extension ExtPose

Web Activity Time Tracker - Блокировка сайтов, Pomodoro и Веб аналитика

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Description from extension meta

Отслеживайте время вашей веб-активности и блокируйте отвлекающие сайты. Следите за тем, сколько времени вы проводите на сайтах.

Image from store Web Activity Time Tracker - Блокировка сайтов, Pomodoro и Веб аналитика
Description from store Не отвлекайтесь и повышайте производительность с помощью расширения Web Activity Time Tracker Chrome Extension. Если вы управляете рабочими проектами, готовитесь к экзаменам или просто хотите лучше понять свои привычки в просмотре веб-страниц, этот инструмент станет вашим незаменимым помощником. ✦ Что такое Web Activity Time Tracker? Web Activity Time Tracker - это бесплатное расширение с открытым исходным кодом. Оно отслеживает, сколько времени вы проводите в интернете, и предоставляет статистику в полезной и интуитивно понятной форме. Вы можете установить ежедневный лимит посещения сайтов и заблокировать их по истечении срока действия лимита. Чередуйте время работы и отдыха с помощью режима Pomodoro. ⭐ Особенности расширения: ⭐ ✅ Режим Pomodoro ✅ Общее время, проведенное в браузере за сегодня, по дням и по часам ✅ Статистика использования ✅ Сравнение времени по дням ✅ Блокировка отвлекающих веб-сайтов ✅ Уведомления о веб-сайтах и ежедневные сводные уведомления ✅ Отслеживание файлов в браузере, включая .pdf, .json и т.д. ✅ Экспорт данных в CSV Web Activity Time Tracker поможет вам: 🧩 Оставаться сосредоточенным 🧠 Понять, как вы используете Интернет 👀 Уменьшить количество отвлекающих факторов 🛑 Преодолеть веб-зависимость 💯 Повысить продуктивность 🚀 Повысить уровень цифрового благополучия 💪 Сократить время, потраченное впустую Возьмите под контроль свои привычки в Интернете и сделайте так, чтобы каждая минута была на счету. Расширение не отслеживает информацию о вас и не отправляет данные куда-либо. Локальное хранилище Chrome используется для сохранения данных о вашем использовании в простом формате. Вы можете связаться со мной по адресу https://github.com/Stigmatoz/web-activity-time-tracker/issues.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-02) Tor Øverby: Great extention, have used it since 2022. But, i would enjoy an option to turn off "Stop the tracker if there is no action for x minutes" an option for it to constantly track.
  • (2024-02-21) Christoph Sitte: Schlank, werbefrei und sehr funktionell - für mich ein perfektes Werkzeug zum Blockieren von Zeitfressern.
  • (2024-02-18) Leonid Kurortnyi: Спасибо большое! Очень удобное и полезное расширения.
  • (2024-01-31) Demonix: This Chrome Extension is really good and easy to use.
  • (2024-01-30) Soham Bhattacharya: Good but please add a quick whitelist button without having to go to the setting.
  • (2024-01-28) Andrew Lapteff ІПЗ-25: Good
  • (2024-01-27) Web Desiggner: Nice extension.
  • (2024-01-03) Lucas RT: pretty cool. just exactly what i was looking for. i just wonder if there's a way to see the pie chart in the extension page?
  • (2023-12-24) שם פרטי: best !! if you can add mail synchronization it's can be amazing
  • (2023-12-05) RITTSS M: Its the only one extension in chrome that I starred 5. Thank you for making this app. Its beautiful.
  • (2023-12-04) Jackson Monichan Pathilchirayil: Simply Amazing, Keep up the good work!!!
  • (2023-11-30) Angus Robertson: The core functionality is good: this extension tracked the time I spent on every website I visited each day The main hiccup is finding the history of previous days; this extension's dashboard only shows data for websites you visited today (i.e. if you visited a website several times in the past week/month but not today, you would not be able to view that data until you visited that website today)
  • (2023-11-29) Arthur Ballan: 👍🏻
  • (2023-11-28) Siddhant Yeole: amazing extension....elegant and simple to use
  • (2023-11-23) Marlee Brown: Honestly, it's so nice to be able to see which website I spend the most time on. The extension is simple and uncomplicated, making it super easy to understand, the only thing that bugs me is that I can't hide websites on the list, I know that you can disable certain websites but I still want to see my time, just to be able to hide it, y'know?
