extension ExtPose

Official Card Counter Trello with Totalizer

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Official Card counter for Trello. Show card counters and the total cards in your board!

Image from store Official Card Counter Trello with Totalizer
Description from store Show the number of cards, the total cards in every list in Trello and you can click in total cards label and view the details with the percent and the statistic of your cards.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-27) Kien Nguyen Trung: Didn't work. Waste my time.
  • (2023-10-25) Dimitri Laidis: Doesnt seem to work (not sure if it worked before but now it doesnt)
  • (2023-10-25) Ítalo Coe: Não está mais funcionando.
  • (2023-10-20) Conceição Albuquerque: Affffff..... Salvava a minha vida. Não acredito que não tem mais.......Tem que voltar.
  • (2023-10-20) CENTRAL PROPLAN: Doesn't work anymore!!!
  • (2023-10-20) Vanessa Sena: Otimizava bastante o trabalho da equipe, usava todos os dias, espero que retorne o quanto antes!!!
  • (2023-10-20) Izabel Câmara: Pena que não está funcionando :(
  • (2023-10-16) Renato Borges: Era muito bom, mas deixou de funcionar no chorme :(
  • (2023-10-11) Rádio Uerj: Doesn't work anymore
  • (2023-02-13) Jefferson Bizari: no totalizador que tem no topo, ao clicar, não abre a contagem com o percentual in the totalizer at the top, when clicking, it does not open the count with the percentage
  • (2022-12-08) Henrique Brugugnoli: The best extension ever
  • (2022-09-10) Support User: The best
  • (2022-05-18) Matthäus Schmedding: Inject several affiliate redirects on amazon & co. Completely unacceptable and dishonest behavior.
  • (2022-05-17) Koen Lemmen: WARNING! DO NOT INSTALL. Extension redirects amazon products and many others. Also contains many tracking cookies and affiliate codes.
  • (2022-05-10) Simon Starr: I don't know how this extension is so highly rated - it redirects Amazon links to use an affiliate version and does who knows what else with your data.
  • (2021-05-28) Harry B: not working on all lists, just first 10 lists....
  • (2021-05-18) Alex Large: This extension was tracking down my activity throughout **all** sites.
  • (2021-05-03) David: As others have said, adds redirects to other websites, for me it was redirecting 50% of my clicks in Amazon to other sites which was extremely annoying.
  • (2021-03-10) Diego Aguilera: Constantly redirects amazon to a brazilian site: https://www.uilist.com.br/ DONT DOWNLOAD THIS EXTENSION! Google should remove this extension.
  • (2020-10-29) Dwayne Lutchna: Loved it but no longer working with latest version of Chrome.
  • (2020-10-20) Guilherme Zanfelice: Melhor extensão para Trello, TOP!!!
  • (2020-10-17) Jackeline Paes: Muito Bom, Salvou minha vida!
  • (2020-10-02) Luke Flegg: You have 1 job. It only recognises cards in some of my lists!
  • (2020-09-07) Caio Brugugnoli: Muito bom. Uso todos os dias.
  • (2020-09-07) AppDynamics Demo: Very nice. Help me in my journey using Trello. Thanks for your time doing that!
  • (2020-09-07) Atacadao Natural: The best extension ever. Saved my life
  • (2020-07-02) Ivani De Souza Brugugnoli: The best extension that I used. Thanks for help us.
  • (2020-06-26) Dimitrios Zorbas: As many other users reported this extension is either developed or has been taken over by scammers. It adds tracking cookies and performs unwanted redirections to sites with affiliate codes. AVOID.
  • (2019-11-13) Diego Colognese: This saves me! <3
  • (2019-06-24) Станислав Строгий: Отличное простое расширение, которое делает именно то, что ожидается. Расширение срабатывает каждый раз при открытии любой страницы браузера и пытается посетить 12 ссылок: на сайты nfemo.com, ytthn.com, pwieu.com, которые считают переходы на walmart.com.br, best.aliexpress.com, airbnb и тд. Короче классное расширение, которое накручивает статистику параллельно использованию. Ну, можно залезть в файл JS, который в расширении и закомментировать лишние функции. Сведения о лицензии внутри кода я не нашёл, значит можно. :)
  • (2019-04-02) Muito bom!!!
  • (2018-08-04) Loraine Crude: I loved
  • (2018-06-30) Diego Gaspar Ventura: Is perfect, the numbers help to get more speed to work with teams. Thanks for your time and dedication to help us.
  • (2018-04-21) Felipe Brasil: Hi, to be perfect, it just need also count how many cards by each label name.. Example: TOtal: 100 cars, 30 green (Solved Problem), 20 Orange (need work), 20 no label cards, etc.. This way we can track exactly our progress overall..
  • (2017-07-13) Robin Hayes: Constantly spams errors in the console on any site that isn't Trello, no option to limit it.
  • (2017-01-29) Arnold Daniels: WARNING! If you value your privacy do not use this extension. It will add trackers and adds on every website you visit (not just Trello).
  • (2017-01-25) Matthew Hunter: Extension embeds tracking and advertisments. Do not use
  • (2017-01-24) Jonathan Lupa: Things I liked : Shows Trello card count. Things I didn't : Not a fan of hitting all those tracking websites and ad-sites.
  • (2016-10-10) Jean-Michel G: New version asks for a high potential risk, says google: When the permission requires access to all data on your computer and the websites you visit, it means that the app or extension can access almost anything (webcam, personal files), inside or outside of your browser.
  • (2016-10-07) Sven-Olaf Peeck: latest update injects affiliate code, ~23 trackers slow down browser
  • (2016-08-04) Fabio Siqueira: muito bom
  • (2016-07-09) Alexander: Число карточек некрасиво съезжает на вторую строку после заголовка списка. Но, в отличие от "Card Counter for Trello" нет отвлекающей кнопки "Donate"
  • (2016-02-26) Henrique Brugugnoli: Great

