Description from extension meta
Automatically discards unused tabs to free up system resources
Image from store
Description from store
Suspend tabs to reduce chrome memory usage. Uses chrome's native tab discarding.
Advantages over The Great Suspender:
- More memory savings
- Compatible with chrome tab syncing
- Super lightweight extension that uses no content scripts or persistent background scripts
Disadvantages over The Great Suspender:
- No visibility on which tabs have been suspended
- Unable to prevent a tab from reloading when it gains focus
Please post all bug reports here:
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-12) wang he: 点一下 Discard other tabs 关闭了我200多个标签,Ctrl+Shift+T 无法恢复 ,chrome://discards/ 里也看不到可以找回的,刚刚试了几下都是这样, 同一个浏览器窗口200多个标签只剩下几个,找不到恢复的地方。同一个浏览器其他窗口好像没被关闭标签。
- (2023-04-17) Denis Vlasov: Nice and easy to use. Discard tabs can be watch in chrome://discards/ and in task manager.
- (2023-04-07) Marian Dragan: Great. It does what it's supposed to do. A Vivaldi User.
- (2022-11-15) Utku Garip: Sanırım uzantı artık çalışmıyor, "Never discard.." seçmeme rağmen sekme sıfırladı. --------------------------- I think the extension is not working anymore, although I selected "Never discard .." the tab reset.
- (2022-06-09) Гусь: Самое лучшее расширение для экономии памяти. Не вмешивается во вкладки, а просто выгружает из памяти, благодаря этому в случае неполадок вкладки не будут заблокированы или потеряны, как это происходит в Great Supender и подобных
- (2022-03-31) Domi: Лудше чем The Great Suspender для руских.
- (2022-02-07) Sergey: I like it. It is easy to use, not overloaded with lot of settings, just bare minimum.
- (2021-12-03) RedSnt: Having tried this, then The Marvelous Suspender, then back to this, I can safely say as a Vivaldi (Chromium) user that The Great Discarder is the better of the two. I have to say, I wanted to like The Marvelous Suspender, but it isn't as good as this.
- (2021-09-09) aditya aggarwal: can you make it such that tabs get suspended by days. like i want tabs of today or this week to be active and older than a week or day etc to be suspended. it would really be useful
- (2021-04-05) Carlos V: Lo utilizo, pero le faltan muchas funciones
- (2021-03-01) Jaloliddin Ravshanov: So far so good, I recommend
- (2021-02-19) King Bardylis: Add features pls, like the ability to not suspend pined tabs or tabs that are playing audio, when i have to suspend tabs i always have to go in the Youtube Music tab in order for the music to not stop, add force suspend too.
- (2021-02-12) Silver Star: Very useful extension for those who like having many tabs open. It would be perfect if the discarded audio playing tabs resumed just from where they stopped !!!
- (2021-02-09) Tiến Đạt Ngô: phiên bản mới không hoặt động trên trình duyệt của tôi
- (2021-02-08) Hasan Tezcan: It's work again. I was remove this extension 3 days ago. But now is working I thinks they fixed the malware issue.
- (2021-02-07) Peter Immel: Test: I got 111 Tabs open. Task manager is running and I mapped real time memory usage on my G910 keyboard. This Extension won't free memory at all. To be not able to see which tabs are suspended, is annoying. Even though The Great Suspender grabs passwords, it was the best suspending extension for chrome. Period.
- (2021-02-06) Егор Твердохлеб: the once alternative Great Tab Suspender, that doesn't ask permission : extension can read and change all hope it works great )
- (2021-02-05) Pro: Не работает как надо. Из 27 вкладок уснуло меньше половины. После перезапуска хрома все ранее заснувшие вкладки вновь просыпаются. И снова выжидают таймер. Проверял работу через диспетчер задач, по кол-ву процессов хрома.