  • (2023-11-23) Rakesh Singh: Awesome productivity app with data option to convert to a pivot table and look at weekly hours spent data.
  • (2023-11-21) Rayhanul Islam: Awesome specially site limit time and white list.
  • (2023-11-16) Hr meheraj: Definitely, best extension to track our most valuable time. And block websites.
  • (2023-11-14) Icey Films: Great i love it but, i would like it to show me my data even if i switch browsers. I switch browsers a lot through out the day so plz do that.
  • (2023-11-11) Vlad Ivanov (valdas143): После обновления считать стало через одно место, к сожалению.
  • (2023-11-10) Shoaib Mahmud: Using it for more than a year, this little extension significantly boosted my productivity. I can recognize when I'm wasting time and quickly get back to my priority list. As a User Experience Designer myself, I feel creator can enhance the overall user experience. Let me know if you need any help from my side. I would love to contribute. You can message me on LinkedIn at "Shoaib Mahmud.
  • (2023-11-08) Jean rodrigo: é um app bem útil para monitorar seu tempo online não tem todas as funções que eu poderia querer
  • (2023-11-07) Patrick Azevedo: Gostei muito da extensão. estou procurando agora alguma para colocar no windows para ver o uso de cada aplicativo.
  • (2023-11-04) Enrico Follesa: Great and simple extension that does it without frills but with a pleasant interface and no strings attached!
  • (2023-11-03) Fauzan M: Great and useful
  • (2023-11-02) shawn jonson: Very nice
  • (2023-10-27) alexander machicado gomez: No tengo quejas, La app es muy buena para controlar el tiempo que pasamos en internet 10 de 10. 👌👌👌👌👌
  • (2023-10-25) Viky Leiva: Es muy buena, la recomiendo. Tengo una crítica: En este momento (el ícono) me esta marcando que utilicé una página por "2.7h" y eso me confunde. Es decir, en todo el mundo se usa el sistema sexagesimal para notaciones de tiempo. Si abro a extensión sí me marca "2h41m", entonces es algo que no cuesta tanto arreglarlo (supongo). Gracias
  • (2023-10-25) Alber: Dashboard is again showing the usage chunks per app. Amazing! Feature Request: I'd love to be able to travel back in time on the Dashboard view to examine the time chart for previous days. From what I understand, the extension already stores data from past days locally. It would be fantastic if we could easily navigate to any of those days using a straightforward date picker or even just arrows to toggle between different days.
  • (2023-10-24) Robyn Ferguson: Really helpful as I have to track every minute of my billable activity for client work. It helps remind me if I don't track it right away.
  • (2023-10-23) Urvashi Ranka: SUPER GOOD Never found a web extension that is so good and keeps me mindful of the time i have spent online.
  • (2023-10-13) Jisan Mia: using it for about a year now...and really satisfied with the features it has
  • (2023-10-12) ROHIT Agarwal: wonderfull
  • (2023-10-12) Raushan kumar: this is a great app it is very help full to know ur chrome active time
  • (2023-10-09) Mishal Shamsudheen: great
  • (2023-10-01) Alec Tarver: Great extension
  • (2023-10-01) Jason Moser: Best extension for tracking your time online. Amazing
  • (2023-09-30) yasin sarkar: One of the best Extension
  • (2023-09-26) Lautaro exequiel Fernandez: Excelente! La había dejado de usar hace unos meses, pero con esta nueva actualización. Funciona perfecto y sus funciones extras son muy útilles.
  • (2023-09-24) space hole: thank you for this extension
  • (2023-09-23) Diego Jaumandreu: Loved it is an understatement. Has everything I need: clean UI, clear analytics, great screen time limiter mechanisms. Great job
  • (2023-09-21) Himanshu raj: Great to measure the time spent online on a particular website...
