Automatically opens bookmarks saved in Chrome for Android or iOS.
Have you ever emailed yourself a link to a web page from your mobile device so that you could read it later? Wouldn't it be great if that web page would already be open for you in Chrome when you sat down at your computer? Courier does just that!
Courier requires you to be logged in to your Google account and to enable the "sync bookmark" feature.
After enabling bookmark syncing and installing the extension, all you need to do is bookmark a web page in Chrome on your mobile device to the "Courier Bookmarks" folder that will be created for you.
Courier checks that folder on a regular basis for new bookmarks. When it finds one, it automatically opens it in a new tab and then deletes the bookmark. If Chrome isn't running on your computer when you create the bookmark on your device, it will be opened for you the next time you start Chrome. You can also click the Bookmark Courier icon to manually check for saved bookmarks, and Bookmark Courier will load all bookmarks in the folder.
After you have installed the extension, you will find a "Courier Bookmarks" folder in your "Other Bookmarks" in Chrome. From your mobile device, just create a bookmark for the web page you want to read later in "Courier Bookmarks"; Chrome will automatically load that web page for you and delete the bookmark.
Latest version (1.0.2) fixes a bug where bookmarks may sometimes not get opened when opening a new window in Chrome if no window was open when the bookmark was saved.