- (2021-02-05) Brand: Really quickly TLDR on current issue: BAD NEWS FIRST; as of early Thursday 04/02/2021 (dd/mm/yyyy)"The Great Suspender" has been removed entirely by Google from the Chrome Browser Store on the basis that it CONTAINS MALWARE (its URL gives a error 404 meaning its gone off the web). THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO "The Great Suspender" extension. "The Great Discarder" IS NOT a repurposed tool nor is it work around for "The Great Suspender" and is a separate extension that does not do the same work way. "THE Great Discarder" and any other extension(s) made by the same dev(s) aside from "The Great Suspender" (which is deleted and gone) which have been stopped and disabled but will still exist until further notice. GOOD NEWS: Reddit has a way to help get some if not all tabs back DO NOT DELETE YOUR BROWSER HISTORY I will explain below. Please help get this to the top of the "helpful" tab so other may know. <<<More info below>>> IN YOUR BROWSER HISTORY SEARCHBAR PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS JUMBLED LINE OF LETTERS BELOW THIS STATMENT INTO YOUR HISTORY'S SEARCH BAR. Again DO NOT DELETE YOUR BROWSER HISTORY. klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Above the arrows pointing at what is the common URL that "The Great suspender" uses often to suspend your tabs. Most to near all of your tabs have been linked through "The Great suspender" via that line of letters so if you scroll through you will hopefully find all the sites and links you need or to regain back but you'll have to examine each one the old fashioned way and click each one to find what you need so DO NOT DELETE YOUR SAVE HISTORY or those tabs get deleted too (only delete your history one by one once your 20000% positive you need nothing else from those tabs that the "The Great Suspender" extension has touched). I also have tips on my own experiences on how you can at least save your tabs for the future even if it still does not save RAM if you need it. I will try to reply as fast and well to the best of my ability.
- (2021-02-05) A Johnson: I just added this based on the whole "malware" "issue" of The Great Suspender. I REALLY loved The Great Suspender. I liked the flexibility of being able to un-suspend a tab. Now? I don't know whether a tab is suspended or "discarded" or whether this is the same thing. I've also noticed that if I do "discard" a tab that you can't even tell if it's suspended... which makes me wonder how the heck you can even save on memory if a tab is technically still active??? Please work on making a suspension option. This "discard" function is not all that great to me. And, from the reviews of others that simply enjoyed the other extension I can see that I am not the only one.
- (2021-02-04) Василий П: Отстойное расширение, "The great suspender" - было лучше (жаль что его заблокировали).
- (2021-02-04) Вик Волчик (Magnapony): Я ошибся. Оказывается расширение работает, но не как в другом The Great Suspender. Здесь вкладки размораживаются при переходе на них. И значки не "притухают". Из за этого совершенно не видно, что вообще расширение работает. Я привык, что вкладку можно разморозить только по нажатию. Жаль. Это не удобно. Буду искать другое расширение.
- (2021-02-04) nighTtide: This extension used to save me so much memory when it was known as the great suspender. Unfortunatly google reviewed it as malware and closed at least 50 important tabs on me so boo google and yey suspension labs
- (2021-02-04) andrei i: looks like it's been updated with malware
- (2021-02-04) juan david Ariza: This extension is great, but what the heck happened to the great suspender? Can you please make some extenssion with the session management feature that was on the great suspender? Try not to update this one bcs it will get banned as the suspender.
- (2021-02-04) Kirill Makienko: Откинулся the great suspender( хорошо работал, пока не заблокировали из-за небезопасности), потому ищу альтернативы, буду смотреть
- (2021-02-04) Tomek Duda: Great tool to save tabs for later without eating away your RAM
- (2020-11-03) Олександр Фесенко: Спартанськи простий прибирач фонових вкладок й процесів хрома. Лікує ОЗП зажерливість браузера. Відрізняється простотою й ефективністю.
- (2020-10-18) l m: Great
- (2020-07-03) Κώστας Σφυράκης: Απελευθερώνει ram και επεξεργαστική ισχύ για πιο ομαλή περιήγηση. Ότι πρέπει για αυτούς που θέλουν να έχουν πολλά tabs ανοικτά ενώ χρησιμοποιούν μερικά από αυτά κάθε φορά.
