extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Manage the chrome extensions. One click to enable or disable extension. Group extensions and drag it. Sort extensions by drag it.

Image from store ExtManager
Description from store You can easily enable, disable, and uninstall your extensions,applications and themes by "ExtManager". No need to enter the chrome own extensions page every time. Features: 1. Display enabled extensions on top. 2. Display enabled/group/all extensions simply. 3. Enable/disable extension by one click. 4. Group extensions and drag it into the group. 5. Sort extensions by drag it. 6. Uninstall extension simply when you confirm. Support text list, large icon list and small icon list of a variety of permutations, suitable for different expansion of the number of people. You can easily open the system pages, such as the download page, history page, page extensions, plug-ins page, chrome settings page, the search engine settings page, clear the browser cache pages, page content settings, font and encoding settings, language settings, reset the browser settings page and so on.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-26) Feng Lin: 我装了90多个插件,但一般只开启几个常用的,所以应该添加分组功能。
  • (2023-05-31) eThax Kew: possible bug: https://imgur.com/a/BNYcApF attempting to sort/organize the icon by drag and drop the extension around in the active group but quickly found out it's created the same duplicate icons. tried again on the second extension and same result. cant remove nor delete the duplicate. tried un-install then re-install, restart chrome and restart computer without luck. this can also be replicated if you create your own group and drag and drop the same extension in the same group multiple times. see screenshot too see what i mean, https://imgur.com/a/BNYcApF feature requests, if possible, thanks. ------------------------------------------------ a) group - collapse & expand (hide and show icons of each group independently it'll help on drag/drop icon between groups - hence option D) b) group - option to rename/edit group name after the fact c) group - able to sort a-z or z-a within the group on top of customizable drag/drop as it is d) group - able to auto scroll up/down while drag/drop icons between groups which are not visible on screen (hence option A above would definitely help, or use Search function would temporary ease this process on drag/drop between groups if you have many many icons) e) group - option to have duplicate extensions from multiple groups (see option F below) f) group - ability to disable and enable all extensions from a group (allow to switch between tasks specific - some extensions are shared between these tasks hence option E above) e.g groupYoutube all extensions related to youtube groupAudioVideoPhoto all media related groupWork all work from home ect... g) right click on icon to manage and access settings/options/pin/unpin/uninstall/on/off/webstore
  • (2023-04-30) 平井伸治: 拡張機能のオン・オフとグループ作成 グループ作成はポップアップ上での実行で行いづらい。
  • (2023-04-22) Chris McGimpsey-Jones: Absolutely love this. Organizes all of your extensions much better than default browser tool.
  • (2023-04-09) Xinhua Xu (Arya): 建议增加固定插件功能
  • (2023-03-11) Le Ty: 希望可以添加扩展重命名功能
  • (2022-08-19) Noor Aldeen: Thanks to the developer, but I hope to include the following services in the addition: .................................................. .......................... 1. The ability to launch the application by pressing the icon and not stopping or running the extension 2. The ability to control the size of the icons even more 3. I feel that the animation effects are slow Thanks
  • (2022-08-06) Keanu M: 很多同类型的插件都不支持固定插件,其实这个功能是最重要的
  • (2022-04-14) shing k: 还行,插件开启禁用有点卡顿。 建议插件开启禁用特效去掉。新群组加的插件不能去掉,增加一键关所有插件,常用插件
  • (2022-03-27) zl lll: 建议加个黑色主题
  • (2022-03-25) Pat MySecret: If you are looking for a simple extension to enable/disable your extensions, I recommend Extension Control for its alphabetic no frills simplicity. This extension is nice, but not as easy on the eyes, and to me the button link frills are kinda outta place.
  • (2022-02-21) Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum): Überhaupt kein Stück richtig Durchdacht! Erweiterungen lassen sich nicht außerhalb "des Fokus" ziehen, also außerhalb "des Fensters", dadurch ist man nicht in der Lage bei mehreren Erweiterung Gruppen, die Erweiterungen per Drag&Drop einzusortieren! Es gibt keinerlei Vernünftige "Extension Manager" was ich echt Extrem schade finde! Entweder sind diese "Design Technisch Anspruchslos" oder (wie diese) voll mit nervigen Bugs und Extrem schlecht durchdacht (wie diese!). Eine Erweiterung, die weniger als 1 Megabyte an Größe hat, ist meistens (in egal welcher Sparte!) nicht zu Gebrauchen! Auch verbindet sich diese Erweiterung, mit Servern, welche auf eine Seite des Betreibers verlinkt! Auch sind hier mit Sicherheit (Google) Tracker enthalten, darauf kann man wetten! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English Translation: Not a piece properly thought out at all! Extensions cannot be dragged outside "the focus", i.e. outside "the window", so you are not able to sort the extensions by drag & drop with several extension groups! There is no reasonable "Extension Manager", which I find really extremely unfortunate! Either these "design are technically undemanding" or (like this one) full of annoying bugs and extremely poorly thought out (like this one!). An extension that has less than 1 megabyte in size is usually (in any category!) not useful! This extension also connects to servers that link to a page of the operator! This extension here has certainly included (Google) trackers, you can bet on that!
