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Validate and view JSON documents
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Description from store
JSONView port for Chrome.
Original firefox extension is here:
- JSON is validated using a client-side javascript implementation of JSONLint (
- this extension displays JSON text compliant with rfc 4627 (
- The stylesheet used to display the JSON content can be customized
- JSONP ( is supported
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-29) Best JSON viewer extension I've used ...
- (2023-08-28) Wesley Schwengle: They changed the UI. I don't like the current way. I need to flip the prettify the JSON everytime I refresh the page. I also miss the ability the fold/unfold the JSON. It went from very usable to nice MVP. Would not recommend it anymore.
- (2023-02-07) Theodore: Works great. View source button works fine for me in Google Chrome.
- (2023-01-09) is usual brag: I already use this handfull extension for years. And I have a request if you dont mind. When we choose darkmode chrome, json key is not contrast to background (text white, while background is white too). Hope team dev could help with that, thanks
- (2022-11-09) Arek R: Czytelne i wygodne przeglądanie danych w JSONie!
- (2022-09-23) Chester Yu: Generally great tool. Would be great to have default style for dark mode and auto switching.
- (2022-09-20) ABID HASAN: A perfect extension for day-to-day life. I forgot that I have installed it. Using it for a year now. Thank you!
- (2022-08-31) Md. Rabiul Islam: Nice & Excellent
- (2022-08-16) Ying-Ching Chen: nice update with color
- (2022-08-10) Hyoukjoon Lee: very useful tool
- (2022-05-16) Wicky Liao: good job
- (2022-04-01) IC: Removes quotes, copy-pasting results in invalid json. I didn't find an option to keep quotes
- (2022-01-27) Lindsay Frost: Added extension with a click. Tried it on new openAlex interface with JSON response (e.g. ) and it worked fine! My system has Chrome Version 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2022-01-09) Олег Лысяков: For dark theme try to set this CSS (Settings=>Open style editor): body { white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; background-color: #262626; color: #dfdfdf; margin-left: 10%; } ::selection { color: white; background: rgba(18, 112, 250, 0.6); } .property { font-weight: bold; } .type-null { color: #cccccc; } .type-boolean { color: #fa5555; } .type-number { color: #5599df; } .type-string { color: #66cb44; } .callback-function { color: gray; } .collapser:after { content: "-"; } .collapsed > .collapser:after { content: "+"; } .ellipsis:after { content: " … "; } .collapsible { margin-left: 2em; } .hoverable { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; border-radius: 2px; } .hoverable a { color: #66cb44; } .hovered { background-color: rgba(235, 238, 249, 0.12); } .collapser { padding-right: 6px; padding-left: 6px; } Very good for eyes now 👍
- (2022-01-05) 李早: 大数字,精度丢失
- (2021-12-25) Kory: 'JASONView'가 더 좋습니다.
- (2021-12-24) teahouse: Very nice!
- (2021-12-16) 董文龙: 还行
- (2021-12-09) Gordon Freeman: Перестало работать во фреймах(((
- (2021-12-03) George Pantazes: I liked and used this extension for a while, but some things annoyed me: - The rendered JSON cannot by copied as raw JSON text. It strips off all of the quotes, meaning you have to flip back to RAW if you want to copy valid JSON. - The button to switch to raw text doesn't work for me. I had to disable the extension entirely to see the underlying raw JSON. Until the above issues are addressed, this plugin is fine for simply viewing JSON, but that's where its usefulness ends. However, since it doesn't allow copying valid JSON or flipping back to the raw text, it often creates problems when switching over to heavier tools such as a text editor. I'll be switching to and trying out the JSON Viewer extension ( instead, which doesn't suffer from the above issues, and still has features like syntax highlighting and collapse/expand.
- (2021-11-24) 微笑: good
- (2021-11-23) Mikaël Morvan: parfait, comme tous les outils de Gildas :)
- (2021-10-14) Mei Giyanto: icon plus or minus is too small
- (2021-09-01) d p: It is pretty cool, but less than functional if you need the original json text for something else. The glaring issue I have is that you can't turn it off and it's not proper json after it runs. There are three options for 'on'. That's 1. on for all sites. 2. on for this site. 3. on when you click the extension. There is no 'off when you click the extension' or toggle between on and off. Brilliant idea, but it looks like they didn't think people that are looking at a json response message (that's everyone that would understand this) might actually want to use that json object somewhere else after they use this to peek at it. This would be awesome and a huge time saver if it was setup to peek at the pretty json version and jump back to the proper one easily. If you can't turn it off and you have to muck around to get the json after it is on it's easier to just copy/paste it into a text file to run it through jq, jp, or a million other methods that will do what this does and not lose the original json in the process. It may be truly awesome for someone that is looking at json response messages, but has no intention of doing anything with those responses.
