extension ExtPose

Calendar Selector for Google Calendar

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Save and restore groups of calendars selected

Image from store Calendar Selector for Google Calendar
Description from store CHANGELOG: Version 0.1.5 - Bug fix: Breakage introduced by Google Calendar changing the page HTML structure Version 0.1.4 - Bug fix: Agenda view displays items correctly - Enhancement: Added a license file to the repository (MIT), and provided privacy policy and data practices in the store listing (no data is ever shared or leaves the user's browser). See https://gitlab.com/bluenexa/google-calendar-selector for all version updates DESCRIPTION: This extension creates a set of buttons in the Google Chrome UI that allow you to easily create, save, and display groups of calendar presets. If you have many calendars and often need to switch between which calendars are shown (such as colleagues and teams), this extension is for you. Your presets are stored in your local browser storage and sync across devices automatically (using Chrome's built in syncing mechanism). Keyboard Shortcuts: Press Ctrl+Alt and the highlighted key for the main functions (highlighted key is one of e, s, r, c, i, x, or p). PRIVACY & SECURITY Except Chrome's built-in sync mechanism, the extension functions completely offline in the browser and no data leaves the user's computer. Local storage in the browser is used to persist saved calendar groups and to sync saved groups across computers via Chrome's built-in sync mechanism (tied to the logged in Chrome user). All software is fully open source and available at https://gitlab.com/bluenexa/google-calendar-selector. Built by the team at Bluenexa.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-15) 田口祐也: 求めていた機能めちゃくちゃ助かります! 強いていうと、 ・日別の個人 ・週別の全員 などの特定条件別に分けてもらえると完璧なので是非改善していただきたいです!
  • (2023-09-27) 冨永洋平: こんな機能を探し求めてました。 もっと早く導入していればよかった!
  • (2023-02-07) Masayoshi Suzuki: This is exactly what I wanted!!! Very easy to swithc my all team members' schedule and only my weekly schedule.
  • (2022-11-21) Djamil Kemal: Great extension! Very responsive team
  • (2022-11-04) Intan: Nice! Works well in one click!
  • (2022-09-27) BJ Marchini: Used to love it but now it doesn't work.
  • (2021-11-24) Orest Tarasiuk: Only worked half of the time for me, so I created a lightweight alternative: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/multiple-calendars-select/dlfbgdklfofchbhpeimkpepfldhkpojn
  • (2021-09-20) Jeff Bronks: Excellent extension that solves a really annoying problem. Just one bug report: In the Presets pop-up, instead of the drop-down arrow and trash bin, I get the words "arrow_drop_down" and "delete". It seems that your material icons are not displaying. Anything I can do about that?
  • (2021-09-20) Факультет Иностранных Языков: Отлично расширение, когда необходимо работать с большим количеством календарей. Создаете необходимые пресеты и быстро между ними переключаетесь.
  • (2021-09-16) Nutley School of Music: This is a very useful tool! My self and other office managers here have integrated it into our daily use of our schedule. However there is a slight glitch when in "Schedule view". The dates do not align with the appoints set in time slots for that day. It makes it hard to read and slows down tasks. This is my only complaint and i hope it gets looked into! Thanks
  • (2021-06-08) Sophie Nidegger: This is exactly what I needed in order to save some time displaying multiple calendars. It works perfectly for me, although a little bit slow to tick/untick calendars
  • (2021-04-13) Note to users in 2021. Your colleagues must be loaded & checked under "Other Calendars" for the preset to save correctly -- NOT "Meet With" (extension doesn't look at colleagues here).
  • (2021-03-13) Christian Wheel: Easily makes and selects presets of calendars to view quickly. If you use a lot of different calendars on your account, this is a serious time-saver so you don't have to click through and pick every calendar to see at once. This functionality should be built into Google Calendars to begin with! Thanks for making this extension, it rocks!
  • (2020-11-10) Kirill Yunussov: Awesome extension! Thanks for creating it!
  • (2020-04-11) Josh Webb: Allows you to automatically view ALL calendars in case you accidentally pressed "display only" on one calendar.
  • (2020-02-25) Bill Prehl: Absolutely a huge time saver!!! Love the import/export feature so I can keep them saved offline. Thank you!
  • (2019-12-11) Ian MacLeod: Unfortunately, the UI takes up so much horizontal space that it pushes settings, search, and other controls off the screen when it's relatively compressed. I definitely like the idea of this, but would much prefer a more compact UI (single button w/ dropdown, maybe?)
  • (2019-10-09) Alex G: Great idea but extension is buggy. I was able to save calendar states as presets, but after a few clicks the preset states would no longer load. Then when I disabled and re-enabled the extension the presets were still saved and it worked again
  • (2019-09-23) David Haddad: FREAKING LIFE SAVER, thank you developer!!! I need to find your Paypal link to make a donation.
  • (2019-05-17) k Daiki: Great!
  • (2019-04-24) Mark Vignolo: At first, I loved the app and it was exactly what we needed. Unfortunately it completely distorts he display of my Appointments page (used for allowing other users to sign up for slots in an appt). Times of the appts don't show up on the time on left. Every time I deactivate the extension, it works. Activate it, broken. Happy to try again if this is fixed!
  • (2019-03-14) Jon Lucas: Works exactly as I need it to. I had an issue and tech support had it resolved and had pushed the update within hours. Very impressive!!
  • (2019-02-27) Amazing job, amazing addon. On inquiry, even the internationalization problem was solved by the developer in less than 12h.
  • (2019-02-05) Kalle Mølbak Pedersen: Two stars for effort ..but not working in my end :-/
  • (2018-12-07) Dan Linehan: It nows works perfectly. If you tried this before and it did not work, try it again. Previously, it only worked with "Other Calendars". Now it works with all calendars. Love it!
  • (2018-04-14) Bluenexa LLC: I use this every day to quickly toggle groups of calendars for my coworkers!

