extension ExtPose

AppsScript Color

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Description from extension meta

Provides folders display and a dark color theme to the google apps script editor.

Image from store AppsScript Color
Description from store AppsScript Color provides other color themes for Apps Script developers. These dark themes are more contrasted and comfy, allowing to code for hours ! Choose from the 'Colors' integrated menu one of the following themes : 3 dark themes are available in the IDE (themes only applies to the IDE, not to the full page) Use the "Sun/Moon" icon to toggle the dark mode on and off, To select a different color theme, open the IDE action menu with [F1] (while focusing the IDE), then type either "theme", or one of the following: - Darcula - Monokai - BlackFoxConsole For now the extension applies a color theme of your choice on Apps Scripts open on script.google.com It works for standalone scripts and scripts linked to native Google documents. AppsScriptColor also add a structured Folder view for a tidier file list ! To add folders, rename your files to include the path in their name: myFolder/some_subfolder/myfileName ## ChangeLog v1.5.1 - [#39](https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/39) Fix: issue with Chrome Update v1.5.0 - [#31](https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/31) Updated the extension to support Chrome Extension Manifest V3 - [Clean-up] Remove all Maestro related code - [#30](https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/30) Fix: Navigating away from file does not remove light blue highlighting - [#22](https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/22) Fix: Creating a New Project (script) with the Extension will crash Chrome - [#20](https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/20) Fix: Duplicated entries in action menu - [#19](https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/19) Mitigated: Color insertion fails when no function v1.4.1 - Fix https://github.com/JeanRemiDelteil/appsScriptColor/issues/21 v1.4.0 - Full support of the new GAS online IDE (not all theme are available) v1.1.1 - Fix some colors changes v1.1.0 - Custom theme editor allows to create theme derivated from the 3 default themes\ Find the Theme Editor in the color menu v1.0.2 - Folder are grouped above files - Folder color match their nesting level v1.0.1 - New Folder system: use the '/' character in your file names to display a structure Folder view This will allow great compatibility with the new CLASP command line tool (https://github.com/google/clasp) v0.3.6 - Fix adding or removing a folder work as expected again v0.3.5 - Fix Color not applied at page loading v0.3.3 - Fix GAS CSS update for font v0.3.2 - New scroll-bar color for Black fox console v0.3.1 - Smoother folder opening v0.3.0 - Added custom Folders to sort your files locally ! - Updated color schemes to account for the folders v0.2.3 - Minor bug fixes : the extension only run script edit page v0.2.0 - New color theme : Darcula, with bigger font - Colors menu: Choose from the 2 existing themes or set to the default v0.1.1 - Added more suited color for HTML template tokens ( <? ?> )

