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高效管理 Notion 的颜色文字与注解。
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Description from store
📹 示范影片:
Notion 的颜色文字(colored text)与注解(comment)用途多样,能划重点、做笔记、留言……但这些标记日后却难以查找,只沦为划面上的点缀。
该如何更有效率地使用并管理这些标记呢?Mark Manager,是这个问题的最佳解:
只需轻轻一点右上角的 Mark Manager 图示,当前 Notion 页面的颜色文字与注解,都会瞬间导入套件,分门别类、依序呈现,让你快速获知当页所有重点与留言。
只要点击被导入 Mark Manager 的颜色文字或注解,Notion 页面便会自动捲到该标记所在的段落,让你知道它的上下文是什么。如果你点的是注解,页面除了捲动,还会跳出注解上的留言──是不是很方便呢?
你可能想在其它地方使用这些标记,但一个个选取、复制、贴上实在是很麻烦。Mark Manager 拥有「导出」功能,能让你同时复制、下载多个标记。
你可能只想在 Mark Manager 中检视某类颜色的文字──没问题,对套件图示按下右键,点击「选项」,你就可以决定哪种颜色的文字该被导入套件。
**支援夜间模式(Dark Mode)**
如果你是夜间模式的重度用户,别担心,Mark Manager 通通都支援!当你切换模式,套件的界面颜色便会随之变换,你甚至不用重新整理页面。
现在,你可以放心地在 Notion 划重点、做笔记或留言,不用再担心这些标记会消失于茫茫字海中──因为 Mark Manager 会帮你找到它们。
开发一个免费、开源的扩充套件需耗费许多时间与心力,你的支持,是我持续把产品变得更好的动力。如果你喜欢 Mark Manager,可以做以下几件事情:
- 推荐给你的朋友
- 在 Chrome 或 Firefox 商店留下评论
- 帮我的 GitHub repo(打星星
- 透过 GitHub Issues(或表单(回报错误、许愿新功能
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Latest reviews
- (2023-10-16) rick ren: 貌似已经不起作用了?
- (2022-12-28) Aly Aboul Enein: Doesn't work
- (2022-07-23) 青蛙与山: 不知道为啥,我的Notion+ 标记管理器无法读取notion的颜色标注和评论标注
- (2022-07-17) Allan Chen: 很棒。但我的文件導出會“一整段文字”,包含未colored text一起導出。可惜了。希望可以改版。
- (2022-04-30) Laurynn Williams: What a great widget! Comes in handy a lot more than I thought it would. I would love if there was some way for the widget to recognise highlighted text within tables and headings on the page and not just plain text but overall a great tool. Thanks!!
- (2022-03-23) 张小柯: 很不错,还支持了中文,谢谢大佬
- (2022-03-15) josh wanner: I've highlighted text and commented on a couple words in a to-do list block, but all I get is an empty check box with a blank space and no way of knowing which comment I'm selecting. It will jump to the comment for it but not helpful with no text to identify the comment/item. Any idea how to fix this?
- (2022-03-12) EpicBlackflame07: Doesn't Work. Page has colors but says "This page has no colored texts"
- (2022-02-24) ning Joy: 2022.2.22日,Notion对新版本的编辑器更新后,改插件已经失效
- (2022-01-22) Liu Bingyao: This is very helpful! A little suggestion: If add filter and full size feature, it will be better!
- (2022-01-19) 甜甜花: 很好用,感谢作者
- (2021-12-21) Mt. Miss: 方便 回顧 重點、疑問處、等個人顏色標記意義,讚! 許願: 如果能有顏色以外的篩選管理,更佳,如果「粗體、畫線、槓線」等也能被篩選、跳至該處,就更有額外的便利了! 感謝提供!!!
- (2021-12-07) Sheldon Cooper: 谢谢开发者
- (2021-11-21) Oleg Gavryliuk: Not working. No menu after click extension icon.
- (2021-11-18) Foued: Any possibility to add using different highlight with hot keys?
- (2021-10-24) 迟斌: 看介绍不错,使用起来不是很流畅。
- (2021-10-22) Li Grace: 非常棒的插件,一直都很好用,但最近用不了, 麻烦软件开发师检查修改一下。
- (2021-09-11) 张小飞: 非常好用!!! 不过还有bug 。 在 number list 的block 中(其他list 也一样) 的各种颜色标记, 显示不了文字 , 唯一的遗憾
- (2021-08-02) Cc Kris: 插件不错,但comment好像不能显示,而且会把图片也算进comment里,是我设置的问题吗
- (2021-07-19) yu-chen Lin: 很不錯,推薦給Notion使用者們
- (2021-03-05) 黄宣冬: 非常棒!!!!
- (2021-01-18) 王磊: GOOD
- (2021-01-12) 玖玖淆: 非常好用的插件!!
- (2020-11-15) Lela 1298: just didnt work
- (2020-11-03) Nanqing Jing: 非常好用的宝藏插件!!!!
- (2020-11-02) bikkgry: 真的很好用!能很方便的看到Notion里加颜色的标注!
- (2020-10-24) Ingrid Witherell: I haven't tried it yet, but this is something I have wanted for a long time... wish me luck!
- (2020-10-12) Gianni SoZo: This is just what I was looking for! only improvement I can think of would be to automate the placement more. Maybe a select box to select an existing page to paste/export the selected text or create new section in the current page. Hopefully the Notion team will see the usefulness of this and incorporate it into the apps.
- (2020-10-01) Abhiroop Biswas: Great tool, liking it so far. I have a request to upgrade the experience - if you can build the ability to edit the highlight texts from the widget itself. I find that Notion has no way to quickly manage the highlights like a traditional PDF viewer and gets very time consuming for me to go to each line and change it, when I have to print something, because white paper doe not play well with the light colors. Please add a functionality to manipulate it from the tool itself.
- (2020-07-13) Hai Ou: 怎么做一个toc,page页面的目录扩展呢,很多目录扩展在notion页面都不能用
- (2020-01-13) engvuchen: 对于搜集文章上的笔记很有帮助。 查看文章上的所有标注很方便,作者可以考虑下给这些标注提供“导出”功能吗?
- (2019-10-14) yifan y: hello, I am trying to using this extension. but i can't see the any notation when i selected the sentence on website. i tryed to reload the chrome several times, but its not working.
- (2019-06-21) Generalkonsulat der Ukraine in Frankfurt am Main: Very useful for organizing and finding context and marks. I`m curious why the Notion Team didn`t add this feature to an original extension.
- (2019-05-31) Frances Cherman: I've had this extension for at least two months, but I never really knew what it did – apparently because I was using it on a Notion page that had no colored text or comments. Tonight, I tried it again on a page loaded with colored text and comments. Cowabunga! It's amazing, and Notion should build it into the product! It's a scrollable popup that shows snips of any colored text or comments on the page … IN CONTEXT! When you click on an item in the popup, your browser window automatically scrolls to that location on the Notion page, so you can edit. The smoooooth scrolling action (vs. a hard jump) helps keep you oriented.