Description from extension meta
Alarm and countdown timer.
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Description from store
Alarm Ninja sounds an alarm and shows a popup after a specified time period.
Either insert minutes/seconds, or insert the time (24-hour clock) you want the alarm to trigger. Options page makes it possible to control volume and choose between a selection of alarm sounds. It is also possible to disable the popup and just have sound.
Use this extension to prevent overcooked potatoes, burnt pizzas and forgotten appointments. The popup badge shows how many minutes left.
Latest reviews
- (2020-11-01) Jorge F: Muy bueno. Aplausos al desarrollador
- (2020-09-25) Allan Braga: Simply the Best !!
- (2020-09-17) Илья В.: Have not updated for a long time! Doesn't work correctly on new chromiums! Please, fix it. Давно не обновляли! Некорректно работает на новых хромиумах! Исправьте, пожалуйста.
- (2020-07-14) David A: So far it's pretty good... I'm using it to help stay focused... every 2 hours I take a break from working from home. To those saying it has a "60 minute" or "1 hour" cap... that doesn't seem to be the case (at least not anymore)... True, you can't set the timer based on number of hours... but you just set the time to 180 minutes (3 hours), 120 (2 hours), etc... I don't see any limitations on number of minutes or seconds you can input so as long as you can do the conversion from minutes (or seconds) to hours, then you're golden. I like that you can select the alarm sound, how long it will play, the volume of the alarm, and the pop up message. So far it's good. I haven't tried the alarm based on clock (setting a specific time).
- (2020-04-09) aaa aaa: essential for following ebay auctions, no unnecessary stuff
- (2019-07-03) Mattia Buonaiuto: Extension is great, but somehow it's not working every time. What I'm doing is using it by pressing on the icon, then writing minutes or seconds and pressing Enter. Sometimes this works, other times it does not accept the Enter, nor the Start button. Have to try several times to have it work. Other times it works straight away. I'm on ChromeBox btw. Is there anything I should setup to have it work 100% of times? Thanks!
- (2019-05-05) Matthew Sobecky: Seems to use UTC instead of my local time. That's pretty useless.
- (2018-11-11) Eric Liu: This is good and helpful, The only thing that'd make it better is if you could set a longer countdown. I take courses online so for online exam/final exam preparation, I would be nice to have a longer countdown. like I said, little things, this is great overall.
- (2018-11-06) B.Barış Atak: Need to add warning note. Then it will be more beautiful.
- (2018-06-07) Candace Baroglio Lewis: Simple! Seconds/Minutes timer. Sounds off & popup displays on screen, "Alarm went off". Great for my workouts (rest time between sets).
- (2018-05-04) mario alfaro: Sencilla y efectiva, permite seleccionar el sonido de alarma.
- (2018-05-03) Issy Art_Gaming: This is perfect and to those people who are complaining about not having hours well if you just try writing 60 minutes it actually works! wow genius or you know write it in the little box... come on they don't need to label logic.
- (2018-03-08) Sâmmyo Freitas: Mano, muito obrigado! Serviu perfeitamente para o que eu precisava! Thank u!
- (2018-01-28) Энд Окс: Раньше работало в Опере, в новой исчезло. Поставил в Хром, тут встало, но не работает(
- (2018-01-25) MrGabaryt: it stopped working on chromium
- (2018-01-25) Gabriel Teles: stopped working
- (2017-12-27) Виталий Ли: остановился на этом расширении, без боев, простое, надежное, рекомендую.
- (2017-10-23) ゆぅか: it is pretty simple, but it helped me a lot! there are a few limitations.
- (2017-09-19) Sinead Morgan: It can't seem to figure out what time it was. I tried to set it for 6 30 am at 7 30 pm and it said it was going to go off in 16 hours.
- (2017-09-19) преподают как будильник,а это просто таймер
- (2017-08-27) Jorge F: Excelente. En su tipo es lo mejor,te avisa con cartel y es recomendable.
- (2017-07-25) Vinicius Lago de Lima: Simple. Useful. ;)
- (2017-06-28) José Manuel Ciges Regueiro: Sencilla y efectiva
- (2017-05-06) Сан Саныч: Не работает, это не будильник, а таймер! Вот что За человек третьего мира не может правельно написать название расширения, ужасно очень ужасно.
- (2017-04-23) Steffen Søborg: easy and simple. thank you.
- (2017-04-10) Eikichi Twinkletoes: This is a timer not alarm and it's good
- (2017-03-08) OK.
- (2016-10-30) alittlelionfish: - Add Hr - Use scroll button to up/down the time
- (2016-10-23) Naty Garcia: Es buena. Hace su trabajo bien. Es sencilla y productiva a la vez.