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-07) Alec: Very useful and already a big help - would appreciate the ability to apply a dark theme to the other parts of the UI as well, if possible in future versions
  • (2023-10-02) Vytautas Setkus: Only applies to the text area, does not apply to any other menu such as The left sidebar or the area above the editor. One specifically useful feature is that it recognizes intended folder structure in file names. Personally I have moved to using Google clasp to pull code, but still need to go to script.google.com to debug the code and this helps keeping the file structure the same. Perhaps you could allow setting the dark mode to be off by default so that we can only have the folder structure feature? Note that currently it seems like it defaults to Dark mode while indicating that it is set to light mode. Which means that in order to go back to light mode you need to click the button twice.
  • (2023-08-21) V K: Темная тема только для окна кода, а не всей страницы, дополнителная нагрузка на глаза. В таком виде она вообще не имеет смысла.
  • (2023-06-18) Ishak Wahab: Good job!
  • (2023-05-03) Developer DataBridge: It is a great help in the app development environment script. Many thanks to the author for the application, I hope there will be fewer moments when it does not work.
  • (2023-03-18) Caroline Codilla: It seems like the new update in the Google Interfaces affected some parts of its code. I found a new alternative though! Check out the 'Black Apps Script' extension.
  • (2023-03-17) Todd Freeman: Love this extension, and like others have reported, I have been missing the folder feature for some days now. After reviewing the github for this extension, I wanted to add that the developer is aware of the issue as of ~3/13/23. Hopefully there will be a fix soon...
  • (2023-03-17) Konrawit Wetchakan: suddenly stop working 18-Mar-2023
  • (2023-03-17) Boris Faluysh: The app stopped working a week ago or so. Before - it was okay.
  • (2023-03-17) sai T: It not working now, console show 'injectColor.js:7 This document requires 'TrustedHTML' assignment.' _applyTheme @ injectColor.js:7 resetTheme @ injectColor.js:7 R @ injectColor.js:7 init @ injectColor.js:581 SCRIPT_OPEN @ injectColor.js:581 _fireEvent @ injectColor.js:7 _checkLocation @ injectColor.js:7 (匿名) @ injectColor.js:7 c @ m=_b,_tp,_r:312
  • (2023-03-17) Лев Солдаткин: On the one hand simple, on the other hand one of the most functional additions. Thanks for the dark theme
  • (2023-03-16) Jordi Balansó: Stopped working 1 day ago :( For those who use the dark mode, in the meantime you can solve it with the high contrast theme from the command palette (F1). Waiting for the update.
  • (2023-03-16) Dan Williams: Stopped working in March 2023
  • (2023-03-16) Azis C. Laksono: cool, but no longer work at chrome 111.0.5563.65, please fix
  • (2023-03-15) Bharat Pandey: It is not working in Google Chrome.
  • (2023-03-09) Alerts Barron: I love this extension but it suddenly stopped working. I hope it will be fixed soon.
  • (2023-03-09) Spencer Farris: I have loved this extension, but no longer working as of 3/8/2023. I imagine it has something to do with the UI update Google pushed out for all the Docs Editors. I hope to have this back soon!
  • (2023-03-08) Carlo Buffone (KUS): this was working great until today. As of today, the main dark/light toggle icon has disappeared and this is no longer working. Did something happen?
  • (2023-02-05) Jailer Betancourt: No me ha gustado que el tema por defecto siempre sea negro. A mi no me gusta el tema por defecto y sería util tener la forma de escoger uno mismo el tema preferido.
  • (2023-02-03) Scott Donald: I have been a fan of Jean-Rémi Delteil AppsScriptColor for a while now. My favourite dark theme is Darcula with it's off-black background and softer text colours, but Monokai and BlackFoxConsole are solid themes. You can convert to darktheme by selecting the sun/moon button or press F1 to open the Apps Script IDE command palette and search for AppsScriptColor to find other colour options. I also enjoy the added benefit of the folder tree whenever uploading from a Clasp project. Google should really make an offer to Jean-Rémi to integrate his app into the project propper. In the meantime, is there a way to make a small donation to such a helpful product?
  • (2022-10-26) Wei Sheng: Was looking for dark mode, but the folder display is a killer!
  • (2022-05-18) ********: when you have multiple files, clicking on another file doesn't remove the highlighting from the previous file. otherwise GREAT! can't live without it.
  • (2022-05-18) Antonio Santos: Awesome! Thanks for creating this! Would be even greater if there were a couple of more colors, or the possibility to pick colors in the new Editor.
  • (2022-04-15) Leonel Román Buffa: MUchas graciasss!
  • (2022-04-10) Chill Dude: This doesn't seem to work with the new editor. I've tried multiple times and no luck.
  • (2022-03-24) HVZ Fluvia PTO: So much better thanthe bright white background!
  • (2022-01-28) Avram Walden: Thank you, this was badly needed. My eyes thank you profusely!
  • (2022-01-14) Thomas Roberts: Does not work on the new app scripts IDE.
  • (2021-09-11) Jing Li: It worked for me in a few days, but today the Color tab disappeared and the background turned into White again. I think its cause chrome update? Could dev please take a look at it. I enabled the Script API https://script.google.com/home/usersettings Thank you!!!
  • (2021-09-08) Jing Li: oh man, you saved me. thank you. worked perfectly.
  • (2021-06-28) Sadra Moosavi: It's a great tool but as you know, a lot of your users are also trying to use GitHub - GAS extension as well. the problem is that you can't use them both at the same time. It would be better if you could make this extension compatible with other GAS extensions specifically the GitHub integrator extension. Keep up the great work!
  • (2021-06-26) Łukasz Bogacz: I love this Add-on! Do you have any plans to enable theme editor for the new Apps Script IDE? The custom themes I have created in Legacy editor are not available in the new IDE. Also, Dracula theme appears to be slightly off in terms of colours in the new IDE. Is there a way I could edit the default Dracula theme for the new IDE? Keep up the great work!
  • (2021-06-15) Alejandro Bravo: Great Work! My Eyes are happy to use this tool :) but i can't join to the control panel of the script to change the theme or colors :)
  • (2021-04-28) go amora: New google scripts app breaks this! Please change the debug line / line break color from dark purple on Darcula theme to a brighter color. Dark purple on black is so hard to see.
  • (2021-04-19) Gareth THOMAS: A must have for developping in the GS enviroment. Folders don't seem to work very well when trying to combine gs and html however. doGet() doesn't seem to like to recognize the folder system when changing html page.
  • (2021-03-02) Eudes GRANGE: Indispensable, il semble que la MAJ du 01/03/2021 empêche l'app de s'exécuter, j'ai réinstallé pour être certain et cela ne fonctionne toujours pas :(
  • (2021-02-06) Mohammed Anjum: I loved it up until the update but now extension only works on legacy editor. Please fix it for the new scripts update
  • (2021-01-14) Jeff M: This extension was working great until today when Google broke it with their "new" Apps Script editor.
  • (2021-01-11) GS XUAN: is there a new version? :) GAS has just update its UI
  • (2020-12-29) INNOVAZIONI DIGITALI: Now it works very well with new google Apps Script Editor. The very useful function for me is Subfolders. Thank you very much!
  • (2020-12-17) Prahlad Pai: There is nothing like this. Thanks a lot Jean. You are an amazing developer. Have been using this extension for a long time now. Great extension. Please make this available for the new script editor.
  • (2020-12-15) gilles bousquet: très bien. Et ce serait encore mieux si ça fonctionnait dans le nouvel éditeur ..
  • (2020-11-12) Alex Shepel: Can you make top panel dark as well?
  • (2020-10-13) Paweł Mioduszewski: Thank You! You Saved My Eyes! 👀
  • (2020-10-13) Davi Batista Tonon: muito bom, era o que eu precisava
  • (2020-07-24) Cristiano Mendonça Gueivara: Superb!!!
  • (2020-06-26) Jan Althaus: Great idea and absolutely necessary, but unfortunately straight up doesn't work any more with current versions of Chrome :(
  • (2020-03-17) Julien Maret: Work well on classic script, but can you please add an option to modify the domain it apply too ? I use a g suite compagnie distribution and it slightly change the url so the domain is no more script.google.com/* Thank you any for the css, i manage to copy it and apply it to my page anway.
  • (2020-03-12) Jason Angel: I like it in general, but, the most important option "custom pallete" is not working, or I don't know how to save new themes. The button "save" is always disabled after edit. Aside this issue it would be a 5star. EDIT: I found the way, not much intuitive IMHO: first copy then it can save a new theme.
  • (2020-03-04) Aitor Cantero Romero: The plugin is perfect but I can not create a new custom Theme. If I select one of the default themes, when I change something the buttons are still greyed out


30,000 history
4.7 (150 votes)
Last update / version
2023-03-20 / 1.5.1
Listing languages
