extension ExtPose

Salesforce Navigator for Lightning

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Description from extension meta

Get more done in Salesforce - list and search records, make new ones, create a task or login as on the fly!

Image from store Salesforce Navigator for Lightning
Description from store Get more done in Salesforce - list and search records, make new ones, create a task or login as on the fly! This extension helps you get to any Salesforce page quickly. Just type in what you need to do! Compatible with Lightning and Classic NEW Version 4.0+ - Near total rewrite, should perform faster and more consistently - Themes are back! - Groundwork for multilanguage support has been added - want to contribute? Translate to a new language from the GitHub link! - Still a work in progress, please add bug reports to the Issues page on the repo Open the Navigator and - [New Permission] Can now save some settings, like theme and profile setup toggle, needs Storage permission to save preferences - [New Feature] Toggle all checkboxes on the page for when subtracting from a selection is faster - [Fix] Better Classic to Lightning URL mapping - [Fix] Better loading checks so it won't error out trying to set the style of the search box - Use the account merge tool by typing "Merge Accounts " Call the Classic Account Merge from either interface using the Account you are on and the Salesforce ID in your clipboard or entered into the command box. You can use a tool like Salesforce CopyPasteGo (https://summerlin.co/copypastego) to easily grab the ID of a Salesforce record - Add tasks on the fly by typing "! " - Search all records with "? " - Go to your Home page with "Home" - Object List views with "List " - Create a new record with "New " - Go directly a Setup page by typing it's name - Access Object customizations with "Fields" (e.g. "Contact Fields") - Switch between Lightning and Classic with "Toggle Lightning" - Commands looking weird? Run "Refresh Metadata" to make sure you have what you need - Login as another user with "Login as " ** You can hold shift or control when you press enter or click your mouse to open the selected item in a new tab ** Default shortcut keys (use Command instead of Control on Mac, and/or customize your options at chrome://extensions/shortcuts) Control + Shift + Space: Navigator Bar Control + Shift + A: Lightning App Menu Control + Shift + 1: Tasks Control + Shift + 2: Reports NOTES: - If you have a custom instance Domain Name, you may have to create a CSP Trusted Site Definition for your Classic domain URL in order for this extension to work - more info here https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/csp_trusted_sites.htm - If you have activated the RequireHTTPOnly setting you will not be able to use this extension to navigate to custom objects (feel free to make a pull request to add proper login handling!) Contribute to this extension at https://github.com/dannysummerlin/force-navigator UPDATE NOTES ######################################## 6/4/2024 - Simple update to Manifest V3 to make sure things work, but everyone should look at using alternative browsers and agitate for more user control 11/25/2023 - There still should be no such thing as billionaires, but fortunately @uri-tools has made a great contribution in getting things back to working as expected even with RequireHTTPOnly turned on, thanks Uri! 10/15/23 - There should be no such thing as billionaires, it is absolute fiction any person can "earn" that much -- Created a workaround for users with RequireHTTPOnly on to allow most functions to still work, excepting custom object navigation and Login As functionality 5/3/23 - #ZooeyZephyr is a duly elected member of the Montana House of Reps, but is not allowed to be present, silencing not just her but her constituents. You cannot say that you support democracy and yet exclude a representative because you don't like what they say. To be clear what Zephyr said was not an example of that stochastic terrorism (intentionally wording public statements to create an atmosphere of violence) that many members of the national Congress commit daily, but a strongly worded, impersonal criticism of proposed legislation. Trans rights are human rights. 7/5 - Pride Month never ends, go learn about Marsha P Johnson - fixed my fixing, Lightning URLs properly replace Classic links better now, still more to be done on this though 5/28 - Watch https://youtube.com/c/FDSignifire - Several fixes, added checkbox toggle, removed unused permission 9/11 - #justiceforbreonnataylor (182 days and counting) - Added the ability to call the Classic Account merge tool from an Account page. Be sure to have the ID of the Account you want to merge in your clipboard; added Lightning Record Page shortcut for custom objects 8/29 - Rest in Power Chadwick Boseman. Thanks to CKloppel for pointing out missing API and click handling, now updated to v49 and new-tab clicks work again 6/19 - Happy Juneteenth! Thanks to kacrouse for Custom Metadata Lightning handling, also updating several changed URLs across the platform Maintainer(s): Danny Summerlin open to others! based on Salesforce Navigator by Daniel Nakov and Wes Weingartner License MIT License Privacy Policy This extension only runs locally in communication with your instance of Salesforce. No data is collected from any user, nor is extension activity tracked or reported to a third-party. Terms of Service This extension is not intended to support the work of any individual or organization that is discriminatory or outright illegal.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-17) Nicola Efflandrin: Great
  • (2023-06-22) Nick Wu: it's an amazing tool for doing works both lightning and classic, can we also customize the shortcut? But the previous version is much better than current one, the rewrite one can't even search deployment status...
