Description from extension meta
Hides your messages until you hover over them.
Image from store
Description from store
To increase privacy in public spaces the Privacy Extension For WhatsApp™ Web blurs your messages. Your messages and other content only reveals upon hovering over with your mouse cursor. Additionally you can quickly toggle all effects by using a keyboard shortcut or by clicking the toggle button in the extension menu.
It adapts to your needs by letting you decide which elements you want to blur. Most important options:
- All messages in chat: Blurs all messages in the current chat.
- Last messages preview: Blurs all message previews on the left.
- Media preview: Blurs all images, videos, stickers, ... in separation from the text.
- Profile pictures: Blurs all profile pictures.
An extended list of features can be found on our page:
Quick Toggle: Use the keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle the extension on or off (Default: Alt+X). To change this navigate to: "chrome://extensions/shortcuts"
This extension does not collect information about you or your messages. We only communicate with our server to display information about problems or updates. Visit the privacy policy to learn more.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.
WhatsApp is a trademark of WhatsApp Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This extension is an independent project developed by Lukas Lenhardt and has no relationship to WhatsApp or WhatsApp Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2024-04-17) Nindita Adhania: good
- (2024-04-05) Syed Khizar: Privacy extension is not working
- (2024-04-05) Ankit Sharma: Privacy extension is not working... I am not able to toggle the Whatsapp
- (2024-03-28) Achmad Yudistira: Apakah untuk saat ini extensionnya lagi gak bisa digunakan? Mohon dibantu diperbaiki ya , soalnya risih kalau ada yang ngintip ngintip
- (2024-03-25) Rajini A: Privacy extension is not working... I am not able to toggle the whatsapp
- (2023-10-31) Kevin Jhonatan: Sangat Bagus untuk menghidden message whatsapp web di pc, semoga whatsapp for pc ada fitur seperti ini juga
- (2023-10-20) sai charan Bandi: very useful
- (2023-09-01) hammad Haq: Love it
- (2023-08-30) Official Scorpio Malang: it's not working anymore sir
- (2023-08-19) kun faradila: very good
- (2023-07-19) Aaqil Abdul Rehman: Much needed. Good job devs.
- (2023-07-05) Suraj Shammey: it does work.
- (2023-06-21) Alifz15: hi developer, please fix the post status bug, the status can only be viewed on the web and cannot be viewed on whatsapp mobile
- (2023-05-25) Samuel Barreto Gomez: Excelente y genial extensión muy necesario, Felicitaciones a los creadores; sugiero que me gastaría que agreguen una opción para difuminar los mensajes en el chat solo esta un poco oscurecida, además opciones de desdifuminación opcional de las imágenes en el chat
- (2023-05-25) Annada Ojha: Blur feature for text messages was working before but it is now not working
- (2023-05-24) Dprajapat: i'm looking for edit but I can't
- (2023-05-02) debasish bose: Blurs all profile pictures not working
- (2023-04-18) Setyo Boedi Bagus Siswanto: Ini sekarang kenapa ga full blurr yaa?
- (2023-04-14) Utsav Somani: Not working properly when chat is open it greyscales messages instead of blurring them.
- (2023-04-14) Shyama Das/AARONG/BRAC: I loved to use this extension and recommended everyone but sudden it doesn't working. Really disapponting. Whatsapp ADMIN should work on this as it is really a very useful extension.
- (2023-04-04) cm (nobody): very swiftly on the extension and its work well, just 1 problem is the profile picture unable be blurred.
- (2023-03-24) Tales Vitorino: Profile pictures still visible even with the toggle turned on
- (2023-03-24) kandadi.naveen Reddy: the extension work fine in early stage after a couple of week the profile pictures are not getting blur anymore i re installed the extension but the problem is not getting away..!
- (2023-03-23) Fadsan Technologies Private Limited: I liked it but it's giving bug for profile pictures, i have tried all enable/ disable even for extension but after new sign in or page load profile picture are not hiding any more.
- (2023-03-16) Agiru standi: very good...
- (2023-03-03) Ata Uzun: Çok gerekli bir eklenti çok teşekkürler.
- (2023-02-28) Muhammad Fachruddin: I love it! My messages is hidden well
- (2023-01-25) Irfan Kertianto: THANKYOUUUU FOR THE UPDATE!!!!!
- (2023-01-19) Edwin Febrian: LOVE IT, THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!!! <3 <3
- (2023-01-18) Martin Budiman: kemarin error, sekarang sudah bisa lagi :) love it
- (2023-01-17) Viviana Beltrán: I love this extension. However, it's not working anymore due to Updating Whatsapp in January. Please update the privacy extension since that despite that Developer has answered some reviews, it doesn't work porperly.
- (2023-01-17) Renato Bene: This extension doesn't works since last week, in the last Chrome version...
- (2023-01-17) Taufiq Rahman: please update this extension. because after the WhatsApp web update in January 2023, some of the blur functions don't work, especially on the last messages preview.
- (2023-01-17) Axxiiim: I loved this extension but today its not working. I think some compatibility issue occurred. Please Update the extension.
- (2023-01-17) Syarifa Adimira: It's not working currently :( I thought I was the only one but apparently, everybody else experiences this as well
- (2023-01-17) Yogi Nugraha Drive: Extention Need Update
- (2023-01-16) Robin Ahmed: this extention dosent working
- (2023-01-16) vandra putra: extention nya lagidi bug fixing sepertinya.. let see guys
- (2023-01-16) Sohaib qureshi: is there any other extension that works properly?
- (2023-01-16) Aman Zaidi: Not Working From Last 4 Days... Kindly fix this issue ASAP..
- (2023-01-16) Social Media: Currently (January 2023) it is not working on chrome as well as Brave browser. Please fix this issue at your earliest.
- (2022-03-18) Bagus Santoso: great
- (2022-02-28) Kshitij Sabale: Can you add a feature of bluring only particular message based on some key words and filters .... it would be great thanks for the extension
- (2022-02-07) Akash Solanki: It saved me!
- (2022-02-05) Kai B: Hides messages but not profile pictures which is what I wanted it for
- (2021-11-10) Dráuzio Ribeiro de Mello: Media galaria is not working properly. it is showing the photos!!!! Media Galaria funktioniert nicht richtig. es zeigt die fotos!!!!
- (2021-11-04) Erick Yudisthira Gemilang: Now it's now working anymore
- (2021-10-29) Denis LLorente: In the last Chrome version, the media gallery blur is not funcion
- (2021-10-13) Danu Winartha: Chat on reply still not blurred