extension ExtPose

Trello Card Numbers

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Adds card numbers to a variety of places when using Trello.

Image from store Trello Card Numbers
Description from store This adds card numbers to Trello cards to help when viewing/discussing boards with a group of people. Trello actually includes card numbers but hides them by default. This extension does the following: - Reveals card numbers on cards themselves - Reveals the card count for a given list - Adds a card number to a created card - Adds a card number head in the detail view - Allows you to make card numbers bold - Allows you to change the color of the card numbers - Optional "Copy details" button for copying number and card title This project was based off the widely available bookmarklet for Trello numbers mentioned in their forum at https://trello.com/c/PkIrgKzd/36-show-card-numbers. ****************** ## 2.3.0 (2017-10-27) - Fix bug where method is called on nil - Fix bug where number isn't added on card create - Add customizations to copy details button - Improve html/css around options box You can add improvements or comments on github: https://github.com/dewyze/trello-card-numbers.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-24) Kalpesh Sampat: It was good till last few days but now stopped working. Not only this but other extension like this has stopped working and it seems Trello might have done something on there side or Google chrome has build restrictions to read card number data.
  • (2023-10-24) Andrew Fanner: Currently not working, usually 5 star, but came to flag a review to help raise attention to the issue
  • (2023-10-23) Serhii Fondov: It stopped working since Oct 20, 2023 Looks like trello changed something on their end and it affected trello cards extention work
  • (2023-10-20) Danilo Souza: Sempre funcionou muito bem, mas parou de funcionar há alguns dias
  • (2022-02-10) Anton Cherginets: Такое простое расширение, и то с багами. 1. Дублируются айдишники при создании\изменении карточек. 2. Отображаются айдишники на карточках разделителях (у которых название "---"). Что очень мешает восприятию
  • (2021-10-28) Felipe Pina: It's very useful, but depending on amount of cards this plugin lets the trello very slow
  • (2021-07-24) Mehmet Özer: Suberp improvement!
  • (2021-06-02) Hoby Van Hoose: It's almost perfect but there are a couple problems: 1) Frequently on new cards, I get 2 card numbers appearing after one another. Doesn't go away until I refresh the page. 2) The difference when horizontal scrolling in Trello before vs after adding this extension is easily visible. Way slower after adding/enabling.
  • (2020-03-25) Rich Hankison: Awesome.
  • (2020-03-12) Jon Ander Ochoa Ruiz: A mi me relentizaba el trello hasta el punto de no poder usarlo. Espero que lo mejoren.
  • (2019-11-03) David Luzar: A week ago, it started making Trello unusable as it hogs CPU & memory like crazy. We have a large amount of cards (~2K), but it worked fine 2 weeks before.
  • (2019-10-14) Mountain Zhang: Excellent!!!
  • (2019-04-24) Cloudspeak: Simple but does exactly what I need!
  • (2019-02-02) Isabel Gastelú: Would be nice it works on the trello boards displayed on bitbucket, too.
  • (2018-11-16) Nadav Lebovitch: Excellent!!! A few added features would be very appreciated, but it definitely gets the job done!
  • (2018-10-18) Maico Bonissoni: It´s a great feature
  • (2018-09-12) David Coleman: It does exactly what I hoped it would do!
  • (2018-07-15) Stanley Ko: GOOD !!!!!!
  • (2018-06-21) Philip Wu: doesn't work when in bitbucket with embedded trello page
  • (2018-04-23) Martin Baravalle: Muy bueno. Lo necesitaba.
  • (2018-04-10) Amit Kashyap: good extension
  • (2018-04-05) Mikhail Voronin: Отличное расширение. Добавляет сквозную нумерацию карточкам на доске (как в Джире). Уникальность нумерации сохраняется только внутри доски, при переносе карточки на другую доску - нумерация изменяется (продолжает нумерацию карточек новой доски).
  • (2018-04-03) Manique Inglethorpe: Stops working
  • (2018-02-02) Mark Stockton: Very useful on busy boards
  • (2017-12-22) Good one. However, it doesn't seem to be working with the cards that have a cover image. Also it would be great if we could enable/disable the feature per board.
  • (2017-12-17) Michael Bertoni: Is there any way to turn off tickets per individual board?
  • (2017-11-28) Kristian Eriksen: Det fungerer fint, men alle skal installere for at se numrene. Det kan være en udfordring.
  • (2017-10-18) As vezes para de funcionar.
  • (2017-08-01) Zoraia Rodrigues: very nice!!
  • (2017-06-23) Joe Lanman: great work - would be really useful to turn off and on per board. On boards just used by me, I'd like to turn it off.
  • (2017-05-30) Eduardo Azeredo: Very useful!!
  • (2016-12-27) Raymond Berg: My life will never be the same again.
  • (2016-07-28) Renat Kabirov: Hey, I just noticed that card number can be merged by occasion. What's the problem? Can you resolve it?
  • (2016-07-14) Sabuj Kundu: seems cool :)
  • (2016-05-02) Robert Bradford: I'm no longer seeing the card number in the top left corner when I open a particular card. http://i.imgur.com/cOWlZyw.png They used to show, but I wonder if Trello changed its DOM structure or something? Is anyone else able to replicate?