  • (2023-01-25) James Markey: Changed my review from 2/5 to 5/5 now that the Lightning / Classic issue is fixed. This extension is so awesome! EDIT: Changed it back to 2/5. Same issues have been happening at this point for over a year. It is a cool tool, but not executed very well.
  • (2023-01-13) Amir Khaledi: navigating to flows and certain objects are still taking me to Salesforce classic. Anyone have any fixes for this?
  • (2022-10-13) Lodewijk Henneveld: Works reasonably well however, one game breaking issue for me is that some navigations go to the classic and not the lightning page. For example, going to the Flows page in setup. As that's going to be ALL low code automation for Salesforce in the future. This is a glaring issue. Will update to 5 if it's fixed!
  • (2022-09-23) Julian Acito: Most important Salesforce extension out there - Shft+Ctrl+Space to get to any setup pages. Only feedback is that it still navigates to the Classic version of some pages.
  • (2022-06-13) Kate Hedberg: It was a welcome addition when I first installed, but many of the links (especially to Setup>User) are broken. They redirect to the setting's Classic page or an empty/outdated page in Lightning. I'm an admin, so the User menu is an everyday thing. I find myself using this navigator less and less when I was so excited at first. But even in the six months I've been using it, I've noticed more and more links breaking. Like so much, it's quickly becoming obsolete without updates. I don't need more functionality, just fix the current features!
  • (2022-03-10) Muse Operations: Super useful. However I switch between a mac and a PC and can never remember the shortcut because they are different for each.
  • (2021-10-14) Maria Huemmer: Amazing! I easily save 1/3 of my time with this tool!
  • (2020-09-15) cao tan: It's not working for search object
  • (2020-07-18) Poh Yao Chong: Amazing tools, make life easy! Well done!
  • (2020-04-16) Nicholas Zozaya: Time saver, great for navigating lightning experience quickly and efficiently
  • (2020-04-01) Andrew Lukasiewicz: While this extension is super useful, it's still got some kinks to fix. A lot of the links that come up redirect to classic which can be really frustrating because then I can't navigate back in the first place! In addition, some links that have changed (such as for flows) have not been updated for two releases now which is disappointing. Feels like it should be just a few quick fixes to repair this, but there haven't been any updates in ages.
  • (2020-02-03) Absolutely Essential to Salesforce Administration and Development - Using the search feature has been a game changer in terms of reduction of time and effort to work in Salesforce. Its functionality is considered a MUST HAVE.
  • (2019-10-08) Ian Kang: Very useful tool, but there are rooms for improvement. For example, it takes me back to Classic UI which I hate.
  • (2019-09-25) Ben Gottesman: This is a must have utility for Salesforce admins and anyone else who is constantly moving around to different parts of Salesforce (different objects, setup, reports, etc.). The Classic version of the utility was good but sometimes had to be refreshed. Lightning version of the utility is much more reliable.
