extension ExtPose

Original Card Counter for Trello

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Shows the number of cards in every list in Trello. Adds support for Kanban limits.

Image from store Original Card Counter for Trello
Description from store Shows the number of cards in every list in Trello. Also filters out divider cards containing two or more == characters. Show your support and buy me a beer: https://www.paypal.me/timvde. When installing this extension you might receive email updates about CardCounter for Trello. The old extension has been transferred but is neglected and is no longer maintained. I advise you to switch, this one will be supported by me (the original author of the old one). Changelog: 1.0.4: - Added option (Green tick) to hide donate buttons/messages 1.0.3: - Fix multiple total count elements 1.0.2: - Changed some donate texts

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-09) Guy Barner: It was great but recently stopped working. Is this still maintained? Please release an update!
  • (2023-09-27) Daniel TJH: stopped working on edge. any advice? tried removing and adding ext again.
  • (2021-11-01) Arun J: It would have been more smart if it was discreet. The background color could have avoided. The font could have been thin. A better execution can be seen in Google finance watchlists
  • (2020-03-04) Rachel Yordán: Simple, useful, works.. not much to say. Other than that I agree with a previous reviewer about asking for money, but I think it should be a bit more discreet (an emoji or single word, not a full sentence). I'd be more willing to donate if that were the case. Thanks!
  • (2018-10-25) Thomas Johnson: It works well, but it needs to really limit how many times it asks for money. Click a card count, the count at the top, even looking in your console constantly lets you know they want money. Worse than that, it doesn't even say it once, it does it really ugly and puts it out multiple times. It's not a bad addon if you never click the counts.
  • (2017-11-27) Tim van den Eijnden: This replaces the old extension which is no longer maintained and shows a certificate security error. It works exactly the same

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-27, v:1.0.4) Laëtitia Dubin: Cette extension ne fonctionne plus
    Bonjour, ici je n'ai plus de compteur de cartes, cela ne fonctionne plus, quelqu'un connait il une extension qui fonctionne pour se faire ?
  • (2023-10-12, v:1.0.4) Michelle Shipley: Counts disappeared
    My counts seem to have disappeared? I removed and reinstalled the extension, but still no luck? Any thoughts?
  • (2023-10-12, v:1.0.4) Robert Podgorski: Stopped working on Google Chrome :(
    Chrome Version 118.0.5993.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2023-10-11, v:1.0.4) Vuong Nguyen Hung: It's not working on my trello today.. Octoer 11 2023.
    Please check It's not working on my trello today.. October 11 2023. Chrome Version 117.0.5938.149 (Official Build) (x86_64) Mac OS.
  • (2023-03-16, v:1.0.4) Denise Marino: Total number of cards
    Not only did I see a count of the cards in each column, I used to see a total number of cards on the board in a box at the top of Trello, but that has recently disappeared.
  • (2021-01-29, v:1.0.4) Andy Warburton: Not counting long columns
    Hi there, thanks for this tool, it's super helpful. I've noticed I get an incorrect count when I first load the page if any given column is longer than a single screen but it automatically updates when I scroll the column (I'm guessing Trello is lazy loading the cards). I wonder if you could add a feature that quickly scrolls all the columns down and back up again on page load so that we get accurate numbers. I only have one long column so it's not a big problem to manually scroll it but it would be nice if I didn't have to. Cheers!
  • (2020-01-15, v:1.0.4) Model cards
    Hey Tim! Trello made available a new feature called "model cards" that are cards that keep stucked in a column so people can copy them. So, my wish is this "model cards" not being considered on your counter. Could you implement this, please? :)
  • (2019-12-24, v:1.0.4) Kevin Dunshea: Filters
    Hi there I can't seem to make the filter work? Do a just add == characters to the card title?
  • (2019-08-27, v:1.0.4) Joel Bancroft-Connors: Image loaded in the Column counts as a card
    I just loaded this plug-in. On all my columns, I have embedded an image in the title of the column (pasted image into the column title). These images are being counted as a card so even if there are no cards in the column, the counter shows a "1"
  • (2018-09-20, v:1.0.3) Rob Orr: Donation request
    Hey Tim, thanks for the extension. I donated - is there any way to get rid of the donation request message (which I find quite irritating)
  • (2018-08-10, v:1.0.3) Trello Powerup
    Hello Tim, Any interest in making it a PowerUp? That would be super helpful for shared boards!
  • (2018-08-07, v:1.0.3) Daniel Damasceno: Selection Option
    Could you include one option to count based some filter, for example, count if card have label, and other options like this??
  • (2018-05-21, v:1.0.2) Multiple total counts
    I'm getting multiple copies of the 'Total cards' count on the bar at the top. I think this is because Trello's [very] recently updated this, so it's got a set of icons showing board members and a button to add new members. The 'Total cards' count is appearing after each of these, as well as after board visibility status (Private/Team/Public).
  • (2018-04-27, v:1.0.2) VRArt1: Extra Count
    I'm not sure what's causing it but sometimes I seem to be getting 1 more in the number counter than is actually there. To that point I currently have a list that is empty but it says I have 1.
  • (2018-04-02, v:1.0.2) VRArt1: Not Count
    I've got header cards in some of my columns that I'd prefer weren't counted in the total # so it'd be nice if it was possible to mark some as not counted.
  • (2018-03-14, v:1.0.2) Vicente Serrán: Email alert
    Could you code to send an alert when a list has more than n cards? This list should be chosen by the user. It will be cool Regards
  • (2017-11-29, v:1.0.2) Mine looks different...
    I've uninstalled the old extension, installed this one, but count labels look different than those used in the screenshot. Have I missed something? https://imgur.com/a/g6qys is the Scrum for Trello ext goofing me up?
  • (2017-11-27, v:1.0.2) On Github?
    Do you have plans to make the code open source?


10,000 history
3.8 (20 votes)
Last update / version
2018-10-22 / 1.0.4
Listing languages