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-03, v:7.2) Adriano Mendes: Extensão parou de funcionar
    Olá, a extensão Official Card Counter Trello with Totalizer parou de funcionar devido a atualização do trello.
  • (2023-10-30, v:7.2) Luciana Di Mase: extensão não está funcionando
    já temos alguma solução para o não funcionamento da extensão? continuo sem conseguir usar, já faz mais de uma semana
  • (2023-10-25, v:7.2) Priscilla Gonzalez: trello card counter not working anymore
    Hi just wanted to let you know that your extension doesn't work with trello anymore. Our company heavily relies on the card counter extension, it's been very helpful for us to stay organized and on track. I've read that maybe trello submitted an update causing this extension not to work anymore. Wondering if you are planning on updating the extension or if we should find an alternative... hopefully this is fixable because we love the card counter!
  • (2023-10-23, v:7.2) Luciana Di Mase: extensão não funciona mais
    desde 5ªf (19/10) a extensão não está funcionando, já reinstalei, sai e entrei no Trello e nada. O que está acontecendo? terá algum reparo na extensão? quando conseguiremos usar novamente
  • (2023-10-23, v:7.2) Izabel Câmara: Não está funcionando!
    Não está funcionando!
  • (2023-10-20, v:7.2) Parham Rakhshanfar: Card counter not working
    It seems Trello may have pushed an update causing this. I can't see the card count anymore.
  • (2023-10-16, v:7.0) Renato Borges: Parou de funcionar
    Deixou de contar os cartões em todos os quadros. Já reiniciei, reeinstalei e testei no Microsoft Edge e nada. Existe algum problema conhecido? Obrigado
  • (2023-10-16, v:7.0) Felipe Braz: Parou de funcionar no navegador
    Pessoal, tem previsão de retomar o funcionamento da extensão? Não está contando mais os cartões.
  • (2022-08-25, v:5.5) Marcos Waelti: Card Counter is not counting cards in all lists on my board.
    Hello... Can you help me with this problem? Card Counter is not counting cards in all lists on my board I have 15 lists, all with cards and the count only shows up to list number 9, I uninstalled the extension and reinstalled and the problem continues... .can you help me?
  • (2022-03-24, v:3.13) Peter Russo: Only counts the cards for the first 6 columns of the board
    Described above
  • (2021-08-12, v:3.08) Márcio Saraçol: A contagem não aparece em algumas abas do trello
    Olá! A contagem dos cards não aparece em algumas abas do trello, já desinstalei e instalei novamente e não funcionou.
  • (2020-07-30, v:2.84) Artium Dostman: BUG in extension
    Hello, I am experiencing an issue where the count isn't showing for any list except the first three. The area where it normally shows the total is just a small space and it is blank. I have 14 lists which hasn't changed since last week. I should have roughly 180 cards that it should be counting. When you click on total area it is only shows this: Total Cards - Detail New Reports: 29 cards - Infinity% Modification to Existing reports: 30 cards - Infinity% Query: 6 cards I tried reloading the page and removing and reinstalling the extension with no luck. I hope someone can help with this. Thanks, Artium
  • (2020-07-21, v:2.84) Christine Allen: Not counting whole board