  • (2023-09-17) DJVNA: Does the work and compiles the data beautifully. Top recommendation for time statistics junkies
  • (2023-09-16) Madhav Sharma: it is amazing. I loved it
  • (2023-09-15) Anantjit Chander: Loved it
  • (2023-09-12) Bryan Siguenza: Extremadamente util, unos capos
  • (2023-09-12) Walid Siddik: Loved it
  • (2023-09-12) Divyansh Yadav: really really nice, and at the end of the day it reflects the whole day in one glance , and helps us to improve the next day , a must have for students at any level
  • (2023-09-12) jaopedropepe: topzera te amo
  • (2023-09-11) Amin Danesh: I've tasted all of them! This one in the best!

Latest issues

  • (2024-01-24, v:2.0.15) JoJo Cheung: Visibility of url directory
    Is it possible to get a breakdown of directories rolling up to a domain?
  • (2024-01-08, v:2.0.14) Scott Lupus: Thorium
    Daily tracker option does not work on Thorium browser. The timeframe selected is not shown in the results.
  • (2024-01-06, v:2.0.14) Patrick: Block websites during certain hours of the day
    Would be really helpful to be able to block all websites on my list during certain hours of the day to be more productive.
  • (2023-11-29, v:2.0.12) Arthur Ballan: New useful features ideas
    It would be awesome if we could export only datas for a specific website on a specific range of time. Also it would be great to be able to chose the date format for the export because it generates some bug depending of the time format used on your machine. For example I use jj/MM/aaaa on my machine but as the export is in M/d/aaaa it generate some bugs when I try to reorder the column by date. Many thanks for this great plugin!
  • (2023-11-26, v:2.0.12) Peter Ash: shift day
    Not everyone's day starts at 0 and ends at 24, it would be nice for both block sake and seeing total time spent in a day, to be able to set custom reset time. If I use the browser at 1am i want the usage to not count towards tommorow.
  • (2023-11-25, v:2.0.12) Abdallah Nasser: Microsoft edge splitting screen not recoreded
    Microsoft edge splitting screen not recorded when splitting with a non tracked site and tracked site on the right in split screen the activity is not recorded
  • (2023-10-26, v:2.0.9) Patrick: Defer blocking doesn't work
    I haven't been able to defer blocking for 5 minutes in many months, I think it's broken
  • (2023-10-25, v:2.0.9) Alber: Feature request: Change day in Dashboard view
    I'd love to be able to travel back in time on the Dashboard view to examine the time chart for previous days. From what I understand, the extension already stores data from past days locally. It would be fantastic if we could easily navigate to any of those days using a straightforward date picker or even just arrows to toggle between different days. Note: I've also leave this FR in my public review because I don't know where you can see it more easily.
  • (2023-10-04, v:2.0.9) Diego Jaumandreu: Chart when clicking the extension button
    Sometimes I don't see the circle of time used weekly and daily when clicking on the extension button, I can only see the time when going into the options and then the tab of time (but only for the day). Is there a trick I'm not getting to trigger the circle dashboard to appear? Sometimes it does and somtimes it doesn't. Great tool though, really happy with it
  • (2023-09-14, v:2.0.9) e Spirals: This is an awesome extension, best of class. Any chance to get this to work on Firefox?
    Firefox browser support
  • (2023-08-22, v:2.0.7) Isaac Bandstra: I miss the old hourly time chart!
    it was great to see the exact times you were and weren't using chrome, and which websites you were using at certain times. why did you remove this great feature from the dropdown for the extension, and replace it with a much less insightful chart, hidden in the dashboard?
  • (2023-08-22, v:2.0.7) Bhavesh Khararia: Add Pomodoro timer
    Please add a pomodoro timer tab . And during this pomodoro timer... add allowlist and block list of some website... like focus mode... in which only allowed websites will open or only blocked website will be blocked. It would help us to not to switch between other extensions
  • (2023-08-19, v:2.0.7) Deepak Mahudeswaran: Where is the usage data tracked?
    Asking this question with the context of to privacy settings. Is the data tracked in individual user's local machine(browser file system) or in the app publisher's servers? Thanks in advance!
  • (2023-08-16, v:2.0.7) Patrick: Block websites during certain times
    It would be nice to be able to block websites during certain times of the day. For example, if I want to block Youtube from 9 AM to 5 PM.
  • (2023-08-12, v:2.0.6) Abhiram Srivastava: Backup & Restore
    Please add an option of backing up and restoring. It will be helpful when I change my device.
  • (2023-08-10, v:2.0.5) ALV1: Importing data
    I'm not sure but is the data importing feature gone with the new update? Or am I just not finding it?