  • (2021-11-21) Theo D: The concept is great but bugs and a bad user interface is killing it. One great thing is the ability to create custom groups. However it's far far from perfect : -The "Enabled Extensions" group is always first and there is no way to minimise it to see only your own extensions groups. -The All vs Enabled extensions groups are often the same, therefore it create confusion I would suggest to replace the All Extensions group by a Disabled extensions group. Other issues : UI : -Controls are confusing -Browser setting shortcut may be helpful but shouldn't be enabled by default as it has nothing to do with extensions. Bugs : -By moving extensions to another place in the same group, the extension is now just at two different places. This shouldn't be enabled by default. -Extension disappearing and reappearing while moving them.
  • (2021-03-04) chetsir: 我觉得很好。
  • (2020-09-16) haswill electronics: give you 4 starts, since it will be better if you add a new button, the button is for opening a new page, which is <b> google chrome plugin search result </b> if there is no existing plugin/extension in local chrome. just like https://extensions-manager.com/ this did.
  • (2020-09-04) P N: Bon gestionnaire d'extensions, mais pas de groupes (profiles) et pas de synchro.
  • (2020-04-16) 大叔: 这才是我要的的
  • (2020-03-20) texi no1: good easy
  • (2020-02-24) Hugo Hernan Posada Saldarriaga: Bien, Bien
  • (2019-12-01) 伦超: 点击图标或格栅能直接启停就完美了,不过看起来也不会更新了。
  • (2019-11-14) Zsuzsanna Vári: Cool extension: works fine, easy to use, yet if developers have some more time & energy to work on this one, please upgrade its design - this extension deserves a bit more sophisticated UI for use. 😊✌️
  • (2019-04-09) Monica Lee: 還不錯,但圖標顯示方式有點醜,大小也不習慣。我喜歡的是「擴展管理器」。心得報告http://goo.gl/Qny8S9
  • (2018-10-28) zc f: 目前用着最舒服的扩展管理了,很好谢谢你
  • (2018-06-24) 董元靖: 感覺以前的更好用啊=。=而且UI之前的也特別直觀(電源開關)
  • (2018-06-01) 极客青年: 一键管理扩展中文版彻底挂了,只能找这个代替
  • (2018-04-27) Aaron Xie: awsome
  • (2018-01-09) Korovka P: Очень красиво, но нет профилей! Ждем
  • (2017-12-07) Gersivan Oliveira: Ótima, realmente útil para gerenciar extensões. Apesar de não agrupar.
  • (2017-09-01) 书菜: 在启用禁用扩展后能不能不要自动刷新条目位置? 启用一个扩展后,想要编辑一下它的选项,但是一启用它就跳不见了,得费力重新找到它才行。
  • (2017-01-30) 배진우: 시간 없다.적당히 하자..
  • (2016-12-11) Анатолий А: few of functionality. but lot of bugs, at least when using search. and finally, awful automatic translation — I think, it'd be better not to translate at all to russian — let it be in English
  • (2016-08-31) Sly Morrison: Good extension, has a good design, but does not organize the extensions in alphabetical order. I recommend the extension Extensity https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/extensity/jjmflmamggggndanpgfnpelongoepncg better organize the items, separating apps and extensions, and allows you to create profiles and quickly switch between them, which is very useful.
  • (2016-08-24) Paul Mil: Превосходно! Super UI. Wish you add all 10 menu functions micro icons at a bottom of each of the 3 kinds of extention's bookmarks. It'll be more comfortable for me.
  • (2016-03-24) Rimse Jakys: good extension and it does what it says i recommend this to all for are big fans of extensions
  • (2016-03-07) jiyu wu: 可以再加上分组切换功能
  • (2016-01-20) Nice Psd: 很好用,方便了很多~体验很不错哦~


10,000 history
4.0357 (56 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-19 / 0.3.4
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