  • (2019-07-16) David Cheng: A big THANK YOU for porting this to Lightning. Note that there are still some instances in which this version does not work in Lightning or Classic. When you try to invoke the navigation bar, there's an error in the browser console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at <anonymous>:2:48 (anonymous) @ VM312:2" and "document.getElementById("sfnav_searchBox").style.zIndex = 9999" Haven't been able to determine what setting or characteristic of the instance causes the issue. Note that the original version doesn't work in these instances either, but there's no console error then.
  • (2019-07-11) Jake Richter (jprichter): This extension keeps me from switching to classic.
  • (2019-04-22) Ian Wilson: My company is in the process of transitioning to Lightning and I was terrified when I realized that the original "Salesforce Navigator" extension wasn't compatible. It was an absolute game changer for me as a Salesforce admin & developer. Luckily I found this amazing extension, which takes all of the benefits of the original and adds a number of features that are huge improvements (such as the ability to login as another user on the fly). I'm very grateful that this was developed - it should be #1 on the list of must-haves for any Salesforce admin. You'll never be able to live without it once you try it.
  • (2019-04-18) David Smith: Fantastic that this works in Lightning! It's a shame that it doesn't work automatically in classic, I operate across 40 or so instances so it's not really viable to add the necessary settings to each org. However, the old version still works so I just run both.
  • (2019-04-04) Michael Beaty: I have missed this functionality since Salesforce Lightning came out. Often colleagues would switch to Classic just to develop with this tool, with it available in lightning now, it has substantially increased the speed with which I can work and configure the system. Thank you so much for putting this together, I have missed this functionality greatly!!
  • (2019-03-14) Jason True: Works great! Loving it in classic and lightning

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-03, v:4.8.2) Sammy FELICIANO: Can't Access Custom Objects
    Lightning Navigator only works on standard objects and pages now. I can't navigate to any custom objects anymore. It's weird. For example, I can go to list Accounts and get to that page without a problem. But if I go 'list projects' (a custom object), nothing comes up.
  • (2023-11-03, v:4.8.2) Lodewijk Henneveld: Object Navigation URL Broken
    Hey! I've re-installed as Lightning is one again supported. Awesome! I tried to navigate to Object > Order > Field. However, there's an issue with the URL. https://[myOrg].develop.lightning.force.comnull/lightning/setup/ObjectManager/Account/Details/view As you can see, after "lightning.force.com" it adds "null". Removing it allows the url to work. Any reason why it would add a null there? It only seems to happen when navigating to sObjects. Thanks!
  • (2023-08-10, v:4.4.1) Joseph Liang: Navigate to Salesforce Classic Setup Pages
    Is there any way for this navigate to the Classic Setup pages instead of Lightning?
  • (2023-06-14, v:4.4.1) Kaleb Edley: Does not open in my org
    I've added the CSP Trusted and done everything the instructions say to do and no matter how many times I ctrl-shift-space the menu does not appear. Am I missing another step, or should there be something else I check for?
  • (2023-05-16, v:4.4.1) Diogo Alves: can't find deployment status after May 23 update
    Hey! I notice that after the new release I started to miss some of the paths that I usually use, mainly the Deployment Status and the profiles. It would be great if you could have a look. Thanks!
  • (2023-05-05, v:4.2.1) Zach Barker: May 23 Release broke login as function
    as of the new release i can no longer use the login as function, an error is displayed saying 'no user for your search exists' even though they do and I have used that user hundreds of times before.
  • (2023-05-04, v:4.2.1) Adam Ingamells: "Login as" not working
    Since the latest release when i use: login as [user name] I get: Error! No user for your search exists. Thanks :)
  • (2023-05-04, v:4.2.1) David Cheng: Can't get to Profiles now
    A big thanks for continuing to add features and maintain this vital tool! But I've noticed it can't find Profiles anymore. I can still get to Users and Permission Sets, but not Profiles.