  • (2023-08-07, v:2.0.4) Alber: Dashboard not showing the usage chunks per app
    Since the newest version it is lost the graph that showed the chunks of usage of each app at each hour of the day. The current dashboard view is not showing that information, only the usage time per hour.
  • (2023-08-01, v:2.0.3) Darren Coleman: Clear viewing data
    How can I clear the data from your app? The new UI doesn't seem to offer this - as far as I can see.
  • (2023-07-30, v:2.0.2) Sai Naveen Balla: Download data
    Can you add an option of downloading the data on time spent on different websites on different days?
  • (2023-07-27, v:2.0.1) Joshua Tan: Ability to see chart + info on a new tab
    I think it would be helpful to have the option to see the charts and information on new tabs.
  • (2023-07-24, v:2.0.0) Manuel Bernal: Not tracking
    Since a couple of days the app stop tracking and I have to concede permissions and refresh the app everytime I start Chrome. Please fix :(
  • (2023-06-27, v:1.7.2) Yulia Gasnikova: Counting time on youtube wrong.
    Counting time on youtube wrong.
  • (2023-06-27, v:1.7.2) Jesper Thuun-Petersen: Categories
    I'd like to be able to categorize sites, ie work-related, non-workrelated, so that it's easier to see what browser usage were relevant/irrelevant during a day. BR Jesper
  • (2023-06-11, v:1.7.2) Chandra shekar Yadav: Not accurate
    I have noticed that this is not accurate in count the time. I watched youtube for 30 mins and It just shows me 10 min
  • (2023-06-11, v:1.7.2) Chandra shekar Yadav: Information as per Time of Action
    You can add-on the Information availability as per time of occurrence in the visualization
  • (2023-05-01, v:1.7.2) Tommy Lee: Notification/limits for total time spent on chrome
    Can you add an option for popping up notification when certain amount if time has spent (e.g. 10 mins) in chrome for all different websites combined (total time), and the option of displaying the total time spent on chrome instead of individual website. Thanks a lot.
  • (2023-04-25, v:1.7.2) James Duarte: You should expand the limits options
    You should expand the limits options so you can block websites during certain days of the week and certain hours during those days despite how much time you've spent on it.
  • (2023-04-16, v:1.7.2) Kotvič: Streaming services
    It would be really nice if you added other streaming services to the tracking. I have a problem when watching Disney+, HBOmax, or Prime video
  • (2023-04-16, v:1.7.2) Kotvič: Streaming services
    It would be really nice if you added other streaming services to the tracking. I have a problem when watching Disney+, HBOmax, or Prime video
  • (2023-03-31, v:1.7.2) VIJAI GOKUL: Notifications option not working
    Notifications option not working for all website but Alert is working current version(v1.7.2)
  • (2023-03-11, v:1.7.2) Heath “rolltidehero” B.: Sync option
    I use different devices, and even different brosers on the same device (yea I'm weird). I was wondering if you are capable of adding an option to sync across devices? Maybe like a login profile how Google does with Chrome?
  • (2023-03-09, v:1.7.2) Aleks Agosto: Not tracking video views
    I'm taking an online course that involves watching videos (not on youtube) and it's not counting the time spent watching videos.
  • (2023-02-21, v:1.7.2) Ferran Ramírez: Delete and edit limits not working
    I tried updating the extension several time but I can't delete or edit neither Limits nor Alerts.
  • (2023-02-18, v:1.7.2) Marcus Aurelius: Export data
    Hi Alex - can you please add the option to export data to an Excel sheet? I'd like to see all my sites I've visited in one sheet without having to keep clicking "See more." Also, would it be possible to add "Number of visits" limits in addition to time limits? Maybe also with a challenge to enter a long random string of characters to adjust the limits to make it more difficult to change them when temptation hits? Great extension! Thank you.
  • (2023-01-29, v:1.7.1) Aaron McCollum: Can't edit limits
    ffs check github a day or two after you push an update
  • (2022-03-11, v:1.6.9) Niranjan Krishnamurthy: How do I export data as csv or to Googlesheets?
    Right now, I'm doing it manually and I'm losing a lot of productive hours as a result. Please help.
