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AdBlock Premium is the gold standard of blockers. Blocks ads, malware, and more.
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*UPDATE: AdBlock Premium is changing!*
This version of AdBlock Premium is being discontinued. In order to install AdBlock and get access to all of these premium features (and more), check out our flagship product, AdBlock. You can find AdBlock at
Want to block pop-ups, make your browser faster, and prevent advertisers from following you everywhere you go? AdBlock Premium can help!
Brought to you by the team behind AdBlock, one of those most popular Chrome extensions with more than 65 million users, AdBlock Premium blocks video ads, pop-ups, and other distracting advertisements everywhere you browse. And it’s easy to get started! Simply install AdBlock Premium and enjoy ad-free browsing right away.
AdBlock Premium does more than simply block ads, it’s also a privacy tool that also helps prevent Google, Facebook, Hulu, and other companies from following you as you browse. Say goodbye to browser trackers and enjoy safer browsing!
What is browser tracking? Browser and website trackers follow your movements from site to site, collecting information about your online habits along the way. This information can be used for a range of purposes, but is most commonly used to deliver tailored advertising straight to your browser. If you’re looking to increase your online privacy, preventing third-party trackers and targeted advertising should be your first step. AdBlock Premium allows you to easily block these trackers and browse without worry.
Here are a few benefits of using AdBlock Premium:
Safer Browsing. Malware and other viruses can often be found hiding in ads. AdBlock Premium blocks malicious advertising and lets you browse with peace of mind.
Faster Page Loading. Downloading ads can cause your browser to slow down. AdBlock Premium prevents ads from ever downloading, allowing pages to load faster.
Data Privacy. While not all trackers are bad, many websites use them to learn more about you and to target you with tailored ads or gather information about your browsing habits. AdBlock Premium will block third-party trackers wherever possible so you can browse privately.
Delightful Customer Support. We’re here for you and happy to help! Reach out any time for a quick, friendly, helpful response from our Support team. We’re always delighted to answer any questions you may have about AdBlock Protect or online privacy in general.
We value your privacy and collect no personally identifiable information about AdBlock Premium users. To learn more about our privacy practices, please visit:
To learn more about AdBlock Premium, please visit:
Latest reviews
- (2020-01-06) quy ngoc: good apps
- (2019-10-29) Jay Hoes: Can't stand the constant pop up asking me to upgrade. I'm removing this app immediately.
- (2019-09-28) zhao chai: It does not help too much, I can always see the ads as usual
- (2019-09-21) Martin Bourbeau: failed to block mutliple ads, not sure it's better with paid version but not worth it especially when the REAL adblock is free and thousand times better
- (2019-09-12) Joe Tamburello: The actual functionality of the extension is great - it blocks ads. What annoys me greatly is continuously getting a pop-up FROM adblock itself while visiting various websites, which prompts to upgrade to premium...this clearly defeats the purpose of blocking pop-up ads! There *should* be an option in settings to select: "I do not wish to upgrade, please do not prompt me again"................
- (2019-03-20) Karen Evans: AdBlock would be much better if the pop-ups to upgrade weren't as annoying as the ads they block. Now they've hijacked my facebook page with giant - and I mean giant - ads for their services. This is as obnoxious as regular ads. Stop bugging me to upgrade! If I wanted to upgrade, I would!
- (2019-03-14) Kelly Cannon: I donated to Adblock years ago because I loved it so much. I even talked our boss into letting everyone install it on their computers at work. I have been happy with Adblock Plus up until recently when I kept getting this big blue window pop up asking me to try Adblock Premium nearly every single time my page refreshes. Ok, I get it. You are passed the point of asking for donations and you are ready to charge for your product. That's fine. I had decided I was going to purchase the 3 year plan, but I wanted to try it first. Well, ever since Adblock Premium put me in the trial without my knowledge, when I try to access their website, it says it's unsafe and tells me repeatedly NOT to proceed. Unfortunately, proceeding was the only way I could figure out what was going on. Since the trial began (I think yesterday morning, but I don't watch videos very often.), the ads in the videos have been WAY worse! It's supposed to stop the ads, not make it worse! I used to get 15-30 second ads once every few videos. Now, I get 30-90 second ads over and over again until I give up on seeing the video. I used to be able to skip the ad after 5 seconds. That's not even an option anymore. It's just long, repetitive ads that don't even remotely apply to me. I think my experience in this one day may have ruined my 5 year faithfulness to Adblock. What a shame. It was such a good thing.
- (2015-05-28) magnifico!!!!
- (2015-02-14) Marlana Ross: It always kept them annoying ads from my sites that I visit most, so keep up the good work. But one thing it won't stop those annoying video commerial from going need some thing for them now.
- (2015-02-12) Ford_0: Кусок говна а не приложение, требует постоянно обновиться, но нихуя не обновляется и спамит каждый раз свое сраное обновление
- (2015-02-11) hesham Ich: good job worke super really
- (2015-02-11) Dima Axe: Правда что поддержка AdBlock Premium прекращается?
- (2015-02-11) Ronald Castellanos: Es muy buena, alguien podría confirmar si le sale un aviso en el cual dice que la extensión sera muy pronto sera bloqueada de google chrome? me sale cada que abro el navegador.
- (2015-02-10) John BirdMan Easter: I love it! I am able to browse with ease because the ads that slow down a page are blocked! Please do not discontinue it or remove it! It is so helpful!
- (2015-02-10) santinho santos: muito bom
- (2015-02-09) Rolphy Valentine: muy buena
- (2015-02-09) Jair Gutierrez C.: demasiado buena tanto que hasta los anuncios de youtube los bloquea que es lo mejor y los pop ups de algunas paginas tambien es la mejor extension tiene conflictos con algunas paginas pero solo es cuestion de enseñarle a elegir y ya esta
- (2015-02-08) Achille Taglialatela: mitico
- (2015-02-08) MOHAMED EL HADI HAMI: thnx
- (2015-02-08) majoue nord: super je n'ai plus de pub
- (2015-02-08) CRISTIAN ARIEL: muy buena
- (2015-02-07) Daniel Skoglund: SO GOOD! :P
- (2015-02-06) Lello MMD: todavía me aparecen los aniuncios solo que en blanco
- (2015-02-06) kemps dias: muido foda.....
- (2015-02-05) Traci Winyard: For all those who ssay that it doesn't block youtube adds, you are correct. However, there is adblock for youtube whicth does a very good job at blocking them. :)
4.5576 (2,674 votes)
Last update / version
2020-07-28 / 3.33.0
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