Description from extension meta
Always shows the Watch Later button for Youtube embedded videos.
Description from store
This extension forces the Watch Later button to be visible for embedded Youtube videos.
--> updated 9/6/17
---> minor bug fix
--> updated 7/18/17
---> fixed another issue in some instances where it wouldn't show the Watch Later button
--> updated 2/14/17
---> fixed an issue in some instances where it wouldn't show the Watch Later button
--> updated 9/24/15
---> faster
---> more reliable
---> more efficient
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-15) DDubois YT: Doesnt work for the new UI update youtube made please fix
- (2021-06-25) dust Star: It's working AGAIN!!!!!👍👍👍
- (2021-01-21) Erik Jakobsson: Thanks for making the plugin! Requests: 1) Add options with a checkbox to "force WL button in top right on videos viewed on". 2) Add "How your data is used" information, if there is no chance of data being tracked or sold it'd be great if it's stated even if it's just a promise with no systems of guarantee. Thanks!
- (2019-12-21) Justin Folger: **Update - still love this extension, but after moving to Brave, it doesn't appear to be working any longer. Equally sad is it doesn't appear the dev is developing this anymore. Tsk. Such an awesome extension, and the dev is amazingly responsive. Very much appreciated in this sea of junk on the rest of the Chrome extension marketplace. :)
- (2018-12-15) Red Rose: Funciona e cumpre seu papel! Os vídeos que antes não mostravam o botão de adicionar à playlist agora o fazem. Mas por quê eu não marquei com 5 estrelas? Pois não mostra a opção em todos os vídeos - se você clicar no "show more", aqueles vídeos que aparecerem a mais não tem o botão.
- (2018-01-25) Rooty Revue: Great extension! I use it to add videos to my watch later queue so I can watch stuff on my TV after work.
- (2017-07-14) William Navarro: Extremely useful! I use the "watch later" playlist everyday and it always bugged me when a video didn't show this option. Problem solved!
- (2017-04-18) Ziver Koc: Thank you for this extension! saves so much time.
- (2017-04-14) Molly Whuppie: Fabulous! #1 Extension, use it every day.
- (2017-02-15) theworstnameever kangwanshirathada: very very very useful. developer is great too, youtube made an update or something causing the extension to stopped working but the developer quickly fixed the issue. great!
- (2017-01-03) Jeramy Phillips: Works great, though only seems to work on videos on the Youtube web site. I cannot seem to get the watch later to work on embedded Youtube videos on other sites.
- (2017-01-02) Lucy Davinhart: Fantastic. Just what I was looking for :)
- (2016-12-19) Flawid D'Souza: Just what I needed.
- (2016-11-04) VALVALIANTTHOR: Good extension, but it doesn't work with Magic Actions, wish it did.
- (2016-10-12) Scott Barnett: Yes! I hate it when embedded videos hide the watch later icon. this is perfect.
- (2016-06-10) Samuel Liebermann: Awesome, efficient and useful tiny extension that saves tons of times when reading articles or YouTube through RSS. Where’s the 'donate' button?
- (2016-01-25) Cody Gabriel: Doing God's work. Thank you
- (2015-10-20) George Zackrison: This extension is great and works very well. Little things like this really help Chrome work a lot better than any other browser.
- (2015-10-02) Lilian Myard: Works perfectly! Thank you so much for creating this!
- (2015-08-08) Alex Ruimy: THANK GOD THIS EXISTS. Seriously, wtf was Google thinking?!
4.6 (27 votes)
Last update / version
2017-09-06 / 1.4
Listing languages