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-23, v:0.1.5) Dan Linehan: Weird issue
    I get this now for some reason https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kX7-_CV7WX2-mRRq1ENGik4dL_iJeGr2/view?usp=sharing
  • (2023-09-12, v:0.1.5) 岡真弘: About import
    When I tried to import a facility that I had registered in advance, I am unable to register due to the following error. Failed to save groups to sync storage:QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded There are many groups, and when I reduced the number of groups to 7, I was able to import it without an error, but is this a limitation in the specifications? I would like to check if there is a way to register more groups than that.
  • (2023-08-22, v:0.1.5) Dik Liu: Stopped working
    It stopped working. Left click on the extension and I get a submenu with a grayed out "Can't read or change site data."
  • (2023-02-22, v:0.1.5) Tin Duong: Loop bug when using preset whilst existing preset is being processed
    Steps to reproduce: 1. Click on a preset to activate selected groups 2. Click on another preset before the previous preset is finished 3. 2 presets keeps on running since none of them are finished, thus creating a loop
  • (2023-01-17, v:0.1.5) Fries Mourisse: Extension not reacting
    Hello, Is anyone else having troubles getting the extension to work? Since this morning only clear seems to work. I no longer get to load or restore my calendars. I use Chrome Version 109.0.5414.74 (Official Build) (x86_64).
  • (2022-09-28, v:0.1.4) Mike Rigtrup: Extension not functioning.
    Nothing is working currently.
  • (2022-09-28, v:0.1.4) Fumi Y: I need support.
    This app is very useful. Thank you very much. However, none of the features have been working since 2 hours ago. (I don't know if it's been longer, 14 hours ago it was fine) The version of chrome is 106.0.5249.62 (Official Build) (64 bit) Thanks.
  • (2021-09-26, v:0.1.3) E.: I tried pressing ctrl+alt+somekey, nothing happened?
    I cycled thru all the letter keys suggested and nothing happened. How do I even use this? Thanks.
  • (2021-09-16, v:0.1.3) Nutley School of Music: Schedule View
    While this extension is active, It skews the alignments of dates to Appointments for the "Schedule View"
  • (2021-02-12, v:0.1.3) 星陽介: The limit of members
    It seems that the limit number of member is ten. (I selected 12 members on calendar, but only 10 members are shown.) Do you have any way to show more than ten members?
  • (2020-06-01, v:0.1.3) Daryle Tilroe: Beware of CAPs in Calendar Group Titles
    So I was trying to get fancy by manually exporting, curating, and re-importing some lists. I wasted some time as it seems putting any CAPs in the group title breaks it.
  • (2020-05-13, v:0.1.3) Warehouse: Unable to create new presets
    Hello! Thank you for your work on Calendar Selector, it's been huge help to me and team but I've come across a bit of an issue. Whenever I try to create a new preset (I have 1 already) it gives an error code of: "Failed to save groups to sync storage: QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded". Not sure why this error keep persisting but I'm definitely missing out on some of the best features of your app without the ability to make more presets. Please let me know if this can be fixed and thank you for creating this helpful tool!
  • (2020-04-10, v:0.1.3) Stephanie Gibbs: New Chromebook Update
    Hi! I LOVE this extension but it seems a recent Chromebook update has broken the extension for me :( . It's still enabled in my extension settings and the icon appears on my browser but when on Google Calendars, it stays grayed-out, never changing to yellow and never populating any buttons at the top of the screen. Any idea on fixes?
  • (2020-01-25, v:0.1.3) Lake Chocolate: Restore button is buggy
    The restore button only works twice. Let's say I have two presets: focus, all. I have loaded them, one after another. Now when I click restore, it loads focus. When I click restore again, it loads the all. So far it's good. But if I click restore again, it should restore focus, but it does nothing.
  • (2019-08-27, v:0.1.2) Kayli Yip: Calendar Selector Not Working
    I tried saving a group of calendars into a preset group, but after I click "save as" and enter in the preset group name, a banner at the bottom shows "Presets saved to storage:". When I click on "presets", it is empty, even after I refresh the page multiple times. I've already tried removing the extension and adding it again, but I still have the same issue. Calendar Selector seems like a great tool, but unfortunately, it isn't working!


50,000 history
4.4194 (31 votes)
Last update / version
2022-12-08 / 0.1.5
Listing languages