  • (2023-02-23, v:3.2.25) Denis Kirchen: Navigator Bar isn't showing up anymore
    Since a few weeks (maybe since Spring 23 release, but I'm not 100% sure), I can't call the Navigator bar anymore. I've tried to change the shortcut combination & tested on several web browsers based on CHromium (ie. brave, arc, chrome) & set up a CSP Trusted Site Definition for our Classic domain → Navigator bar doesn't work anymore. Weirdly, other features provided by extension still work ie. shortcut to tasks or reports. Do you maybe know where the issue comes from ?
  • (2022-10-13, v:3.2.13) Lodewijk Henneveld: Nagivating to Flow page
    Hi! My problem is that navigator is taking me to the Classic version of the Flow page. I'm running the latest Chrome version and am using the ctrl + shift + space functionality. I use Tab to go the the Flows option and hit enter. I'm always taken to the classic version of the flows page.
  • (2022-09-29, v:3.2.13) Give Clarity: Data Access/Privacy Policy
    Hi, Please can you confirm what data is accessed by this plugin - is it just metadata? Also have you got a privacy policy. Many thanks, Kate Bowe
  • (2022-09-15, v:3.2.13) Paul Harrison: Bug regarding multiple objects with same name
    There is a bug that if your org has two objects with the same name/label (IE a managed package called "payments" and a custom object called "payments") the "List Payments" etc functions only display one
  • (2022-09-08, v:3.2.13) Zach Barker: Themes are not applying when selected
    Using this in chrome and I can search for the themes but when I select the value from the drop down list nothing happens.
  • (2022-09-07, v:3.2.13) Fernando Gavinho: Enhanced Domains
    Extension is not working now in instances with enhanced domains, eg: https://client--dev13.sandbox.lightning.force.com/
  • (2022-08-31, v:3.2.13) Celia Astheimer: Chrome error
    Hello! I love this extension and have used it for years... however recently I've started having an issue accessing some pages from the extension - custom object pages are affected in all orgs I've tried so far. I'm receiving an error: invalid is blocked This page has been blocked by Chrome ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT I assume this is probably a Chrome security setting causing the issue but don't recall changing any of my chrome settings. Any idea what it might be? Thank you!
  • (2021-11-19, v:2.7.2) Alekhya Mandadi: control + shift + space isn't working
    control + shift + space isn't working
  • (2021-10-29, v:2.7.2) David Cheng: Uncaught TypeError only in some orgs
    Again, the strange thing about this error is that it occurs in some orgs but not others. In most orgs, the extension works fine for me and I don't even have to configure the CSP trusted site.
  • (2021-10-29, v:2.7.2) David Cheng: CSP Trusted Sites
    I've tried creating a CSP Trusted Site for both the Classic and Lightning URLs and enabled all the directives, and it still doesn't work. I still get the "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null" in the console.
  • (2021-10-28, v:2.7.2) Katherine King: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE
    doesnt open navigator :(
  • (2021-07-13, v:2.7.2) Ctrl+Shift+Space shortcut not working
    I used this at another company and I've got the CSP trusted site setup same as it was there but the shortcut still seems to not be working. Related to some version of Chrome or something? Would be a shame to have to go without this awesome extension since I'd really come to rely on it.
  • (2021-06-21, v:2.7.2) Samarth Tholia: Unable to open the search box using any shortcut.
    The search box doesn't show up using the default Ctrl+Shift+Space. I also tried changing the chrome shortcut to some other combination, but still doesn't work. Please help how can I open the search box. Other three shortcuts are working fine (Open Tasks, Open Reports, Open Lightning App Menu) P.S. I am using Lighnting.
  • (2021-04-16, v:2.7.2) Conner Kinsner: Product -> Product2
    when navigating to native Product object setup, it tries to navigate to 'Product' instead of 'Product2'. Product2 is the correct api name. When attempting to navigate to 'Product' it redirects to the object manager home.
