This simple app allows you to create modify and delete horizontal and vertical guides to check if the elements are correctly aligned
This simple app allows you to create modify and delete horizontal and vertical guides to check if the elements in the page are correctly aligned.
1. ESC key or click on browser icon to exit/enter the application.
2. Double click on a ruler to create a new guide.
3. Double click on a guide to delete it.
Latest reviews
- (2022-07-19) Proinsias Matthews: I love the idea but not being able to save guides makes it so frustrating to use as everything you do is gone as soon as you close it. I'm not going to give you a low star because it's still handy for checking if something is aligned properly. Future features to make this a quality 5* extension would be saved guide layouts (multiple layouts), suggested layouts (bootstrap grid, read from site css etc.), show distance between guides when hovering over, and different colour gridlines. Thanks for your work on this and looking forward to new features!
- (2022-06-06) Dmitrii Chernukho (gormonn): - guides are not saved - clicking on guides triggers event bubbling (cannot be used with popups)
- (2019-04-29) Sergio Alejandro Trejo: Es muy bueno, pero no permite tener más de 2 guías, uno horizontal y otro vertical, debería tener un mejor soporte para otras guías. En general, funciona bien, añade una regla lo cual es perfecto.
- (2018-05-05) Mario Augusto: Funciona sem problemas, excelente para ver se está ok o layout.
- (2017-08-22) Kevin Madalosso Veiga: Terrível, diversos bugs e não mostra a posição por pixel na tela
- (2016-07-26) Antonio Polese: Molto utile, grazie.