extension ExtPose

Datalayer Checker

CRX id


Description from extension meta

The easiest way to debug and check the dataLayer implementations without having to use the browser console!

Image from store Datalayer Checker
Description from store Sublimetrix is happy to release Datalayer Checker 2 with several new features and a revamped design! NEW FEATURES: - Flat & Json view - Copy to clipboard variables (fast GTM variable mapping) - Auto pushes coloring - Custom coloring rules to overwrite auto coloring mode - Syntax coloring within pushed objects - “ecommerce” key is now highlighted in push messages - “gtag” objects identified - Enable or disable datalayer console log messages - Enable a page toolbar displayed only when a datalayer is found - Inject up to 5 GTM containers when browsing websites - Code optimization and bugs fixed --- You found a bug ? Please contact us on [email protected] Describe the bug and provide us an url where we can try and fix it. Thank you for your help and your support! --- All messages pushed in a dataLayer will be listed in the extension tab, either when a page loads, through an event or when data is manually pushed. You just need to install this extension and visit any website before clicking on the extension icon to display the dataLayer content. The basic setup works for Google Tag Manager default dataLayer but user settings will be soon available for custom implementations. As the extension is still in development, you may encounter some bugs (don’t hesitate to report them!) as well as new features soon! Ready to save time and efforts? Give it a try! --- Changelog: 2.3: Flat view and "Copy to clipboard" features! 2.2: Datalayer loading animation! 2.1: New helpful toolbar! 2.0: New features! New design! 1.3: Datalayer Checker now preserve your pushed objects directly in the browser console. 1.2: Datalayer Checker works now with GTM listeners. 1.1: Auto-detection of the dataLayer name. 1.0: We are happy to offer you DataLayer Checker! The best Chrome extension to check the GTM dataLayer. Enjoy!

Latest reviews

  • (2022-07-25) Trojan Geek: nice one
  • (2021-03-10) Jiří Náhlovský: One thing is missing.. configuration of dataLayer object variable would be appreciated. Otherwise looks good.
  • (2020-12-10) Stephen Akins: Okay... so some items are blue and some are grey. What does that mean? Are things as they should be? Should some be blue that are currently grey? Aren't there any possible comments or advice?
  • (2020-11-30) Loic CHOSSIERE: Very useful, especially the injection and logging part ! Thank you you are a real saviour for GTM debugging :)
  • (2020-11-12) Tobias Vuorelma: Works perfectly for my use!
  • (2020-09-21) Miljenko Bulaš: Works! It would be awesome if it could add "events" in real time, without having to open and close the window (like GTM does).
  • (2019-09-03) WAX Interactive: Very usefull tool for our analytics team and our clients! It helps them to know which data is available on each pages and interactions when they work with Google Analytics!
  • (2019-01-28) Was very useful, but currently breaks DataStudio and makes it unusable (Data Studio reports don't load anymore). To dev: See console while opening a google data studio report for debug info.
  • (2018-07-10) Consuelo Sanders: Agree it's a useful addon and been using for a while now. However the latest release has started throwing "Script Error" errors when working in Salesforce marketing cloud - the error keeps popping up and no way to disable - have had to remove the addon completely to be able to work. Error details: Script error. url: line: 0 col: 0 Script error. url: line: 0 col: 0 Script error. url: line: 0 col: 0
  • (2018-05-17) Turab Qureshi: Deos exactly what it's supposed to do
  • (2018-05-07) Clark Frye: Useful add-on, however this addon causes a problem in Google Sheets where I'm unable to modify ANY Google Sheet. When the addon is enabled, I get a message in Google Sheets which says "Unable to load file. Try to load it again or send an error report." Uninstalling the addon fixes the problem.
  • (2018-04-16) Alejandro Núñez: Interfiere con el autocompletar de los contactos de Inbox y hace que no funcione. Por lo demás bien
  • (2018-02-18) Anne Florence: Superbe !
  • (2017-01-03) Ak Sel: Excellent work ! Thanks
  • (2016-12-02) Hobiana Rakotonirina: So tremendous !!
  • (2016-12-01) Marc Richard: Hi, is there a way to specifiy a different data layer object name? On my site, we call it "SCAdataLayer" instead of simply "dataLayer". Thanksk
  • (2016-12-01) Quentin Bérard: Great work, thanks !
  • (2016-12-01) Arthur Marot: Finally ! Nice work, Thanks.
  • (2016-12-01) Sebastien Pujade: This is so cool :-)
  • (2016-12-01) Pascal Weill: Tried it, loved it!
  • (2016-12-01) valentin svahn: Awesome !