  • (2021-02-26, v:2.7.2) Camille Guillory: Cannot use it on a specific org
    Hi, One on of my org this extension is not working. What are the necessary permissions or org settings to use it?
  • (2021-02-19, v:2.7.2) Scott Peterson: Chrome removed spacebard from the available options for shortcuts
    Chrome has removed the option to use spacebar in an extension shortcut with their latest release.
  • (2021-01-14, v:2.7.2) Louis Gaulin: Getting Error When Trying to Access: Opportunity Products > Fields
    When using the quick access CTRL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR to access Opportunity Products > Fields I'm getting an error from Chrome browser. But not getting the error if I access other sub menu like Validations. I removed and reinstalled the extension and still error. windows 10 - CHROME ERROR: invalid is blockedRequests to the server have been blocked by an extension. Try disabling your extensions. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
  • (2021-01-05, v:2.7.2) Nico Pease: List Attachments 404
    Selecting 'List Attachments' routes to /00P which does not exist.
  • (2020-11-17, v:2.7.2) Kennedy Wagura: Update to the Profiles Navigation
    Please update the Navigation to Profiles URL from /lightning/setup/EnhancedProfiles/home to /lightning/setup/Profiles/home
  • (2020-08-31, v:2.6.1) Krittanat Pacharanoraset: Can't find 'Custom Settings' and 'Custom Metadata Type'
    Can't find 'Custom Settings' and 'Custom Metadata Type' in the search box
  • (2020-08-01, v:2.5.2) Kevin Luptowski: App Manager / Lightning Record Pages
    It would be amazing to include the lightning-only setup options! For example: > App Manager or [Object] > Lightning Record Pages Thanks!
  • (2020-06-24, v:2.5.2) Jason Mower: This site can't be reached
    Starting 6/22/2020 I've been getting 'This site can't be reached' whenever I use the plugin. I'm not sure if this is unique to me or if others are getting it but I can't use the extension any more.
  • (2020-06-17, v:2.4.9) Solo Admin: Flows shortcut doesn't work in lightning
    Hi! I love this extension, it saves me tons of time every day. Thank you! Just one thing that seems to need to be updated - the Flows shortcut doesn't work. It directs to https://my.lightning.force.com/lightning/setup/InteractionProcesses/home which doesn't work. The correct link is https://my.lightning.force.com/lightning/setup/Flows/home If you could update that it would be awesome! Thanks in advance :)
  • (2020-05-19, v:2.4.9) Joe Lavin: "Failed to Load Source Map"
    Extension doesn't work. When triggering the search function with command+shift+space, nothing happens. When I pop open the console, I see the error "Failed to Load Source Map"
  • (2020-05-07, v:2.4.9) Ben Stokes: Doesn't work on my sandboxes, only in production
    I see the same error that someone else reports in the Console "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null" The Source points to this line document.getElementById("sfnav_searchBox").style.zIndex = 9999
  • (2020-04-20, v:2.4.9) Jonathan Stickling: Not launching in Chrome for Lightning
    The Navigator does not come up when I installed it. Hoe do I get this to run?
  • (2020-03-30, v:2.4.9) Roy Rozentouler: Links were changed
    When trying to search for few terms (Flow, Process builder, Time sheet settings(not obj) ) it seems as SF changed there url so the extensions do not go to the right place. Can you fix it? The is one awesome extension !! Thanks
  • (2020-03-04, v:2.4.9) Luis Valenzuela: Great work!
    Having used Salesforce Navigator in classic and feeling like my hands had been cut off when moving to lightning, this has definitely been a welcome discovery and must have for LEX development/admin. I'd really like to see access to the object definition by api name as per the old extension, selfishly because there's many times where customers have similar Labeled objects so search by namespace first helps us identify the correct object. Thanks for the extension.
  • (2020-02-14, v:2.4.9) Rosalina Livingston: Salesforce Navigator Extension Not Working
    I have used Salesforce Navigator in a previous Salesforce org. I am trying to add the extension again and it's not working.