- (2019-11-20) David G. Larson: This same functionality, by the same person that wrote this extension, is available in the Great Suspender, which is actively maintained. but you have to look for the link to the debug page on the settings page to get access to change the setting from suspend to discard.
- (2019-08-30) Ňâif Ksa: Wonderful & Useful
- (2019-08-29) Volkan Yılmaz: gayet başarılı.
- (2019-01-07) Yury Ershov: A must-have extension for every heavy tab/window user
- (2018-12-10) Corruptor55: Closes unused tabs for you incase you forgot to close them yourself. X'D
- (2018-09-20) Luis Rumillanca Ortiz: Al desinstalarla cerró todas las pestañas suspendidas.
- (2018-06-25) Akashi Seijuro: Good !!!!!
- (2018-04-28) Shahed Faisal: If it could keep all other tabs discarded except the active tab on startup it would have been a killing extension.
- (2018-03-30) Maria Helena Preiman: Doesn't work if the window with suspended tabs is closed and reopened. The memory is as high as ever (The Great Suspender has the same problem). It's a problem on Windows 10 considering its tendency to restart without asking first. Pretty much a worse copycat of the Suspender with less options and no indication of which tabs are discarded. (Note: chrome://discards is too slow+clumsy to use effectively)
- (2018-03-23) Vasily Tretiakov: One of the best extensions for people, who wants read many info, but later )))
- (2018-02-06) Nikhil Wanpal: Like it so far. Works as described. Saves a whole lot of RAM.
- (2018-01-12) UnknownMe -: this addon is a godsend for 2gb chromebooks
- (2017-12-29) Peter Nann: Love your work suspension labs. Now what about an option to intelligently clobber pages that are using CPU in the background? Or lots of memory? Or an option to try to manage your maximum memory usage of chrome? (Discarding background pages as needed on demand) Such approaches could be less annoying than the time-based 'carpet bombing' approach of both current tools... Please consider!
- (2017-12-27) decoy doug: Just don't forget to un-suspend your tabs if you are changing extensions!
- (2017-12-18) Travis Foster: MUCH better than The Great Suspender. I see no more 404 errors and performance is seemingly better than Suspender's when it comes to relaunching Chrome (where Suspender faced.. problems). I've mapped Alt + A to discard ALL tabs from ALL windows. I recommend others looking for "Discard tabs on startup" to do the same in the meantime. I don't think the feature will be added and it's hardly a hassle once the hotkey is set. Heh. What I really need is for Chrome to have "Workspaces" where I can just set things aside momentarily. As it stands I've got only "Bookmark it" or "Leave it open" and, while that's fine, it would be nice to have. I switch between unrelated tasks and it's far less time consuming to keep the tabs open than it is to somehow re-open them once I need them again. So that's what this extension is for! :)
- (2017-10-23) Prashant kulkarni: with great suspender there are many tabs which doesnot get unloaded efficentely..this one unloads and discards more tabs saving more memory. one of the best extension to reduce memory clutter..really works
- (2017-10-21) Matthew Berrios: Not as useful as The Great Suspender, this is much more difficult to use. Not only can you not tell which tabs are suspended (Which is warned by this extension's page), but every time I manually suspend a tab it throws me into another tab and restores it automatically. This would drive me crazy especially after using The Great Suspender for so long.
- (2017-09-03) Me gustó más que "The Great Suspender" felicitaciones al desarrollador. Muy recomendada...
- (2017-08-22) Andhika Steven: right click context menu would be helpful. Is it impossible? btw, nice extension! :D
- (2017-08-14) Bill Wood: This extension is really well done. No fuss, no muss, and it is using Chrome's discards API which means it is well integrated with Chrome. Love it! It would be very useful to have an option for discarding tabs on startup, similar to how the extension "Native Lazy Tabs" does it.