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-07, v:2.3.15) Maximilian Humpert: Tool doesn't load after clicking on a SVG icon
    Whenever I try to check data layer after I had to get somewhere by clicking on a .svg "image" the extension doesn't load. Then I have to check data layer in console which is a bit annoying. Apart from that awesome tool, ty so much! <3
  • (2023-09-21, v:2.3.15) mavi occidente: Whats the meaning of colors?
    When I push a datalayer on my website, on the list where I can see de dl its appears the event some times in grey color but other in yellow, my question is... What´s meaning the diferent color or its just only for a illustrative action, :D
  • (2023-04-28, v:2.3.15) Rob Lifford: bug in the extension
    FYI, someone is using this extension while viewing our web app and today it threw this error that was caught by our Sentry.io error-catching integration: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'consoleLog') at dl.push (chrome-extension://ffljdddodmkedhkcjhpmdajhjdbkogke/js/datalayer-checker.js:121:31)
  • (2022-08-21, v:2.3.15) Sonu Saha: Add To Cart is not Showing in Data layer
    After creating a Add to Cart Tag and Trigger why Data layer checker not detecting the Add to Cart
  • (2022-03-21, v:2.3.15) Michele Sforza: How to pull {data} value from Datalayer
    Hi, I have in Datalayer Checker the following datalayer (in flat json): {data} { "0": "set", "1": "ads_data_redaction", "2": false } I want to pull the value of the key "0". How can I pull this data in GTM. I need to use a datalayer variable? Which kind of path I need to insert in GTM? Thank you for your answer...and information
  • (2021-11-11, v:2.3.15) Milton Lawson: "DataLayer is loading" issue
    For the past two days, I cannot see the results in the datalayer checker plugin. All I get is "Datalayer is loading" and the three animated in-progress dots.
  • (2021-03-11, v:2.3.15) Qianqian Xing: Cannot scroll from time to time
    Hi! Your extension has been really helpful to me. Yet there's a thing that bugs me - the scroll function doesn't work from time to time, even though there's clearly more events below. I have no idea what's the cause. Usually I'd try restarting Chrome, but it doesn't always help. Would be lovely to have this solved.
  • (2021-02-23, v:2.3.15) Karl Steinscheisser: Extension causes a JS error
    Extension causes a JS error: Cannot read property 'event' of undefined at Object.window.SBX_dlc.dlFormatedObject (datalayer-checker.js:70) at Array.dl.push (datalayer-checker.js:116) at Array.a.push (gtm.js?id=GTM-WSCNKW7&gtm_auth=&gtm_preview=&gtm_cookies_win=x:836) at pm (gtm.js?id=GTM-WSCNKW7&gtm_auth=&gtm_preview=&gtm_cookies_win=x:830) at Wm (gtm.js?id=GTM-WSCNKW7&gtm_auth=&gtm_preview=&gtm_cookies_win=x:840) at HTMLDocument.a (gtm.js?id=xxxxx&gtm_auth=&gtm_preview=&gtm_cookies_win=x:859)
  • (2021-02-18, v:2.3.15) Roshan R Yadav: Awesome!
    Working! its a really good one for developer as well as non developers!
  • (2021-01-29, v:2.3.15) ganaesan NM: Need End user license agreement
    Could you please provide us the EULA agreement for this extension
  • (2020-09-08, v:2.3.15) [bug] awesome tool, minor bug
    unsure why, but occasionally would encounter a bug where console prints: datalayer-checker.js:94 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'consoleLog' of undefined at Array.b (datalayer-checker.js:94) at datalayer-checker.js:123 at datalayer-checker.js:125
  • (2020-03-06, v:2.3.9) Joe Hill: Detaching window
    Is there any way to detach the datalayer window? I would like to have that window open while I click around a website. But each time you click, it hides the window. The toolbar is ok, but you are then not able to click on the events in the toolbar.
  • (2019-09-17, v:2.3.9) Norlys / Eniig Marketing: Support for Custom Named DataLayer
    https://www.arla.dk/ Here the dataLayer is renamed to digitalData. Support for custom naming would be nice!
  • (2019-09-09, v:2.3.9) florian schoel: Overview of variables
    I can see a bunch of events poping into " datalayer checker". But where can I see the variables that are in the datalayer?
  • (2019-08-21, v:2.3.8) Daniel Bartoníček: Console text is no visible if Dark theme is activated
    Chrome DevTools + Dark theme activated, the text in the console from this extension (Activate console messages enabled) is just barely visible (dark gray on black background). Would be plase possible to switch the text color to white in this case? Thanks
  • (2019-05-13, v:2.2.4) Kevin O'Connor: Interferes with Data Studio Download Feature
    Just an FYI, this extension breaks the download feature on datastudio.google.com. If I have this extension enabled, when I try to download a report as a PDF, it is redirecting me to a URL like "blob:https://datastudio.google.com/610733c8-096c-41a1-90b9-dda5db0e0e8c" instead of downloading the PDF. If I disable the extension, downloads work as expected.
  • (2019-02-21, v:2.2.4) Vikas Chauhan: HOW TO SET DATA LAYER ON BELOW OF SCREEN
  • (2019-01-28, v:2.0.1) No data layer
    Hi, I'm not getting the data 'trackevent' when the page load. Error received: { "event": "gtm.pageError", "gtm.errorMessage": "Uncaught ReferenceError: validationCount is not defined", "gtm.errorUrl": "https://store.digi.com.my/storefront/template-resources/js/responsive/vendors/jquery.1.11.0.min.js", "gtm.errorLineNumber": 4, "gtm.uniqueEventId": 35 } Please fix.
  • (2018-12-04, v:1.3.4) DevTool console clean
    Hello! First of all, I'm very happy with this tool!!! My comment is just to know if is there any option to disable the 'console.log' alerts at the terminal. Best wish
  • (2018-08-22, v:1.3.3) does not work all the time
    Most of the time no data appears. I only have this message: Developped by sublimetrix.com Tools development for digital analytics
  • (2018-07-23, v:1.3.2) Tomáš Kafka: Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON - dlc_getdl.js:43
    Hello, I'm getting this error from DLC - could you please handle this error? Here are possible solutions: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11616630/json-stringify-avoid-typeerror-converting-circular-structure-to-json Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>) at Object.logPush (VM89 dlc_getdl.js:43) at Array.dl.push (VM89 dlc_getdl.js:71) at eg (VM62 gtm.js:4174) at HTMLDocument.a (VM62 gtm.js:4187)
  • (2018-07-19, v:1.3.1) Floods the console with a JS error and gets stuck in a loop
    Had to remove the extension as it floods the console with a JS error on loop and crashes one of the web pages for the company I work for. Shame as it was a good extension before this.


100,000 history
4.7188 (32 votes)
Last update / version
2020-07-27 / 2.3.15
Listing languages