  • (2020-02-04, v:2.4.9) Jarosław Kołodziejczyk: Dark mode compatibility
    Hi, it would be great if this extension was compatible with dark mode in salesforce, search results are ok but it would be great if either search bar was the same color as results, or just change search text to white.
  • (2020-01-26, v:2.4.9) Erica Perez: Nothing happening
    Hello, I have just installed but have been unable to successfully get the search screen to show up. CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE is doing nothing for me. When I click on the extension in the browser header, I am not prompted with any settings to change the keys. Any suggestions?
  • (2019-12-11, v:2.4.9) Simon Ooley: Open Search Box Error
    I am unable to execute the Open Search Box command (SHIFT + COMMAND + SPACE). All other Shortcuts work well. Is there anything I am doing that would block or cause the command not to work? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
  • (2019-11-20, v:2.4.9) David Cheng: Uncaught TypeError
    There are some instances where the action bar doesn't appear in Lightning or Classic. When you try to invoke it, there's an error in the browser console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at <anonymous>:2:48 (anonymous) @ VM312:2" and "document.getElementById("sfnav_searchBox").style.zIndex = 9999" Haven't been able to determine what setting or characteristic of the instance causes the issue. Note that the original version doesn't work in these instances either, but there's no console error then.
  • (2019-11-13, v:2.4.9) Brett Martin: Unable to open Search box
    I have tried changing the Shortcut commands but am still unable to get the Search box to open. All other features/shortcuts work, just not what is normally mapped to CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE.
  • (2019-10-28, v:2.4.9) Brent Mennen: Field Service Objects
    Whenever I try to go to any object related to field service I am directed to about:blank. All other objects seem to be working fine.
  • (2019-10-18, v:2.4.9) David Smith: Flow path broken
    The current "Flow" shortcut goes to /lightning/setup/InteractionProcesses/home, instead of /lightning/setup/Flows/home
  • (2019-09-23, v:2.4.9) Daniel Deepak: Option menu for the extension is not working
    I disabled the extension and enabled it. After that the option menu is greyed out I couldn't access them and the extension is also not working
  • (2019-09-04, v:2.4.9) Kristen Owens: Product2 Object
    Hi! I've noticed a bug with the Lightning Navigator plugin - the links to the Product object reference the deprecated object with the API Name "Product", rather than the actual object currently in use by the platform, "Product2". Going to the List Product/New Product links takes you to an error screen, but interestingly going to Product > Fields for example still takes you to an object definition. It is just not the right object's definition. For pure Sales or Service Orgs, Product is not *always* a key object. However for any admin with CPQ/Q2C, this is definitely a major problem. Thanks for looking into it!
  • (2019-08-27, v:2.4.9) Michael Beaty: Any possibility of working with Managed Package Objects?
    I work with the NPSP and EDA managed packages from Salesforce.org quite frequently, any change this will/can be updated to work with the Custom Objects that come in managed packages? It seems to partially work in Classic, i.e. I can get to the Object page from Home, but in Lightning it doesn't seem to recognize them at all.
  • (2019-08-20, v:2.4.9) Joshua Dreiling: Accessing Lightning Experience pages
    This works great with lightning experience (which is awesome), but is there a plan to index lex specific features like lightning record pages or the object manager? I noticed that neither of those, as well as other lex specific areas of the setup menu, are available.
  • (2019-08-15, v:2.4.9) Thomas Nieuwenhuizen: goes to About:Blank at times
    Sometimes when i click on a link in the search results i get directed to an About:blank page, i think i've setup the CSP correctly but could you perhaps clarify it a bit more what the format should be on the Overview page (example?). Using it in classic atm. It only seems to happen when i'm on a setup page other than the home setup page
  • (2019-08-14, v:2.4.9) Brad Edgerly: Well done!
    Love the tool.


8,000 history
4.35 (20 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-04 / 4.10.3
Listing languages
