Description from extension meta
Manager for quickly finding and organizing all your tabs.
Image from store
Description from store
Bugs and feature requests:
Recent changes:
When installing, this extension says that it "needs all data on all websites", which is not true. It only says this because of the keyboard shortcut that is used to open Tab Organizer.
Tab Organizer does NOT save your windows and tabs when you close Chrome. If you want your windows and tabs to be saved, here is what you must do:
1. Go to Wrench -> Settings.
2. On the left side, make sure you're on the "Settings" tab.
3. In the main section, underneath "On startup", make sure that "Continue where I left off" is selected.
Now, if you want to close Chrome, you MUST use Wrench -> Exit to close all the windows and tabs at the same time. As long as you do it this way, then the windows and tabs will be restored when reopening Chrome.
Alternatively, until Tab Organizer gets session save functionality, you could try any of the several session saver extensions currently available for Chrome.
Do you have so many tabs that you have a hard time organizing them? No longer! This extension makes it easy to find and manage all your tabs.
How does it work? Click on the icon in the upper-right to open a popup. This popup lists all your windows and tabs so you can easily see them at a glance.
You can select and close tabs. You can drag tabs within the same window, or move them to a different window. You can even select multiple tabs at once by holding down Shift/Ctrl (or ⌘) and left clicking on the tab.
You can also use a powerful search box to quickly find exactly the tabs you want. The syntax is very similar to Google Search, with a few additional features.
Power users can use macros to make tedious tasks like moving or closing tabs much easier.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-08) Tris T: amazing extension. still working fine after last update 5 years ago
- (2023-04-13) KC Yang (KC): I am using another similar extension recently.
- (2022-11-27) Đorđe Jović: Too basic. Doesn't even have an option to save open tabs or windows, just organize them. But I guess that's LITERALLY the whole point of it...
- (2022-05-19) D G: This tool is superb and is the only one that does what I need: ability to drag-drop tabs from one main window to another. You can name windows, search tabs, and the preview window itself floats on its own. To the developer: THANK YOU!
- (2022-04-11) Harlzberg: This app is really amazing, if I could add to it I would give it a dark theme as its quite hard on the eyes and show which tabs are playing sound, but other than that easily the best tab manager out there so 5*
- (2022-03-28) Cla Sg: Mais prático e simples. Como melhoria poderia permitir reordenar os tabs.
- (2022-03-24) Samuele gg: • Manca l'opzione per cambiare la modalità scuro/chiara dell'interfaccia; • interfaccia della web page scarna con poche funzionalità sulla gestione delle finestre/schede; • apre la web page in una nuova finestra anzichè in una nuova scheda, senza scelta nelle opzioni. Suggerisco l'estensione "Cluster - Window & Tab Manager", più completa nelle funzionalità e dall'aspetto aggiornato e moderno. _________________________________________ • The option to change the dark / light mode of the interface is missing; • sparse web page interface with few features on window / tab management; • open the web page in a new window instead of a new tab, with no choice in options. I suggest the "Cluster - Window & Tab Manager" extension, more complete in functionality and with an updated and modern look.
- (2022-01-22) fhdasilva: A melhor de todas, sem dúvidas
- (2020-12-20) Serhii Vusatyi: 2021 and this extension still one of the best in class, very handy For keyboard shortcut use chrome://extensions/shortcuts For developer: 🙏 for great ext, can you please add some workflow for tab unloading from memory?
- (2020-04-01) Jonathan Webb: The best tab manager I've found. Maybe not perfect, but very very good and simple to use to the extent that I've not had cause to look for alternatives and I only wish there was something like this for Firefox (I understand FF runs differently).
- (2020-01-16) Bern Y: Some UI issues with menu not being able to close after opening, also a possible 35 window limit (have 42 windows, only shows 17-42). Really wanted to try this because of the multiple select/move function (not available on Outliner?), but the window UI makes it not usable in my case ;__;
- (2019-12-17) Jose Antonio Garrido Manzano: El único problema en mi opinión es que no permite mover las ventanas.
- (2019-11-26) lisa w: finally a tab organizer that allows me to select multiple tabs using ctrl or shift and move them to another window only wish i had the option to make the column widths shrink to fit rather than overlap if i have many windows open
- (2019-06-15) benjamin957957: Thank you for innovating another convenient way to manage many tabs open at the same time.
- (2019-02-27) James Scott: Brilliant app! This has helped me so much in organizing my literature review. I can spend less time wondering which tab I've put where, and more time actually working. As other users have mentioned, it would be even better if there were an option to change the order of the virtual windows. Even an "up/down" button (or "left/right" for horizontal view—essentially the same thing) would be an incredibly simple yet valuable solution.
- (2018-07-04) Dan Nissenbaum: Thank goodness for this. Not sure why the developer doesn't give more info on the store page. This is the ONLY tab organizer I've found that (a) allows you to MULTIPLY-SELECT tabs in a list and move to ANOTHER window, and (b) does so in a visually clear and compelling way with no hassle. It's got secondary features that you'd expect, as well... this is one of my primary tab organizer extensions and I hope it keeps on gaining in popularity.
