Provides translations on highlight, and review notecards, for articles you read in foreign languages.
Take the boring part out of reading articles in languages you're learning.
Let Immersion Reader do the magic of instantly translating any word or phrase you highlight, giving you detailed translations of it, guiding you with pronunciation from native speakers for most words, and giving you review notecards for every new article you read, based on that article's actual text. Cut out the distraction of looking up words in a new tab, making up your own pronunciations for unfamiliar words, and managing notecards.
Latest reviews
- (2021-08-07) dineroso11: DOES NOT WORK!!!
- (2021-06-09) Ian J.Y. Phoon: Doesnt function for me. at all
- (2019-11-15) Bradley Fox: Doesn't work
- (2019-08-06) Neel Rawat: doesnt work at all
- (2019-04-09) Andres Jaramillo: its seems good but doesn't work at all