  • (2022-03-08, v:1.6.9) Ivan Risk: Colored bars in time chart
    Hi! I really like your extension, and the "time chart" is a really cool feature but in its current state it is much less useful for me compared to how it can be, as all the bars on that graph are have the same fill color. So what I propose is to make bars in "time chart" with different fill color depending on what site it represents (e.g. sort of like you did it in "common chart"), so they could be more easily distinguishable and there will be more than one way to differentiate them (only way now is to hover on them to show a hint with site's URL). It would be really nice if you implement this.
  • (2022-02-18, v:1.6.9) Applicable in incognito mode or not?
    Does the app/extension also tracks the sites that you visit in incognito mode?
  • (2021-12-24, v:1.6.9) Samantha Hong: Incognito
    Hello! I love this app so much, thanks for all the hard work! It would be great if the site blocker would also track time spent in incognito, I find myself escaping there once a time limit runs out.
  • (2021-11-26, v:1.6.9) Shamarski Simon: Tracking File URLs
    I would suggest adding the ability to track time from file URLs, as several files can be opened in the browser (for example, pdf files). This way, a user can truly have an accurate representation of the time spent in the browser.
  • (2021-11-21, v:1.6.9) Mike D: Use wild cards or keywords / Group domains together
    Hi, Is is possible to use keywords or wildcards when adding sites for limits or notification? In addition, would it be possible to add option to group sites together so they all count for the same time?
  • (2021-11-07, v:1.6.9) Scott Andersen: for parents/ password protect time limit
    Love this app, a huge suggestion: provide a password protect to turn on/off the limit. I want to limit my kids time on certain sites (particularly youtube). There is no other app that does this well, and Im POSITIVE there are a lot of parents who need this, and a lot of tricky kiddos. Adding this feature would be amazing. Thanks!
  • (2021-09-30, v:1.6.8) Ben Cormier: Named Windows
    Hey there, Your time tracker reports my time based on the url, which basically reads at "gmail" "meet" "calendar" "docs" "sheets" etc I actually name my tab sets based on the task/client, can you add support for a breakout by named tabset window? It would be hugely valuable.
  • (2021-09-13, v:1.6.7) Daniel Ventura: Streaming other than Netflix/YouTube
    Hello Love the extension, just wondering if the monitoring of YouTube and Netflix could be extended to other sites, such as Stan, FoxtelGo, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus etc.
  • (2021-09-04, v:1.6.7) 24 SANKEERTH BANAGAR: limits-extension
    hi dev, the app is really great but and works perfectly fine. i would love it even more if the 'set aside for 5 minutes' was disabled or there was an option to limit the set aside time period. hope you will take this into consideration.
  • (2021-08-18, v:1.6.7) Darren Coleman: Obtain data for date ranges
    Is it possible to set date ranges for tracking. At the moment it's possible to set dates but you get the time spent on each website for each day in that range. I'm just after a total figure for each site during that date range. if that's possible, please?
  • (2021-08-17, v:1.6.7) Adam S.: Export/Move the Data
    Hi "Alex". I've enjoyed using Web Activity Time Tracker for well over a year now. The app is great and I love it. However, I am thinking about moving over to a time tracker with more robust functionality to measure my time spent on the computer in more detail. How could I go about finding and exporting all the data from the tracker? Would it be in a format that I could then import into another application? If that doesn't work, it would be nice to make a backup of this data. Again, no complaint about the app. Its an awesome tool. Just think its time for me to upgrade beyond what this offers.
  • (2021-08-11, v:1.6.7) Marco Abrar: Limit all websites
    How do I put a time limit on all websites? Thank you!
  • (2021-07-31, v:1.6.7) Nathanael Owen: Whitelist
    Hello, this is a really great App. Would it or is it already possible to create a whitelist of sites to track so only sites on the whitelist are tracked? I would like to allow my employees to keep track of when they are using our CMS or their emails but I don't want them to accidentally track their use of other sites. Ideally it would only track their usage when the site is in the active tab and they are not idle. Thanks Nathan
  • (2021-07-31, v:1.6.7) Pradeep Parajuli: Not giving correct time
    It doesn't add time of sites, when video is on full screen mode.


20,000 history
4.8412 (529 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-26 / 2.1.4
Listing languages
de en es ru zh-CN