- (2021-08-15) Alejandro Moreno: Realmente es bastante util. Solo mejorar un poco la interacción de apertura y cierre de objetos pero en general ayuda bastante. Muy buena la opcion de modificar el css porque realmente el fondo blanco quema la vista al tiempo. Aqui comparto el mio, espero les sea util body { background-color: #404040; color: lightgray; white-space: pre; font-family: arial; } .property { font-weight: bold; } .type-null { color: gray; } .type-boolean { color: lightblue; } .type-number { color: lightgreen; } .type-string { color: #FFFF99; } .callback-function { color: gray; } .collapser:after { content: "-"; } .collapsed > .collapser:after { content: "+"; } .ellipsis:after { content: " … "; } .collapsible { margin-left: 2em; } .hoverable { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; border-radius: 2px; } .hovered { background-color: #606060; } .collapser { padding-right: 6px; padding-left: 6px; }
- (2021-08-11) Jean Castillo: Ok for the most part. However, it changed the contents of one file i was looking at for no reason. Using Jason Viewer instead now
- (2021-08-05) Stephan Klop: Gewoon top. Doet wat 't moet doen.
- (2021-07-14) Tender: 怎么打开
- (2021-07-07) Ma. Cecilia Santillan: Works almost perfectly. The "View Original" needs to be copied and pasted into a new tab, just clicking it doesn't actually do anything. And the fact that the tree view doesn't have quotes means it's hard to copy directly from the formatted data; I need to click "View Original" which requires a lot of extra clicks. It's still very useful, but it could be better. Might move on to a better, more recently-updated tool.
- (2021-05-28) Patrik Halén: Works flawlessly!!! Just add and use!!! :) :)
- (2021-03-16) Mathis Soënen: I was searching for something to view JSON on chrome, without installing new software such as SoapUI. This extension is EXACTLY what i was looking for. Don't need lot of configuration or tutorial to use. Just install and refresh JSON web pages. Perfect.
- (2021-03-09) Cem Çite: Collapsing theme is not best.
- (2021-02-24) SON LE DUC: rất tốt, mothers extension
- (2021-02-16) Ricardo Berzal: Tiene un problema gravísimo , al menos para mi, para buscar un texto abre un input propio en la parte superior izquierda, tecleas, intro y ese input desaparece, fin del f3. Si en ese momento intentas buscar la siguiente ocurrencia es imposible, no funciona el f3 (abre el de chrome) y no funciona con el buscador de texto de chrome. Si poder buscar un texto me parece imposible utilizarlo, solo por eso recomiendo JSON Formatter
- (2021-01-25) Dhruv Bhat: It's good enough.
- (2021-01-22) getit haile: this is a bug: original data: { ......, "item_id":206960017876850643, .... } but the formatted data is : { ......, "item_id":206960017876850660, .... }
- (2020-12-21) Soumendu Bhattacharyya: Best
- (2020-12-19) Hyunwoo Choi: Saved my eyes.. Thanks!
- (2020-12-11) Evgenya & Alexander: Open source, but shares its Privacy Policy with other extension
- (2020-12-11) Andrej K: Otherwise ok, but "view source" doesn't work, any way to fix it or any work-around?
- (2020-12-11) UnkHS: good extension
- (2020-11-23) thomas vermeersch: great
- (2020-11-13) 花伟: 好
- (2020-11-12) Hacker M: 经常不起作用啊
- (2020-11-12) Carlos Alberto Ortiz Losada: Muy buena visualización del formato JSON
- (2020-10-27) Jarrod Whitley: Works great
- (2020-10-14) Great!
- (2020-09-25) Sanuj Bhatnagar: I love this extension, it shows the response json in proper format, I would love to see it getting enhanced and have more options after parsing data
- (2020-09-18) Sanaullah Fiaz: Well its fine and it is going well THANKS...
4.5377 (2,652 votes)
Last update / version
2023-11-29 / 0.2.3
Listing languages