- (2018-06-10) Nobu: one of my favorite!
- (2017-12-14) N Light: never found a tab manager this good, even the most popular ones, just AWESOME !
- (2017-06-16) Aleece Hoffmann: I use this extension every single day, and it's always one of the first few I install on a new Chrome installation. It does have a couple of bugs (see support tab), and I would really love to see an update that fixes and enhances it, but I have yet to find a tab management extension that works better for me. Thank you for creating and sharing Tab Organizer!!
- (2017-05-08) Peter Hillerström: One of the most useful extensions for a person who constantly has about 100 tabs open! Excellent! Why this is not found on the Chrome Store anymore by searching?
- (2015-07-04) Fantastic extension! This tabs manager should be integrated directly into Chrome.
- (2015-04-29) Prashant kulkarni: best tab search and organizer extension . hope new feature will get added. it has got more options than any other tab organiser and can be kept permanently opened as a side window popup making searching for tab very configurable row and columns.
- (2014-10-06) Jacek Sandoman: Simple and great EDIT: But why this extensions does not show up when I am seaching specifically for it? It's really weird. To author: Big thanks for this very nice tool
- (2014-09-19) irium: Отлично! То, что нужно!
- (2014-05-30) Rémy Moulin: 2014 and still the best tab manager extension for me ! It's easy to use and has lots of useful functionalities : - select multiple tabs and move them across windows - text search through all the opened tabs - possibility to auto-sort the tabs(URL/title) - etc. !
- (2014-01-28) Sergey Kucherenko: The BEST tab managing extension for Chrome.
- (2013-08-29) Ted T: Tab Organiser is awesome, and an invaluable asset in keeping my many concurrent areas of research organized. However, I am noticing lately that it will show in its lists reams of non-existent tabs with the title "New Tab". This is a one-star demerit.... for now :) It would also be nice if you could switch a setting to make it that single-clicking on a tab in TO's lists would select it, rather than give it focus. If this setting were active, it would be possible to give a tab focus by double-clicking on its TO list item.
- (2013-07-11) Max Woo: Love it! Only wish the windows could be a little smaller so they don't cover eachother up, or maybe make them tree-style like tabs outliner
- (2013-05-13) barmalej: Удобно и практично!
- (2013-04-29) N Smit: In my view this extension is based on a problem. The problem being a lot of tabs which makes the one you're looking for hard to find. I totally think it's a great initiative. The interface however is not pretty. And when starting the extension another tab opens, on which I have to click, which takes time. It doesn't take a lot of time, but nevertheless, it's not perfect. The cool thing is tha ability to close tabs. There is an alternative that is way more simple, way more intuïtive and way more user friendly in my eyes. That extension is called "Tab menu". Tab organizer may be an inspiration for Tab Menu. But I cn assure you, Tab Menu is the winner of this battle. Choose wisely! At least try both, so you can be convinced!
- (2013-04-16) Chris Farley: Good and simple, but if you want real tab organization, use tabs outliner. I am not affiliated, just an avid user and hope that the more people catch on, the more updates it will get.
- (2013-04-04) Mathieu Blesz: I was searching a tab manager and tested a lot on the play store. This extension is great and the fact it is fully customizable makes it the best. I only give 4 stars because of the little "ghost new tab" bug, but I don't doubt it'll be corrected.
- (2013-04-03) Pavel Novel: I love it. My only and biggest issue is that when I open and close New Tabs, the number never goes down. It says I have 48 tabs open when it's only 14 in reality, but 34 of those tabs are "New Tabs" that have been opened and closed over the course of the day. And when I click reset counter, nothing happens.
- (2013-03-21) Bruce Sedlacek: This is a VERY useful extension, although I wish you could freeze the processing on certain tabs to save on processing power when a bunch of pages are doing AJAX and Flash in the background. For instance, if you have Facebook's integrated instant messenger turned on and you open a bunch of Facebook tabs so you can find you way back to where you started, all the pages are running separate processes checking with the server and when you get a message, all the tabs want to notify you about it, causing multimedia lockups and nearly freezing even the most powerful and well-equipped computers. UPDATE: The author has plans for a new version 5 using virtual tabs that can be saved, closed, then restored. Thanks, and KUDOS!
- (2013-02-02) Thomas Lissajoux: The extension was fine in itself! But I cannot accept an extension with such permission 'all data' whatever the reasons. Change the permissions and I'll use it again.
- (2013-01-10) Tiago Gouvêa: Very usefull extension! The only thing you can do to make it better is a button, between the coluns to swap, to change all tabs to one window to another. It can be good when you want to reorder the windows on taskbar..
- (2012-12-11) Астира Семенова: Useful
- (2012-12-05) Andres Davila: simply amazing!!!!
4.4094 (149 votes)
Last update / version
2018-06-02 / 4.3.1
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