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-02, v:2.3.0) Amelie MAUSSION: Pb numéro de carte ne s'affiche pas sur les cartes
    Bonjour, Depuis la semaine dernière les numéros ne s'affichent plus sur les cartes. Que dois-je faire pour les voir ?
  • (2023-11-01, v:2.3.0) Karan Budhwani: Extension not working
    Please look into the issue, & fix it.
  • (2023-10-24, v:2.3.0) Kalpesh Sampat: Extension stopped working, not showing numbers anymore.
    It was good till last few days but now stopped working post chrome update. It seems Trello might have done something on there side or Google chrome has build restrictions to read card number data.
  • (2023-10-17, v:2.3.0) Thomas Mercer: Numbers no longer appearing since latest updates to Chrome
    The card numbers are no longer displaying since the latest Chrome updates (as of October 11th, 2023 or so).
  • (2023-10-13, v:2.3.0) Marcus Johansson: The number stopped showing
    Since a couple of days ago the numbers stopped showing
  • (2023-10-09, v:2.3.0) Mykhailo Mandziuk: Card numbers display
    Hi! Few days ago I discovered, that card numbers are no longer available. I tried to reinstall plugin few times but it doesn't help! What should I do to get numbers back?
  • (2023-10-06, v:2.3.0) Michael Palecek: Numbers not showing on Trello
    I have been using the extension for a long time but a couple of days ago the numbers stopped displaying. I have tried uninstalling the plug in and reinstalling it, and tried clearing my cache. This happens on multiple computers but the same profile. If I log in using incognito mode I am able to see the card numbers.
  • (2022-03-09, v:2.3.0) Federica Filardi: number of cards
    hello there, is there a limit number of column which the number of cards could be calculated? I see the calculation only for a few columns and not all of them looking forward to hear back from you :) thank you Federica
  • (2021-02-01, v:2.3.0) Prateek Shukla: How to make your Card Numbers BOLD?
    How do I make my card numbers on Trello Board appear in Bold fonts?
  • (2020-10-02, v:2.3.0) Andy Haack: Performance bug
    Hi John, Your extension would do exactly what we need, but unfortunately, it has performance bugs: When using it on one of our boards with more than 500 cards with screenshots, attachments etc., the extension causes the browser page to just hang on 100% CPU. There is also a recognizable performance overhead on other boards with less cards, but on one (for us important) board the page load hangs completely. We also tested another extension 'Card Numbers for Trello', which seems to have zero performance overhead, so it should be possible to code it without such problems. That extension doesn't have a good design however (bold numbers on an extra line, not appearing on opened cards), so your extension would be much better if you could fix the performance bugs. Please let me know if we can help you investigating. Thanks, Andy
  • (2019-05-23, v:2.3.0) problems on pc
    hello, i'm having problems with these showing up on trello, is there a known problem? thanks
  • (2019-03-13, v:2.3.0) Remove Card Number
    Is there a way to turn off the numbers once turned on? I would like to either have the card count only or nothing at all. The numbers within the cards are too much for what I was looking for and now I can't get them to turn off.
  • (2018-08-01, v:2.3.0) Alex Debecker: Add this to native app?
    Hi, I use the Trello app on Mac. Any way to have the card numbers display on there as well?
  • (2018-07-16, v:2.3.0) Suzi Elton: Numbering Format
    I want to use type numbering. Does this support that?
  • (2018-07-02, v:2.3.0) Use non-breaking space
    Suggestion: Replace all spaces in the card counts to non-breaking spaces (i.e, &nbsp). Currently, the "10 cards" or whatnot designation at the top of a Trello card list uses a breaking space. For some reason, that space now always breaks on to the next line, even when the Column has a very short name. Here is a snippet which you can run in your console and it will update the space to be non-breaking, proving this change would work. $("body").children().each(function () { $(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/ cards/g, String.fromCharCode(160) + "cards") ); });
  • (2017-06-14, v:2.2.6) Inconsistent
    The numbers sometimes appear and sometimes do not - of course they're always MIA when I really need them to be there. Help? On Chrome 59.0.3071.86 (64-bit) and Mac 10.12.5 Thanks!
  • (2017-06-05, v:2.2.6) The card opens displaying the wrong number
    The card opens displaying the wrong number: I open the first one on the list, show correct (card 123). I rearrange the list by placing the card 123 to another position (second) I open the card which at the moment is the first in the list (card 321). The card shows the number 123, it should show 321.
  • (2017-05-30, v:2.2.6) Eduardo Azeredo: Change the "Nº" to "#".
    How can I change the "Nº" to "#"?
  • (2017-05-15, v:2.2.5) Polina Tertyshnaya: Re-number
    When I move my list around I would like to have an option to re-number my list - is this possible? This would be a good option when prioritizing tasks and reviewing past lists..
  • (2017-04-27, v:2.2.4) Not Working
    Cleared all browsing data and cookies, logged into Trello again, not seeing ticket numbers anywhere
  • (2016-12-29, v:2.2.4) Alex Maskovyak: Card counts on lists vanish
    Lists do not reliably show the total number of cards they contain. It seems like this may only work on initial chrome load.
  • (2016-12-17, v:2.2.4) remy X: Not Showing anything
    Not sure if it is compatible with other plugins. Nothing is showing here on my trello
  • (2016-11-15, v:2.2.4) Suddenly Numbers only appear for some boards
    The numbers were appearing on all 7 of my boards. Now they only display on 2 boards. They flash when I switch to the non-displaying boards, but then don't stay on the screen. If I open up the card to edit it the numbers display at the top of the card.


60,000 history
4.3297 (91 votes)
Last update / version
2017-10-27 / 2.3.0
Listing languages
