manually.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-30) Daniel Urviola: Se supone que me permite descargar documentos, pero no lo hacer
  • (2023-09-08) Who Care: useless
  • (2023-06-12) S Y: "This document could not be downloaded. Check with publisher(s) or try your link resolver." . This message appears for all PDFs I try to download. Useless.
  • (2023-06-11) Baskoro Laksi: "Some documents may not download in full text due to restrictions on the publisher's side." With the ongoing scrutiny about access to reliable information and the fact that Elsevier got their record profit, this extension is a proof that people controlling this industry only care about their own wealth. Completely useless extensions.
  • (2023-06-09) Daniël Scheeper: Did not work and feels unnecessary as hell
  • (2023-06-04) Anahi Figueroa: This should be illegal! why do I need to give access to all my history and everything else? They do not even have access to the pdf I need and it didn't told me until I installed this useless extension! why nobody has done anything about this? Many students depend on this websites to have access to the texts they need, why do we have to permit this kind of abuse?
  • (2023-05-21) Dita Annisa: ineffective
  • (2023-04-29) Jett Teixeira: Inspecciona toda tu actividad en chrome para saber si has entrado a cierto tipo de páginas y publica tu IP en bases de datos para que sea bloqueada en diferentes plataformas. Cuidado roban tus datos sin decírtelo.
  • (2023-03-23) DAVID ABBASI PEREZ: Such a useless add-on and unnecessary step to bloat the browser, just to download a document; something that has been solved since the beginning of the internet.
  • (2023-03-17) Sergiy Storozhenko: Another useless plugin for invading users privacy
  • (2023-03-11) Indra Widyana: Unnecessary invasion. Why should you need a specific browser extension to download documents ? on top of that it access and read data on ALL sites you visit by default. Be very cautious of this extension!
  • (2023-02-26) Blanca Vidao Teruel: No funciona
  • (2023-01-30) Eduardo Bustíos: Una basura, no solo no permiten descargar el documento directamente desde la página como hacen TODOS los otros sitios web de los que he descargado archivos, sino que la extensión que supuestamente permitirá descargarlos NO FUNCIONA.
  • (2022-11-29) Amir Shah: DOES NOT WORK
  • (2022-11-28) Nuno Soares: There is no need to have an extension for downloading PDFs, this isn't a requirement for other websites. Honestly just feels shady... Specially after GDPR.
  • (2022-11-25) Febrian Ardi Pangestu: useless
  • (2022-10-04) Dennis Maecker: Completely useless
  • (2022-09-12) Hà Lê: Ironic
  • (2022-08-11) Darren Green (Pinkmongoose): People have been downloading PDF files from websites for thousands of years without needing a browser extension. The only reason this can exist must be for some shady reason connected with data harvesting. Which is not what you'd expect given my institution literally pays these people for the service in the first place.
  • (2022-07-06) Brian Fung: Total useless and requires too much rights to read all your browsing history
  • (2022-06-26) Hakan Can: useless and I got nothing to download
  • (2022-06-18) Strings A: A stupid decision to add this feature and it's a waste of time to use. Don't know why they still have it.
  • (2022-06-14) Yunyi: Useless scam
  • (2022-05-29) Edwin Eras: Luego de instalar la extension tampoco me permite descargar pdfs, algo inútil ya que pueden autenticar usuarios de otras maneras que con una extension.
  • (2022-05-28) T K: absolutely useless
  • (2022-03-19) Matthew Elvey: Fail. Even after installation: This document could not be downloaded. Check with publisher(s) or try your link resolver. (Failed for 10.1007/978-3-319-62470-9_3)
  • (2022-03-09) Sebastian Alexis Pardo Suazo: Extension innecesaria
  • (2022-01-27) Mateo: Useless
  • (2022-01-15) M Gauthier-Kwan: Adding more friction to research than necessary by adding unnecessary additional steps.
  • (2022-01-14) Jack Patterson: I feel bad for writing another bad review when there are hundreds are saying the same, but this needs to be addressed. The 20% of users that would save time and benefit from this extension should have the option to download it, but it shouldn't be mandatory, and for the 80% who are only downloading a few articles, this requirement adds time. The security intrusion is also unwanted, and to top it all off, the extension doesn't work as intended.
  • (2022-01-07) Sky Jaap: An extension with FULL access to website the browser vists just to download articles from scopus? This seems super shady bro. And then it can't even download articles you pay for...
  • (2022-01-03) Miguel Roland: complicated, want to download but navigated to other website bcs some problems.
  • (2021-12-07) Big Z: You are destroying my studies with this.
  • (2021-10-26) Sergey Dankov: Not only you make people download a download manager to simply download stuff, but it also doesn't do the only thing it needs to do - download stuff. Can't download a single article, and there's quite a list of those I need downloaded.
  • (2021-10-24) Bryan Beleño: No me deja descargar documentos y fuerza al usuario a utilizar la extensión. Pésimo
  • (2021-10-07) 尘沫莫Jerry: fw
  • (2021-09-30) Pablo Pizarro R.: They force to install a plugin to download, it should be illegal
  • (2021-09-16) Eike: I hate that you have to use it.
  • (2021-08-04) Nader Ahmed: Terrible idea that creates more problems than it solves. Can't download the articles I want despite having access to them.
  • (2021-07-01) jf c: always be told to use another tool called Mendeley Web Importer,no longer use anymore
  • (2021-06-30) Alex Costall: Install an extension just to find out the PDF can't be retrieved. On three separate articles.
  • (2021-06-18) Federico Cassissa: Vergognoso che sia richiesta una estensione per scaricare un file...
  • (2021-06-15) Jurgen: Extension totalmente innecesaria.
  • (2021-06-14) Jurriaan Den Toonder: This extension does not work at all. It makes no sense to hide the published URLs to try and force people to download through this extension. It works awful and you'd best try another website than scopus to find your articles that you are trying to download.
  • (2021-05-24) JESUS ANTONIO FERNANDEZ ASCENCIO: No puedo descargar artículos en pdf pese a que me pide instalarlo y ya lo hice, pero no funciona.
  • (2021-04-30) Plínio Larrubia: I don't like the ideia i need to use this extension to be able to download an Cientific Article, because i log in as my Institution and then need to download an extension just to be able to reach it's page? really? Please remove this, it's not a great tool as there are many tools and other Academic databases for researching.
  • (2021-04-30) Faith Bartlett: I could find no problem and it could download the papers I wanted :)
  • (2021-04-15) Fanyuan Li: 我就下个文献,整那么麻烦,有病是吧
  • (2021-04-04) Enes: Forcing to download the extension
  • (2021-03-30) Paweł Szymański: You need to install it just to download article and still I can't get it... "This document could not be downloaded."


1,000,000 history
1.9234 (248 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-22 / 4.00
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