    Hello, I am experiencing an issue where the count isn't showing for any list except the first three. The area where it normally shows the total is just a small space and it is blank. I have 14 lists which hasn't changed since last week. I should have roughly 180 cards that it should be counting. When you click on total area it is only shows this: Total Cards - Detail New Reports: 29 cards - Infinity% Modification to Existing reports: 30 cards - Infinity% Query: 6 cards I tried reloading the page and removing and reinstalling the extension with no luck. I hope someone can help with this. Thanks, Christine
  • (2020-04-29, v:2.84) Marcos Issler: Acessos Externos
    Por que você acessa , coleta esses dados externos? https://www.titaniumseguros.com.br/trello/datacamp.json ???
  • (2019-12-11, v:2.82) Сергей Генералов: How to count the number of attached files?
    How to count the number of attached files?
  • (2019-10-14, v:2.61) Sunil Modi: Well done: Suggestion
    Great piece of code, you guys answered a basic need with this extension. Much appreciated. Just a quick thing. Recently, the page freezes as we load trello, we assume since your extension must be trying to count the cards or something. Wondering if that load can be reduced (number of threads perhaps) so the trello page is functional from the start. No worries if that's not possible to do. It is minor in any case.
  • (2019-07-08, v:2.19) Proinsias Matthews: Alignment is off
    Just installed today. Works correctly and displays they correct number of cards but the alignment is off on the numbers in comparison to the list name (it drops down onto another line even though the list name is short.).
  • (2018-07-26, v:2.10) Thuan Thai: Exclude List from Total Count
    Sometimes on a Trello Board, we have lists that we don't want to be counted towards the total count of cards. It would be great to have a configurable option to include or exclude a set of lists from being counted.
  • (2018-07-26, v:2.10) Thuan Thai: Not working anymore
    This is a really good extension and has been very useful. Unfortunately, something happened today and it's not working anymore. Please review.
  • (2018-06-30, v:2.7) Diego Gaspar Ventura: Title with "@" isn't work fine
    Is perfect, but Today stoped works when I inputed "@" in title of the List. for exemple in Title, I has inputed XXXXXXXXXX Tag: @fulano, for this List the counter didn't work, but in same board to simple Title works very well. Thanks for your time and dedication to help us
  • (2018-05-09, v:2.7) Kalvin Lyle: Violates Policy
    This extension generated the error: This extension violates the Chrome Web Store policy.
  • (2017-06-12, v:2.6) Maximum number of cards?
    Hi, When i go over to the total cards button all i get is Key: 17 cards - infinity %. Can you help please
  • (2016-09-12, v:1.5) Fernando Mattar Lopes: Totalizador
    Olá. O contador de cada lista funcional. Mas o totalizador não aparece
  • (2016-08-30, v:1.5) Access to www.google.com
    Hi hsouzab2308, I have a short question about CardCounter For Trello: Why do you need access to www.google.com data? Cheers Martin


10,000 history
3.3265 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-08 / 7.3
Listing languages
